39 research outputs found
Untersuchungen zur perioperativen kardialen Xenograft-Dysfunktion im ex-vivo Modell sowie nach heterotop thorakaler und orthotoper Xenotransplantation
Aufgrund des bestehenden Spenderorganmangels gewinnt das Forschungsfeld der Xenotransplantation zunehmend an Bedeutung. Eine von mehreren HĂŒrden fĂŒr die orthotope kardiale Xenotransplantation ist eine primĂ€re Insuffizienz des Spenderorgans, die nicht in direktem Zusammenhang mit einer antikörpervermittelten hyperakuten AbstoĂung steht. Diese wird als perioperative kardiale Xenograft-Dysfunktion (PCXD) bezeichnet und ist aus herzchirurgischer aber insbesondere auch anĂ€sthesiologischer und intensivmedizinischer Sicht von Bedeutung.
Als Modell fĂŒr die initiale Phase nach xenogener kardialer Transplantation wurde ein ex-vivo Perfusionssystem entwickelt, mit dem Konzepte zur Therapie der PCXD untersucht wurden: Mittels Inhibition des Komplements C3 konnten der Myokardschaden reduziert und die Herzfunktion wĂ€hrend xenogener Perfusion verbessert werden. Durch die Kombination der genetischen Modifikationen GGTA1-KO, hCD46 und HLA-E des Spenderorgans reduzierte sich die initiale xenogene Reaktion, insbesondere jene der NK-Zellen.
PrĂ€klinische Untersuchungen wurden in zwei GroĂtiermodellen durchgefĂŒhrt: Im heterotop thorakalen Transplantationsmodell trat eine PCXD ebenfalls auf. In keinem Fall fĂŒhrte diese jedoch zum Abbruch des Versuchs, da das EmpfĂ€ngerherz das Transplant hĂ€modynamisch unterstĂŒtzen konnte. Es gelang der Nachweis, dass die primĂ€re Dysfunktion des Grafts bei diesen Versuchen vollstĂ€ndig reversibel war.
Im orthotopen Transplantationsmodell war die PCXD maĂgeblich fĂŒr VersuchsabbrĂŒche innerhalb der ersten 48 Stunden verantwortlich. Das Auftreten dieser war jedoch abhĂ€ngig von der kardioplegischen Lösung, die zur PrĂ€servation der Herzen wĂ€hrend der Transplantation verwendet wurde. Ein Zusammenhang mit einer viralen Infektion des Spenderherzens, insbesondere durch das Hepatitis E Virus, konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden.
Aus den durch diese Arbeit gewonnenen Erkenntnissen können Strategien zur Verbesserung der primĂ€ren Graftfunktion abgeleitet werden, die ein LangzeitĂŒberleben auch im orthotopen Transplantationsmodell möglich erscheinen lassen
Current Status of Cardiac Xenotransplantation: Report of a Workshop of the German Heart Transplant Centers, Martinsried, March 3, 2023
This report comprises the contents of the presentations and following discussions of a workshop of the German Heart Transplant Centers in Martinsried, Germany on cardiac xenotransplantation. The production and current availability of genetically modified donor pigs, preservation techniques during organ harvesting, and immunosuppressive regimens in the recipient are described. Selection criteria for suitable patients and possible solutions to the problem of overgrowth of the xenotransplant are discussed. Obviously microbiological safety for the recipient and close contacts is essential, and ethical considerations to gain public acceptance for clinical applications are addressed. The first clinical trial will be regulated and supervised by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute as the National Competent Authority for Germany, and the German Heart Transplant Centers agreed to cooperatively select the first patients for cardiac xenotransplantation
Evidence for Microchimerism in Baboon Recipients of Pig Hearts
Xenotransplantation, like allotransplantation, is usually associated with microchimerism, i.e., the presence of cells from the donor in the recipient. Microchimerism was reported in first xenotransplantation trials in humans, as well as in most preclinical trials in nonhuman primates (for review, see Denner, Viruses 2023, 15, 190). When using pigs as xenotransplantation donors, their cells contain porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) in their genome. This makes it difficult to discriminate between microchimerism and PERV infection of the recipient. Here, we demonstrate the appropriate virological methods to be used for the identification of microchimerism, first by screening for porcine cellular genes, and then how to detect infection of the host. Using porcine short interspersed nuclear sequences (SINEs), which have hundreds of thousands of copies in the pig genome, significantly increased the sensitivity of the screening for pig cells. Second, absence of PERV RNA demonstrated an absence of viral genomic RNA or expression as mRNA. Lastly, absence of antibodies against PERV proteins conclusively demonstrated an absence of a PERV infection. When applying these methods for analyzing baboons after pig heart transplantation, microchimerism could be demonstrated and infection excluded in all animals. These methods can be used in future clinical trials
Hemodynamic evaluation of anesthetized baboons and piglets by transpulmonary thermodilution: Normal values and interspecies differences with respect to xenotransplantation
Background Transpulmonary thermodilution is well established as a tool for in-depth hemodynamic monitoring of critically ill patients during surgical procedures and intensive care. It permits easy assessment of graft function following cardiac transplantation and guides post-operative volume and catecholamine therapy. Since no pulmonary catheter is needed, transpulmonary thermodilution could be useful in experimental cardiac pig-to-baboon xenotransplantation. However, normal values for healthy animals have not yet been reported. Here, we present data from piglets and baboons before xenotransplantation experiments and highlight differences between the two species and human reference values. Methods Transpulmonary thermodilution from baboons (body weight 10-34 kg) and piglets (body weight 10-38kg) were analyzed. Measurements were taken in steady state after induction of general anesthesia before surgical procedures commenced. Cardiac index (CI), mean arterial pressure (MAP), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), parameters quantifying cardiac filling (global end-diastolic volume index, GEDI), and pulmonary edema (extravascular lung water, ELWI) were assessed. Results Preload, afterload, and contractility parameters clearly correlated with total body weight or body surface area. Baboons had lower CI values than weight-matched piglets (4.2 +/- 0.9l/min/m(2) vs 5.3 +/- 1.0/min/m(2), P < .01). MAP and SVRI were higher in baboons than piglets (MAP: 99 +/- 22 mm Hg vs 62 +/- 11 mm Hg, P < .01;SVRI: 1823 +/- 581 dyn*s/cm(5)*m(2) vs 827 +/- 204 dyn*s/cm(5)*m(2), P < .01). GEDI and ELWI did differ significantly between both species, but measurements were within similar ranges (GEDI: 523 +/- 103 mL/m(2) vs 433 +/- 78 mL/m(2), P < .01;ELWI: 10 +/- 3 mL/kg vs 11 +/- 2 mL/kg, P < .01). Regarding adult human reference values, CI was similar to both baboons and piglets, but all other parameters were different. Conclusions Parameters of preload, afterload, and contractility differ between baboons and piglets. In particular, baboons have a much higher afterload than piglets, which might be instrumental in causing perioperative xenograft dysfunction and post-operative myocardial hypertrophy after orthotopic pig-to-baboon cardiac xenotransplantation. Most transpulmonary thermodilution-derived parameters obtained from healthy piglets and baboons lie outside the reference ranges for humans, so human normal values should not be used to guide treatment in those animals. Our data provide reference values as a basis for developing algorithms for perioperative hemodynamic management in pig-to-baboon cardiac xenotransplantation
Glycocalyx dynamics and the inflammatory response of genetically modified porcine endothelial cells.
Xenotransplantation is a promising approach to reduce organ shortage, while genetic modification of donor pigs has significantly decreased the immunogenic burden of xenotransplants, organ rejection is still a hurdle. Genetically modified pig organs are used in xenotransplantation research, and the first clinical pig-to-human heart transplantation was performed in 2022. However, the impact of genetic modification has not been investigated on a cellular level yet. Endothelial cells (EC) and their sugar-rich surface known as the glycocalyx are the first barrier encountering the recipient's immune system, making them a target for rejection. We have previously shown that wild type venous but not arterial EC were protected against heparan sulfate (HS) shedding after activation with human serum or human tumor necrosis factor alpha (TN
Impact of porcine cytomegalovirus on long-term orthotopic cardiac xenotransplant survival
Xenotransplantation using pig organs has achieved survival times up to 195 days in pig orthotopic heart transplantation into baboons. Here we demonstrate that in addition to an improved immunosuppressive regimen, non-ischaemic preservation with continuous perfusion and control of post-transplantation growth of the transplant, prevention of transmission of the porcine cytomegalovirus (PCMV) plays an important role in achieving long survival times. For the first time we demonstrate that PCMV transmission in orthotopic pig heart xenotransplantation was associated with a reduced survival time of the transplant and increased levels of IL-6 and TNF alpha were found in the transplanted baboon. Furthermore, high levels of tPA-PAI-1 complexes were found, suggesting a complete loss of the pro-fibrinolytic properties of the endothelial cells. These data show that PCMV has an important impact on transplant survival and call for elimination of PCMV from donor pigs
The Endothelial Glycocalyx in Pig-to-Baboon Cardiac Xenotransplantation - First Insights
Cardiac xenotransplantation has seen remarkable success in recent years and is emerging as the most promising alternative to human cardiac allotransplantation. Despite these achievements, acute vascular rejection still presents a challenge for long-term xenograft acceptance and new insights into innate and adaptive immune responses as well as detailed characterizations of signaling pathways are necessary. In allotransplantation, endothelial cells and their sugar-rich surfaceâthe endothelial glycocalyxâare known to influence organ rejection. In xenotransplantation, however, only in vitro data exist on the role of the endothelial glycocalyx so far. Thus, in the current study, we analyzed the changes of the endothelial glycocalyx components hyaluronan, heparan sulfate and syndecan-1 after pig-to-baboon cardiac xenotransplantations in the perioperative (n = 4) and postoperative (n = 5) periods. These analyses provide first insights into changes of the endothelial glycocalyx after pig-to-baboon cardiac xenotransplantation and show that damage to the endothelial glycocalyx seems to be comparable or even less pronounced than in similar human settings when current strategies of cardiac xenotransplantation are applied. At the same time, data from the experiments where current strategies, like non-ischemic preservation, growth inhibition or porcine cytomegalovirus (a porcine roseolovirus (PCMV/PRV)) elimination could not be applied indicate that damage of the endothelial glycocalyx also plays an important role in cardiac xenotransplantation
Hemodynamics in pigâtoâbaboon heterotopic thoracic cardiac xenotransplantation: Recovery from perioperative cardiac xenograft dysfunction and impairment by cardiac overgrowth
Orthotopic cardiac xenotransplantation has seen notable improvement, leading to the first compassionate use in 2022. However, it remains challenging to define the clinical application of cardiac xenotransplantation, including the back-up strategy in case of xenograft failure. In this regard, the heterotopic thoracic technique could be an alternative to the orthotopic procedure. We present hemodynamic data of heterotopic thoracic pig-to-baboon transplantation experiments, focusing on perioperative xenograft dysfunction and xenograft overgrowth.
We used 17 genetically modified piglets as donors for heterotopic thoracic xenogeneic cardiac transplantation into captive-bred baboons. In all animals, pressure probes were implanted in the graft's left ventricle and the recipient's ascending aorta and hemodynamic data (graft pressure, aortic pressure and recipient's heart rate) were recorded continuously.
Aortic pressures and heart rates of the recipientsâ hearts were postoperatively stable in all experiments. After reperfusion, three grafts presented with low left ventricular pressure indicating perioperative cardiac dysfunction (PCXD). These animals recovered from PCXD within 48 h under support of the recipient's heart and there was no difference in survival compared to the other 14 ones. After 48 h, graft pressure increased up to 200 mmHg in all 17 animals with two different time-patterns. This led to a progressive gradient between graft and aortic pressure. With increasing gradient, the grafts stopped contributing to cardiac output. Grafts showed a marked weight increase from implantation to explantation.
The heterotopic thoracic cardiac xenotransplantation technique is a possible method to overcome PCXD in early clinical trials and an experimental tool to get a better understanding of PCXD. The peculiar hemodynamic situation of increasing graft pressure but missing graft's output indicates outflow tract obstruction due to cardiac overgrowth. The heterotopic thoracic technique should be successful when using current strategies of immunosuppression, organ preservation and donor pigs with smaller body and organ size