27 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of multiple orthogonal polynomials for a system of two measures supported on a starlike set

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    For a system of two measures supported on a starlike set in the complex plane, we study asymptotic properties of associated multiple orthogonal polynomials QnQ_{n} and their recurrence coefficients. These measures are assumed to form a Nikishin-type system, and the polynomials QnQ_{n} satisfy a three-term recurrence relation of order three with positive coefficients. Under certain assumptions on the orthogonality measures, we prove that the sequence of ratios {Qn+1/Qn}\{Q_{n+1}/Q_{n}\} has four different periodic limits, and we describe these limits in terms of a conformal representation of a compact Riemann surface. Several relations are found involving these limiting functions and the limiting values of the recurrence coefficients. We also study the nnth root asymptotic behavior and zero asymptotic distribution of QnQ_{n}.Comment: 31 page

    Relative Asymptotic of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials for Nikishin Systems

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    We prove relative asymptotic for the ratio of two sequences of multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to Nikishin system of measures. The first Nikishin system N(σ1,...,σm){\mathcal{N}}(\sigma_1,...,\sigma_m) is such that for each kk, σk\sigma_k has constant sign on its compact support \supp {\sigma_k} \subset \mathbb{R} consisting of an interval Δ~k\widetilde{\Delta}_k, on which σk>0|\sigma_k^{\prime}| > 0 almost everywhere, and a discrete set without accumulation points in RΔ~k\mathbb{R} \setminus \widetilde{\Delta}_k. If {Co}(\supp {\sigma_k}) = \Delta_k denotes the smallest interval containing \supp {\sigma_k}, we assume that ΔkΔk+1=\Delta_k \cap \Delta_{k+1} = \emptyset, k=1,...,m1k=1,...,m-1. The second Nikishin system N(r1σ1,...,rmσm){\mathcal{N}}(r_1\sigma_1,...,r_m\sigma_m) is a perturbation of the first by means of rational functions rkr_k, k=1,...,m,k=1,...,m, whose zeros and poles lie in Ck=1mΔk\mathbb{C} \setminus \cup_{k=1}^m \Delta_k.Comment: 30 page

    High order three-term recursions, Riemann-Hilbert minors and Nikishin systems on star-like sets

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    We study monic polynomials Qn(x)Q_n(x) generated by a high order three-term recursion xQn(x)=Qn+1(x)+anpQnp(x)xQ_n(x)=Q_{n+1}(x)+a_{n-p} Q_{n-p}(x) with arbitrary p1p\geq 1 and an>0a_n>0 for all nn. The recursion is encoded by a two-diagonal Hessenberg operator HH. One of our main results is that, for periodic coefficients ana_n and under certain conditions, the QnQ_n are multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to a Nikishin system of orthogonality measures supported on star-like sets in the complex plane. This improves a recent result of Aptekarev-Kalyagin-Saff where a formal connection with Nikishin systems was obtained in the case when n=0ana0\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}|a_n-a|0. An important tool in this paper is the study of "Riemann-Hilbert minors", or equivalently, the "generalized eigenvalues" of the Hessenberg matrix HH. We prove interlacing relations for the generalized eigenvalues by using totally positive matrices. In the case of asymptotically periodic coefficients ana_n, we find weak and ratio asymptotics for the Riemann-Hilbert minors and we obtain a connection with a vector equilibrium problem. We anticipate that in the future, the study of Riemann-Hilbert minors may prove useful for more general classes of multiple orthogonal polynomials.Comment: 59 pages, 3 figure

    Nikishin systems on star-like sets: Ratio asymptotics of the associated multiple orthogonal polynomials, II

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    In this paper we continue the investigations initiated in \cite{LopLopstar} on ratio asymptotics of multiple orthogonal polynomials and functions of the second kind associated with Nikishin systems on star-like sets. We describe in detail the limiting functions found in \cite{LopLopstar}, expressing them in terms of certain conformal mappings defined on a compact Riemann surface of genus zero. We also express the limiting values of the recurrence coefficients, which are shown to be strictly positive, in terms of certain values of the conformal mappings. As a consequence, the limits depend exclusively on the location of the intervals determined by the supports of the measures that generate the Nikishin system.Comment: Change in title, corrections have been made. 27 page

    Ratio asymptotic of Hermite-Padé orthogonal polynomials for Nikishin systems. II

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    26 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: Primary 42C05, 30E10; Secondary 41A21.MR#: MR2419380 (2009e:42053)Zbl#: Zbl 1153.42013We prove ratio asymptotic for sequences of multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to a Nikishin system of measures N(σ1,,σm){\cal N}(\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_m) such that for each k, σ_k has constant sign on its support consisting on an interval Δ~k\tilde\Delta_k, on which sigmak>0 sigma_k'>0 almost everywhere, and a set without accumulation points in RΔ~k\Bbb R\setminus \tilde\Delta_k.Both authors received support from grants MTM 2006-13000-C03-02 of Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, UC3M-CAM MTM-05-033, and UC3M-CAM CCG-06003M/ESP-0690 of Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.Publicad

    Characteristic polynomials of random banded Hessenberg matrices and Hermite-Pad\'e approximation

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    We consider a class of random banded Hessenberg matrices with independent entries having identical distributions along diagonals. The distributions may be different for entries belonging to different diagonals. For a sequence of n×nn\times n matrices in the class considered, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of their empirical spectral distribution as nn tends to infinity.Comment: Minor changes in this version, including some added references, 20 page

    Asymptotics of the optimal values of potentials generated by greedy energy sequences on the unit circle

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    For the Riesz and logarithmic potentials, we consider greedy energy sequences (an)n=0(a_n)_{n=0}^\infty on the unit circle S1S^1, constructed in such a way that for every n1n\geq 1, the discrete potential generated by the first nn points a0,,an1a_0,\ldots,a_{n-1} of the sequence attains its minimum (say UnU_n) at ana_n. We obtain asymptotic formulae that describe the behavior of UnU_n as nn\to\infty, in terms of certain bounded arithmetic functions with a doubling periodicity property. As previously shown in \cite{LopMc2}, after properly translating and scaling UnU_n, one obtains a new sequence (Fn)(F_n) that is bounded and divergent. We find the exact value of lim infFn\liminf F_n (the value of lim supFn\limsup F_n was already given in \cite{LopMc2}), and show that the interval [lim infFn,lim supFn][\liminf F_n,\limsup F_n] comprises all the limit points of the sequence (Fn)(F_n).Comment: 20 page