290 research outputs found

    Study of the nervous and mental disease called hysteria with special reference to symptomatology, pathology, and treatment

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    The study of hysterical patients though full of difficulties and obscurities, is not altogether impossible to accomplish. hysterical patients are easily managed, they talk willingly, and they are not dangerous patients to deal with as many other mental. cases are. These patients readily lend them- selves to observation and are Always willing to be examined. The study of hysteria is very important as it is a singular malady, of Which everybody' speaks and which but few physicians know well. This disease is remarkable in its frequent , for it occurs in over 90 females out of 1000 females and only those who work hard escape it. Sydenham (1670) says "of "all common diseases, hysteria, unless I err, is the "commonest." It is very difficult to get statistics, for the physician is rarely consulted for the minor manifestations of the malady. it is an extremeiy common disease and frequently gives rise to mistakes in diagnosis. Thus, one can at once see that a thorough study of hysteria is important and desirable from many standpoints, - Medical., Practical, Scientific and Philosonhical. This singular mental disease has played a, very great and important part in the history of all religions and superstitions, and more so to this day it plays amost important part in most attractive moral questions. Great creeds have been spread by means of the emotion caused by astounding phenomena. which have always been due to and associated with hysterical people. These strange people (hysterics) raised such admiration and gave inspiration to the crowds by their natures and their mode of thought, their extraordinary oblivions or resemblances and their visions. They saw or heard what others could not see or hear. These people had odd convictions, and they felt and thought in another way than the bulk of mankind. They had an extraordinary r.e]icacy of certain senses and also had extraordinary inseneibilities, so that they could perceive, appreciate, and see what others could not, and they could hear the most dreadful tortures with indifference and even with delight. These people could do without food or sleep for weeks or months, and they could, se to speak, de without these natural needs. Such hysterical subjects excited religious admiration of people whether as prophets, witches, saints of the Middle Ages etc. They were admired and beatified or burnt as heretics and witches. They played a great part in the development of religious and moral dogmas, castes and creeds. All these phenomena, we now know, are the usual symptoms of hysteria. Is it not still true that if we want to throw some light on the mysteries of our destiny, to penetrate into unknown faculties of the human mind, we appeal not to an ordinary person in normal health but to a highly strung neuropathic, insensible to the things of the world but whose sensibilities are over excited and who is over enthusiastic in certain direction. And in our medical terminology is this not a typical hysterical subject? It was the fashion for a certain time to say that hysteria was a very rare disease for it had a bad reputation . and a kind of dishonour attached to it. It was thought that hysteria was frequent only among French women but this is nonsense. Indeed French physicians were the pioneers to thoroughly appreciate this disease before others did. All civilised nations are the same - they have the same mind and the same body and the same miseries and destinies - so that why should only the French nation suffer from hysteria? If hystericals were supposed to be less numerous in other countries it is because the physicians did not recognise them, and furthermore, even after diagnosis, they would not, give it the proper appellation as, we have already remarked, hysteria had a bad reputation and a kind of dishonour attached to it. Now the time has reached when medical men are more candid and their prejudices have vanished, and their pride and false patriotism have given way to scientific truth - so that we find hysterics] s al] over the world. We must always ire - member (i) That hysterical diseases are very bad1, characterised from their plysicfl. point of view, (ii) That hysterical diseases are only well characterised from their mental and moral point of view, (iii) That hysterical diseases are uncommonly similar to many kinds of surgical and medical affections for which they are so often mistaken. Physicians have often been misled by phantom tumours of the stomach, the ovaries and the uterus and spurious haemoptysis. Diseases supposed to be situated in the viscera may simulate anything. Paralysis, contractures and ana.esthesias due to hysteria may simulate many organic diseases and offer great difficulty in diagnosis. We ought to do homage to Charcot for having first called attention to these various hysterical phenomena which were too often wrongly, ignorantly, nay criminally dealt with by the surgeon or physician

    Regulation of transcription elongation factors SPT2 and SPT6 by casein kinase II

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    Comme pour tous les autres processus en lien avec l’ADN, la structure de la chromatine lors de la transcription est dans un état de perpétuel changement. Ainsi, elle est ouverte pour permettre l’accès à l’ADN, pour ensuite se replier correctement. La dynamique de la structure chromatinienne est régulée finement par de multiples mécanismes qui agissent ensemble afin de rendre le processus hautement efficace. Ces mécanismes comprennent les modifications post-traductionelles des histones, le remodelage de la chromatine par les remodeleurs ATP-dépendants, l’incorporation des variants d’histones et l’assemblage/désassemblage des nucléosomes par les chaperons d’histones. En plus de ces activités, il y a un certain nombre de composantes non-reliées aux histones qui sont directement impliquées dans les modulations de la conformation de la chromatine associées à la transcription. Chez la levure, un de ces facteurs est la protéine HMG-like Spt2p, démontrée précédemment comme étant directement impliquée dans le réassemblage des nucléosomes dans le sillon de l’ARN polymérase II en déplacement le long du segment d’ADN transcrit. Dans la présente étude, nous démontrons que Spt2p est phosphorylée directement par la caséine kinase II (CKII) et que cette modification inhibe sa liaison à la chromatine. Nos résultats indiquent que la CKII altère l’interaction de Spt2p avec le chaperon d’histone Spt6p. Nous avons aussi trouvé que la phosphorylation directe de Spt6p par la CKII stimule l’association de ce facteur avec un autre partenaire, Iws1p. Cette association est absolument nécessaire pour le repliement correct des nucléosomes durant l’élongation. De plus, cette régulation positive du complexe Spt6p/Iws1p par la CKII module directement l’association de ce complexe avec la méthyltransférase de H3K36, Set2p. Finalement, nous avons montré que la phosphorylation de Spt6p par la CKII est essentielle à l’inhibition des promoteurs cryptiques et des erreurs de transcription. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent un nouveau mécanisme par lequel la CKII contrôle le repliement correct de la structure de la chromatine dans les régions codantes en modulant les interactions du chaperon d’histone essentiel Spt6p avec ses partenaires Spt2p, Iws1p et Set2p.Like any other DNA-related process, chromatin structure is in a state of constant flux during transcription, unfolded to get access to DNA and refolded back properly. The dynamics of chromatin structure are tightly regulated and multiple mechanisms act together to make the process highly efficient. These include modifications of histones, chromatin remodeling by ATP-dependent remodeling factors, incorporation of histone variants and nucleosome disassembly and reassembly by histone chaperones. In addition to these activities, there are a number of non-histone chromatin components that are directly involved in the modulation of chromatin associated with transcription. In yeast, one of these factors is the HMG-like protein Spt2p previously shown to participate directly in the process of nucleosome reassembly in the wake of RNA polymerase II movement along transcribed DNA. In this work, we show that Spt2p is directly phosphorylated by the casein kinase II (CKII) and we demonstrate that this modification inhibits its association with chromatin. Our findings indicate that CKII disrupts the interaction of Spt2p with the histone chaperone Spt6p. Interestingly, we also found that direct phosphorylation of Spt6p by CKII stimulates the association of this factor with another partner, Iws1p. This association is absolutely required for the refolding of nucleosomes during elongation. Furthermore, this positive regulation of the Spt6p/Iws1p complex by CKII modulates directly the association of this complex with the H3K36 methyltransferase Set2p. Finally, we show that phosphorylation of Spt6p by CKII is essential to the inhibition of cryptic promoters and spurious transcription. Taken together, our results suggest a new mechanism whereby CKII directs chromatin structure refolding in coding regions by modulating the interaction of the essential histone chaperone Spt6p with its partners Spt2p, Iws1p and Set2p


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    PENGEMBANGAN DIKTAT MATA PELAJARAN MENGGUNAKAN ALAT UKUR DI SMK MUHAMMADIYAH PRAMBANAN SLEMAN ABSTRAK Oleh Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan proses penyusunan diktat menggunakan alat ukur SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan Sleman, (2) mendeskripsikan kelayakan teoritis diktat menggunakan alat ukur SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan Sleman. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) yang dilakukan melalui tahap pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan dan tahap akhir. Tahap pendahuluan yang dilakukan meliputi: (1) pengukuran kebutuhan, (2) perencanaan, (3) analisis karakteristik siswa, (4) analisis kurikulum, dan (5) memilih dan menetapkan materi pokok yang dikembangkan. Tahap pengembangan yang dilakukan adalah: (1) menyusun draft atau produk awal, (2) validasi ahli, (3) uji coba kelompok kecil. Tahap akhir yang dilakukan adalah ujicoba kelompok besar. Validasi ahli dilakukan kepada tiga dosen UNY dan dua guru SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan untuk mendapatkan masukan saran mengenai kelayakan media dari segi materi maupun media. Uji coba kelompok kecil dilakukan kepada 8 (delapan) siswa kelas X Teknik Pemesinan SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan yang dipilih dengan memperhatikan tingkat kemampuan siswa (siswa berkemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah). Uji coba kelompok besar dilakukan kepada 25 siswa kelas X Teknik Pemesinan SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk diktat yang dikembangkan. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang diungkapkan dalam distribusi skor dan kategori skala penilaian dengan acuan patokan (PAP). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa: (1) proses pengembangan diktat menggunakan alat ukur SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan Sleman, dilakukan melalui tahap pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan dan tahap akhir, (2) hasil pengembangan diktat menggunakan alat ukur berdasarkan ahli validasi menunjukkan skor rata-rata 4,1 dengan kategori baik, hasil uji coba kelompok kecil menunjukkan skor rata-rata 4,20 dengan kategori baik, dan hasil uji coba kelompok besar menunjukkan skor rata-rata 4,03 dengan kategori baik. Dengan demikian, produk diktat menggunakan alat ukur ini sudah layak untuk digunakan di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan Sleman. Kata kunci : Diktat, menggunakan alat ukur, SMK. Abdul Wajid NIM. 0850324501

    Well leg compartment syndrome: The debit side of hemilithotomy position

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    We describe a case of well leg compartment syndrome following unilateral lithotomy position in a patient undergoing contralateral antegrade intramedullary femoral nailing. Following two-incision four compartment fasciotomy, the patient recovered with no residual defects. We dissuade use of the hemilithotomy position for antegrade femoral nailing procedures in favour of another previously described position, because this predisposes patients to position-associated complications without offering any substantial advantage

    Fungal Species Detection in Onychomycosis by Culture and Direct Microscopy at Tertiary Care Hospital, Bahawalpur, Pakistan

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    Background: Fungal nail infection is common clinically identified in OPD irrespective of age and gender in our population. The treatment is initiated that mostly resistant to overcome the problem. A mycological confirmation is valuable to eradicate the disease as usefulness of antifungal against particular fungi. The laboratory diagnosis like microscopy and culture to identify the species level.   Objective: This study was aimed as comparison of mycological culture with KOH mount microscopy of nail infections. Study Design:  comparative cross sectional study. Duration:1st July, 2018 to 31th July 2021 Setting: 360 clinically diagnosed cases collected from Dermatology OPD –removed for blind review— Method: The nail specimen was directly inoculated on SDA culture media and aerobically incubate at 25 Ć to 30 Ć for 3 to 4 weeks. The growth was identified on colony characteristics by using of cotton blue stains. Whereas nail is immersed in 20% KOH solution. Microscopic study was revealed the hyphae or spores and that considered as a positive for test. Result: out of three hundred sixty cases the culture positivity was 56.94% specimen while KOH mount were positive in 60.83% specimens and combination of Culture with KOH were 66.67%. Conclusion: Combination of fungal culture and KOH mount microscopy is subtle laboratory methods for eradication of onychomycosis precisely. The sensitivity of diagnosis that limit the complications and quality of public health considerably raised.   Key words: SDA (Sabouraud's dextrose agar), KOH (Potassium hydroxide). Mycological culture and Outpatient Department (OPD)

    Fungal Species Detection in Onychomycosis by Culture and Direct Microscopy at Tertiary Care Hospital, Bahawalpur, Pakistan

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    Background: Fungal nail infection is common clinically identified in OPD irrespective of age and gender in our population. The treatment is initiated that mostly resistant to overcome the problem. A mycological confirmation is valuable to eradicate the disease as usefulness of antifungal against particular fungi. The laboratory diagnosis like microscopy and culture to identify the species level.   Objective: This study was aimed as comparison of mycological culture with KOH mount microscopy of nail infections. Study Design:  comparative cross sectional study. Duration:1st July, 2018 to 31th July 2021 Setting: 360 clinically diagnosed cases collected from Dermatology OPD –removed for blind review— Method: The nail specimen was directly inoculated on SDA culture media and aerobically incubate at 25 Ć to 30 Ć for 3 to 4 weeks. The growth was identified on colony characteristics by using of cotton blue stains. Whereas nail is immersed in 20% KOH solution. Microscopic study was revealed the hyphae or spores and that considered as a positive for test. Result: out of three hundred sixty cases the culture positivity was 56.94% specimen while KOH mount were positive in 60.83% specimens and combination of Culture with KOH were 66.67%. Conclusion: Combination of fungal culture and KOH mount microscopy is subtle laboratory methods for eradication of onychomycosis precisely. The sensitivity of diagnosis that limit the complications and quality of public health considerably raised.   Key words: SDA (Sabouraud's dextrose agar), KOH (Potassium hydroxide). Mycological culture and Outpatient Department (OPD)

    Initial assessment of community midwives in rural Pakistan

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    The goal of this Population Council study, funded by USAID through the Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns (PAIMAN) project, was to assess the potential of community midwifery services in rural Pakistan in order to provide necessary evidence for future decisions regarding the training, practice, and placement of community midwives (CMWs). The introduction of a new cadre of skilled birth attendants is significant, especially at a time when Pakistan is working toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The report makes the following recommendations: 1) opportunities for practical training should be followed meticulously; 2) selection criteria should be revised especially for age and adherence to the requirement of being resident in the respective rural community; 3) uniformity of assessment must be ensured through the development of an assessment board; 4) the placement of CMWs must be linked with other program activities to facilitate referrals and promote health education; and 5) since supervision is a critical component for ensuring a high quality of services, standards should be developed for monitoring CMWs


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    ABSTRACT The amino acid ligand [(1-(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)ethanone-(S)-alpha-amino-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid] was prepared by the reaction of [(1-(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)ethanone] with (S)-alpha-amino-4-hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid under reflux in methanol. The complexes of this ligand have been prepared using metal acetates of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) under reflux in methanol. The products were found to be crystalline solid. The ligand is characterized by analytical, FT-IR, thermogravimetric analysis, proton NMR spectral data while complexes have been characterized by analytical, FT-IR, thermogravimetric analysis, diffused reflectance and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The compounds were screened for antibacterial activity against some clinically important bacteria, such as E. coli, S. typhy, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and K. pneumonie by using nutrient agar medium and antifungal activity against C. albicans and A. niger species by using potato dextrose agar medium

    Shoulder impingement syndrome: Outcome of arthroscopic subacromial decompression

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    Objective: To describe the outcome of cases with subacromial impingement syndrome managed with arthroscopic subacromial decompression. Study Design: Quasi-experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Section of Orthopaedics, Department of Surgery, The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi from April 2005 to March 2006. Methodology: Thirty patients with impingement syndrome who underwent arthroscopic subacromial decompression after failed conservative treatment were included. The Constant and Murley shoulder scoring system was used for the clinical assessment of pain and function pre-operatively and 1, 6 and 24 weeks postoperatively.Results: The postoperatively significant improvement was observed in the Constant and Murley scores in all the patients (by mean 40 points, p \u3c 0.01), which was progressive over six months. Lower scores were noted in patients over 40 years of age, with advanced stage of impingement and partial tears of the rotator cuff. Conclusion: Arthroscopic subacromial decompression was effective in reducing pain and improving function in the studied patients with subacromial impingement syndrome

    A Forward Genetic Study on Neural Tube Development

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    My dissertation work has focused on mapping and characterizing a spontaneous neural tube closure mutant, bugeye, in the marine, invertebrate chordate organism, Ciona savignyi. The work involved developing a new and rapid method of mutation mapping by next-generation DNA sequencing. This new method of mapping was tested on a previously identified Ciona intestinalis mutant whose genomic data was used to calibrate mapping parameters and the mapping program for Ciona genomes. After successful testing of the mapping program, it was applied to the new bugeye mutant in Ciona. Mapping revealed a unique and narrow signature of linkage in the Ciona bugeye mutant genomes over a predicted T-type calcium channel gene. Requirement for the T-type calcium channel gene in neural tube closure was tested by CRISPR mediated knockout in wild type embryos and definitively established causality of the gene for the bugeye mutant phenotype. The bugeye mutant was investigated for previously known characteristics of neural tube closure mutants such as neural specification, cellular polarity and apical constriction defects. My results did not support any of these possibilities and rather support the hypothesis that bugeye is a failure to maintain a sealed anterior neuropore. To further explore and expand this previously uncharacterized role for T-type calcium channel genes, I tested for conservation of function in the vertebrate model Xenopus. Knockdown of the orthologous and earliest expressed T-type calcium channel gene, CAV3.2, in Xenopus laevis embryos via splice-disrupting morpholinos resulted in an open brain phenotype with characteristics similar to that of the bugeye mutants – a failure to seal the anterior neuropore. The function of T-type calcium channels in neural tube closure was tested in both Xenopus and Ciona: cellular calcium fluctuations, using the genetically encoded calcium indicator, GCaMP3, were investigated in the context of neurulation and T-type calcium channel disruption. I also investigated a downstream target of T-type calcium channels and a previously known neural tube closure gene family, the EphrinA family of ligand-receptor signaling molecules. My results found that the bugeye mutant phenotype, open brain, could be rescued by down regulation of EphrinA signaling in the neural tube. The cumulative results allowed us to propose a model of T-type calcium channel function in neural tube closure via EphrinA signaling and suggest future directions to further explore this newly established role for T-type calcium channels in sealing the anterior neuropore
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