16 research outputs found

    Fishing Quota and International Obligation: Why Has Indonesia been Indicated as a Non-Compliant State

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    Indonesia committed to conserving the tuna resources by participating in some RFMOs. From all regional organizations where Indonesia has been joined, the CCSBT is the unique one, due to it governs a single tuna species, which is called Southern Bluefin Tuna. This kind of tuna is essential for Indonesia because it is the world’s most expensive tuna and SBT migrates through Indonesian fisheries management zones and goes even further within the territorial waters, where the SBT spawning area is located. This natural characteristic distinguishes Indonesia from other Parties to CCSBT. Nevertheless, the Country has been dealing with its obligation to comply with national quota allocation. For some fishing season periods, the CCSBT indicated Indonesia as a non-compliant. By applying the qualitative approach, this study considers how Indonesia’s non-compliance has been addressed in fishing for shared fish stocks. The data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews and legal analysis of law and policy instruments. This method leads the elaboration to reveal domestic factors affecting non-compliance by Indonesia. This study argues, the fisheries legislation should consider the provision concerning fishing for resources under quota system, hence, it will provide sufficient legal base to take enforcement measures towards non-compliance with fishing quota.

    Law Enforcement Against Unreported Fishing: What Does Beyond the Catch Record?

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    Transparency is significant in highly migratory fisheries. The reliability of the catch data is essential for decisions of internationally agreed targets. Nevertheless, the data accuracy will much depend on each state's performance. Focusing on unreported catches of migratory fish, this study highlights the Thunnus Macoyyi (Southern Bluefin Tuna) fishing in Indonesia, as this fish species had experienced for being the limelight of unreported fishing allegations. The main objective is to reveal what are the difficulties that Indonesia is facing on its responsibility to maintain the accuracy of the catch record. Accordingly, the study examines two points by applying the pure legal method and doctrinal approach. Firstly, the international legal framework towards unreported fishing by analysing three main instruments such as the UNCLOS 1982, the UNFSA 1995, and the CCSBT policies. Secondly, it examines Indonesia law enforcement as a State party of regional fisheries organisation. It argues that the international authority could not be completely extended to a State's domestic fishing area. Thus, it gives more discretion to the national law to enforce compliance. Lesson learned from the case study of Indonesia's southern bluefin tuna contributes to unreported fishing literature and allows us to expose the legal gap remained in managing highly migratory fish stocks

    Transboundary water projects by Turkey and Iran: The impacts on Iraqi water resources

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    Over exploitation of lakes, rivers and aquifers will caused jeopardize these ecosystem services and have dire consequences for the reliability and sustainability of water supplies in some of the countries. The issue of the trans boundary water projects always cause tension between two countries when the project cause harm to the people of living to the effected country. Iraqi water resources for example has faced unprecedented stress and impact to environmental destruction caused by water projects carried out by Turkey and Iran on Ilisu and Daryan Dams’. These projects gave impact to Tigris, Euphrates and Shatt Al-Arab rivers in Iraq and violated Iraqi people the right to access equitable share of water. Thus, the objective of this paper is to analysis the legal responsibility of Turkey and Iran on their water projects and the impacts toward Iraqi water resources accordance to International laws perspective. The discussions of this paper adopt critical content analysis by using descriptive method. The paper found that the current development of water projects by Turkey and Iran have caused water shortage of Iraq water resources. The water projects carried out by Turkey and Iran also violated the principle right to access equitable share of water in accordance to international customary law, trans boundary water treaties and other related international principles

    Penahanan Kapal Equanimity: Tercabarkah undang-undang admiralti Malaysia?

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    Penahanan kapal mewah Equanimity milik Jho Low oleh pihak berkuasa Indonesia di perairan Bali pada tahun 2018 telah menarik perhatian dunia. Penahanan kapal ini bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan siasatan kes pelaburan di Amerika Syarikat melibatkan 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Rentetan penahanan kapal ini, kemampuan undang-undang admiralti Malaysia dan bidangkuasa Mahkamah Admiralti Malaysia telah diuji. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan secara diskriptif dan kajian perpustakaan, fokus utama artikel ini ialah menganalisa peruntukan prosedur undang-undang penahanan kapal dan bidang kuasa Mahkamah Admiralti di Malaysia. Analisa kronologi penahanan Equaminity, Aturan 70 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 dan Seksyen 24(b) Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964 (Akta 91) disentuh dalam perbincangan ini. Hasil perbincangan ini mendapati penahanan kapal Equaminity adalah sah dan bidang kuasa Mahkamah Admiralti dan Aturan 70 Kedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 Malaysia adalah mencukupi. Malah penahanan kapal Equanimity juga secara tidak langsung telah memartabatkan keupayaan undang-undang admiralti dan Mahkamah Admiralti di Malaysia di mata dunia

    Penggunaan undang-undang jenayah dalam jangkitan HIV/AIDS secara seksual di United Kingdom: suatu cabaran [The use of criminal law in sexually transmitted HIV/AIDS in United Kingdom: a challenge]

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    United Kingdom telah menggunapakai undang-undang jenayah bagi menangani isu jangkitan HIV/AIDS secara seksual yang dilakukan dengan niat dan gopoh. Penggunaan undang-undang jenayah ini telah mengundang beberapa isu dari segi pembuktian. Justeru itu, objektif utama artikel ini ialah untuk membincangkan latar belakang penggunaan undangundang jenayah dalam preventasi kelakuan yang merebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual dan juga cabaran dari segi pembuktian bahawa telah berlakunya jangkitan HIV/AIDS. Bagi penulisan artikel yang berbentuk konsepsual ini kajian perpustakaan telah digunakan. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan, bagi menangani isu rebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual di United Kingdom, Offences Against Person Act (OAPA) 1861 telah digunapakai. Justeru itu, tidak wujud satu akta yang spesifik bagi rebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual. Bagi membuktikan telah berlaku jangkitan HIV terdapat beberapa cabaran yang dihadapi oleh pihak pendakwaan. Antara cabaran yang timbul ialah dari segi pembuktian mens rea, kecederaan, jangkitan atau penyebab, kematian mana-mana pihak sebelum kes selesai dan kerelaan

    The right of compensation to the HIV victim in Malaysia: an analysis from the case of Abd Rahim bin Abd Rahman v public prosecutor

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    In a criminal trial, the stature of the victim is only limited to being a witness or purveyor of evidence. Issues concerning the victim of a crime normally concern the punishment of criminals. Inevitably, the victim’s interest as the aggrieved party has not been properly taken care of. For instance, the court in seeking justice would award the appropriate punishments or sentences to the accused whilst neglecting or overlooking the aspect of ‘curing’ or ‘relieving’ the victim’s pain and suffering from the criminal act. In relation to HIV transmission in sexual offences, one may suffer a lifetime ‘pain’ mentally, physically and emotionally. In addition, economically one would further have to bear medical costs and expenses. Thus, the court in carrying out justice may both compensate the victim and punish the offender simultaneously. In line with the above scenario, this paper seeks to analyse the case of Abd Rahim Bin Abd Rahaman v Public Prosecutor with regard to the Court’s effort in affirming the seriousness of the HIV transmission in sexual offences. The finding shows that section 426 of the Criminal Procedure Code allows the court to make an order for the payment of compensation to the victims subject to the application made by the Public Prosecutor. The case of Abd Rahim however did not discuss the issue of compensation in depth. As a concluding suggestion, the Public Prosecutor in assisting the Court to delivering justice should also address the issue of compensating the victim by invoking section 426 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Act 593)

    Enables Indonesia scanning the challenges of fisheries development in a time of pandemic

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    The COVID-19 crisis has created the novel law enforcement challenges that different approach must take in order to address risk of non-compliance. Amidst the pandemic, these days monitoring and enforcement will be fully depended on how each State enables to overcome law-breaking activities against sustainable fishing. It argues that while Indonesia government has ordered to sustain productivity and fish harvesting in a time of pandemic, some off-shore fisheries with targeting highly migratory fish such as tuna catch, look like they are going very strong. Large fishing boats that can process and freeze fish are staying out at sea. The outcome reveals that while the cops are watching closely national marine territory, however, examination of law enforcement in high seas fishing, as for Indonesia interest, is not that pronounced. Indonesia need to consider some modified enforcement against those non-compliances by conducting investigation in the particular fishing area to scan possible non-compliance acts that shall take place


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    From the end of the year 2008 to 2021, Israel committed four wars in the Gaza Strip. These wars were known as Operation Cast Lead in 2009, Operation Pillar of Cloud in 2012, Operation Protective Edge in 2014, and Operation Guardian of the Walls in 2021. The destructive impacts on vital facilities in Gaza, including schools, universities, mosques, hospitals, and United Nations Relief centers, as well as the killings of thousands of innocent civilians by Israeli forces, are visible evidence of a serious violation of the principle of distinction, a basic principle provided under the international humanitarian law conferring protection upon the civilians during armed conflicts. The accession of Palestine to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on crimes. This paper aims to analyze the position of individual criminal responsibility committed during the above-mentioned wars, regulated under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and other relevant international conventions. In analyzing the data from primary and secondary sources, this paper applied doctrinal legal research and qualitative approaches. This paper concludes that the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court associated the individual criminal responsibility for war crimes by systematically determining the extent of participation, namely: (1) commission; (2) ordering/instigating; (3) assistance; and (4) contribution to a war crime as a group crime. Thus, Israeli military leaders ought to be held liable for the commission of war crimes in accordance with Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The pretexts of the Israeli occupation to be exempt from criminal responsibility should be rejected according to the state of legitimate defense

    Indonesia - Malaysia dispute over maritime boundaries in the northern region of the Malacca Straits: implication to fisheries management regime

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    The economic importance of the Malacca Straits is premised not only on its function as one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world but also its location as an important traditional fishing ground.Straddling between the two adjacent littoral States, Indonesia and Malaysia share the importance's in terms of political, socio and economic development and growth. Hence, the control over the Straits through the acquisition of maritime territory is imperative. Despite both Indonesia and Malaysia have concluded a series of bilateral agreements on territorial sea and continental shelf boundaries in the Malacca Straits, both countries are currently involved in the dispute over overlapping claims of exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the northern region of the Straits. As the delineation of EEZ boundary lines is yet to be finalized, this situation has created uncertainty regarding the status of national fisheries jurisdiction in the contested waters. Consequently, undermining efforts towards promoting sustainable and responsible fisheries management and practices. Between the two countries are arose incidents involving detention of local fishermen and confiscation of boats for illegal fishing in the disputed areas have been widely reported in Indonesia as well as Malaysia. Objective: The objective of this paper is to examine the implications and management issues on fisheries in the northern region of the Malacca Straits. It will particularly focus on the impacts of this unresolved dispute to fisheries law enforcement and sustainable management of shared fish stocks. Such impacts has not only undermined management efforts to ensure sustainable and responsible fisheries in the contested areas but also posed threat the safety and security of fishermen at seas. Methodology: This paper employed the qualitative meth ode and critical content analysis used in this study. The legal consequences of ratifying the United Nations Convention on The Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982) with Law No. 17 of 1985 concerning the ratification of UNCLOS, Law No. 45/ 2009 amending Law No. 31/ 2004 concerning Indonesian fishery are the substance of law regulation to identifying, collecting, and assessing both primary and secondary data. These research data are obtained from a wide range of published and unpublished materials, including internet resources.The main data collection technique is through library research. Primary data are sourced from international treaty instruments, legislation's, and court cases, while sources of secondary data are derived from journal articles, books, book chapters, and newspaper cuttings.Results: Due to unresolved dispute on EEZ in the northern region of the Malacca Straits, both countries are facing the illegal fishing problems although Indonesia and Malaysia have engaged in a series of diplomatic negotiation. This ongoing impasse subsequently posed a number of socio-economic and security problems. As a result, the incidents of illegal fishing in the disputed waters have been frequent and reported in Indonesia and Malaysia media thus create the problem to establish and effective cooperation in maritime surveillance and enforcement to fisheries management regime. To ensure sustainable and long-term viability of marine fisheries sector in the northern region of the Malacca Straits, both countries are aware the cooperative approach is needed from time to time. Implication: This paper highlights the necessity for both Indonesia and Malaysia to resolve their EEZ boundary dispute in the Straits peacefully. Failure to do so would arguably instigate adverse implications on promoting sustainable and responsible marine fisheries management and law enforcement, as well as bilateral relationships

    Skim i-SURI : pelaksanaan di kalangan suri rumah menurut perspektif undang-undang

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    Skim i-SURI diperkenalkan oleh kerajaan pada 15 Ogos 2018 sebagai insentif khas Kerajaan untuk Suri Rumah dan wanita yang berdaftar dalam Pangkalan Data Kemiskinan Nasional (eKasih). Walau bagaimanapun, pelaksanaan Skim i-SURI ini masih belum dapat dilaksanakan sepenuhnya lantaran terdapat kekangan yang melibatkan beberapa peruntukan penting dalam Akta Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja 1991 (Akta KWSP 1991). Persoalan yang timbul ialah berkenaan dengan pelaksanaan skim ini, adakah sama sepertimana pelaksanaan skim Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) sedia ada atau berbeza. Jika dilihat dari aspek pelaksanaan skim KWSP, caruman yang dibuat oleh pekerja yang juga merupakan pencarum hanya boleh dikeluarkan secara sepenuhnya apabila telah sampai tempoh umur persaraan sahaja. Oleh itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk melihat pelaksanaan konsep Skim i-SURI sekiranya boleh menggunapakai skim caruman sedia ada dalam KWSP itu sendiri