
Analisis Ekonomi Sistem Tanam Padi Sawah di Kabupaten Konawe Sulawesi Tenggara


Economic Analysis of Several Models Rice Planting in Konawe Regency Southeast Sulawesi. Indonesian Agency Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) has introduced some technology to enhance rice productivity, such as direct planting system and legowo model in transplanting system. Research was conducted to know agro economic performance of several models rice planting at Bendewuta Village Wonggeduku Subdistrict Konawe Regency, using 15 ha low land rice area by comparing three kinds of technology such as: (i) exsisting direct planting model (farmer technology), (ii) direct seeding legowo 2:1 model, and (iii) transplanting legowo 2:1 model. Each model was applied in 5 ha low land rice area at the same location. The result of research showed that the rice yield of legowo model (transplanting system and direct seeding) was higher 20.9% and 20.3% respectively than the rice yield of existing direct seeding planting model. Direct seeding legowo 2:1 model gave highest benefict, around IDR. 8,107,250/ha/season with BCR value 1.75. Changing technology from the existing direct seeding planting model to direct seeding planting legowo 2:1 model gave addition benefict around IDR.1,975,050 with MBCR value 6.96 and from transplanting legowo 2:1 model to direct seeding planting legowo 2:1 model add benefict IDR.425,100 with MBCR value 1.16. Direct seeding planting legowo 2:1 model has been adopted by farmer in several villages and was implemented around 100 ha only 1 season after this model was introduced in first season 2011. In the future, due to increasing planting cost of rice, direct seeding legowo 2:1 model could be can alternative way to decrease planting cost and to increase rice yield.

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