605 research outputs found

    First derivative prediction of raw broiler shear force using visible short wave near infrared spectroscopy

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    A non-destructive,fast, reliable and low cost technique which is Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) is required to replace conventional destructive texture analyser in shear force measurement. The combination of visible and shortwave near infrared (VIS-SWNIR) spectrometer and principal component regression (PCR) to assess the quality attribute of raw broiler meat texture (shear force value (kg)) was investigated. Wavelength region of visible and shortwave 662-1005 nm was selected for prediction after pre-processing. Absorbance spectra was pre-processed using the optimal Savitzky-Golay smoothing mode with 1st order derivative, 2nd degree polynomial and 31 filter points to remove the baseline shift effect. Potential outliers were identified through externally studentised residual approach. The PCR model were trained with 90 samples in calibration and validated with 44 samples in prediction datasets. From the PCR analysis, correlation coefficient of calibration (RC), the root mean square calibration (RMSEC), correlation coefficient of prediction (RP) and the root mean square prediction (RMSEP) of visible and shortwave (662-1005 nm) with 4 principal components were 0.4645,0.0898, 0.4231 and 0.0945. The predicted results can be improved by applying the 2nd order derivative and the non-linear model

    Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) applications in medical: non-invasive and invasive leukemia screening

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    Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) has been applied as analytical tool in numerous field of study due to its ability in non-invasive application. NIRS with the ability in providing the information on biological molecules shows a high potential as a diagnosis tool in medical as diseased related to biochemistry changes of the cell and tissue. This paper reviewed the application of NIR spectroscopy in leukemia screening and in other medical application. General comparison between invasive and non-invasive NIR spectroscopy method is provided. The author also proposed a new non-invasive NIRS method in leukemia screening and compared it with the previous invasive NIRS method

    Glucose detection in blood using near-infrared spectroscopy: significant wavelength for glucose detection

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    World Health Organization (WHO) stated in 2004, about 347 million people suffered from diabetes and from this statistic, about 3.4 million died from the complication of kidney failure, heart attack, body part amputation and adequately reported suffered from blindness. There are several non-invasive techniques in measuring the blood glucose level developed nowadays and among the popular technique is the near-infrared (NIR) measurement, ultrasonic sensor implementation, multisensory systems, absorbance of transmittance, bio-impedance, voltage intensity, and thermography. Among these techniques, there are several approaches that displayed a lot of potential, nonetheless some of them have produced unsatisfying results. The NIR technique has been applied in some of previous research, however the wavelength used vary for different researcher. There are several points of views on the significant wavelength range that contains suitable information regarding the peaks of glucose in blood. This paper is focusing on the experimental data collection using the near-infrared spectroscopy technique. This paper furthermore discussing on determine the significant peaks of glucose that is suitable to be used as the indicator of the glucose in blood. The highest significant peaks of blood glucose detected from the range around 1450nm and 1930nm

    Mangrove (Rhizophoro Apiculata) Fannins As A Potential Corrosion Inhibitor For Aluminium In Acidic Medium.

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    Utilisation of a green corrosion inhibitor formulated from natural, biodegradable and nontoxic organic compounds in industries has been extensively explored by a*great number of researchers. Investigation of tannins extracted from Mangrove Rhizophoro Apiculata sp. as a corrosion inhibitor for aluminum alloy has been carried out in acidic medium

    A tomographic imaging system for pneumatic conveyors using optical fibres.

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    This thesis presents an investigation into the application of optical fibre sensors to a tomographic imaging system.Several sensing mechanisms for measurement using non-intrusive techniques are discussed and there relevance to pneumatic conveying discussed. Optical systems are shown to be worthy of investigation. The optical sensor is modelled to predict the expected sensor output voltage profiles arising from different, artificially produced flow regimes. These artificial flow regimes are created by placing a shaped obstruction inside a gravity drop conveyor in the path of the flowing solids. It is shown that for two arrays, each consisting of sixteen transducers, approximately 30% of the measurement volume is sampled.An image reconstruction method for optical tomography is described, based on the back projection between view lines algorithm.The design of the optical tomography system is described, with emphasis on preparation of the ends of the optical fibre, beam collimation and design of the transmitter and receiver circuits.The optical sensors are evaluated singly and as a tomographic array. Results relating to concentration measurement are presented for solids flow using sand with a mean of 300 micron and plastic beads of 2 mm nominal diameter. Measurements were made with a single optical sensor using the gravity flow rig. The results demonstrate the suitability of the optical sensor for concentration measurement for lightly loaded flows (up to approximately 2% solids by volume in the test). The test is extended to all thirty-two sensors using a range of solids mass flow rates from 40 to 320 gm/s with both dry sand and plastic beads over a range of artificially created flow regimes. The results obtained by comparing the measured and predicted flowrates show good general agreement. The statistical parameters for the error of the sand flow measurement have been calculated as having a mean of 6.76% and standard deviation of 3.94% and for plastic beads is 5.43% and standard deviation of 0.21%. The results also demonstrates that the system is reasonably independent of flow regime and so the optical fibre system is suitable as a concentration meter.Back projection is used to generate tomographic images as an alternative representation of the data on concentration measurement. This provides a visual representation of optical density (concentration) information which is not obvious from the concentration measurements.Results from experiments on particles with different sizes are presented. The results are analysed using frequency spectrum techniques and shown to be dependent upon the particle size for approximately spherical particles with diameters between 600 |im and 5 mm.Suggestions for further work on optical fibre sensors and optical fibre tomographic measurements are made

    Antropomorfisme dalam teologi Islam Anthropomorphism in Islamic theology

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    The Qur'an that has been revealed through the Prophet Muhammad contains teachings on religious faith that are considered clear and explicit. This includes the declaration of the Oneness of God and His Unity as spelt out in Q.S. 122: 1-4. Nevertheless, the method for such faith understanding has since changed with the emergence of Muslim traditionists (Ahl al- Hadith) who have transmitted those traditions of the Prophet of Islam. There have been traditions that personified the attributes of God, such as, that God possesses hands, legs, face, etc. This work is a literary descriptive survey that utilizes the comparative method. A number of early Muslim figures like Abu al-Hasan al- Asy'ari, Ibn Khuzaymah, al-Daruqutni, Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi, and al-Suyuti, are some examples of those surveyed in this article. The research outcome reveals the lack of care and meticulousness in understanding the language of the Qur'an, as well as extreme tendencies indulging in the literal understanding of Qur'anic verses concerning the attributes of God are some of the reasons for the spread of such theological position among certain theologians and that they turned out to be simply representatives of themselves and not representatives of the schools of thoughts that they might be part of

    Hidrolisis Selulosadari Bahan Pod Husk Kakao Menggunakan Asam Klorida

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    The aims of this experiment were to obtain the best concentration of HCl and the optimum length of boiling time in producing liquid sugar from cacao pod husk. Analysis of data of extracted cellulose (Phase I) used completely randomized design (CRD), which consisted of 3 NaOH concentrations tested namely : 10%, 12% and 14%. Each treatment was replieated 4 times, and therefore there were 12 experimental units used. Analysis of variance showing significant or highly significant effects were subsequently analysed by HSD at 5% or 1%, respectively. Experimental design used in the hydrolysis of cellulose (Phase II) was randomized block design (RBD) with four levels of hydrochloric acid (HCl) tested, namely: K1 = 1%; K2 = 1.5%; K3 = 2% and K4 = 2.5%. Treatments were grouped based on the length of pod husk cellulose hydrolysis time in hydrochloric acid solution, namely R1 = 2 hours, R2 = 4 hours, R3 = 6 hours, R4 = 8 hours, R5 = 10 hours and R6 = 12 hours. Each treatment was replicated three times in each group, and therefore there were 72 experimental units observed. Analysis of variance showing significant or highly significant effects were subsequently analysed by HSD at 5% or 1%, respectively. The best NaOH concentration was obtained at 12% and the optimum length of boiling time was 8 hours

    New insights into the production of sustainable synthetic aggregates and their microstructural evaluation

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    In this study, a novel technique for producing synthetic aggregates using industrial by-products was experimentally investigated. Taguchi method is used to identify the optimum mix design proportion to develop durable synthetic aggregates. For this, different combinations of quaternary binders including ordinary Portland cement, ground granulated blast furnace slag, metakaolin, and lime powder was used. The obtained results revealed that the synthetic aggregates prepared with optimized mortar mix enhanced the compressive strength by 5.9%. Then the performance of synthetic aggregates was evaluated based on their mechanical and durability properties. Microstructural properties of the produced aggregates were examined. The results showed that optimum mix is highly effective than control mix. The manufactured synthetic aggregates are in accordance with the ASTM C 330 standard requirements. Therefore, our study contributes to the advancement in the sustainability by developing a method for producing synthetic aggregates from industrial byproducts

    Intensity profile measurement for carbon steel pipe using gamma-ray tomography

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    This paper details a non-destructive type of tomographic technique to obtain the intensity profile of a carbon steel pipe. This method requires a radioactive source, where a detector-source pair is mounted on a circular gantry located around the periphery of a steel pipe. A radioactive source with an appropriate activity was chosen based on the thickness of the pipe under test. In order to detect gamma rays, photon scintillation detectors are required. A Thallium-activated Sodium Iodide (NaI(T1)) detector crystal was used. Stability tests were conducted on the detectors before they were ready to be used. A portable hardware to house the detector and source was then designed and built. For testing purposes, objects (polypropylene log, wax log, hollow polypropylene log, concrete log). The system was able to achieve an average accuracy of 96.283% when a comparison was done between actual dimension of the objects under test and the dimension based on the intensity profiles