9 research outputs found

    (PENSION RETIREMENT IN ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE AND THAILAND LABOUR LAW)معاش التقاعد في الفقه الإسلامي وقانون العمل التايلندي

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    A pension retirement is a type of insurance and termination indemnity if the specified conditions are met. The worker is entitled to the sum of the money, or to the dependents, that the pension is a sum of money due to the employee or employee after the termination of employment or when he reaches a certain age or because of his retirement from work, and pension also guaranteed until the death of the person, and  under the Thailand  Labor Law on pensions and retirement  they did not address for civil institutions or companies because workers or employees in enterprises or companies did not have a pension and retirement scheme.The methodology used by the researcher in the preparation of this research is under two methodology: first the  Inductive Method, under this method  the researcher  tried to deduce first the texts of the Holy Quran, then the Prophetic Sunnah (Hadith), and then the sources of other Islamic legislation that related to the subject, and  the second method is the Descriptive Analytical Approach. The researcher in this study analyzed the views of the scholars on the subject. All statements and evidence are stated along with indications of the evidence of relation  and mental evidence that we need, and the most important  findings of the study  is to say that  the jurists have entered the pension after the completion of his service, we find that the law has a defect and lack of reality on this matter, and the end of service reward in Islamic jurisprudence, we find that the worker is entitled to reward end of his service if the conditions are met, and the remuneration from either the State or the company or factories paid at the end of the work, and the end of service  and the beneficial  in the Thailand Labor Law has addressed under Article (118) and it depends on the workers according to the length and time of work if they are working for the long term they  will receive the end of service reward at a large amount. May Allah Bless our Prophet Muhammad  SAW and his all  families  and companions. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Keywords: Pension, Retirement, Islamic Jurisprudence, Labor Law. الملخص يعتبر معاش التقاعد نوع من أنواع التأمين، ومكافأة نهاية الخدمة إذا توافرت الشروط المحددة يستحق العامل المبلغ من المال، أو لمن يعولهم، أن معاش التقاعد هو مبلغ من المال يستحقه العامل أو الموظف بعد انتهاء العمل أو عندما يبلغ سنًا معينةً، أو بسبب تقاعده من العمل، والراتب التقاعدي مضمون حتى وفاة الشخص، ولم يتطرق قانون العمل التايلندي للمعاش التقاعدي في المؤسسات أو الشركات الأهلية، لأن العاملين أو الموظفين في المؤسسات أو الشركات ليس لديهم معاش تقاعدي، وقد ذكر المعاش التقاعدي للعمال الجهة الحكومية فقط، والمنهج الذي اتبعه الباحث في إعداد هذا البحث يتمثل في منهجين: المنهج الاستقرائي: حاولت الاستدلال أولاً بنصوص القرآن الكريم ،ثم بالسنة النبوية، ثم بمصادر التشريع الإسلامي الأخرى التي تتعلق بالموضوع، والمنهج الوصفي التحليلي: قام الباحث في هذه الدراسة بتحليل آراء الفقهاء حول الموضوع، وذكر كل الأقوال وأدلتها مع بيان أوجه الاستدلال من الأدلة النقلية والعقلية إذا احتجت إليها،  وأما أهم النتائج التي توصلت إليها الدراسة إلى قول الفقهاء قد جوّزوا المعاش التقاعدي بعد الانتهاء عن خدمته، نجد على أن القانون قد خلل ونقص واقع على هذا الأمر، وبخصوص مكافأة نهاية الخدمة في الفقه الإسلامي نجد أن العامل يستحق مكافأة نهاية الخدمة إذا توافرت الشروط المحددة، وهذه المكافأة إما من الدولة أو الشركة أو المصانع تدفع في نهاية العمل، وأما مكافأة نهاية الخدمة في قانون العمل التايلندي فقد تطرقت المادة (118) لها وأنه يتوقف على العمال بحسب مدة ووقت العمل فيما إذا كانت المدة طويلة سيحصل على مكافأة نهاية الخدمة بمبلغ كبير، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين، والحمد لله رب العالمين. مفاتيح الكلمات: معاش، التقاعد، الفقه، القانون العمل


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    Amil zakat (zakat collector) is an individual that is responsible in the collection of zakat or tithes. Generally amil is appointed by the state Islamic religious council by which most of them do not have specific background in religious knowledge or in the field of zakat. Nevertheless there were several cases on breach of trust among the current amilwhich affect the credibility and trust of Islamic society towards zakat institutions in Malaysia. The objective of the research is to determine the course and training provided to the zakat collector besides analysed the content of the course and training given to the zakat collector. This research applied the quantitative research methodology which is field study using interviews methods and qualitative using the documentation research in the form of deductive and inductive methods. The finding of the research indicated that there are no specific courses or trainings provided to the amil zakat after their appointment and commissioning. It can be concluded that there is vital need to enhance the role of zakat collector through the effective course and training. The implication of the research is it can improve the weakness of the existing amil zakat management system in each state in Malaysia thus assisting in decreasing and handling of misconduct cases involving amil zakat. Thus it is highly recommended to implementamil professional certification program that consist of 10 specific modules specifically for certified amil which emphasize on the integrity and skills from various aspect such as communication, missionary endeavour, sermon and leadership


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    Amil zakat (zakat collector) is an individual that is responsible in the collection of zakat or tithes. Generally amil is appointed by the state Islamic religious council by which most of them do not have specific background in religious knowledge or in the field of zakat. Nevertheless there were several cases on breach of trust among the current amilwhich affect the credibility and trust of Islamic society towards zakat institutions in Malaysia. The objective of the research is to determine the course and training provided to the zakat collector besides analysed the content of the course and training given to the zakat collector. This research applied the quantitative research methodology which is field study using interviews methods and qualitative using the documentation research in the form of deductive and inductive methods. The finding of the research indicated that there are no specific courses or trainings provided to the amil zakat after their appointment and commissioning. It can be concluded that there is vital need to enhance the role of zakat collector through the effective course and training. The implication of the research is it can improve the weakness of the existing amil zakat management system in each state in Malaysia thus assisting in decreasing and handling of misconduct cases involving amil zakat. Thus it is highly recommended to implementamil professional certification program that consist of 10 specific modules specifically for certified amil which emphasize on the integrity and skills from various aspect such as communication, missionary endeavour, sermon and leadership

    [The Importance of Balaghah Al-Itnab in Al-Quran] Kepentingan Balaghah Al-Itnab dalam Al-Qur’an

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    Al-Itnab is one of style that is contained in the Qur'an. The language has the privilege and power of its own based on its position as the word of Allah Almighty. Therefore, this study will analyze several sample sentences using force al-Itnab to demonstrate its importance. Primary data obtained from books about balaghah, Icjaz Qur'an and Tafsir al-Bayan. While secondary data are based on books on language, linguistics and others. 3 sample sentences using force al-Itnab selected based on sampling methods were analyzed descriptively aiming for each of the samples 1 to 3 out of 10 of al-Itnab. The result was a language al-Itnab in the Qur'an shown to have the privilege and power of its own to make it part of the Icjaz Qur'an. This is evident through the linkage between theoretical grammar and balaghah in the interpretation of meaning. Various implicit meaning can be disclosed and can have a profound impact and touched the heart of man to think rationally about the truth of the message of the Qur'an. The importance of al-Itnab also available through the goal of eliminating doubts and answer the questions that arise. Most of al-Itnab force also has the meaning of the affirmation and strengthening of the meaning of the verse. The implication can contribute to the assessment process al-Itnab meaning of verses that can be used also in other balaghah component. Keywords: Style language of al-Itnab, balaghah al-Itnab in the Qur'an.               Al-Itnab merupakan salah satu daripada gaya bahasa yang terdapat dalam al-Qur‟an. Gaya bahasa ini mempunyai nilai keistimewaan dan kekuatannya yang tersendiri berdasarkan kedudukannya sebagai kalam Allah swt. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini akan menganalisis beberapa sampel ayat yang menggunakan gaya al-Itnab bagi menunjukkan kepentingannya. Data primer diperolehi daripada buku-buku tentang balaghah, I’jaz al- Qur‟an dan tafsir al-Bayan. Manakala data sekunder pula berdasarkan kepada buku-buku tentang bahasa, linguistik dan lain-lain. Sebanyak 3 sampel ayat yang menggunakan gaya al-Itnab dipilih berdasarkan kaedah Pensampelan Bertujuan untuk dianalisis secara deskriptif iaitu masing-masing 1 sampel bagi 3 jenis sahaja daripada 10 jenis al-Itnab. Kajian mendapati gaya bahasa al-Itnab dalam al-Qur‟an terbukti mempunyai keistimewaan dan kekuatannya yang tersendiri sehingga menjadikannya sebahagian daripada unsur Icjaz al-Qur‟an. Hal ini terbukti menerusi pertautan antara teori nahu dan balaghah dalam proses pentafsiran makna. Pelbagai makna tersirat dapat dizahirkan dan memberi kesan mendalam serta boleh menyentuh sanubari manusia agar berfikir dengan rasional tentang kebenaran mesej daripada al-Qur‟an. Kepentingan al-Itnab juga didapati menerusi tujuannya yang menghilangkan keraguan dan menjawab persoalan yang timbul. Kebanyakan gaya al-Itnab juga mempunyai makna penegasan dan pengukuhan makna ayat. Implikasinya dapat memberi sumbangan terhadap kaedah proses pengkajian makna ayat al-Itnab yang boleh digunakan pada kompenen balaghah yang lain.   Kata kunci: Gaya bahasa al-Itnab, balaghah al-Itnab dalam al-Qur‟an

    [Misunderstanding Orientalis to Rasm Mushaf Uthmani] Salah Faham Orientalis Terhadap Rasm Mushaf Uthmani

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    Mushaf Uthmani is a certified Quranic version of the Quran in terms of its validity. Adhering to Mushaf Uthmani became the practice of the Sunnah since  periods of time. In their attempt to mislead Muslims, most Orientalists tried to raise doubts about the Mushaf Uthmani script. This paper will reveal the Orientalists' misunderstanding of the Mushaf Uthmani, as well as rebuttal over intentional doubts and doubts. Using content analysis approach, the study identified several Quranic verses manipulated by the orientalists and analysed their misunderstadings as part of their efforts and agenda in poisoning the world's minds to dispute the authority of Mushaf Uthmani. For that, some clarifications were done towards arguing back those orientalists' views which manipulated the verses rather than observing its truth revealed by Allah. Orientalists are known to be a strict enemy of Islam. They try to make the authority of al-Quran as the main source of Islamic law be doubted. Keywords: Mushaf Rasm Uthmani, Orientalis, Misunderstanding.   Mushaf Uthmani adalah versi mushaf al-Quran yang telah diperakui kesahannya. Mengguna pakai Mushaf Uthmani menjadi amalan Sunnah yang diikuti zaman berzaman. Namun, sebahagian besar Orientalis berusaha menimbulkan keraguan terhadap rasm Mushaf Uthmani. Artikel ini akan cuba mendedahkan salah faham Orientalis terhadap rasm Mushaf Uthmani, serta sanggahan ke atas kemusykilan dan keraguan yang disengajakan. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis kandungan. Didapati salah satu usaha Orientalis ialah merealisasi agenda meracuni pemikiran masyarakat dunia agar mempertikaikan autoriti Mushaf Uthmani. Justeru, mereka sengaja menimbulkan aspek-aspek yang disangka boleh dimanipulasikan. Orientalis dikenal pasti merupakan musuh ketat Islam. Mereka berusaha supaya kewibawaan al-Quran sebagai sumber utama perundangan Islam boleh dipertikaikan.   Kata kunci: Rasm Uthmani, Orientalis, Salah Faha


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    The study on the effectiveness of Islamic Shariah Education (PSI) subjects to the interaction of students in secondary schools is based on the existence of social problems in the aspects of student interaction. A study to identify these problems is due to less effective PSI learning or there are other factors that cause violations of students' moral limits in their association. Thus, the fundamental of fuqaha’ view was used as an evidence to refer regarding the interaction in Islamic. The process of assessing the effectiveness of the PSI curriculum on student interaction in terms of understanding and appreciation only. This study used the method of questionnaire for secondary school students form five in Kuala Nerus. The results of this study found that PSI was effective in the context of restricting student interactions in their daily lives. The level of understanding of the students is high while the level of appreciation is moderate. Hence, some recommendation of improvement steps need to be taken to increase the level. Keyword: Islamic Shariah Education, Student Interaction, Student Morality.  Abstrak Kajian tentang keberkesanan mata pelajaran Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah (PSI) terhadap pergaulan pelajar di sekolah menengah dilakukan berdasar kepada wujudnya permasalahan sosial dalam aspek pergaulan pelajar. Kajian untuk mengenal pasti permasalahan tersebut disebabkan oleh pembelajaran PSI kurang berkesan atau terdapat faktor lain yang menyebabkan berlakunya pelanggaran batas akhlak pelajar dalam pergaulan mereka. Justeru, secara asasnya  pandangan fuqaha’ tentang pergaulan dalam Islam dijadikan sandaran kajian. Proses menilai keberkesanan kurikulum PSI terhadap pergaulan pelajar dari aspek kefahaman dan penghayatan sahaja. Kajian ini menggunakan metode soal selidik pelajar tingkatan lima di dua buah sekolah menengah di Kuala Nerus. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa PSI masih lagi berkesan dalam konteks membataskan pergaulan pelajar dalam kehidupan seharian mereka. Tahap kefahaman pelajar adalah tinggi sementara tahap penghayatannya pula adalah sederhana. Justeru, beberapa langkah penambahbaikan yang disarankan perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan tahap tersebut. Katakunci: Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah, Pergaulan Pelajar, akhlak pelajar


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    This study analyses one of the sacred trusts which Allah the Almighty has assigned to Muslimleaders or the government in the country, i.e. the administration of obligatory alms (zakah)led by the government and how it is seen from the historical perspective and Islamic law.The study applies a type of qualitative research which tends to the documents analysis. Thestudy focuses on the issue on aversion of some Muslims in the country to entrust their alms(zakah) administration to their government or its representatives due to the weakness of lawenforcement and the lacking of their trust to them over the years. Accordingly, the issue of thezakah distribution which is still individually practiced today, where they distribute it directly tothe recipients (asnaf), whereas the Shari’ah law does not give anyone the right or mandateto collect and distribute it in this way. Therefore, this significant issue should be resurrectedand resolved due to the fact that many people in the country does not comply it very well. Thisproblem actually caused by their lack of knowledge of zakah obligation, objectives of shari’ah(maqasid al-shari’ah) in zakah administration, zakah philosophy and its history.Keywords: Alms, Collection, Distribution, Shari’ah, Government


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    ABSTRACTWakaf is linked to a variety of fields, such as religious, educational, cultural, social and economic.There are several problems and issues facing the Malaysian endowment management as awhole, and Kelantan in particular. Some of the problems and issues are lack of academicallyand administratively qualified personnel in the Wakaf sections/departments, lack of standardsystem for preserving wakaf assets, lack of standard system procedure for the transfer of wakafitems to the Endowment Committee, and so on. There are several contemporary problems andissues surrounding Wakaf management and organization, and the most prevalent of which is theissue of investing Wakaf funds. This is so because it is of great interest to the Malaysian Islamicinstitutions or the Malaysian Islamic council. Based on the importance of the subject, we haveseen the need to examine wakaf applications to Kelantan endowment committee. This studyis comprised of four sections, namely: the emergence of the Kelantan Endowment Committeeand its objectives; the rule of investing endowment funds from the Islamic jurists’ perspective;contemporary decisions on the issue of investing Wakaf funds; and investment of Wakaf fundsin the Kelantan endowment committee. The most important finding of the study is that theKelantan Endowment Commission relates to several fields, as stated by the researchers. It ishoped that the study and its findings will benefit the researchers, the needy ones, as well as theauthorities of Wakaf institutions and committees.Keywords: Investment, Wakaf (Endowment) funds, Endowment committee

    MDMA and the Brain: A Short Review on the Role of Neurotransmitters in Neurotoxicit

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    N-Methyl-3, 4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA), or ecstasy is a recreational drug of abuse. It is a synthetic substance that affects the body’s systems, which its mechanism of action and treatment should be more investigated. MDMA provides an immediate enjoyable feeling by stimulating the release of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Unfortunately, abnormal regulation of the brain neurotransmitters, as well as the increased oxidative stress causes damage to the brain neurons after the MDMA exposure. Only a few studies have been done regarding its treatment. Thus, the treatment of MDMA complications should be further explored mainly by targeting its mechanism of action in the neurotransmitter systems. Hence, this study presents a short review regarding the recent findings on the role of neurotransmitters to cause MDMA neurotoxicity. The results will be useful for future research in elucidating the potential treatment based on the targeted mechanisms to treat the neurotoxic effects of MDMA