14 research outputs found

    Kesan perencatan madu gelam terhadap kehilangan tulang pada tikus periodontitis

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    Periodontitis adalah penyakit kronik yang melibatkan kehilangan tulang dan inflamasi pada tisu periodontium. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) dan Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) merupakan penanda pro-inflamasi yang penting yang terlibat dalam periodontitis. Sebanyak 20 ekor tikus Sprague-Dawley dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan iaitu: Kumpulan kawalan dengan salin normal (CS); kumpulan kawalan dengan madu Gelam 3 g/mL (CH); kumpulan ujian periodontitis dengan salin normal (TS); dan kumpulan ujian periodontitis dengan madu Gelam 3 g/mL (TH). Benang bersaiz 4/0 diikat pada molar pertama gigi tikus sebelah kiri bagi tujuan rangsangan penyakit periodontitis. Madu Gelam diberi secara paksa oral selama 15 hari. Selepas 15 hari, sampel plasma dan tisu dianalisis menggunakan kaedah Elisa dan pewarnaan histologi. Kehilangan tulang alveolar pada kumpulan TS adalah paling tinggi berbanding dengan kumpulan kawalan, CS dan CH namun, tiada perbezaan yang signifikan berbanding dengan kumpulan TH. Berdasarkan ujian imunohistokimia, ekspresi IL-6 dan TNF-α pada tisu periodontium adalah tinggi secara signifikan pada kumpulan TS berbanding dengan kumpulan lain. Namun, tiada perubahan aras IL-6 dan TNF-α yang signifikan pada plasma ke semua tikus kajian

    Rice bran lipase catalyzed esterification of palm oil fatty acid distillate and glycerol in organic solvent

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    Rice bran lipase (RBL) was delipidated to enhance its stability in organic solvent and its esterification activity at elevated temperature. The esterification activity of delipidated RBL increased as temperature was increased from 45 to 65°C. The esterification activity of delipidated RBL at 65°C was about 14 times greater than that of the non-delipidated RBL. As temperature was further increased to 75°C, the non-delipidated RBL lost all esterification activity, whereas the delipidated RBL retained approximately 48% of its esterilication activity. The delipidated RBL maintained a relative esterification activity greater than 80% after 16 h of incubation in hexane, whereas the non-delipidated RBL maintained a relative esterification activity of only 50%. A method for production of acylglycerol using delipidated RBL to esterify palm oil fatty acid distillate (PFAD) with glycerol in hexane was successfully developed. The effects of reaction temperatures and type of water removal agents (silica gel and molecular sieve) on the degree of esterification were also examined. A 4 h reaction at 65°C, catalyzed by delipidated RBL and using silica gel as the water removal agent resulted in 53.8% esterification. Thin layer chromatography analysis suggested that the esterified product was primarily comprised of mono-and di-acylglycerols

    Linking integrity with road pricing cause-and-effect model: A system dynamics simulation approach

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    With Malaysia's rapid urbanisation and continuous improvement of living standards, vehicle ownership and trip volume continue to grow. Increases in motor traffic in large cities and their environs result in a number of social, environmental, and economic issues, which are frequently attributable to the widespread use of automobiles as the primary mode of urban transportation. This exacerbates traffic congestion on the country's highways, particularly in urban areas such as Kuala Lumpur. This traffic congestion poses an ongoing threat to the sustainability of transport development. Thus, by using the system dynamics, this study establishes a cause-and-effect relationship regarding the implementation of road pricing as a tool for reducing congestion and a stepping stone for enhancing sustainability. Road pricing is a direct charge assessed to drivers who use the road network with the goal of reducing the number of private vehicles on the road during peak hours. The developed Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) composed of five subsystems: road congestion, road attractiveness, new road construction, public transportation, and road pricing. The road congestion, new road construction, and road pricing all encounter mutual reinforcement as a result of a variety of negative polarities. As a result, authorities should place a greater emphasis on these loopholes, as they will inevitably result in unexpected changes. Additionally, by incorporating holistic perspectives from previous works and experts in the field, CLD can aid in identifying the primary factors underlying the problem being studied. In future work, the developed CLD should be extended to the next stage of the SD model, dubbed stock-flow-diagram (SFD)

    Development of a computer simulation on road pricing strategy to reduce congestion and carbon dioxide emission: A system dynamics approach

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    Road congestion influences the quality of lifestyle for urban areas including Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. It is predicted that the demand for mobility in the city will be increased tremendously in the next ten years. Consequently, this problem has contributed to air pollution caused by carbon dioxide emissions. One of the solutions suggested by the expertise is road pricing via a direct charge to drivers who use the road during peak hours. In this regard, this research aims to develop a computer simulation based on a system dynamic approach for mitigating congestion and carbon dioxide emission via a road pricing strategy. Firstly, the identified variables were correlated to understand the behavior of the system. Subsequently, the correlated variables were embedded in the stock-flow diagram based on the system dynamics approach to investigate how a variable affects another variable. Then, the developed model was simulated for evaluating the impact of road pricing strategy in reducing congestion and carbon dioxide emission. As a result, the emission of carbon dioxide can be reduced to 6 percent in six days if road pricing is implemented. From the managerial perspective, this research helps highway stakeholders in Malaysia towards making a better decision in enforcing road pricing strategy in the fast-moving city for a better lifestyle and environment

    Buku panduan penggunaan dan pengisian buku rekod kesihatan ibu hamil

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    The usage of clinic based Antenatal Record Book in Malaysia was started in 1st June 1993. It supposedly contains the complete information on antenatal care received by a pregnant woman. This was later changed to home based record in 1997. Comprehensive review of this Antenatal Record Book were made in 2012 and again in 2019 in conjunction with the ever dynamic health technologies

    Knowledge and practice of galactogogeus consumption among breastfeeding mothers in Kuantan, Pahang

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    It is well recognize that breast milk give many benefits to the infants. The best nutrition for early months of growth for normal infants is exclusive breastfeeding as suggested by Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS). Almost all reasons that have been documented for discontinuance of breast milk are perception of insufficient production of milk. In order to increase the amount of milk, many breastfeeding mothers take an effort to take supplement, known as galactogogues which been claimed to increase quality and quantity of breast milk. However, the exact effect of galactogogues is still questionable. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of galactogogues consumption on milk production among breastfeeding mothers in Kuantan. Besides that, this study also aims to identify the most preferred type of galactogogues consumption among mothers in Kuantan, Pahang. Apart from that, it was conducted to find out the association between knowledge and practice of galactogogues consumption among breastfeeding mothers in Kuantan. This is a cross-sectional study and 120 respondents were selected by using purposive sampling. The questionnaire forms were distributed among mothers who fit the inclusion criteria in Kuantan area. According to our findings, about 74% of subjects responded that galactogogues can enhanced milk production of breastfeeding mothers while 38% responded that galactogogues does not give any effect. The most preferred type of galactogogues among mothers in Kuantan is food (57%) compared to herb (34%) and drug (8%). Apart from that, there are association between knowledge and practice of galactogogues consumption among breastfeeding mothers in Kuantan. In conclusion, knowledge of galactogogues consumption among breastfeeding mothers in Kuantan was good and the practice was prevalent among them. Keywords Galactogogoues, lactation, breast milk, milk production, Kuantan

    Knowledge and practice of galactogogues consumption among breastfeeding mothers in Pahang

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    INTRODUCTION: It is well recognized that breast milk give many benefits to the infants. The best nutrition for early months of growth for normal infants is exclusive. Almost all reasons that have been documented for discontinuance of breast milk are perception of insufficient production of milk. In order to increase the amount of milk, mothers take an effort to take supplement, known as galactogogues which been claimed to increase quality and quantity of breast milk. However, the exact effect of galactogogues is still questionable. This study aims to determine the association between the effects of galactogogues on milk production and socio-demographic data, period of breastfeeding, practice of complementary breastfeeding or exclusive breastfeeding, problem during breastfeeding and frequency of consumption. Besides that, this study also aims to identify the prevalence of most preferred type of galactogogues consumption among mothers in Kuantan, Pahang. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study and 120 respondents were selected by using purposive sampling. The questionnaire forms were distributed among mothers in Kuantan. The questionnaires consist of 61 questions which divided into four sections. Chi-square test was used to determine the association between effect of galactogogues on milk production and socio-demographic data and parameter in breastfeeding among mothers in Kuantan. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The result showed that there was a significant association between effect of galactogogues consumption on milk production and period of breastfeed, inadequate breast milk supply and frequency of consumption. Food was most significantly preferred as compared to herb and drug. There was a significant association between knowledge and practice of galactogogues consumption among breastfeeding mothers in Kuantan. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, knowledge of galactogogues consumption among breastfeeding mothers in Kuantan was good and the practice was prevalent among them

    Knowledge and practice of postpartum care among mothers in Kuantan, Pahang

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    Postpartum care in the period after childbirth is very crucial not solely for survival but for the future of mothers and newborn babies. In Malaysia, there are several traditional postpartum care practices normally practiced by mothers and different states adopted different ways to perform those practices. However, the knowledge and benefits of those practices were still ill-defined. This study aims to identify knowledge and practice of postpartum care among mothers in Kuantan, Pahang. Moreover, this study aims to determine the association of socio-demographic data with confinement period, postpartum dietary practice and postpartum physical practice. The most significant factor that influences knowledge and practice of postpartum care among mothers in Kuantan also was determined. This is a cross-sectional study and 100 respondents were selected by using purposive sampling. The questionnaire forms were distributed among eligible respondents in Kuantan area which was at Tasik Bandar and through online survey. The questionnaire was divided into three categories which were personal details, practice of postpartum care and knowledge of postpartum care. The association of socio-demographic data with confinement period, postpartum dietary practice and postpartum physical practice were evaluated by using Chi-square test. There was no significant association of socio-demographic data which were age, level of education, occupation and number of children with confinement period (p>0.05). For postpartum dietary practice, there were only association between age and encourage more water intake (p=0.047, p<0.05) and also between number of children and prohibit greasy food (p=0.032, p<0.05). Apart from that, for association between socio-demographic data and postpartum physical practice, there was only association between age and body scrub (p=0.046, p<0.05). The most significant factor that influenced postpartum care practice was family tradition (83%). The major factor that contributed to knowledge of postpartum care was also family tradition (97 %). In conclusion, knowledge of postpartum care among mothers in Kuantan was good and the practice was prevalent among them

    Organisational leadership experience during undergraduate studies and its associations with the stress level management in workplace: a study among IIUM alumni

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    Mental illness is expected to become the second leading cause of health problem that affects Malaysians in 2020. Stress at workplace is reported to be vulnerable to this mental wellbeing crisis. In university, student leadership experience is said to be important in providing self-management skills to students and preparing them for their excellent career development. However, no study is conducted yet to investigate the variables of the leadership skills with mental wellness in the workplace setting in Malaysia. Therefore, this research aimed to explore the association between leadership experience during undergraduate study and stress management in the workplace among student leader alumni of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). A semi-structured in-depth interviews with four alumni of IIUM have been conducted from February until April 2020 to explore the effectiveness of the leadership experience and skills gained during the leadership period with the stress level management in the current workplace setting. The results revealed five factors of stress in the workplace, eight management mechanisms of stress in the workplace and six potential skills gained which benefit the positive workplace environment. In conclusion, there is an association of the leadership experience during undergraduate study years with stress management which benefits the positive mental wellbeing of the alumni student leader at their workplace. This preliminary finding is expected to be beneficial to assist higher educational institution in identifying the effectiveness of the ecosystem provided for the student leaders and producing quality graduates