347 research outputs found

    Optical and structure Characteristics of diamond like-carbon thin films produced by PLD.

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    تم استخدام ليزرND: YAG الطول الموجي ١٠٦٤ نانومتر  في الترسيب بالليزر النبضي  PLD لتكوين غشاء الماس شبيه الكاربون DLC على اساس زجاجي في درجة حرارة الغرفة. التركيب ومورفولوجيا السطح بالفحص بمجهر القوى الذرية  AFM لدراسة الغشاء  وتحويل فورييه لأطياف الأشعة تحت الحمراء FTIR للماس شبيه الكاربون DLC المستخدمة لمعرفة وجود الروابط وكذلك خصائص المجهر الالكتروني الماسح SEM وتشتيت الطاقة بالأشعة السينية EDX . يحتوي غشاء الماس شبيه الكاربون DLC المرسب على بنية مدمجة من الحبيبات المتراصة ويحتوي الغشاء على جسيمات غير منتظمة الشكل ( عناقيد) منDLC واكدت أطياف FTIR ان غشاء DLCيحتوي على ذرات كاربون مع تهجينsp3  وتم التحقيق في الخواص البصرية مع النتائج المتعلقة مثل النفاذية ومعامل الامتصاص وفجوة الطاقة البصرية والانعكاس R ومعامل الخمودKومعامل الانكسارn .     The utilizing of Nd: YAG laser (wave length-1064 nm) in the pulsed laser-deposition-PLD for placing diamond-like carbon DLC-film on glass substratum at the normal temperature of room. The composition and morphology of the surface for the atomic force microscopy (AFM), synthesized film and Fourier transform infrared FTIR-spectra for DLC utilized to know the presence of bonding were characterized by scanning electron microscopy-SEM and energy dispersive x-ray -EDX. Deposited DLC-film has a compact structure of dense grains, and the film contained irregular shape particles (clusters) of DLC. FTIR-spectra confirmed that the DLC-film contains carbon atoms with sp3-hybridization.Were investigated in optical properties with the results concerning the transmittance, absorption coefficient-(α), optical energy-gap, reflectance-R, extinction coefficient-k and refractive index-n

    Detection of Three Novel Mutations in Exon 7 of FGFR3 Gene in Iraqi Patients with Bladder Cancer

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    The present study was carried out in Genetic Engineering and biotechnology Institute –Baghdad University during a period from October 2013 to October 2014, for detecting the role of genetic alterations of FGFR3 gene in Iraqi patients with bladder cancer. 50 patients with bladder cancer who admitted to Ghazi AlHariri Hospital in Baghdad and 25 healthy persons (age between 30 to 86 years) were included in this study. Total genomic DNA was isolated from blood samples for molecular analysis using specific primers for exon 7 of the gene FGFR3. The PCR amplified regions of the FGFR3 exon 7 of healthy and patients showed a molecular weight of about 120 bp. The analysis of mutation using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was performed on PCR products of FGFR3 exon 7 using Hae II and TseI enzymes. These results showed that the PCR amplified regions of the FGFR3 exon 7 has only one restriction site for each enzymes. The REFLP molecular analysis of FGFR3 exon 7 of patient samples for both enzymes revealed one mutation in one patient include FGFR3 Arginine 248 Cysteine  mutation. The DNA sequencing analysis of the exon 7 PCR products revealed that among 50 patients included in this study, 51 mutations were detected in exon 7. The mutations detected in exon 7 include three types, g.13515 del C , g.13510 del A and g.13529 ins A. The more frequent mutation was g.13515 del C which detected in 34 patients followed by g.13510 del A and g.13529 ins A mutations which detected in 12 and 1 patients respectively. The A insertion mutation (13529) were included in the Hae II restriction site which explain the single mutation detected in patients. The results showed that the exon 7,  g.1315 delC mutation is a correlated with the initiation of tumor since it detected in all grads and consist of the majority of detected mutations (36/81, 44.4%). On the other hand, exons 7 mutations, g.13529 ins A, g.13510 del A, showed to have importance in cancer initiation and development since they are detected in the early grade (G1) and in 38(80.9%) patients of 47. Key words: Bladder carcinoma, FGFR3, RFLP, g.1315 delC, g.13529 ins A, g.13510 del

    Symmetric Cryptosystem Based on Petri Net

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    يتضمن هذا البحث طريقة جديدة  تعتمد على شبكة بتري لتوليد مفتاح سري خاص .يستخدم  مؤشر الوصول الذي يشير الى البيانات الموجودة  في الشبكة كمفتاح للتشفير وفك التشفير للحصول على مفتاح معقد بشكل جيد. يستخدم كلا الطرفين (المرسل والمستقبل)  للتشفير وفك التشفيرشبكة ذات تصميم مطابق لتوليد نفس المفتاح . يتم اعادة ترتيب النص الصريح باستخدام جدول معين قبل عملية التجميع مع المفتاح لتوليد النص المشفرIn this wok, a novel approach based on ordinary Petri net is used to generate private key . The reachability marking  of petri net is used as encryption/decryption key to provide more complex key . The same ordinary Petri Nets models  are used for the sender(encryption) and  the receiver(decryption).The plaintext has been permutated  using  look-up table ,and XOR-ed with key to generate cipher tex

    Animasi Terapi Ruqyah Dalam Perawatan Komplemetari Islam

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    Terapi ruqayah adalah salah satu kaedah perawatan dalam Islam. Ia terdiri daripada ayat-ayat pilihan dari Al Quran dan doa-doa pilihan dari Hadis Nabi s.a.w. Apabila terapi ruqyah dijalankan ke atas pesakit yang terkena gangguan jin, terdapat simptom dan tanda-tanda pada pesakit yang dirasai dalam diri oleh pesakit dan ada yang boleh dilihat pada fizikal diri pesakit. Berdasarkan kepada pengalaman dalam terapi ruqyah ini, animasi bagi menggambarkan reaksi pesakit apabila mendapat rawatan terapi ruqyah ini dibangunkan untuk menjadi bahan perbincangan dan penelitian lanjutan dalam penyelidikan. Animasi ini terdiri daripada fail format gif yang menggabungkan input grafik dan audio. Lakaran grafik yang dihasilkan oleh komputer digunakan sebagai output akhir. Animasi terapi ruqyah yang dihasilkan dalam beberapa situasi ini akan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat umum mengenai kaedah terapi ruqyah dalam merawat diri sendiri dan diri orang lain. Kandungan kertas ini adalah sebahagian daripada dokumentasi projek Holographic Transdisciplinary Conservation 203/PTS/6727000

    Preparation, Characterization of A New Cis – Iodoplatin and Cis - Carboplatin Complexes and Study There Spectral, Physical and Pharmaceutical Properties

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    يتضمن هذا البحث تحضير معقد جديد للسز – بلاتين بصيغة الآيودين (  Cis – Iodoplatin )  وكذلك معقدين جديدين للسز – كاربوبلاتين وهما :   cis [Pt(aminosalicylicacid)(NH3)2] I  و  cis  [ Pt (4-   aminoantipyrine) (NH3)2]I2   واللذان يمكن ان يستخدما كعقاقير ضد السرطان، وقد حضرا باستخدام الليكاندات العضوية : 4-amino salicylic acid و4-amino antipyrine . شخصت هذه المعقدات باستخدام التقنيات الطيفية :  UV–Visو  FTIRو  XRD و 1HNMR . وقد درست تأثير التركيز ودرجة الحرارة على التوصيلية الكهربائية لمحاليل هذه المعقدات. وقد حدد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية (عمر النصف) لمحاليل هذه المعقدات في ظروف درجة الحرارة 35 و20 درجة مئوية.This search includes preparation of new cis–platin, in the form of iodin, and new two cis - carboplatin complexes {cis  [Pt(4-aminoantipyrine) (NH3)2]I2 and cis[Pt (aminosalicylicacid) (NH3)2]I},   which used as anti - cancer drugs, they are prepared by using the organic ligands 4-amino salicylic acid and 4-amino anti pyrine. These complexes were characterized by using UV–Vis., FTIR, XRD and 1HNMR spectroscopic techniques . The effect of the concentration and the temperature on the molar electrical conductivity of its solutions were studied. The expiry date (half-life) for the solutions of the complexes in the circumstances at the degrees (350C) and (20 0C) was determine

    Gain Characterization of Praseodymium Doped SingleMode Optical Fiber Amplifier

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    A theoretical study for three level laser systems, describes the interaction process between optical fields and optical fiber material of amplifier. This study gives a simple approach expression for gain coefficient which depends on some parameters such as input power pump rate, number of doped atoms per unit volume, fiber length and core radius. It has been found that In order to keep the fiber amplifiers doped with praseodymium as short as possible with good efficiency, it is best to increasing the doped concentration. For 3m length and doping concentration, the gain is 8dB, while for same length and pump power the gain is >10dB if doping concentration

    Ontology-Based Model for Information Retrieval: an Application of Time Nouns in Nahj Al-Balagha

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    نت دوراً اساسياً في الحياة من خلال كمية واهمية المعلومات التي يوفرها. حاليا، تعتبر إدارة البيانات وإيجاد المعلومات غير دقيقة وذلك لأنها تعتمد على شكل الكلمة وليس معناها. ان عملية تمثيل البيانات والوصول لها من اهم العوامل التي تساهم باسترجاع المعلومات والتغلب على مشكلة التشابه بين المستندات. توجد وسائل لقياس التشابه مختلفة تعمل وفقا ً للوزن والفهرسة والمطابقة. الانطولوجيا هي البنية الأساسية لإدارة البيانات لأنها تستند الى معنى الكلمة والعلاقة بين الكلمات ومجال المعرفة. يقدم هذا البحث اقتراحاً لنموذج نظام دلالي مبني على مجال معرفة محدد (في هذا البحث أسماء الزمن في نهج البلاغة) ويعتمد على المدخلات الدلالية عن طريقة فهرسة محرك البحث باستخدام Vector Space Model (VSM). الهدف من البحث هو تحسين المعلومات الدلالية المسترجعة عن طريق إنشاء استعلام يستند الى المطابقة والتشابه بين كلمات الاستعلام في النظام. هذا العمل مبني على عمل سابق [1]. تم تقييم النظام باستخدام معدل التشابه والدقة والاسترجاع لنتائج التجارب.The internet plays a key role in life through the massive data that it provides. Currently, managing data and finding information on the internet is inaccurate because it depends on the form of the word rather than its meaning. Data representation and access are important factors when it comes to Information Retrieval (IR). In order to overcome the problem of document similarity, there are various similarity measurements in place that function according to weight, indexing and matching. Ontology is a data management infrastructure that gives precedence to the meaning of a word, the relationship between words and the domain of knowledge.  This paper presents a semantic system proposal based on a particular field of knowledge (time nouns) and relies on semantic input by indexing the search engine using a Vector Space Model (VSM). The aim of this work is to improve the retrieved semantic information by constructing a query based on the matching and similarity between the query words in the system. This paper builds upon previous work carried out in the same area [1]. The system was evaluated by using the similarity, average precision and recall of the experiments' results

    Investigating Iraqi EFL College Students' Attitude towards Using Cooperative Learning Approach in Developing Reading Comprehension Skill

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    This study aims at investigating Iraqi EFL college learners’ attitudes toward using cooperative Learning approach on developing reading comprehension skill. The study is restricted to third– year college students of the English language in Misan Governorate during the second term of the academic year 2015–2016. The number of the whole population is (200) which is distributed into two types: pilot and main. The sample of the study consists of 40 students. To achieve the aim of the study, students' questionnaire consisting of (46) items is applied as an instrument. In order to get required data, a t-test analysis shows a statistically significant difference about learners’ attitudes toward using cooperative learning approach on developing reading comprehension skill. The obtained results are that: which refer to (Cooperative learning helps everyone reach the goal equally) from cooperative learning and (Reading in English is difficult for me) form Reading comprehension. Gain the low effectiveness. They got a weighted mean 56% and 40%. Items number (11, 29, 37, 43) which refer to (Cooperative learning requires much more time to study) & (I think reading the texts is easier if I study within a group) from cooperative learning and (I forward to coming to my reading class.)& (I m a afraid of making mistakes in my reading class) form Reading comprehension. All got (96%)


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    Objectives: The main objective of the present study is to obtain callus and cell suspension culture from Balanitesa egyptiaca sterile plantlets grown in vitro and to compare growth and the biosynthetic potential of saponins, flavonoids and glycosides by callus and cell suspension culture Balanitisa egyptiaca. Methods: Callus was induced from the mother plants on MS culture media supplemented with  2.0 mg/l  BA + 2.0 mg/l  2,4-D with and without agar gelling. Total saponins, glycosides and flavonoids were estimated in both types of cultures over a period extending from 1 to 5 weeks to compare the productivity of such secondary metabolites in callus and cell suspension cultures. Results: The results obtained indicated that both calli and cell suspension cultures were able to synthesize the target active ingredients and that cell suspension culture was superior to the callus culture in the biosynthesis and accumulation processes. By the end of the incubation period, the amount of total saponins in cell suspension culture reached up 51.97±0.26 dry biomass compared to 35.02 ±0.06 mg/g in callus culture. The amount of total flavonoids in cell suspension culture reached up 10.88±0.24 dry biomass compared to 6.40±0.02 mg/g in callus culture and of total glycosides reached up 6.11±0.25 dry biomass compared to 5.06 ±0.05 mg/g in callus culture. Conclusions: The results obtained in this study may indicate the promising role that plant cell culture will play in the future in phytopharmaceutical industry.                          Peer Review History: Received 16 July 2020; Revised 12 August; Accepted 26 August, Available online 15 September 2020 Academic Editor: Dr. Iman Muhammad Higazy, National Research Center, Egypt, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency.  Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 6.0/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.5/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Gehan Fawzy Abdel Raoof Kandeel, Researcher at pharmacognosy Department, National Research Centre, Egypt, [email protected] Ahmad Najib, Department of Pharmacognosy-Phytochemystry Universitas Muslim Indonesia-Indonesia, [email protected] Similar Articles: PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF COLOCASIA ESCULENTA (TARO) MEDICINAL PLANT LEAVES USED IN FOLK MEDICINE FOR TREATMENT OF WOUNDS AND BURNS IN HUFASH DISTRICT AL MAHWEET GOVERNORATE–YEMEN PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHIC OF PRUNUS DULCIS (ALMOND) MEDICINAL PLANT LEAVES USED IN FOLK MEDICINE FOR TREATMENT OF WOUNDS AND BURNS IN HUFASH DISTRICT AL MAHWEET GOVERNORATE–YEME