13 research outputs found

    The relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational performance among librarians in public libraries, Malaysia / Mad Khir Johari Abdullah Sani

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    This thesis reports the relationship between Emotional Intelligence (El) and Occupational Performance (OP) of Malaysian Public Librarians (MPLibs). Public librarians are important assets since they are social agents that advocate a knowledge society development in Malaysia. As employees in service organizations, they are expected to be highly dynamic and provide quality services. These jobs involve understanding, communicating, empathizing with and learning from other members working in the organizations. These skills require not only a high degree of intellectual ability but a high level of El. El, therefore, seems to be considered essential for library employees understand other people’s feelings and for them to be involved in a relationship that will facilitate successful management and performance. This research employs a sequential exploratory mixed-method through semi structured interviews followed by a survey. Phase one of the preliminary study explored the librarians’ experiences and perceptions pertaining to El through face-to-face interviews. Fourteen senior public librarians informed this phase of the study. The qualitative data were transcribed and coded based on Predetermined Concept Choice Mapping data analysis to refine and ascertain research model, variables, hypotheses and El dimensions. 20 El dimensions including 2 new dimensions were found and applied by MPLibs and help develop Public Librarian Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (PubLIBEIQ). The PubLIBEIQ was then used as an instrument in a quantitative cross sectional survey (phase two) to identify the level of El, and to test the relationship between El and job satisfaction (JS) and job commitment (JC) of OP of 180 respondents. Descriptive findings showed a high level of El among MPLibs, where the mean value was in the range of 5.026 to 6.546 on a 7-point Likert. The results of the correlation and regression analyses suggest that all formulated hypotheses were supported. On the other hand, the conceptualized determinants and impacts of OP specifically JS and JC were validated and substantiated. Further analysis involving multiple regression revealed that the strongest predictors of JS are self management and relationship management while self awareness, self management and social awareness are the strongest predictors of JC. Consequently, it is recommended that public libraries develop training programs in order to enhance the El of librarians and employees in libraries. Theoretical contribution of the research includes development of a theoretical model of self awareness, self management, social awareness and relationship management of El and an OP framework of MPLibs. Practically, the research reveals the El competencies which are imperative to contribute the performance of MPLibs. Methodologically, the research illustrates the effective use of the mixed-method approach within the pragmatic research paradigm. The incorporation of face-to-face interview combines subjectivity and objectivity of the problem situation [phenomenon] thus gives a rich understanding of El within the context of a public service agency in Malaysia

    Perubahan dan perkembangan kurikulum pengajian sains perpustakaan dalam memenuhi tuntutan era digital

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    In today’s global world, information explosion has created a variety of information formats. This issue has become one of the challenges faced by information professionals and librarians. Librarians and information professionals must pool their resources to solve the issue collectively. Many activities had been taken in getting the relevant skills and competencies in managing information, and these efforts are concurrent with the government's vision and mission to create an informed society. The Faculty of Information Studies (FIS), for instance, has taken the pro-active step to enable the curriculum that has been developed to emphasis competence-oriented learning concept. In this digital era, the faculty realizes that the curriculum can be used on all information professionals in Malaysia. The curriculum is very important to increase performance in managing, using, disseminating and storing information in the digital format. FIS has created a good benchmark based on developed nations like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand which have already change Library Science curriculum as to be on par with the development of technology. This includes incorporating new IT subjects/syllabus, and new programme in Library Science courses

    Social Media Capabilities In Academic Libraries: Influence on librarians’ agility and relationship quality (librarian-user)

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    This study explores the impact of social media on academic libraries, focusing on librarians’ agility and relationship quality. It collected quantitative data from 30 librarians at Tun Abdul Razak Library using an online survey. The study’s objectives included measuring social media capability, assessing its influence on librarian’s agility and relationship quality, and examining how library policies moderate the relationship librarians’ agility and relationship quality with users. The findings indicate that respondents had a high level of social media capability, which positively influenced both librarians’ agility and relationship quality with users

    The role of higher education institutions in providing knowledge workers: A case study on Master in Knowledge Management (MKM) programme at the Faculty of Information Management (FIM), UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

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    This paper highlights several benefits of the knowledge management (KM) programme to organisations in various industries. It stresses on the importance of knowledge worker (KW), its competencies and skills in order to compete in the knowledge based economy.It discusses how Malaysian government is responding to the challenge and the roles of Higher Learning Institutes in developing academic programmes that suit the market needs.There are many measures which have been taken in creating and preparing for the knowledge workers.The Faculty of Information Management (FIM) for instance has undertaken proactive action, to offer Master in Knowledge Management (MKM)programme in which the curriculum has been developed to emphasise on competence-oriented learning concepts. It shows how FIM has designed its curriculum model (MKM) based on the strengths of its existing system.To meet the desired educational outcomes, it complements curriculum changes with a pedagogic approach that transforms the role of FIM to facilitators of learning. Curriculum pertaining to the development of the new era knowledge worker will also be discussed

    Influence of Knowledge Management and Individual Absorptive Capacity towards Innovation Capability among Agricultural Researchers: A pilot study

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    Advancing research and development (R&D) aspects is one of the main approaches to deal with this critical issue in agricultural sectors. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the instruments to comprehend the association between knowledge management, absorptive capacity, and innovation capability in Malaysia's agriculture R&D. Focusing on individual-level analysis, this study quantitatively assesses the validity and reliability of the instruments at the preliminary stage of before going into full-fledged research. Based on the content validity index (CVI), and pilot data value, the finalized instrument has been sufficiently analyzed to proceed into a larger-scale study


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    Archives have an important role in the preservation of cultural heritage buildings by the form of information about the history and development of cultural heritage buildings. Archives of heritage buildings are dynamic archives that are vital. Management thus must take priority. This study aims to the use of archives in the preservation of cultural heritage in Indonesia. A systematic review method was used with a qualitative approach. Collection data methods were conducted by planning, implementation, and reporting. The findings showed there are only two articles that review the archives in preservation heritage. Furthermore, our challenge is the lack of cultural heritage documents that most archives used were under regulations on the preservation of cultural heritage. Almost all articles thus showed a preservation model on physical forms and cultural heritage buildings

    Implications of ChatGPT in Library Services: A systematic review

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    Libraries play a crucial role in delivering reliable information using emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), specifically ChatGPT. This study systematically reviews 11 articles from Scopus and Web of Science, focusing on ChatGPT's implications for library services. The identified themes include information retrieval, reference assistance, language support, user engagement, personalization, information literacy, collection development, and cataloging and classification. While ChatGPT offers various benefits, challenges such as intellectual property, privacy, bias, accuracy, and reliability limitations exist. This article underscores the need for in-depth qualitative or quantitative studies to explore ChatGPT's potential in library services

    A Conceptual Framework for Social Media Engagement in Academic Library to Advocate Participatory Service towards Dynamic Learning Community

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    Academic libraries are being forced to adopt a more advanced version of the library model, where library systems integrate with users to disseminate knowledge for educational purposes and create a dynamic learning community, because of the growing potential of social media applications to effectively revolutionize library participation. This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework of Social Media Engagement in Academic Libraries to Advocate Participatory Service Towards a Dynamic Learning Community. In conclusion, the developed framework will propose the best library model, the best theory of social media engagement that merges with the best framework for the learning community

    Penggunaan standard metadata untuk sumber maklumat elektronik di agensi-agensi kerajaan Malaysia

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    Metadata refers to structured information that describes an information source. There are various types of metadata and metadata standards that are used by the various communities which are involved in the development of electronic information sources and systems as well as information retrieval systems. Similarly in Malaysia, various government agencies are providing digital information to the public through portals, databases and Websites. There is therefore a need to identify the use of metadata standards amongst these agencies. This paper seeks to address the need for the usage of a common metadata standard for the various agencies

    A Bibliometric Study to Assess Research Fads in Library and Information Science in Malaysia during 2016–2021

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    This study was designed with the aim to evaluate the publication growth and research pattern of library and information science (LIS) in Malaysia from 2016–2021. The Scopus database was utilised as the main source for extracting retrospective data. An explicit fluctuation rather decreasing trend in the number of documents was observed. The year 2021 was identified as the most productive, while 2016 was identified as the high citation in LIS in Malaysia. Additionally, in order to provide scientific information, future studies should investigate pertinent research clusters to look for emerging patterns in LIS. Keywords: Scopus; Library and Information Science; Bibliometric analysis; Malaysian researcher eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia