50 research outputs found

    Knowledge sharing behaviour in the public sector: The business process management perspectives

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    The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the preliminary analysis on the knowledge sharing behaviour of the public sectors in terms of individual attitudes, organisational environment, reward system and information and communication technology (ICT) within the system. The paper looks into the perspective of business process management which embedded in a knowledge sharing behaviour. This research-inprogress intends to use both quantitative and qualitative methods (triangulation) because we believe that it will be appropriate to answer the research questions better. In the Phase One, consists of the questionnaire that uses to measure perceptions, beliefs, reactions, and attitudes related to knowledge sharing. The unit of analysis using middle to senior management in the public sector as knowledge is said to be captured more systematically at this level. Phase Two will be carried out after analysis of data from the questionnaire survey is completed. The researcher intends to undertake an in-depth exploration of issues arising from Phase One. Hence a semi-structured interview will be carried out with small group of people. Top management officials will be selected from within the same sample for this exercise. The research design in this study hopefully will answer all the research questions significantly. The preliminary findings will provide a basis for proposing a structured framework for further data collection and analysis

    Community participation (analysis on implementation of policies on village development guidelines based on Permendagri No. 114 of 2014 in Simojayan Village, Ampelgading Distric, Malang Regency)

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    The background in this study is that the Village Head has a role in the administration of governance, development and community issues with all of his authority and obligations. In its development, it was felt not enough because the community did not feel involved and did not know anything about the activities to be carried out. Development a sense of belonging from the community towards development projects, an approach is needed that encourages people to participate. This approach can streamline project implementation costs because of community participation. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse the role of village heads in increasing community participation in Simojayan village, Ampelgading district, Malang district and supporting factors, inhibiting the role of village heads in increasing community participation. This study uses a qualitative approach with a specific level of exploration. The results of this study are the lack of maximum community participation in every stage of development, especially in the implementation phase of village development. The Village Head has given his participation by carrying out the tasks by his duties and carrying out the work plan of the village administration based on the needs of the community and the fulfilment of infrastructure facilities in the village. The driving and inhibiting factors are contradictions between policymakers and policy implementers, information capture, limited human resources and competence in carrying out activities. Researcher's suggestion is to build and develop active communication channels and make procedures through clear statements about requirements, objectives, eliminate the choice of multi-information, implement procedures carefully and mechanism for detailed reporting. Maximum language and communication need to be maximised to minimise communication gaps given the limited human resources and competencies

    Flow topology around low reynolds number airfoils with vortex shedding

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    In depth studies on the vortex formation process as well as the periodic behavior of the reattachment profile have been mainly sparked by broad discussions on the flow topology. While the topology methodology is quite well established, the majority of airfoil types have still not been covered. In this study, six low Reynolds number airfoils were considered to investigate the separation bubble structure, vortex shedding and reattachment point. This was done by means of computational fluid dynamics simulations involving the airflow passing several Eppler and Selig models. The method was validated against an established mathematical relationship to indicate that both simulations and analysis technique were reliable. It was observed that the phenomena under investigation directly affect the airfoils aerodynamic performance. In particular, vortex shedding and big reattachment length contribute to the minimum lift. Moreover, high number of vortices in the separation bubble as well as secondary separation bubble result in maximum drag. The results which correspond to low Reynolds number airfoils are applicable in micro aerial vehicles field

    Technical Efficiency of Malaysian Furniture Manufacturing Industry: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach

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    Global competition has been a major issue in furniture manufacturing industry. The wooden furniture is forced to improve their productivity in terms of price and design as it is becoming the sources of competitive advantage in the industry. Most of the previous studies do not take into account in assessing the technical inefficiency factors in order to improvise firm’s efficiency. The objective of this research is to measure the technical efficiency (TE) level in furniture manufacturing industry in Malaysia besides analyzing the technical inefficiency factors to improve the firm’s efficiency. Data in the firm levels which were obtained from Department of Statistics (DOS) and will be analyzed by using Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). The study has used cross-sectional data of 710 firms acquired from DOS. The results of the study reveal that the average level of technical efficiency is high. The estimated result identifies the important determinants of technical inefficiency which are due to employee wage rates. The fundamental implication of this study is that furniture manufacturing firms need to boost motivation among employees and strengthen the network of the production market via wage increment


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    This study aims to examine the effect of investigative audits, data mining, and continuous audits on fraud detection by strengthening spiritual intelligence at BPKP Representatives of South Sulawesi Province. To support the research objectives, researchers used three main theories, namely the hexagonal fraud theory, agency theory, and attribution theory. This study is quantitative and takes a causality approach. The population in this study were auditors who were representatives of the South Sulawesi provincial financial and development oversight agency and had conducted investigative audits. The technique for selecting the sample used a purposive sampling method with a total of 36 people. Multiple linear regression analysis and moderated regression analysis with an absolute difference value approach are used in the hypothesis testing method. The statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS 25 application program. The test results in this study indicate that investigative auditing and data mining have a significant effect on fraud detection. Meanwhile, continuous auditing has no significant effect on fraud detection. Moderation analysis carried out proves that the moderating variable of spiritual intelligence is not a reinforcing variable in the interaction of investigative audit, data mining, and continuous audit influences on fraud detection.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh investigative audit, data mining dan continuous audit terhadap pendeteksian fraud dengan penguatan kecerdasan spiritual pada Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Untuk menunjang tujuan penelitian tersebut peneliti menggunakan 3 teori utama yaitu teori kecurangan heksagon, teori agensi, dan teori atribusi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan kausalitas. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor pada perwakilan badan pengawasan keuangan dan pembangunan provinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang sudah pernah melakukan audit investigatif. Teknik dalam pemilihan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling method dengan jumlah sebanyak 36 orang. Metode pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dan analisis regresi moderasi dengan pendekatan nilai selisih mutlak. Analisis statistik tersebut  dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan program aplikasi SPSS 25. Hasil Pengujian pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa investigative audit dan data mining berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendeteksian kecurangan. Sedangkan continuous audit tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendeteksian kecurangan. Analisis moderasi yang dilakukan membuktikan bahwa variabel moderasi kecerdasan spiritual bukan variabel penguat dalam interaksi pengaruh investigative audit, data mining dan continuous audit terhadap pendeteksian fraud

    Pledge Agreement on a Pledge Business

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    Pledge is one of the non-bank financial institutions that lend money / credit to its customers based on the law of pledge. The lend money/credit is preceded by the credit agreement between the creditor and the debtor in terms of lending and borrowing money which is then followed by the submission of a moving object as a guarantee of repayment. In principle the goods (pledge) can be used to secure any obligations of certain achievements. It means that the agreement of pledge will only exist if there is a principal agreement that had previously existed.  The principal agreement is an agreement that raises the legal relationships of repayment-payable that are guaranteed to material moving, both tangible and intangible. The purpose of pledge is to provide legal certainty for creditors by guaranteeing repayment of its receivables from pledged objects, if the debtor defaults. Although the basic pledge is trust, but still made the loan agreement as the principal agreement. In the loan agreement with guaranteed pledge, there are two parties in the agreement: (1) parties (creditors) who receive pledge, and (2) the debtors who guarantee pledge. Furthermore, its assessoir agreement is the pledge agreement itself. Keywords: Pledge agreement, pledge business

    Implementation of the Blue Ocean Strategy in Waqf Development in Malaysia

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    Waqf is an important instrument for socio-economic development. Blue Ocean Strategy is a global approach that combines creativity and innovation. This initiative also exists in the implementation of waqf development. The objective is to identify experts' views on the strategy's potential implementation in Malaysia's waqf development. Data collection was obtained through interviews with experts involved in managing waqf. They analyzed using the content analysis method. The study found waqf and the Blue Ocean Strategy can be combined to maximize benefits to society and the country. The integration of both strategies helps in the development of waqf assets and provides benefits

    Pengembangan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) Dan Media Pembelajaran IPA SMP Berbasis Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis

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    Keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa masih tergolong rendah. Hal ini diduga karena perangkat pembelajaran seperti LKS dan media yang digunakan siswa belum mampu membantu dalam menemukan konsep dan merangsang kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa.Oleh sebab itu dilakukan penelitian pengembangan LKS dan media pembelajaran IPA dengan tujuan dihasilkan LKS dan media pembelajaran IPA SMP berbasis keterampilan berpikir kritis. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan: (1) kelayakan LKS yang dikembangkan, (2) kelayakan media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan, (3) keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa, (4) respon siswa terhadap LKS, (5) respon siswa terhadap media. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII-E berjumlah 33 siswa.Data diperoleh dengan instrumen validasi LKS dan media, lembar penilaian keterampilan berpikir kritis dan angket respon terhadap LKS dan media.Analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa: (1) LKS yang dikembangkan sebesar 94,26% berkategori sangat layak, (2) media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan sebesar 95,00% berkategori sangat layak, (3) keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa sebesar 93,32% berkategori sangat baik, (4) respon siswa terhadap LKS sebesar 75,40% berkategori baik, (5) respon siswa terhadap media sebesar 77,00% berkategori baik. Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa LKS dan media yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dan membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis

    Selig airfoils: topology of flow patterns at low reynolds number

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    Over the years, extensive discussions on the flow topology have sparked a motivation for deeper studies on the process of vortex formation and the periodic behaviour of the reattachment profile. Despite a clear methodology, such flow topology studies have not yet covered the majority of airfoil types. This study considers three low Reynolds number Selig airfoils. The computational fluid dynamics simulations carried out involve the airflow passing these models. The attention is given mainly on the separation bubble, vortex shedding and reattachment point. The corresponding effects on airfoils aerodynamic performance are observed. The method is validated against an established mathematical relationship to indicate that both simulations and analysis technique are reliable. The results are applicable in micro aerial vehicles field where the airfoils are those of low Reynolds number


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    This research is to benefit the marketers to more effectively reach Generation Y customers as in this globalisation era. Hence, the aims of this research is to investigate the effect of Facebook advertising on Gen Y purchase decision and moderating effect of demographic factors on the relationship between perception of Facebook and purchase decision.  The three perceptions proposed in the model, namely perceived trust, perceived informativeness and perceived risk with moderating effects of gender between perceptions of Facebook advertising and consumer purchasing decision. The quantitative research was used for 300 respondents from Gen Y participated were selected from Generation Y in Johor, Malaysia. Results of the research shows that perceived trust and  perceived  risk  have  a  significant relationship  with  purchase  decision,  but  perceived  informativeness  does  not  have  a significant  relationship  with  purchase  decision.  In addition, gender had a significant moderating effect  on  the  relationship  between  perception  of  Facebook  ads  and  purchase decision