109 research outputs found


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    The study analyzed the impact of climate change on yields of wheat crop in Ethiopia by employing Cobb-Douglas Production Function Approach using time series data for the period 1981 – 2018. The study confirmed that long-season rainfall and crop growing season maximum temperature have negative and significant effects on wheat yield. The result implies that a rise in maximum temperature during crop growing period and variation in long-season rainfall could have adverse impact on yield of wheat crop. The findings further showed that fertilizers, improved seed, and irrigation applied on wheat crop have all positive and significant impact on yield of wheat, implying that use of fertilizer, improved seed and irrigation inputs have vital role in increasing yields of wheat crop. Conversely, the study indicated that land area cultivated under wheat cropping showed negative and significant impact on yield of wheat crop, implying that any area expansion under wheat crop production would have negative impact. In view of the findings of the study, it is recommended that adaptation strategies that could offset the adverse effects of climate change should be designed and adopted. An increased use of irrigation is recommended, particularly in potential lowland areas to mitigate the adverse effect of climate sensitivity on wheat crop. Use of improved wheat seed varieties of short duration and tolerant to warm and moisture stress conditions are recommended to increase productivity and production of wheat crop. Increased use of fertilizers in cooler mid and highland areas can be another option to increase the productivity of wheat crop in Ethiopia

    An Augmented Cobb-Douglas Production Function Modeling of the Impact of Climate Change on Maize Yields in Ethiopia

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    Climate change remains a major problem confronting agricultural productivity in Ethiopia. Maize and some other cereal crops are susceptible to climatic parameters. This study analyzed the impacts of some climatic variables on the yields of maize crops in Ethiopia using the 1981-2018 dataset. Maize production in Ethiopia is adversely affected by climate change. The augmented Cobb-Douglas Production function was used for data analyses. The results showed that the parameters of long-season rainfall, short-season rainfall, and mean maximum temperature show a negative sign and are statistically significant (p<0.05). In contrast, the minimum temperature shows a positive sign. In addition, the parameters of the quantity of fertilizer and improved seed used in maize production have a positive and significant impact on the yields of maize (p<0.10). However, the land area's elasticity coefficient shows a negative and statistically significant sign. It was concluded that changes in climatic parameters, such as an increase in short-season and long-season rainfall and an increase in maximum temperature, would reduce maize productivity. Therefore, utilizing effective climate change adaptation measures promises to enhance maize productivity in Ethiopia

    Spatial analysis of child mortality in South Africa in relation to poverty and inequality : evidences from the 2011 census

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    Includes bibliographical references.Subnational estimates of child mortality are difficult to produce and are rare in Sub- Saharan Africa. It is the overall aim of this research to derive estimates of child mortality rates for the municipalities and provinces of South Africa using the 2011 census data, and to assess the results in relation to the level of poverty and inequality. The estimation of child mortality rates is achieved through the use of direct synthetic cohort methods with Bayesian spatial smoothing. The Bayesian spatial smoothing process is used to generate municipal level estimates of child mortality rates. The model utilises information from neighbouring municipalities by controlling the effects of women’s education and HIV/AIDS

    Institutionalizing health technology assessment in Ethiopia: Seizing the window of opportunity

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    Ethiopia’s commitment to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) requires an efficient and equitable health priority-setting practice. The Ministry of Health aims to institutionalize health technology assessment (HTA) to support evidence-based decision making. This commentary highlights key considerations for successful formulation, adoption, and implementation of HTA policies and practices in Ethiopia, based on a review of international evidence and published normative principles and guidelines. Stakeholder engagement, transparent policymaking, sustainable financing, workforce education, and political economy analysis and power dynamics are critical factors that need to be considered when developing a national HTA roadmap and implementation strategy. To ensure ownership and sustainability of HTA, effective stakeholder engagement and transparency are crucial. Regulatory embedding and sustainable financing ensure legitimacy and continuity of HTA production, and workforce education and training are essential for conducting and interpreting HTA. Political economy analysis helps identify opportunities and constraints for effective HTA implementation. By addressing these considerations, Ethiopia can establish a well-designed HTA system to inform evidence-based and equitable resource allocation toward achieving UHC and improving health outcomes.publishedVersio

    Balanced fertilization increases wheat yield response on different soils and agroecological zones in Ethiopia

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    The response of wheat to the application of different rates of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and sulfur (S) under balanced fertilization on different soil types and agroecologies has not been well studied in Ethiopia. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to (1) determine soil-specific responses of wheat to N, P, K, and S under balanced fertilization; (2) quantify agroecology-specific N, P, K, and S response of wheat under balanced fertilization; and (3) determine nutrient use efficiency of wheat on different soil types under balanced fertilization. Trials were conducted on farmers’ fields across 24 locations covering 4 soil types and 5 agroecological zones (AEZs) from 2013 to 2017. The mean grain yields of wheat significantly varied with applied N and P fertilizer rates with soil types and AEZs. With balanced application of other nutrients, the optimum N rates for wheat were 138 kg N ha−1 on Cambisols and Luvisols, 92 kg N ha−1 on Vertisols, and 176 kg N ha−1 on Nitisols, while the optimum P rate was 20 kg P ha−1 on Cambisols and Vertisols. The nutrient dose–response curve did not reveal consistent pattern for K and S applications on all soil types. The agronomic efficiency of wheat decreased with increasing rates N and P on all soil types. The highest agronomic efficiency of N (15.8 kg grain kg−1 applied N) was recorded with application of 92 kg N ha−1 on Vertisols, while the highest agronomic efficiency of P (49 kg grain kg−1 applied P) was achieved with application of 10 kg P ha−1 on Cambisols. We conclude that applications of 92–138 kg N ha−1, 20 kg P ha−1, 18 kg K ha−1, and 10 kg S ha−1 under balanced application of zinc and boron could be recommended depending on soil type for wheat production in the study areas

    Emerging challenges in innate immunity: Staphylococcus aureus and healthcare-associated infection

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    Staphylococcus aureus, a prominent human pathogen, exhibits a remarkable ability to interact with host proteins involved in crucial physiological pathways, such as the complement system, coagulation cascade, and fibrinolysis cascade. This paper explores the ability of this notable bacteria to successfully manipulate and evade the host innate system, expatiating on the strategies that enhance its pathogenicity leading to implications on the healthcare system such as the propagation of diverse nosocomial infections. The investigation focuses on key S. aureus proteins, including Coagulase (Coa), von Willebrand factor-binding protein (vWbp), and Staphylokinase (SAK), which play pivotal roles in blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, and evasion of host antibacterial peptides. Notably, these proteins contribute to the formation of fibrin networks, protecting the bacterium from immune clearance and promoting lethal bloodstream infections in murine models. Additionally, the debate surrounding the role of SAK as a critical virulence factor is addressed, emphasizing its impact on biofilm formation, invasion of internal organs, and bacterial loads in sepsis studies. Furthermore, the interaction of S. aureus with matrix metalloproteinases and the secretion of superantigen-like proteins (SSL1 and SSL5) are explored as additional mechanisms employed by the bacterium to impede immune responses. In addressing emerging challenges in innate immunity, the paper discusses the escalating antibiotic resistance in S. aureus, with a specific focus on methicillin-resistant strains (MRSA) and its capacity to instigate healthcare-associated infections as an effect

    Adsorption of chromium from electroplating wastewater using activated carbon developed from water hyacinth

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    Abstract Industrial wastewater polluted with high concentrations of Cr is commonly discharged into water resources without proper treatment. This gives rise to the deterioration of water quality and imposes adverse effects on public health. Therefore, this study is aimed at removing Cr from electroplating wastewater using activated carbon produced from water hyacinth under a full factorial experimental design with three factors and three levels (pH,2,5 and 8, adsorbent dose 0.5,1and1.5 in 100 mL and contact time 30, 60 and120 min). A phosphoric acid solution of 37% was used to activate the carbon, which was then subjected to thermal decomposition for 15 min at 500 °C. The activated carbon was characterized by the presence of a high surface area (203.83 m2/g) of BET, cracking of adsorbent beads of SEM morphology, amorphous nature of XRD, and many functional groups of FTIR such as hydroxyl (3283 cm−1), alkane (2920 cm−1), nitrile (2114 cm−1) and aromatics (1613 cm−1). The minimum Cr adsorption performance of 15.6% was obtained whereas maximum removal of 90.4% was recorded at the experimental condition of pH 2, adsorbent dose of 1.5 g/100 mL, and contact time of 120 min at a fixed value of initial Cr concentration of 100 mg/L. Similarly, the maximum Cr removal from real electroplating wastewater was 81.2% at this optimum point. Langmuir's model best described the experimental value at R2 0.96 which implies the adsorption is chemically bonded, homogeneous, and monolayer. Pseudo-second-order model best fits with the experimental data with R2 value of 0.99. The adsorbent was regenerated for seven cycles and the removal efficiency decreased from 93.25% to 21.35%. Finally, this technology is promising to be scaled up to an industrial level

    Costs and resource needs for primary health care in Ethiopia: evidence to inform planning and budgeting for universal health coverage

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    IntroductionThe Government of Ethiopia (GoE) has made significant progress in expanding access to primary health care (PHC) over the past 15 years. However, achieving national PHC targets for universal health coverage will require a significant increase in PHC financing. The purpose of this study was to generate cost evidence and provide recommendations to improve PHC efficiency.MethodsWe used the open access Primary Health Care Costing, Analysis, and Planning (PHC-CAP) Tool to estimate actual and normative recurrent PHC costs in nine Ethiopian regions. The findings on actual costs were based on primary data collected in 2018/19 from a sample of 20 health posts, 25 health centers, and eight primary hospitals. Three different extrapolation methods were used to estimate actual costs in the nine sampled regions. Normative costs were calculated based on standard treatment protocols (STPs), the population in need of the PHC services included in the Essential Health Services Package (EHSP) as per the targets outlined in the Health Sector Transformation Plan II (HSTP II), and the associated costs. PHC resource gaps were estimated by comparing actual cost estimates to normative costs.ResultsOn average, the total cost of PHC in the sampled facilities was US11,532(range:US 11,532 (range: US 934–40,746) in health posts, US254,340(range:US 254,340 (range: US 68,860–832,647) in health centers, and US634,354(range:US 634,354 (range: US 505,208–970,720) in primary hospitals. The average actual PHC cost per capita in the nine sampled regions was US4.7,US 4.7, US 15.0, or US20.2dependingontheestimationmethodused.WhencomparedtothenormativecostofUS 20.2 depending on the estimation method used. When compared to the normative cost of US 38.5 per capita, all these estimates of actual PHC expenditures were significantly lower, indicating a shortfall in the funding required to deliver an expanded package of high-quality services to a larger population in line with GoE targets.DiscussionThe study findings underscore the need for increased mobilization of PHC resources and identify opportunities to improve the efficiency of PHC services to meet the GoE’s PHC targets. The data from this study can be a critical input for ongoing PHC financing reforms undertaken by the GoE including transitioning woreda-level planning from input-based to program-based budgeting, revising community-based health insurance (CBHI) packages, reviewing exempted services, and implementing strategic purchasing approaches such as capitation and performance-based financing

    Duration and determinants of birth interval among women of child bearing age in Southern Ethiopia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Longer intervals between consecutive births decrease the number of children a woman can have. This results in beneficial effects on population size and on the health status of mothers and children. Therefore, understanding the practice of birth interval and its determinants is helpful to design evidence based strategies for interventions. The objective of this study was to determine duration and determinants of birth interval among women of child bearing age in Lemo district, southern Ethiopia in March 2010.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A community based cross sectional study design with stratified multistage sampling technique was employed. A sample of 844 women of child bearing age were selected by using simple random sampling technique after complete census was conducted in selected kebeles prior to data collection. Structured interviewer administered questionnaire was used for data collection. Actual birth interval was measured with the respondents' memory since majority of the women or their children in the area had no birth certificate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Majority (57%) of women were practicing short birth interval length with the median birth interval length of 33 months. Actual birth interval length is significantly shorter than preferred birth interval length. Birth interval showed significant variation by contraceptive use, residence, wealth index, breast feeding and occupation of husbands.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>low proportion of optimal birth spacing practices with short actual birth interval length and longer preferred birth interval lengths were evident among the study subjects. Hence interventions to enhance contraceptive utilization behaviors among women in Lemo district would be helpful to narrow the gap between optimal and actual birth spacing.</p
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