29 research outputs found

    Case report: quetiapine-induced transient elevation of activated partial thromboplastin time

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    We report a case of 3-year old Pakistani boy who was previously well and brought to the hospital because of an accidental ingestion of quetiapine 8 hours before admission. No gastric lavage or activated charcoal done because of late presentation. He developed headache, excessive drinking and sleepiness few hours post ingestion but his symptoms resolved before arrival. His laboratory work up (Full blood count, blood urea and serum electrolytes, liver function test and coagulation profile) showed only an elevated activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT). The patient was discharged after 24 hours. We checked APTTweekly. Even though, he remained well clinically his APTT continued to be high until after 1.5 months of ingestion when repeated APTT was normalized. Review at literature reported many anti-psychotics including quetiapine can cause an elevation of Prothrombin Time (PT) and APTT and low platelet count in adult patients taking them regularly [6], drug overdose can cause APTT elevation as well [4]. We conclude that this 3 years old child has quetiapine-induced transient elevation of APTT

    Quality of life among adolescent survivors of childhood cancer

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    Over the past few decades, there has been a dramatic improvement in the long-term survival of childhood cancer patients as a result of advancement in pediatric oncology management. Previously the length of survival is used as the primary outcome evaluated in oncology treatment research, but it is now widely accepted that the quality of survival is as important as the quantity of survival. The severely toxic chemotherapy must be evaluated for its detrimental impact as well as its survival benefit. The improvement in survival rate has placed an increasing emphasis on quality of life in childhood cancer survivors. This book provides knowledge and information on the quality of life among adolescent survivors of childhood cancer, rated by survivors and their caretakers using PedsQL Generic scoring. The analysis should help shed some light on the quality of life of young survivors of childhood cancer and will be especially useful to professionals in paediatric oncology or anyone who is interested in the quality of life study in adolescent or to the caretakers of cancer patients


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    Ustaz Haji Che Yahaya bin Daud adalah qari yang pernah mendapat Johan Qari Tilawah Al-Quran peringkat Antarabangsa pada tahun 1999. Beliau juga telah melahirkan ramai qari dan qariah yang berkemahiran dalam tarannum. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan latar belakang serta metodologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dipraktikkan oleh Tuan Haji Yahaya Daud terhadap seni tarannum. Kajian lapangan ini dijalankan dengan yang memperoleh data daripada hasil temubual dan pemerhatian terhadap proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berlaku di antara guru dengan murid. Hasil kajian mendapati metodologi pengajaran dan pelajaran yang digunakan oleh beliau telah memberi kesan yang besar terhadap perkembangan tarannum al-Quran di Malaysia secara khasnya dan umumnya seluruh dunia. Metode pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang aplikasikan telah memberi panduan kepada setiap qari dan qariah dalam menghasilkan satu bacaan yang terbaik, menarik, lengkap dan menyeluruh. Ustaz Haji Che Yahaya bin Daud is a well-known qari had once encountered Champion on Competition Tilawah Al-Quran level International in 1999. Additionally, he had already begun to soften the harsh words and harsh phrases that were said in the tarannum. To be precise, the purpose of this study is to clarify the blind spots as well as the teaching and learning methodologies used by Tuan Haji Yahaya Daud regarding senior high school students. This study is conducted by analyzing data from observational studies and research on the process of teaching and learning that takes place between teachers and students. The research findings pertaining to the teaching and learning methodologies employed by the author have provided significant insight into the evolution of the Quran in Malaysian society, both in terms of Islam and generally in the world. The applied teaching and learning methodologies have provided guidance to each student in achieving a single, high-quality, comprehensive, and well-rounded learning outcome

    Conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in Malaysia

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    There are two mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit of the title compound, C14H10ClN3, with dihedral angles of 5.11 (10) and 13.61 (10)° between the aromatic ring systems. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds, resulting in chains propagating in [010]

    Development of An Indigenous Microwave Absorber

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    This paper describes the design and method in developing a low cost, reliable and good performance microwave absorber for the application in anechoic chamber room measurement. Theoretically, the absorber is designed and to be functioning at a frequency range from 1.5GHz to 15GHz (in pyramidalshaped). However, due to the equipment limitation for measurement, the absorber is only tested for 2GHz and 10GHz frequency. The pyramidal-shaped is chosen since its performance has been proven to work at microwave frequency. A survey on materials that can be used to coat the absorber has been carried out and a variety of the materials are tested. The absorbers are made from polystyrene, which are cut into pyramidal shape and then coated with carbon. The measurement of the pyramidal absorber is carried out in order to determine its performance. Lastly, the results are compared to the commercialized absorber in terms of the absorption performance and found to be less about 22.8% and 10.9% at 2GHz and 10GHz respectivel

    DNA profiling among egg and beef meat isolates of Escherichia coli by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR)

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    Forty three (n=43) genomic DNA of Escherichia coli (11 isolates from eggs and 32 isolates from imported beef meats) were characterized by shiga toxin 1 (stx1), enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR) analyses. In the shiga toxin 1 (stx1) gene detection with primer stx 1F (5'-TTCTTCGGTATCCTATTCCC-3') and stx 1R (5'- CTGTCACAGTAACAACCGT-3'), 9 E. coli of beef meats isolates were positive toward sxt1 gene. The results of the ERIC-PCR and RAPD-PCR were analyzed using GelCompar II software. ERIC-PCR with primer ERIC1 (5'-CACTTAGGGGTCCTCGAATGTA -3') and ERIC2 (5'-AAGTAAGTGACTGGGGTGAGCG-3') discriminated the E. coli into 6 clusters and 10 single isolates at 80% similarity. RAPD-PCR with primer Gen8 and Gen9, produced 10 clusters and 15 single isolates and 12 clusters and 14 single isolates of 80%, respectively. These results demonstrated that both ERIC-PCR and RAPD-PCR are useful and suitable tools for molecular typing of those isolates examined

    A study on the wetting behaviour of Al-Si-Zn brazing filler on AA7075 and AR500 surface

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental study on wetting and spreading of Al-Si-Zn filler metal on AR500 steel and AA7075 aluminium alloy surface. Wetting and spreading conditions of filler metal onto the surface of the metal were analysed by contact angle and spread ratio with different surface conditions. The contact angle is the measured angle between the tangent to the liquid-vapour interface and the surface of the solid. While, spread ratio measured according to the change in diameter of spread shape geometry of filler metal. The use of the low melting temperature of filler metal is increasingly popular since they are able to reduce the effect of heat on metals. However, the low spreading and de-wetting condition have limited the application of filler metal due to the adverse effect of these conditions on the joint ability. However, overall, this study with different surface conditions of these metals is to identify the wetting and spreading behaviour of filler metal. In this work, Al-Si-Zn filler metal heated by torch brazing was applied to AR500 steel and AA7075 aluminium alloy surface with the different type of surface conditions. Experimental results showed that the higher spreading area of filler metal occurred on a smooth surface compared to the rough surface of metals

    An Approach to the Research Methodology for a Doctoral Study

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    This paper discusses the research methodology employed in a doctoral study entitled, “Impacts of legislative controls on private hospitals in Malaysia”. The research methodology encompasses the general design to the research process, from the theoretical framework to the collection and the analysis of data. The paper commences with the discussion on the methodological approaches as to whether a positivist or naturalistic framework or a combination of mixed method approach is most appropriate to be utilised in this study. This methodological decision making process led to the choice of a qualitative study. It then describes the methods for data collection, the analysis and the coding process from the key informants’ interviews, observations and discourses which formed the core of the research methodology. Several emergent themes which are interlinked have been identified and crystallized as the empirical findings that provide answers to the research questions and objectives of the study

    Performance of site velocity prediction in Sundaland

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    Global Positioning System (GPS) technique has been extensively implemented in determination of crustal deformation globally. With the ability of providing solution up to milimeter (mm) level, this technique has proven to provide a precise estimate of site velocity that represents the actual motion of tectonic plate over a period. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the site velocity estimation from GPS-derived daily position of station, respective to the global plate motion model and predicted site velocity via Least-Squares Collocation (LSC) method within the tectonically active region of Sundaland. The findings have indicated that stations with precise velocity estimates were consistent with global plate model and predicted velocity, with velocity residuals of 5 mm - 10 mm. However, stations that were severely impacted by continuous earthquake events such as in Sumatra were believed to be induced by the impact with consistently large velocity residuals up to 37 mm. Following the outcomes, this study has provided an insight on the post-seismic decay period plate motion which are induced by continuous tectonic activities respective to modelled plate motion