128 research outputs found

    Reduced Fluoresceinamine as a Fluorescent Sensor for Nitric Oxide

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    A new fluorescent sensor for nitric oxide (NO) is presented that is based on its reaction with a non fluorescent substance, reduced fluoresceinamine, producing the highly fluorescent fluoresceinamine. Using a portable homemade stabilized light source consisting of 450 nm LED and fiber optics to guide the light, the sensor responds linearly within seconds in the NO concentration range between about 10–750 μM with a limit of detection (LOD) of about 1 μM. The system generated precise intensity readings, with a relative standard deviation of less than 1%. The suitability of the sensor was assessed by monitoring the NO generated by either the nitrous acid decomposition reaction or from a NO-releasing compound. Using relatively high incubation times, the sensor also responds quantitatively to hydrogen peroxide and potassium superoxide, however, using transient signal measurements results in no interfering species

    Education for Sustainable Development: Engineering Student Success with EPS@ISEP

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    Motivation is the key to academic success. In the case of engineering, autonomous project teamwork guided by ethics and sustainability concerns acts as a major student motivator. Moreover, it empowers students to become lifelong learners and agents of sustainable development. Engineering schools can thus address simultaneously these two essential education goals – learning and academic success – by challenging students to find innovative, sustainable solutions in a learner-centred set-up.This paper describes how the European Project Semester (EPS), a capstone engineering programme offered by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), combines challenge-based learning, ethics and sustainability-driven problem-solving, and international multidisciplinary teamwork to achieve both goals.This work was partially supported by Portuguese National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) – as part of project UIDB/50014/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A benchmark for validation of numerical results in sheet metal forming

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    Advances in FE codes for simulation of sheet metal forming processes have enabled its use during pre-production stage of a component. Some of recent developments include improvements and implementation of new material models of mechanical behaviour. However, these developments and corresponding results need to be validated, which means being compared with experimental results. On the other hand, in order that experimental results are a reference data, they need to be tested to repeatability and need to be obtained with such characteristic preferably by different institutions.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TGJ-4CS4NXC-M/1/11b425ff3006b6fcdad85f1f6b4fa57

    Reconstructed human pigmented skin/epidermis models achieve epidermal pigmentation through melanocore transfer

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    Funding: We thank the Electron Microscopy Facility at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, the Pathological Anatomy service in the Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG) and the Histology Facility at CEDOC for technical assistance. This project was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal through FCT Unit iNOVA4Health – UIDB/04462/2020 and UIDP/04462/2020, a programme financially supported by FCT / Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, through national funds, grant PTDC/BIA-CEL/29765/2017, PhD fellowships 2020.08528.BD (SLV), PD/BD/128164/2016, PD/BD/137442/2018 (MVN) and PD/BD/136905/2018 (JC) and the FCT Investigator Program to DCB (IF/00501/2014/CP1252/CT0001).The skin acts as a barrier to environmental insults and provides many vital functions. One of these is to shield DNA from harmful UV radiation, which is achieved by skin pigmentation arising as melanin is produced and dispersed within the epidermal layer. This is a crucial defence against DNA damage, photo-ageing and skin cancer. The mechanisms and regulation of melanogenesis and melanin transfer involve extensive crosstalk between melanocytes and keratinocytes in the epidermis, as well as fibroblasts in the dermal layer. Although the predominant mechanism of melanin transfer continues to be debated and several plausible models have been proposed, we and others previously provided evidence for a coupled exo/phagocytosis model. Herein, we performed histology and immunohistochemistry analyses and demonstrated that a newly developed full-thickness 3D reconstructed human pigmented skin model and an epidermis-only model exhibit dispersed pigment throughout keratinocytes in the epidermis. Transmission electron microscopy revealed melanocores between melanocytes and keratinocytes, suggesting that melanin is transferred through coupled exocytosis/phagocytosis of the melanosome core, or melanocore, similar to our previous observations in human skin biopsies. We therefore present evidence that our in vitro models of pigmented human skin show epidermal pigmentation comparable to human skin. These findings have a high value for studies of skin pigmentation mechanisms and pigmentary disorders, whilst reducing the reliance on animal models and human skin biopsies.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    In vitro exposure of acer negundo pollen to atmospheric levels of SO2 and NO2: effects on allergenicity and germination

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    In the last years, a rising trend of pollen allergies in urban areas has been attributed to atmospheric pollution. In this work, we investigated the effects of SO2 and NO2 on the protein content, allergenicity, and germination rate of Acer negundo pollen. A novel environmental chamber was assembled to exposure pollen samples with SO2 or NO2 at two different levels: just below and two times the atmospheric hour-limit value acceptable for human health protection in Europe. Results showed that protein content was lower in SO2- exposed pollen samples and slightly higher in NO2-exposed pollen compared to the control sample. No different polypeptide profiles were revealed by SDSPAGE between exposed and nonexposed pollen, but the immunodetection assays indicated higher IgE recognition by all sera of sensitized patients to Acer negundo pollen extracts in all exposed samples in comparison to the nonexposed samples. A decrease in the germination rate of exposed in contrast to nonexposed pollen was verified, which was more pronounced for NO2-exposed samples. Our results indicated that in urban areas, concentrations of SO2 and NO2 below the limits established for human protection can indirectly aggravate pollen allergy on predisposed individuals and affect plant reproduction

    Engineering Education for Sustainable Development: The European Project Semester Approach

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    Contribution: An analysis of the extent to which sustainability is present in the syllabi, project briefs, report templates, and student final reports of the three Iberian European project semester (EPS) providers, over a five-year period. Background: EPS is a one-semester capstone project framework that adopts project-based learning and multicultural, multidisciplinary teamwork. Educating engineers for sustainable development requires fostering critical and ethical thinking and a desire for equity, solidarity and preservation of natural resources, and cultural and genetic diversity. Existing engineering capstone design programs emphasize solving real world problems, hands-on training, and soft skills, but few focus on sustainability aspects of engineering design. The three Iberian EPS providers adopt project-based learning and teamwork methodologies, promoting the development of transversal skills and addressing sustainability in a multicultural and multidisciplinary background. Intended Outcomes: To show that the three Iberian EPS providers follow these recommendations and contribute to raising students' awareness of sustainable development. Application Design: The proposed sustainability learning assessment method collects evidence from syllabi, project briefs, report templates, and final reports to extract faculty and student perspectives. The sustainability-related terms collected were processed into word cloud format, allowing a simple and intuitive interpretation of students' understanding of sustainability, and in co-occurrence network format, to understand if sustainability has a pervasive or confined presence within the reports. Findings: Iberian EPS faculty and students are aware of the social, economic, and environmental impact of their projects, in terms of quality of life, social responsibility, the use of resources, and environmentally friendly technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nanofluid Based on Glucose‐Derived Carbon Dots Functionalized with [Bmim]Cl for the Next Generation of Smart Windows

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    The design of new advanced materials and technologies is essential for the development of smart windows for the next generation of energy‐efficient buildings. Here, it is demonstrated that the functionalization of glucose‐derived carbon dots with 1‐butyl‐3‐methylimidazolium chloride results in a self‐standing, water‐soluble, viscous, reusable nanofluid with self‐improving conductivity, thermotropy around 30–40 °C, and ultraviolet blocking ability. Its synthesis is straightforward, clean, fast, and cheap. At 36 °C (hot summer day), a sun‐actuated thermotropic (TT) device incorporating a 95% w/w nanofluid aqueous solution exhibits a transmittance variation (ΔT ) of 9% at 550/1000 nm, which is amplified to 47/31% via the surface plasmon resonance effect. An integrated self‐healing system enabling independent sun‐actuated TT and voltage‐actuated electrochromic (EC) operation is also produced. The low‐energy EC device offers bright hot and dark cold modes (ΔT = 68/64%), excellent cycling stability, unprecedented coloration efficiency values (−1.73 × 106/−1.67 × 106 cm2 C−1 (coloring) and +1.12 × 107/+1.08 × 107 cm2 C−1 (bleaching) at ±2.5 V), and impressive memory effect. The disruptive design and sustainable synthesis of the new nanofluid proposed here will foster the agile development of novel products with improved ecological footprint.This research was funded by the National Funds by Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and by the FEDER funds through POCI-COMPETE 2020-Operational Programme Competitiveness and Internationalization in Axis I: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation (UID/QUI/00616/2013, UID/QUI/50006/2019, UID/Multi/00709/2013, UID/QUI/00313/2019, UID/CTM/50025, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007491, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007688, UID/CTM/50025, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016884, PTDC/CTM-NAN/0956/2014, SAICT/PAC/0032/2015, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016422, and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030858). R.F.P.P. acknowledges FCT-MCTES for SFRH/BPD/87759/2012 grant. R. Rego and M. Fernandes (UTAD, Vila Real) and E. Pereira (FCUP, Porto) are acknowledged for their assistance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Smart Companion Pillow – An EPS@ISEP 2019 Project

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    Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book seriesThis paper describes the design and development of a Smart Companion Pillow, named bGuard, designed by a multinational and multidisciplinary team enrolled in the European Project Semester (EPS) at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) in the spring of 2019. Nowadays, parents spend most of the day at work and become naturally worried about the well-being of their young children, specially babies. The aim of bGuard is to provide a 24-hour remotely accessible baby monitoring service, contributing to reduce parenting stress. The team, based on the survey of related products, as well as on marketing, sustainability, ethics and deontology analyses, developed a remotely interactive Smart Companion Pillow to monitor the baby’s health and room air quality. The collected data, once it is saved on an Internet of Things (IoT) platform, becomes remotely accessible. The bGuard pillow, thanks to its shape, reduces the risk of the baby rolling from back to tummy, lowering the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of cadmium and phenanthrene mixtures on aquatic fungi and microbially mediated leaf litter decomposition

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    This version does not correspond to the published one. To access the final version go to: http://www.springerlink.com/content/t8t302617003m078/Urbanization and industrial activities have contributed to widespread contamination by metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but the combined effects of these toxics on aquatic biota and processes are poorly understood. We examined the effects of cadmium (Cd) and phenanthrene on the activity and diversity of fungi associated with decomposing leaf litter in streams. Leaves of Alnus glutinosa were immersed for 10 days in an unpolluted low-order stream in northwest Portugal to allow microbial colonization. Leaves were then exposed in microcosms for 14 days to Cd (0.06–4.5 mg L−1) and phenanthrene (0.2 mg L−1) either alone or in mixture. A total of 19 aquatic hyphomycete species were found sporulating on leaves during the whole study. The dominant species was Articulospora tetracladia, followed by Alatospora pulchella, Clavatospora longibrachiata, and Tetrachaetum elegans. Exposure to Cd and phenanthrene decreased the contribution of A. tetracladia to the total conidial production, whereas it increased that of A. pulchella. Fungal diversity, assessed as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting or conidial morphology, was decreased by the exposure to Cd and/or phenanthrene. Moreover, increased Cd concentrations decreased leaf decomposition and fungal reproduction but did not inhibit fungal biomass production. Exposure to phenanthrene potentiated the negative effects of Cd on fungal diversity and activity, suggesting that the co-occurrence of these stressors may pose additional risk to aquatic biodiversity and stream ecosystem functioning.The Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology supported this work (POCI/MAR/56964/2004) and S. Duarte (SFRH/BPD/47574/2008

    Stakeholders, collaboration, food, and wine: The case of Jumilla’s Gastronomic Days

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    An emerging literature on gastronomic events highlights the growing interest among academics, event organisers and development agencies in identifying potential or actual outcomes from gastronomic events. Partly in response to such interest, this study seeks to contribute to the literature on events management, studying the contribution of various stakeholders involved in the ‘Gastronomic Days’ of Jumilla, Spain. Semi-structured, face-to-face, in-depth interviews were conducted with the managers and owners of four participating businesses to the event. The data collection was complemented through on-site visits, observations, and interviews with eight other local businesses. The findings underline the significance of collaboration among these participants to grow and sustain the event, as well as voluntary efforts by event ‘stakeholders.’ Importantly, a common objective was identified in the form of enhancing the image of the local products, and overall that of the region, to ‘convert’ residents, and also outside consumers and tourists to Jumilla’s products. These findings have significant implications for Jumilla’s community. In particular, the importance and efforts of a region’s food stakeholders in contributing to adding value and improving the local food culture emerge as useful aspects, with potential benefits for local food growers, hospitality and tourism sectors, and residents