81 research outputs found

    Retrospektivna analiza graničnih tumora jajnika: ishodi u jednom centru

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    We wanted to discuss our experiences in the approach to borderline ovarian tumors, which constitute a group different from epithelial ovarian tumors with respect to their biological structure in line with retrospective information gathered from our cases. A total of 25 patients operated on for the indication of adnexal masses diagnosed as borderline ovarian tumors based on frozen section results were included in our study. Patient age, tumor diameter, tumor markers and surgeries performed were discussed in the light of the literature. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS software. The patient mean age was 43.84±11.34 years. The mass was localized in the right (n=13), left (n=11) or both (n=1) adnexal regions. The mean tumor diameter was 12.9±5.84 cm. Histopathologic examination established the diagnosis of serous borderline (n=14 patients) and mucinous borderline (n=11) ovarian tumors. Although the results of our study are consistent with current literature data, a greater number of current studies should be performed on borderline ovarian tumors, which are defined as a class of tumors different from epithelial ovarian tumors.Ćœelja nam je opisati naĆĄa iskustva u pristupu graničnim tumorima jajnika kao skupini tumora koji se razlikuju od epitelnih tumora jajnika prema bioloĆĄkoj strukturi, sukladno retrospektivnim podacima prikupljenim iz naĆĄih slučajeva. U istraĆŸivanje je bilo uključeno 25 bolesnica operiranih pod indikacijom adneksnih tvorevina dijagnosticiranih kao granični tumori jajnika na osnovi rezultata dobivenih iz zamrznutih uzoraka. Prikazani su sljedeći podaci bolesnica: dob, promjer tumora, tumorski biljezi i izvedeni operativni zahvati, u odnosu na literaturne podatke. Statistička analiza je provedena primjenom programa SPSS. Srednja dob bolesnica bila je 43,84±11,34 godine. Tumorska masa bila je smjeĆĄtena u desnoj (n=13) ili lijevoj (n=11) adneksnoj regiji, a kod jedne bolesnice u objema adneksnim regijama. Srednji promjer tumora bio je 12,9±5,84 cm. HistopatoloĆĄkom analizom postavljena je dijagnoza seroznog graničnog (n=14) i mucinoznog graničnog (n=11) tumora jajnika. Iako su rezultati ovoga istraĆŸivanja sukladni literaturnim podacima, potrebno je provesti veći broj studija graničnih tumora jajnika, koji se definiraju kao vrsta tumora različita od epitelnih tumora jajnika

    Characterization of greater middle eastern genetic variation for enhanced disease gene discovery

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    The Greater Middle East (GME) has been a central hub of human migration and population admixture. The tradition of consanguinity, variably practiced in the Persian Gulf region, North Africa, and Central Asia1-3, has resulted in an elevated burden of recessive disease4. Here we generated a whole-exome GME variome from 1,111 unrelated subjects. We detected substantial diversity and admixture in continental and subregional populations, corresponding to several ancient founder populations with little evidence of bottlenecks. Measured consanguinity rates were an order of magnitude above those in other sampled populations, and the GME population exhibited an increased burden of runs of homozygosity (ROHs) but showed no evidence for reduced burden of deleterious variation due to classically theorized ‘genetic purging’. Applying this database to unsolved recessive conditions in the GME population reduced the number of potential disease-causing variants by four- to sevenfold. These results show variegated genetic architecture in GME populations and support future human genetic discoveries in Mendelian and population genetics

    Pityriasis Rosea in a Pregnancy

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    A pregnant woman with Pitriasis rosea whose lesion onset is in first trimester is presented. No interventions were undertaken and her eruption remitted completely 6-7 weeks. We found no evidence of active infection for HHV-6 and HHV-7. A girl with a birth weight 2000 kg was born at 34 weeks and 6 days. She had to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit for 5 days. The baby is now 6 months of age and is healthy. In order to evaluate whether PR especially when it develops within the first weeks’ gestation, is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome, further investigations are required

    Çankırı yöresinde koyun ve keçilerde Toxaplasma gondii seropozitifliğinin Sabin-Feldman boya testi ile saptanması.

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    ÖversvĂ€mningar Ă€r ett stort globalt problem som förvĂ€ntas bli allt mer frekventa. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att utreda hur klimatanpassningsarbetet kring översvĂ€mningsrisker hanteras pĂ„ lokal nivĂ„, i detta fall i Halmstad kommun. Syftet menar ocksĂ„ att jĂ€mföra beskrivningen av hur arbetet bedrivs i praktiken med teori och tidigare forskning. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna som ska besvara syftet Ă€r om hur Halmstad kommun beskriver dess arbete och vad det finns för förklaring till detta samt hur detta kan tolkas och förklaras utifrĂ„n forskningsteoretiska begrepp ‘evidens’ och ‘urban resiliens’.   Studien har utförts som en kvalitativ fallstudie genom en intervju med kommunal tjĂ€nsteperson och innehĂ„llsanalys av styrdokument relevanta för kommunens klimatanpassningsarbete. Det teoretiska ramverket bestĂ„r av begreppen ‘resiliens’ och ‘evidens’ som förklaras med en sammankopplad figur. Studiens resultat visar att klimatanpassningsarbetet Ă€r komplext dĂ„ flera aspekter mĂ„ste avvĂ€gas men Halmstad kommun Ă€r vĂ€lutvecklade inom frĂ„gan frĂ€mst dĂ„ de Ă€r en resursrik kommun. Flooding is a global issue that’s becoming more frequent. This study means to investigate how climate adaptation may be managed on a local level, by performing a case study of Halmstad municipality. We mean to investigate and compare how the work is described in practice and theory. This will be done by answering questions on how the municipality describes their work, how it can be explained and how it can be interpreted in the context of the theoretical concepts' ‘evidence’ and ‘urban resilience’.  The study is based on qualitative methods, an interview and content analyses of strategic documents. The theory consists of the terms ‘resilience’ and ‘evidence’ that are interpreted with an explanatory figure.  The studies' result highlights the complexity of climate adaptation since many aspects of climate risk must be acknowledged. Halmstad can, however, be considered developed in this area which is explained by the resources at their disposal

    The effect of seminal plasma cadmium and lead levels on semen parameters in male subjects of infertile couples: a prospective cohort study

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    The aim of this prospective study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between seminal plasma cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) levels and semen parameters in male partners of infertile couples. Two hundred fifty one (251) men recruited with no history of occupational exposure to toxic metals. After semen analysis, seminal Cd and Pb levels were measured using atomic absorption spectrometry. Cadmium levels in men with hypospermia was significantly higher than men with normal semen volume (p = .049). In contrast, there was no statistically significant difference in median seminal Pb levels between men with hypospermia and men with normal semen volume (p = .13). There was no statistically significant association between seminal plasma Cd and Pb levels sperm concentration, motility, morphology and total progressively motile sperm count. These findings suggest that environmental Cd exposure may contribute to low semen volume in male partners of infertile couples.IMPACT STATEMENT What is already known on this subject? Toxic metals may adversely affect both male and female reproductive system. What the results of this study add? Seminal plasma cadmium levels in men with hypospermia were statistically significantly higher than men with normal semen volume. What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Patients should be informed about possible adverse effects of toxic metals
