60 research outputs found


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    Sunflower broomrape is a parasitic chlorophyll plant that affects the root system of the host plant, absorbing water, nutrients and toxic products from it. Germination of broomrape seeds occurs due to strigolactones released into the soil by the roots of sunflower, which attracts arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM-fungi). Strigolactones are substances of the “hunger” of plants and belong to a new class of phytohormones involved in many physiological processes, including the regulation of the availability of nutrients by the roots. The specific receptor KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE2 DIVERGENT (KAI2d) was identified in the broomrape, which is involved in the differential recognition of root sunflower exudates. Several genes of KAI2d have been established in the parasite genome, which encode the KAI2d receptors. As a result of the discovery of substances involved in the germination of broomrape seeds, new strategies for protecting sunflower from this parasitic plant are being discussed, which are under development. On the basis of strigolactones, a synthetic preparation, GR24, and its analogues have been created with the aim of introducing them into the soil to stimulate germination of broomrape seeds. The amino acid methionine strongly inhibits the early development of broomrape without a phytotoxic effect in sunflower. Seeds of broomrape are less likely to recognize the roots of sunflower, which are colonized by AM fungi, bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum, Azospirillum brasilense due to a change in the composition of root exudates in colonized plants. Of great interest among the synthesized elicitors is acibenzolar-S-methyl. It causes systemic resistance to bacterial, fungal and viral diseases, induces the synthesis of PR proteins, and also activates the protective reactions of sunflower to the introduction of broomrape and leads to lignification of the endoderm and inhibition of haustoria of the broomrape seeds through the cell wall of the root cells

    Влияние лецитина и казеина на спектр антимикробной активности бактериоцинов молочнокислых бактерий, изолированных из азербайджанских сыров

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    Изучено влияние лецитина и казеина на спектр антимикробной активности бактериоцинов, выделенных из штаммов Lactobacillus paracasei spp. paracasei BN ATS 8w, Enterococcus faecium А5 и Lactobacillus rhamnosus FAZ 16m. В качестве пассивной культуры использованы Lactobacillus bulgaricus 340, Listeria innocua СIP 80.11, Escherichia coli ATCC 23355, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 1.144. При исследуемых концентрациях лецитин и казеин отрицательно влияли на активность бактериоцинов. Эти факторы входят в состав большинства ферментированных продуктов

    Investigation of some physico-chemical properties of Elaeagnus L. GUM

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    As is known, most polysaccharides have biological activity, play important roles in life processes, and are widely used in healthcare, food processing, and cosmetic production due to their therapeutic effects and relatively low toxicity. Among polysaccharides, this class’s representatives do not have a biological activity to some pathogens of diseases but have a huge potential to use them in various sectors of the national economy, such as in the food industry, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. One such polysaccharide is the gum obtained from the plant Elaeagnus L. germinating in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China and Central Asia. The local people call it jidah. This article is devoted to the extraction, purification, the determination of the monomeric composition, molecular weight, viscosity, spectral analysis, and some chemical properties of the polysaccharide obtained from the gum of the named plant Elaeagnus L

    Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging using RFID

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    Electric vehicle (EV) wireless charging using radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a novel technology that enables the charging of electric vehicles without the need for wires or cables. The technology utilizes RFID tags that are installed on the EV, which communicate with the charging pad through electromagnetic fields. The charging process is initiated when the RFID reader detects the presence of the EV with the installed RFID tag, and the charging pad is activated. The power transfer is then enabled between the charging pad and the EV, allowing for the charging process to begin. RFID-based wireless charging technology offers numerous benefits over traditional wired charging systems. For instance, it eliminates the need for physical connectors, thereby reducing the wear and tear of components and increasing the convenience of charging. Moreover, the technology is more efficient, with minimal energy losses, and reduces the risk of electrical hazards. It also minimizes the impact of weather conditions and road debris on the charging process, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor charging application. In conclusion, EV wireless charging using RFID is a promising technology that can potentially revolutionize the EV charging industry. It offers numerous benefits, including increased convenience, efficiency, and safety, and has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of transportation

    Anxiety-depressive disorders and quality of life of patients with primary gonarthrosis in combination with obesity

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the quality of life of patients, concomitant diseases and anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with primary osteoarthritis of the knee joints and obesity.Цель исследования – оценить качество жизни больных, сопутствующие заболевания и тревожно-депрессивные расстройства у пациентов с первичным ОА коленных суставов и ожирением

    Оценка отдаленных клинико-функциональных изменений у пациентов, перенесших тяжелое COVID-19-ассоциированное поражение легких

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    The problem of long COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) has been highly relevant for the healthcare system in the last three years. The persistence of respiratory symptoms, radiological and functional changes in COVID-19 patients brings new challenges to the entire medical community. The aim of the study is to explore long-term clinical and functional changes in patients with severe COVID-19-associated lung injury, including assessment of functional and radiological abnormalities of the respiratory system, as well as persistent clinical symptoms a year after the acute phase of the disease. Methods. The study included 45 patients who were examined 3, 6 and 12 months after COVID-19 with severe lung damage (more than 50% according to chest CT in the acute phase of the disease). Patients underwent multispiral computed tomography of the chest organs, a comprehensive study of respiratory function (spirography, body plethysmography and diffusion test); the clinical symptoms were assessed. Results. Chest CT scans showed gradual regression of pathological changes during the follow-up. However, radiographic changes of varying severity persisted after 12 months of follow-up in 51% of patients. A year later, restrictive disorders persisted in 20% of patients and the diffusion capacity of the lungs was reduced in 69% of patients. At the same time, a statistically significant difference in the DLСО level was observed between 3, 6 and 12 months. The severity of dyspnea decreased 1 year after hospitalization in 48% of patients. Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrate a gradual regression of both radiological and functional pathological changes during the 1st year. However, CT changes and deviations of the respiratory function persist in some patients, mainly in the form of a decrease in DLСО, which necessitates further monitoring of this group of patients.Проблема длительного течения COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) сохраняет свою актуальность для системы здравоохранения, а перед медицинским сообществом поставлены новые задачи, связанные с персистированием респираторных симптомов, рентгенологических и функциональных изменений у лиц, перенесших новую коронавирусную инфекцию (НКИ). Целью исследования явилось изучение отдаленных клинико-функциональных изменений у пациентов, перенесших тяжелое COVID-19-ассоциированное поражение легких, с оценкой функциональных и рентгенологических отклонений системы дыхания, а также сохраняющейся клинической симптоматики через 1 год после острой фазы заболевания. Материалы и методы. В исследование включены пациенты (n = 45), обследованные через 3, 6 и 12 мес. после перенесенной НКИ с тяжелым поражением легких (> 50 % по данным компьютерной томографии (КТ) органов грудной клетки (ОГК) в острую фазу заболевания). Выполнялись мультиспиральная компьютерная томография ОГК, комплексное исследование функции внешнего дыхания (ФВД) (спирография, бодиплетизмография и диффузионный тест), оценивалась клиническая симптоматика. Результаты. За время наблюдения по данным КТ ОГК отмечался постепенный регресс патологических изменений, однако через 12 мес. наблюдения у 51 % пациентов рентгенологические изменения различной степени тяжести сохранялись. Через 1 год рестриктивные нарушения сохранялись у 20 % пациентов, а диффузионная способность легких по монооксиду углерода (DLСО) оказалась сниженной у 69 %. При этом статистически значимое различие уровня DLСО наблюдалось между 3-м, 6-м и 12-м месяцами наблюдения. Через 1 год после госпитализации у 48 % пациентов уменьшилась выраженность одышки. Заключение. В течение 1-го года наблюдения продемонстрирован постепенный регресс рентгенологических и функциональных изменений, однако у части пациентов сохраняются КТ-изменения и нарушения ФВД, преимущественно в виде снижения DLСО, при которых требуется дальнейшее наблюдение

    Features of parameters of cellular immune depending on the activity of foci of demyelination in children with multiple sclerosis

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    MS is a common disease of the central nervous system that leads to disability and reduced quality of life. The debut of disease in 3-5% of patients occurs in childhood and has a less favorable course compared to adults. MS is caused by the activation of autoreactive T cells in the breakdown of peripheral tolerance, which is normally controlled by regulatory T cells (Tregs). It is promising to study expression of CD39 and CD73 in Treg and Th17 populations to assess their suppressive activity. Aim is to evaluate content of major and minor lymphocyte populations and expression of CD39 and CD73 in CD4+ lymphocyte population in children with MS. 111 children with MS were examined, 66 with contrast-negative lesions on MRI (Group 1), 45 with contrast-positive lesions (Group 2). The comparison group consisted of 46 healthy children (Group 3). Content of T, B, NK lymphocytes, Treg (CD4+CD25highCD127low), Thact (CD4+CD25highCD127high), Th17 cells (CD3+CD4+CD161+); expression of CD39 and CD73 in Treg, Th17 and Thact was performed by flow cytometry. An increase in content of T helpers, a decrease in NK cells in patients in group 2 was revealed. An increase in number of Thact and Th17 lymphocytes was obtained in patients of both groups with MS. Number of Tregs in group 1 was significantly higher than in group 3. Ratio of cells expressing CD39 and CD73 in MS patients depended on lymphocyte population as well as in the group 3. The highest content of CD39+ cells was observed in Treg population, and the lowest in Thact population. For CD73 expression, on the contrary, the highest expression of CD73 was observed in Thact cells, the lowest in Treg. When comparing groups of patients, it was found that in patients of group 1, number of cells expressing CD39 ectonucleotidase was significantly increased, and number of supTh17 was comparable with group 3. In both groups of MS patients, an increase in CD73 counts in Treg, Thact and Th17 was observed. Thus, informative populations of lymphocytes (CD4+ cells, Treg, CD39+Treg, supTh17) have been identified, which can be used to monitor condition of children with multiple sclerosis


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    In article are presented the devices and characteristics of channel of epithermal neutrons created on nuclear reactor WWR-SM INP AS of RUz for medical and biologic researches. Realized medical and biologic researches on neutroncapture therapy are discussed. Developed for treatment of radio resistant malignant tumors the Gadolinium neutron capture therapy (GdNCT) is based on the nuclear capture and reactions that occur when 155Gd and 157Gd, which are nonradioactive constituents of natural elemental gadolinium, are irradiated by thermal neutrons with low energy 0.025 eV. In this article, results of scientific researches on development GdNCT in Uzbekistan are presented. The beam of epithermal neutrons with characteristics satisfying the all requirements of IAEA was received. Neutron kerma for biological tissues Kbt n=1,35•10–4 Gr/s and for 1 mg natural gadolinium in 1 g of biological tissues KGd n = 3,1•10–7 Gr/s for this beam was calculated. As gadolinium delivery agent the well-known pharmacological preparation Magnevist was chosen. For absorbed dose calculation, the Magnevist pharmacokinetics was studied after intratumoral injection in mice and intramuscular injection in rats. Results of researches of influence epithermal neutrons beam on binding ability of transport proteins of human blood, on tumor cells С-180 at mice and on surgical material of human stomach adenocarcinoma are presented. Planned scientific researches with application of this beam in Uzbekistan are summarized.В работе представлены устройство и характеристики эпитеплового нейтронного канала, созданного на атомном реакторе ВВР-СМ ИЯФ АН РУз для медико-биологических исследований. Обсуждаются проводимые медико-биологические исследования по нейтрон-захватной терапии. В этой статье представлены результаты научных исследований по разработке GdNCT в Узбекистане. Был получен пучок эпитепловых нейтронов с характеристиками, удовлетворяющими всем требованиям МАГАТЭ. А также, была вычислена керма нейтрона для биологических тканей Kbt n=1,35•10–4 Гр/с и 1 мкг природного гадолиния в 1 г биологической ткани KGd n = 3,1•10–7 Гр/с для этого пучка. Известный фармакологический препарат Магневист (Magnevist) выбран в качестве средства доставки гадолиния. Для расчета поглощенной дозы, фармакокинетика Магневист была изучена после внутриопухолевой инъекции у мышей и внутримышечного введения у крыс. Были представлены результаты исследований влияния эпитепловых нейтронов пучка на связывающей способности транспортных белков крови человека, на опухолевых клетках С-180 у мышей и на хирургических материалах человеческого аденокарциномы желудка. Подведен итог планируемых научных исследований с применением этого пучка в Узбекистане

    Electronic properties and phase transitions in low-dimensional semiconductors

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    We present the first review of the current state of the literature on electronic properties and phase transitions in TlX and TlMX2 (M = Ga, In; X = Se, S, Te) compounds. These chalcogenides belong to a family of the low-dimensional semiconductors possessing chain or layered structure. They are of significant interest because of their highly anisotropic properties, semi- and photoconductivity, non-linear effects in their I-V characteristics (including a region of negative differential resistance), switching and memory effects, second harmonic optical generation, relaxor behavior and potential applications for optoelectronic devices. We review the crystal structure of TlX and TlMX2 compounds, their transport properties under ambient conditions, experimental and theoretical studies of the electronic structure, transport properties and semiconductor-metal phase transitions under high pressure, and sequences of temperature-induced structural phase transitions with intermediate incommensurate states. Electronic nature of the ferroelectric phase transitions in the above-mentioned compounds, as well as relaxor behavior, nanodomains and possible occurrence of quantum dots in doped and irradiated crystals is discussed.Comment: 70 pages, 38 figure


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    In this article development of mathematical model of diagnosis of sharp intestinal infections in newborn children depending on the nature of the infectious agent is described. All risk factors promoting development of intestinal infections were considered. By means of a method of logical regression the medico-mathematical model the express of diagnosis of sharp intestinal infections in newborn children was developed.Разработана математическая модель диагностики острых кишечных инфекций у новорожденных детей в зависимости от природы инфекционного агента. Были рассмотрены все факторы риска, способствующие развитию кишечных инфекций. С помощью метода логической регрессии была разработана медико-математическая модель экспресс диагностики острых кишечных инфекций у новорожденных детей, что значительно сокращает сроки постановки верного диагноза и начала лечения.