4 research outputs found

    Building a Social Accounting Matrix within the ESA95 Framework: Obtaining a Dataset for Applied General Equilibrium Modelling

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    This research provides a description of the process followed in order to assemble a Social Accounting Matrix for Spain corresponding to the year 2000 (SAMSP00). As argued in the paper, this process attempts to reconcile ESA95 conventions with requirements of applied general equilibrium modelling. Particularly, problems related to the level of aggregation of net taxation data, and to the valuation system used for expressing the monetary value of input-output transactions have deserved special attention. Since the adoption of ESA95 conventions, input-output transactions have been preferably valued at basic prices, which impose additional difficulties on modellers interested in computing applied general equilibrium models. This paper addresses these difficulties by developing a procedure that allows SAM-builders to change the valuation system of input-output transactions conveniently. In addition, this procedure produces new data related to net taxation information.input-output transactions, esa95 conventions, valuation system, net taxation on products, applied general equilibrium analysis, social accounting matrix

    Essays on complementarities in R&D: implications for innovation management and for film performance

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    The adoption of open innovation models has been widely recognized as an effective strategy to be successful in knowledge creation. This holds true since a joint adoption of internal and external technology sources may bring complementarities in terms of a given performance measure. The assessment of these complementarities and the examination of the conditions favoring them are the main objective of this research. First, the thesis examines the process of knowledge provision in the case of alternative alliances (e.g., collaboration and R&D outsourcing), and assesses its effects on the formation of inter-organizational complementarities in R&D. Second, the thesis analyzes how firms organize alternative search strategies that differ from each other in their technological and organizational profiles. The thesis presents a novel taxonomy that proposes three generic models by which firms organize their technological search activities: ambidextrous, specialized and diversified models. From an empirical perspective, the thesis assesses the performance consequences when applying these models, and compares their capacity to produce complementarities in innovative performance. Third, the thesis studies the implementation of inter-organizational ambidexterity in R&D as a method that allows firms to balance tensions in the integration of exploratory and exploitative R&D tasks. Given the potential effects of this balance strategy on the way a firm innovates, the thesis further investigates the main consequences associated with the adoption of inter-organizational ambidexterity in R&D.Los modelos de innovación abierta han sido ampliamente reconocidos como una estrategia efectiva para favorecer el proceso de creación de conocimiento en las empresas. Este reconocimiento se debe al hecho de que estos modelos facilitan la producción de complementariedades, medidas en términos de algún indicador sobre el rendimiento innovador de las empresas. Dado el carácter estratégico de estas complementariedades, su evaluación y el examen de las condiciones que favorecen su producción constituyen el objetivo principal de esta tesis. En primer lugar, la tesis analiza el proceso de provisión de conocimientos derivado de diferentes tipos de alianzas (i.e., colaboración en I+D, la subcontratación de I + D), evaluando su impacto en la formación de complementariedades ínter-organizativas en I+D. En segundo lugar, la tesis analiza la organización de las estrategias dedicadas a la búsqueda de conocimiento tecnológico usadas por las empresas. Para ello, se considera que dichas estrategias difieren entre si en cuanto a sus perfiles tecnológicos y organizativos. La tesis presenta una nueva taxonomía que propone tres modelos genéricos mediante los 2 cuales las empresas pueden organizan sus actividades de búsqueda tecnológica: el modelo ambidiestro, el modelo especializado y el modelo diversificado. Desde el punto de vista empírico, la tesis analiza las consecuencias sobre la capacidad de innovación de las empresas asociados a la implementación de estos modelos. Adicionalmente, se comparan estos modelos en cuanto a su capacidad de producir complementariedades durante el proceso de innovación de las empresas. En tercer lugar, la tesis estudia la aplicación de la ambidestreza ínter-organizativa en I + D como método de organización de las actividades de exploración y explotación de las empresas. En particular, se analiza la capacidad de este método a la hora de equilibrar las tensiones producidas en la integración de actividades de exploración y explotación en I + D. Teniendo en cuenta los efectos potenciales de estos modelos sobre la innovación en las empresas, la tesis evalúa las principales consecuencias asociadas con su adopción

    The organization of the firms' search strategies and their performance implications

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    This paper examines the innovation consequences of the methods firms adopt in organizing their search strategies. From a theoretical perspective, organizational search is described using a typology that shows how firms implement exploration and exploitation search activities that span their organizational boundaries. This typology includes three models of implementation: ambidextrous, specialized, and diversified implementation. From an empirical perspective, the paper examines the performance consequences when applying these models, and compares their capacity to produce complementarities. Additionally, since firms' choices in matters of organizational search are viewed as endogenous variables, the paper examines the drivers affecting them and identifies the importance of firms' absorptive capacity and diversified technological opportunities in determining these choices. The empirical design of the paper draws on new data for manufacturing firms in Spain, surveyed between 2003 and 2006

    Absorptive capacity and ambidexterity in R&D: linking technology alliance diversity and firm innovation

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    The aim of this study is to examine how firms realize the benefits associated with a diverse range of technology alliances. We propose and test the hypothesis that firms' knowledge combinative capabilities mediate the relationship between technology alliance diversity and innovation. Using panel data for Spanish manufacturing companies during the period 2004-2011, we provide evidence that firms' absorptive capacity and ambidexterity in R&D serve as mediating mechanisms between technology alliance diversity and innovative performance. Our study advances the literature on technology alliances by showing how firms use their portfolios of technology alliances to form their combinative capabilities, and subsequently, to enhance innovation outcomes