54 research outputs found

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web Pada SMP YBPK 1 Surabaya

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    At this time the secondary school YBPK 1 Surabaya has to provide facilities for the library which is aimed at so that each student or teacher diligent reading the book. In the Junior Secondary School Library YBPK 1 Surabaya there are a number of facilities such as the lease the book, the return of the book, payment of fine and cabinet reference. Some discounted rates above is still done manually so that the officers of the library in trouble in recap transaction data. This application is created using HTML programming language, PHP, JavaScript, AJAX, Framework Codeigniter 3.0 and the MySQL database. The application display using the Bootstrap template. E-catalogue features using solr search engine is made in the Apache. Reminder features the return of the book using SMS Gateway Me template. The end result of the development of this application is able to search the list of book, can send reminder through SMS messages to prevent loan overdue, can record transaction with computerized library. Librarians can also view reports such as the report of fines, the visitor report, book assessment report and book donation report.Based on the results of questionnaires were obtained for display applications, 40% of respondents answered good, and 60% of respondents answered very well. For e-catalog feature, 40% of respondents answered not good enough, 20% responded good enough, and 40% of respondents answered good. For e-book feature, 20% of respondents answered enough, 40% said good, 40% responded very well. For book transactions feature, 20% of respondents answered enough, 20% responded good, and 60% of respondents answered very well. For a book proposal feature, 20% of respondents answered good, and 80% of respondents answered very well. To reserve features books, 40% of respondents answered not good enough, 20% of respondents answered good, and 40% of respondents answered very well. For the reminder feature the return of books, 20% of respondents answered enough, 20% of respondents answered well, and 60% of respondents answered very well. For ease of use, 20% of respondents answered enough, 40% of respondents answered good, and 40% of respondents answered very well. For compliance with requirements, 20% of respondents answered good, and 80% of respondents answered very well. For most applications, 40% of respondents rate the program was good, and 60% of respondents rate the program is very good

    Ruang Terbuka pada Kawasan Jalan Dr. Soedarso di Kota Pontianak

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    Suatu lingkungan tidak hanya terdiri atas bangunan, namun terdiri atas ruang tanpa bangunan atau ruang terbuka. Ruang terbuka hadir untuk menjaga ekologis suatu lingkungan. Salah satu lingkungan yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi ruang terbuka yaitu pada jalan Dr.Soedarso, Kota Pontianak. Ruang terbuka pada lokasi tersebut memiliki fasilitas pendukung berupa area parkir, taman dan area perdagangan. Namun ruang terbuka terletak berada di antara jalan Dr.Soedarso dan parit Sui.Raya . Oleh sebab itu dilakukan perpindahan perletakan ruang terbuka dengan mengikuti peraturan yang sesuai. Perpindahan ruang terbuka dapat mendukung aktivitas masyarakat sekitar, sehingga menghadirkan gagasan untuk menjadikan ruang terbuka sebagai aktivitas pendukung. Fasilitas pendukung pada ruang terbuka perlu disesuaikan dengan fungsi bangunan serta aktivitas pengguna, sehingga dilakukan pembagian tiga segmentasi utama. Agar fasilitas yang diletakkan sesuai kebutuhan maka diperlukan pertimbangan pergerakan aktivitas pengguna. Oleh sebab itu sirkulasi dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai titik berat utama dalam mendukung aktivitas pada ruang terbuka. Sirkulasi yang baik diterapkan pada penyediaan jalur pejalan kaki, jembatan penghubung rumah sakit dan jalan Dr.Soedarso yang dilengkapi dengan penanda jalan. Fasilitas pendukung pada sisi depan bangunan berupa taman, area parkir dan kantin juga menyesuaikan sirkulasi pengunjung. Setiap fungsi fisik dilengkapi vegetasi yang sesuai sehingga ekologis dapat terjaga.

    The Manifestations of Military Gender Role Issue on Ridley Scott's G. I. Jane Movie

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    Keywords: gender discrimination, women in military, feminism, G.I. Jane movie. Gender discrimination threats the equality of women's role. One of the causes of gender discrimination is patriarchal system in society. A movie entitled G.I. Jane reveals some causes and manifestations of gender discrimination in military.This research applies Feminism approach to analyze a movie entitled G.I. Jane. This study also applies the concept of gender role, women in military, and film studies.The result of the study reveals that gender discrimination results in many effects to women. In the movie G.I. Jane, the manifestations of gender role issues in military are caused by men domination, stereotypes toward women, and political aspect. The gender discrimination triggers many causes for women such as unequal treatments, job limitations, and controversial attitudes. Those effects cause chance limitation for women to participate in military sector.For future researchers, it is advisable to conduct further studies on the same movie but with different approaches. One of the examples is Semiotic approach. Semiotic approach can be used to analyze the signs and symbols that appear in the film, for example the differences of units in Army based on theiruniform or appearance depicted on G.I. Jane

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan (Studi Kasus : Kita Market Tegal)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada KITA Market Tegal. Judul yang diambil dalam laporan ini adaalah “Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan (Studi Kasus : KITA Market Tegal)”. Metode penelitian pada kasus ini adalah menggunakan metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) atau sering disebut juga denganSiklus Hidup Pengembangan Sistem. SDLC merupakan metodologi klasik yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan, memelihara, dan menggunakan sistem informasi. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan sistem informasi penjualan pada KITA Market - Tegal yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja para karyawan dan juga untuk membangun sistem kerja yang hasil kerjanya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan dengan data yang tercatat dengan baik. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Sistem Informasi Penjualan yang dibangun dengan Visual Basic .Net 2008, dan basis datanya adalah SQLServer 2005. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Sistem Informasi Penjualan, yang digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi penjualan, pembelian dan pendistribusian barang yang ada pada KITA Market Tegal


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    The hospital industry changed dramatically after the JKN program was implemented in 2014. This change should be well supported because the conventional system of health services (fee for service) makes it difficult for people to get good health service if they do not have enough money. Moreover, health is basically guaranteed by the government which is formulated in the Law. Finally, it was recently implemented and experienced many obstacles. Not many hospitals can quickly adapt to the changes in the health industry in Indonesia. Bundle budgeting is a very serious problem, so that many hospital cash flows are not appropriately maintained. There has often been news found in recent years about hospitals being sold because they were unable to adapt to these changes. The big change that must be made to survive in the JKN era is management of hospital operations with efficiency and effectiveness that does not exclude service quality. Operational excellence is the key to the success of hospital management. However, to achieve this success, a strong and accurate analysis is needed so that the changes are implemented correctly. Hospital management analysis can apply SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is a tool commonly used in companies that is ultimately intended to get the best strategy

    Mobile Loyalty Application Development Based on Android

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    The research objective is to develop an application that allows users to participate in a loyalty program and facilitate Smartphone enterprise (Merchant) in access, sale and observation of customer transactions through mobile applications. Design method used is object-based design that includes a UML of use case diagrams, use case narrative, class diagram, sequence diagrams and activity diagrams. Results achieved in the form of mobile applications that are able to facilitate customer in managing loyalty cards as well as to increase customer loyalty. This application features, such as add points, redeem, news, transaction history, and message that can facilitate customer in managing customer loyalty card. The conclusion of this design is that the application of E Points can enable customers to manage a loyalty card in Smartphone, add points, redeem rewards, obtain the latest promotional information through news features, and view transaction history

    Konsep Diri Penderita Hemofilia di Pekanbaru dalam Perspektif Fenomenologi

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    Hemophiliacs in Pekanbaru, with all the limitations that they have still capable to perform and complete their daily chores that require physical activity. For hemophiliacs, doing physical activity just like people in general will be harder, because when they do those physical activities, the joints in some parts of their body will ache and raise the bruises, this is caused by a lack of blood clotting factor. This study aims to determine the components of perceptual , conceptual component , the component attitudes, and communication experience hemophiliacs in PekanbaruThis study uses qualitative research methodology by conducting phenomenological approach. Subjects in this study consist of five people. Data collection techniques are grouped into three sections, which are; in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. This study uses the Miles and Hubermen model of interactive data analysis system, by using the validity checking technique of the data through the extension of participation and triangulation.The result of this study showed that people with hemophilia in Pekanbaru if we look from the positive side of its perceptual components are just like people in general, they are cheerful, comfortable with their environment and there is no sense of shame, while its negative side is they sometimes less grateful and feel embarrassed. In the view of the positive side of its conceptual components, hemophilia sufferers tend to be responsible, humorous, rarely feel sad and often confident, but its negative side can be seen from a more reserved attitude. Then, focusing on the attitude component, the positive side which is owned by hemophiliacs is their friendly act, pleasant and helpful, but the fear of being alienated is the negative side of the patient. Meanwhile, based on the experience of communication, hemophiliacs in Pekanbaru have been able to implement a good and pleasant communication such as a sense of pride and pleasure, acceptance and friendship and more attention from the family, but there is a little less pleasant communication experience such as a fear of the opposite sex, discrimination and verbal or non-verbal harassment.Keywords: Self-concept, phenomenology, and hemophil

    Perancangan Event Support Craft and Fashion 2014 Dengan Konsep Exclusive Heritage

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    Dunia UKM di Indonesia (termasuk UKM bidang craft dan fashion) saat ini menggeliat menuju perkembangan yang baik, produk-produknya pun semakin berkualitas. Craft and Fashion sebagai event pameran UKM terbesar di Indonesia Timur memfasilitasi kebutuhan UKM akan sebuah acara yang dapat mempromosikan produk dan bidang usaha mereka. Namun tujuan tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan strategi media dan visual yang terintegrasi, hal ini menyebabkan awareness masyarakat terhadap event ini menurun tiap tahunnya. Untuk menyelesaikan problematika tersebut maka dibentuklah perancangan ini, perancangan ini sendiri melingkupi studi dan perancangan identitas event, pemeilihan dan perancangan media dan implementasi media-media pendukung event tersebut. Dengan mengusung konsep Exclusive Heritage desain ini diharapkan dapat diterima dengan mudah oleh target segmen sehingga event ini dapat berjalan sesuai konsep yang diinginkan dan pengunjung pun dapat tertarik untuk datang ke event ini. Melalui konsep Exclusive Heritage ini produk-produk UKM dapat ditampilkan secara elegan, glamor dan terkesan mewah tanpa harus meninggalkan unsure tradisional dari produk-produk tersebut. Logo dibuat berdasarkan deformasi dari bentuk motif batik khas Jawa Timur, sedangkan untuk media-media menggunakan fotografi sebagai elemen utama dalam desainnya

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pada Balai Kesehatan Ibu Dan Anak Puji Astuti

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    The development of information technology has developed very rapidly following the needs of the times that require speed and accuracy in all aspects of life. Follow developments in terms of hardware, software, and in terms of human resources to operate. At this time almost all areas of life require information technology and human behavior are already accustomed to applying information technology in everyday life. With computers we can perform data processing and data storage. Can also perform data input, edit data, save it, and others. So that the data is managed more effectively and efficiently. With rapid advances in technology today, led to an idea or notion of the writer to try to computerize medical record recording in Maternal and Child Health Center Puji Astuti. The author tries to build an application that will help to facilitate the processing of medical data is more optimal and effective.The system will be made is "Design and Manufacture System Administration Information on Maternal and Child Health Center Puji Astuti". The system is built with a Web-based application for data processing and database PhpMyAdmin clinic as data storage

    Pengolahan Citra Obyek dari Balik Penghambur dengan Metoda Optik (Tapis Ruang) dan Metoda Digital (âOr Minimumâ)

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     In this paper, optical and digital methods are combined to improve the quality of the image obtained through a scattering medium. The optical method, using simply an imaging positive lens and a small circular spatial filter, succeded in the first stage to form an observable image.Two criteria were adopted to evaluate the quality of the image in the optical method. The first is Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), the second is the correlation coefficient between the original image and the processed scattered image. It was found that PSNR decreased at a larger diameter of the spatial filter. The optimum correlation coefficient (0.368) was found at a filter diameter of 1.6 mm.Next, the digital image processing was conducted using the assumption that the scattering medium always moved randomly. Involving different diameters of the spatial filter, the image was recorded with a CCD camera connected to a computer. For each diameter, the image was recorded many times, each time with a different position of the scattering medium. The images were then processed with the so-called âOr Minimumâ and the averaging method.In the âOr Minimumâ method, the gray level of the same pixel position of all images was compared to find its minimum value. The ensemble of pixels having the minimum gray level constitutes a new image. In the averaging method, the average gray level in each pixel position was computed from a number of images.It appeared that the âOr Minimumâ method yielded the best improvement in PSNR (the largest being 4.00 dB) compared to the averaging method (1.04 dB). The improvement of the correlation coefficient was up to 0.072 in the âOr Minimumâ method and 0.05 in the averaging method