1,119 research outputs found

    Desıgn of a control and data acquısıtıon system for a multı-mode solar trackıng farm

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    This paper presents a combination network design for a solar tracking farm consisting of n-solar tracking systems. Serial communication protocol has been adopted for this network with developed strategy to make the farm expandable for possible future extension. The master control unit is responsible for managing all the trackers of the sun location in multi-tracking mode, diagnosis all the trackers for any faults and give complete information about the produced power by each of the solar tracking system. This network protocols is designed to deal with the error control, congestion control and flow control for data transmission in the network

    Design and implementation of a smart dual axis sun tracker based on astronomical equations

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    This paper presents a new design algorithm for stand-alone solar tracking system based on ATMEL Microcontroller. The proposed idea of the design is based on astronomical equations to determine the position of the sun in the sky at any time of the day to calculate the tilt angle and polar angle for the two axis tracking purposes. The system is capable of tracking the sun properly at any position on the earth because of the general nature of the algorithm used in the design. At the same time the system reliability, cost effectiveness, precision and flexibility are taken into consideration

    Leakage analysis of gasketed flange joints under combined internap pressure and thermal loading

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    Leakage in Gasketed Flanged Joints (GFJs) have always been a great problem for the process industry. The sealing performance of a GFJ depends on its installation and applied loading conditions. This paper aims to finding the leak rate through ANSI class#150 flange joints using a compressed asbestos sheet (CAS) gasket under combined structural and thermal transient loading conditions using two different leak rate models and two different bolt-up levels. The first model is a Gasket Compressive Strain model in which strains are determined using finite element analysis. The other model is based on Porous Media Theory in which gasket is considered as porous media. Leakage rates are determined using both leak rate models and are compared against appropriate tightness classes and the effectiveness of each approach is presented

    To be or not to be an obstetrician / gynaecologist

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    Objectives: This qualitative study aimed to explore motivational sources of physicians, at the time of selection and while pursuing ObGyn career. Secondary aim was to explore challenges and strategies adapted by these physicians to overcome these challenges.Methods: This is qualitative study with constrictive worldview. ObGyn residents and consultants of Aga Khan University, Karachi, were interviewed from July 2017 till Jan 2019, after ethical approval, using purposeful maximum variation sampling. Analysis were conducted by identifying keywords and phrases, these unedited verbatim with no assumptions provided basis for codes, which then clustered as trends. Emerging findings were discussed among authors and themes were finalized with consensus. Conclusion was formulated by linking these themes.Results: Four themes emerged were, \u27grounds for selecting ObGyn as career\u27, \u27Motivational Factors\u27, \u27Demotivating Factors\u27 and \u27Strategies to Cope with Challenges\u27. Results showed that aptitude and passion not only have pivotal role in career selection but also helped in pursuance. Personal fulfilment and hands-on experience satisfy emotional needs, while family and friends supported participants in maintaining work-life balance and in over-coming challenges.Conclusions: Considering personal preference and aptitude at the time of career selection helps in endurance and keep motivations high, while challenges in pursuance can be overcome by strong support system

    Compression mĂ©dullaire au cours d’une spondylodiscite tuberculeuse: Ă  propos d’un cas

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    Patient ùgé de 76 ans, admis en pneumologie pour prise en charge d'une spondylodiscite tuberculeuse découverte par un tableau clinique associant amaigrissement, fiÚvre prolongée et douleur lombaire lancinante qui datent de 2 mois auparavant, confirmée par tomodensitométrie lombaire. Le diagnostic a été retenu suite à l'étude Gene Xpert sur liquide de ponction biopsie au niveau de l'anomalie vertébrale L1 qui a mis en évidence le mycobacterium tuberculosis. Trois semaines aprÚs début de traitement le patient a présenté un déficit moteur au niveau des 2 membres inférieurs suivi d'un déficit sensitif. Ces anomalies ont été confirmées sur IRM qui a montré des anomalies du signal somatique de L1 avec tassement du corps vertébral (A), ces lésions sont réhaussées aprÚs injection de gadolinium (B) qui a montré également une rupture corticale postérieure avec épidurite en regard. Cet aspect radiologique a permis de confirmer le diagnostic de compression médullaire sur spondylodiscite tuberculeuse. Quelques jours aprÚs le patient a présenté des signes de sepsis sévÚre compliqué d'un choc septique suite auquel le patient était décédé. La compression médullaire est l'un des aspects rares apparaissant au cours d'une spondylodiscite ayant un potentiel élevé de complications irréversibles en absence d'intervention précoce pour décompression médullaire. La chirurgie et le traitement antibacillaire démarré précocement sont garants d'une évolution favorable à moyen et à long terme

    Financial gradualism and banking crises in North Africa region: an investigation by a panel logit model

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    Abstract. In order to overcome the troubles of the crisis in the seventies, North African countries have adopted financial liberalization policies to enhance their economic growth. Moreover, these policies have affected the stability of their banking systems. The purpose of this study is to test the impact of financial liberalization on the probability of appearance of banking crises which covers a sample of four countries of the North Africa region during the period 1970-2003 by using a panel logit model. The empirical analysis of this study suggests that (a) the degree of financial liberalization impact significantly the occurrence of banking crises in the countries of the region, (b) the order of financial liberalization between internal and external financial liberalization is also crucial for the emergence of banking crises.Keywords. Financial liberalization, Banking crises, North African countries, Panel logit model, Order of financial liberalization, Degree of financial liberalization.JEL. F36, G18, F37, G15, C33

    Role of Pakistani Universities in Interfaith Dialogue, Harmony and Relations An Index and Bibliometric of Produced Academic Dissertations

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    Interfaith dialogue has become one of the most significant and interesting activities in contemporary socio-political and socio-religious global scenario due to its crucial role in the peace process and peaceful interfaith relations. Many groups of scholars, institutes, organizations, and even governments are promoting the activities regarding interfaith relations. Meanwhile, it is also assumed that Pakistan is one of the countries where interfaith dialogue activities are arranged officially on the state level. In this study, efforts are made to review statistically and to index the literature produced by Pakistani scholars and universities. A mixed-method research methodology is adopted for this study with a bibliometric approach to find out results. Almost 136 theses & dissertations have been produced by scholars in a wide range of Pakistani Universities on interfaith Dialogue, religious debates, harmony, and relations. The research produced by male scholars was 71 (52.21 %) and most 49 (36%) productive era was from 2011 to 2015. The majority of the research was for Master (38%) and MS/M.Phil (34%) level degrees and about one-fifth of the theses were on the theme of “Interfaith Dialogue in Pakistani context”. Therefore, it is suggested that the course on interfaith dialogue, harmony, and relations should be taught at M. Phil and Ph.D. Level in the discipline of Islamic studies and social sciences
