9 research outputs found

    The effects of taxifolin on neuropathy related with hyperglycemia and neuropathic pain in rats: A biochemical and histopathological evaluation

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    Background. Hyperglycemia can be considered a determining factor in the development of diabetic neuropathy as well as neuropathic pain. There is a relationship between the excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathic pain. Taxifolin, on the other hand, is a flavonoid that has been documented to inhibit ROS production. Objectives. To investigate the effects of taxifolin, which has antioxidant and neuroprotective effects, on alloxan-induced hyperglycemia-induced neuropathy and neuropathic pain, biochemically and histopathologically. Materials and methods. The albino Wistar male rats were divided into 3 groups: Healthy group (HG), only alloxan group (AXG) and alloxan+taxifolin group (ATG). Hyperglycemia in animals was caused through intraperitoneal injection of alloxan at a dose of 120 mg/kg. Paw pain thresholds of animals were measured using Basile algesimeter. Sciatic nerve tissues were examined biochemically and histopathologically in order to evaluate neuropathy. Results. Our experimental results revealed that taxifolin significantly prevented the increase of plasma glucose concentration level with alloxan administration, the decrease of the paw pain threshold related to hyperglycemia, the change of oxidant-antioxidant balance in the sciatic nerve tissue in favor of oxidants, and the deterioration of tissue morphology in animals. Conclusions. Our experimental results indicate that taxifolin alleviates alloxan-induced hyperglycemia-related neuropathy and neuropathic pain

    Türkiye’de azınlık, yabancı ve Türk özel okulları

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    ÖZETTürk okullarında eğitim görme, yabancılara anayasa ile tanınmış bir haktır. Yabancılar dileklerine göre, Türk veya Türkiye’de bulunan yabancı okullarda eğitim görebilirler. İlköğretim Türk vatandaşları için zorunlu olmasına rağmen yabancılar için isteğe bağlıdır. (Anayasa, Madde 42/6) Üzerinde yaşadığımız topraklar yüzyıllardır dünya üzerinde hiçbir millet veya devlette başka bir örneğini göremeyeceğimiz yerleşimlere şahit olmuştur. Bunun doğal süreci olarak, insanın temel ihtiyaçlarından olan eğitim ihtiyacının giderilmesi konusunda değişik niteliklere sahip eğitim kurumları ortaya çıkmıştır. Doğal olmayan süreç ise, ortaya çıkan bu eğitim kurumlarının, farklı zaman dilimlerinde farklı amaçlara hizmet etmeleri ve bunun sonucunda da politize olmalarıdır.Bu araştırma, bu topraklar üzerinde yaşamış Azınlıklar (Ermeni, Rum ve Yahudiler), Yabancılar (Alman, İngiliz, İtalyan, Fransız, Amerikalı vs.) ve Türkler tarafından açılmış olan özel okulların 1950–1960 arasındaki faaliyetlerini inceleyip, bu döneme ait istatistikî veriler doğrultusunda Türk Eğitim Sistemine katkılarını değerlendirmektedir. Elbette ki, özelinde bu dönemi sağlıklı bir şekilde inceleyebilmek için, araştırmanın I. bölümünde bu eğitim kurumlarının bugünkü anlamda anılmasına sebep olan Azınlık, Yabancı, Müslim ve Gayrimüslim kavramları incelenmiş, bu eğitim kurumlarına tarihi süreçleri içerisinde bakılmış, bu süreçlerdeki faaliyetleri, tabi oldukları kanun, yönetmelik, Nizamname ve yönergelere ait ayrıntılar verilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu okulların ve kurucularının sahip oldukları hüviyet sebebiyle, Türkiye’nin imzalamış olduğu uluslararası antlaşmalardaki eğitim kurumlarına ait bahisler incelenmiştir. Bu bölümde ayrıca, azınlık ve yabancı okullarla karşılaştırıldığında mazisi onlar kadar eskiye dayanmamakla birlikte, Türk özel okulculuk girişimleri ve verilen eğitimin niteliklerinden bahsedilmiştir.Araştırmanın II. bölümünde, Menderes Hükümetleri Dönemi olarak adlandırılan 1950–1960 arası dönem eğitim politikaları açısından değerlendirilmiş, bu döneme ait azınlık, yabancı ve Türk özel okullarının işleyişleri, rakamsal bilgileri ve okullar arası farklılıklara yer verilmiştir. Sayıları değişmiş olmakla birlikte, günümüzde hâlâ eğitim, öğretim faaliyetlerine devam eden bu okulların Türk eğitim sistemi içerisindeki yeri ve önemi çalışmanın sonuç kısmında değerlendirilmiştir.ABSTRACTStudying at Turkish schools is the constitutional right of foreigners. They have the choice of studying either at a Turkish school or at foreign school based in Turkey. Although elementary education is compulsory for Turkish citizens, whether a foreigner wishes to study or not is left to their preference. (Constitution, article 42/6)For hundreds of years, this land on which we live upon, has witnessed many settlements of which you will not be able to find examples of within another nation or government. As a natural progression of this, various educational institutes with different attributes emerged to accommodate one of the basic needs of mankind, education. What was an unnatural progression regarding these emerging educational institutes was they tended to serve for different purposes at different periods of time and as a result become politicized.This thesis researches the activities of private schools established by minorities (Armenians, Greeks and Jews), foreigners (Germans, English, French, Americans etc.) and Turks, living on these lands between 1950-1960, analyzing their contributions to the Turkish Educational system in accordance to statistical data taken from that period.Needless to say, to conduct a healthy investigation of this period, the first part of this thesis looks into the concepts of minorities, foreigners, Muslims, Non-Muslims and how they effect the way we term these educational institutions today, alongside the historical processes they were within, their activities during these times, the laws they were subjected to, regulations, code of practices and policies, all of which have been given in detail. Furthermore, due to the identification of these schools and their owners, articles belonging to educational institutes within international treaties signed by Turkey were also examined. Although their history does not go as far back, this section speaks of the ventures of private Turkish schools and the quality of the given education in comparison to those of minorities and foreigners. In the second section of this thesis, the operations, figures and differences between minority, foreign and Turkish private schools, during 1950-1960, also known as the period of the Menderes Governments, has been touched upon. Although a change in the numbers, the place and importance of these schools, which continue their operations, within the Turkish educational system are assessed at the end of the study

    The effect of off-pump coronary bypass graft surgery on subfoveal choroidal thickness, ganglion cell complex, and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness

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    Background: Cardiac surgery has been associated with adverse ocular events. Off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery evades the systemic inflammatory response seen in extracorporeal circulation and is superior to on-pump surgery with regard to end-organ dysfunction and neurological outcomes. Objectives: To determine the effects of off-pump (without extracorporeal circulation) coronary artery bypass graft surgery on choroidal thickness, ganglion cell complex, and the retinal nerve fiber layer. Design: Prospective, longitudinal study. Methods: Patients who underwent off-pump surgery were examined preoperatively and postoperatively at 1 week and 6 weeks after surgery. Choroidal thickness, ganglion cell complex, and the retinal nerve fiber layer measurements were recorded, and the effects of off-pump coronary artery bypass on these parameters were assessed. Results: A total of 44 eyes of 44 patients were included in the study. There was a statistically significant increase in subfoveal choroidal thickness from 252.84 ± 56.24 µm preoperatively to 273.82 ± 39.76 µm at 1 week and 301.97 ± 44.83 µm at 6 weeks after off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery ( p  = 0.044; p  ⩽ 0.001). Ganglion cell complex and retinal nerve fiber measurements showed no significant difference compared to preoperative values. Conclusion: Off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery showed no negative effects on ganglion cell complex and retinal nerve fiber measurements. A significant increase in subfoveal choroidal thickness was seen after off-pump surgery, which might be advantageous in patients who are at high risk or have preexisting ocular diseases that are affected by the choroid

    Does acute checystitis be a complication of acute pyelonephritis?

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    Üriner sistem enfeksiyonları toplumda en sık görülen enfeksiyonlardandır. Akut pyelonefrit bir üst üriner sistem enfeksiyonudur. Akut pyelonefrit (APN) yan ağrısı veya hassasiyeti veya her ikiside, ateş, idrar yaparken yanma-sızı, idrar kaçırma ve sık idrara çıkma şikâyetleri ile karakterize bir hastalıktır. Bu semptomlar enfeksiyon olmadan da bulunabilir (Ör: Renal enfakt, renal kalkül). En sık etken Escherichia coli’dir. Akut pyelonefrit geçiren hastalarda; renal abse, perirenal abse, karın içi abseler ve sepsis gibi komplikasyonlar gelişebilir (1). Akut kolesistit (AK); safra kesesi iltihabıdır. En sık nedeni safra yolları tıkanıklığıdır. Hastalar sıklıkla sağ üst kadran ağrısıyla başvururlar fakat bazı hastalarda lokalize bulgular bulunmayabilir. Hastalarda ateş, taşikardi sık görülen bulgulardandır. AK tanısı için ilk olarak ve en sık yapılması gereken görüntüleme metodu ultrasonografidir (US). Komplikasyondan şüphelenilen durumlarda bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) çekilebilir (2).Urinary tract infections are one of the most common infections in outpatient. Acute pyelonephritis is an upper urinary tract infection. Infections of the biliary tract are most often associated with obstruction to the flow of bile. Twenty-four years old female patient admitted to emergency clinic with complaints of fever, chill, shivering, myalgia, arthralgia, nausea, vomitting and right sided abdominal pain. In her past medical history, there was no disease other than nephrolithiasis. In her vital signs, body temperature was 39.8°C. In physical examination, there were pain at deep palpation of right upper quadrant of abdomen and right costovertebral angle. Also, there was Murphy sign. Other system examination was normal. At the admission time, in laboratory examination; white blood count was 15.270/mm3 with 90 % of neutrophile. Microscobic examination of urine showed puyuria. Abdominal ultrasound revealed edema and thickening of fundus (5.3 mm) of gall bladder and dilatation of right proximal urether and mucosal edema of right renal pelvis and proximal urether. Abdominal computerize tomography showed 2x2.5x5 cm hypodense lesion with irregular border at the cortical region of the middle zone of right kidney and hypodense effussion around the gall bladder. With the diagnosis of pyelonephritis, renal abscess and acute cholecystitis treatment of ceftriaxone 2x1 gr/day and ornidasole 2x500 mg/day was given for 3 weeks. There were no other complaints in 6 months of follow

    Effect of the prenatal electromagnetic field exposure on cochlear nucleus neurons and oligodendrocytes in rats

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    Electromagnetic radiation from elecromagnetic field (EMF) sources has been an important health concern for a long time. The vast majority of this exposure is due to the widespread use of mobile phones, an important source of the EMF. The EMF generated by mobile phones may have adverse effects on the various biological structures that regulate the body system and function. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate histopathologically the effects of 900-megahertz (MHz) EMF application in the prenatal period on the development of the ventral cochlear nucleus, which is the first place of hearing in the brainstem, at various time points of the postnatal period in rats. In the study, Sprague-Dawley pregnant rats were divided randomly into two groups as the control group and the EMF group. The rats in the EMF group were exposed to a 900-MHz EMF every day until birth, while no EMF was applied to the rats in the control group. Auditory brainstem responses of both groups were recorded on the postnatal 13th day, the day the hearing starts. Newborn rats were sacrificed by anesthesia on days 7, 10, 15, and 30. Contrary to the control group, structural damage in cochlear nuclear neurons and oligodendrocyte cell structures and increased caspase-3 activity were observed in the postnatal period in the EMF groups. However, no significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of structural damage and caspase-3 activity at different stages of the postnatal period when cochlear nucleus development was observed. According to ABS, there was no significant difference between the average latency of waves in both groups. In conclusion, this study shows that 900-MHz electromagnetic waves propagated from mobile phones during the prenatal period have no harmful effects on the development of the ventral cochlear nucleus of rats.Recep Tayyip Erdogan University 2010/4

    Epi?dural anestezi?de %0.5 bupi?vakai?n ve %0.5 levobupi?vakai?n kullaniminin QT di?spersi?yonu ve hemodi?nami?k etki?leri?ni?n karşilaştirilmasi

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the hemodynamic variables and QT dispersion effects of 05% bupivacaine and 0.5% levobupivacaine using epidural via. Methods: Sixty patients scheduled for operation under epidural anesthesia were included to this study. The patients were randomized into two groups; 15 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine was given to Group B patients (n=30) and 15 mL of 0.5% levobupivacaine was given to Group L patients (n=30). Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure, heart rate, saturation of peripheral oxygen, respiratory rate and side-effects were recorded during perioperative period. Postoperatively, motor blockade recovery time was assessed at 30-minute inten'als and total motor blockade time was recorded. ECG was recorded at preoperatively, at 30 minutes after first epidural anesthetic and postoperatively 24-hour and was assessed by a cardiologist. Results: Motor blockade and total blockage time were found to be longer in Group B (p<0.05). Mean blood pressure at the 180th minute was found to be decreased in Group B (p<0.05). The longest corrected QT interval and the shortest corrected QT interval were increased in Group B (p<0.05). Incidence of hypotension was higher in Group B (p<0.05). Conclusion: Levobupivacaine can be preferred to bupivacaine in patients having cardiac problem and when less motor blockade is desired

    Comparison of TIVA and Desflurane Added to a Subanaesthetic Dose of Propofol in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: Evaluation of Haemodynamic and Stress Hormone Changes

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    Introduction. Increased levels of stress hormones are associated with mortality in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Aim. To compare total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) and desflurane added to a subanaesthetic dose of propofol. Material and Methods. Fifty patients were enrolled in this study. Fentanyl (3–5 mcg/kg/h) was started in both groups. Patients were divided into two groups. The PD group (n=25) received 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) desflurane anaesthesia in addition to propofol infusion (2-3 mg/kg/h), while P group (n=25) received propofol infusion (5-6 mg/kg/h) only. Biochemical data, cortisol, and insulin levels were measured preoperatively (T0), after initiation of CPB but before cross-clamping the aorta (T1), after removal of the cross-clamp (T2), and at the 24th postoperative hour (T3). Results. Systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure levels were significantly higher in PD group than those in P group in T1 and T2 measurements (p≤0.05). CK-MB showed a significant decrease in group P (p≤0.05). When we compared both groups, cortisol levels were significantly higher in PD group than P group (p≤0.05). Conclusion. Stress and haemodynamic responses were better controlled using TIVA than desflurane inhalation added to a subanaesthetic dose of propofol in patients undergoing CABG

    Case Reports Presentations

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