22 research outputs found


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    This paper presents the study of water-in-biodiesel emulsions (WiBE) stabilized by surfactants with different hydrophiliclipophilic balance (HLB) on a single-cylinder diesel engine. The engine performance and exhaust emissions were compared against the base fuel biodiesel (B5 diesel) which contained 5% palm oil methyl ester (POME) in the diesel fuel, at a constant engine speed of 2000 rpm with different engine loads. 36 emulsion blends of B5 diesel mixed with 9%, 12% and 15% volume of water, HLB values of 6, 7, 8 and 9, and surfactant dosage of 5%, 10% or 15% by percentage volume of water added. The results exhibited 11.7% lower engine power with WiBE as compared to B5 diesel. It was also observed that WiBE produced higher in-cylinder pressure and heat release rate. WiBE with higher water content at high load condition produced up to 15.2% higher peak pressure with a significant reduction in both NOx and smoke opacity, while a moderate decrease in the exhaust temperature was recorded for WiBE. The research work proved that WiBE with 15% water content with optimum HLB value is capable of reducing up to 79% NOx and 23% smoke opacity simultaneously, due to the heat sink effect during combustion

    Flow characteristics of 3-D turning diffuser using particle image velocimetry

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    It is often necessary in fluid flow systems to simultaneously decelerate and turn the flow. This can be achieved by employing turning diffusers in the fluid flow systems. The flow through a turning diffuser is complex, apparently due to the expansion and inflexion introduced along the direction of flow. The flow characteristics of 3-D turning diffuser by means of varying inflow Reynolds number are presently investigated. The flow characteristics within the outlet cross-section and longitudinal section were examined respectively by the 3-D stereoscopic PIV and 2-D PIV. The flow uniformity is affected with the increase of inflow Reynolds number due to the dispersion of the core flow throughout the outlet cross-section. It becomes even worse with the presence of secondary flow, 22% to 27% of the mean outlet velocity. The flow separation takes place within the inner wall region at the point very close to the outlet edge and the secondary flow vortex occurs dominantly within half part of the outlet cross-section

    Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of IDI Diesel Engine Using Homogenized Water in Bio-Diesel Emulsion

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    Water in diesel emulsion when used as fuel in diesel engine has shown simultaneous reduction in both nitrogen oxides and particulate matters. However, when water in bio-diesel emulsion is used, the effect of simultaneous reduction of nitrogen oxides and particulate reduction is not achieved. The current study aims at investigating the diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions using water in bio-diesel fuel prepared by a homogenizer that produced micro-water particles in the emulsion. A 1.8L indirect injection diesel engine was operated using bio-diesel fuel which contains 95% diesel and 5% palm oil methyl ester, mixed with 5%, 10% and 20% by volume of water. Engine testing was conducted at full load condition with the engine speeds ranges from 1000 to 4000 rpm. Torque, engine speed and fuel consumption were measured along with emissions of NOx, CO, CO2, HC, O2. The results showed small reduction in brake power, 1.4% and 2.1% for WBDE-5 and WBDE-10 respectively, at maximum torque. While, reduction in exhaust gas temperature, CO2 and smoke opacity for all the tested emulsions were exhibited. On the other hand, NOx was found to increase with increase in water contents due to the higher oxygen content in the bio-diesel fuel. WBDE-20 showed the worst efficacy due to having water content of 20% by volume

    Design of Valve Less Micropump Using Preliminary Characteristics from Fluid Flow

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    Cooling in advanced thermal systems is ever in demand. The administration of such cooling will need miniaturization of the current pumping system for small scale use. A valve less pump is one of the methods to create a small flow rate pump. The design has both the intake and exhaust in the same side. The fundamental aspect that a micropump will endure is analysed from fluid mechanics analysis, is a key in the design of the first model of the pump. The sizing and criteria of the pump is set based on fluid equations of mass, momentum and energy. A design is laid out by using computer aided design (CAD) based on the voltage frequency that will be applied to the piezomaterial. The movement of the piezo material due to current will cause the fluid to move as the material will act as a diaphragm. The design is then analysed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) from the frequency inputs and a steady flow design is simulated. The reading of the small flowrate is analysed and a proper method of designing the valve less pump is gathered

    Investigation of the Combined Effect of Variable Inlet Guide Vane Drift, Fouling, and Inlet Air Cooling on Gas Turbine Performance

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    Variable geometry gas turbines are susceptible to various malfunctions and performance deterioration phenomena, such as variable inlet guide vane (VIGV) drift, compressor fouling, and high inlet air temperatures. The present study investigates the combined effect of these performance deterioration phenomena on the health and overall performance of a three-shaft gas turbine engine (GE LM1600). For this purpose, a steady-state simulation model of the turbine was developed using a commercial software named GasTurb 12. In addition, the effect of an inlet air cooling (IAC) technique on the gas turbine performance was examined. The design point results were validated using literature results and data from the manufacturer’s catalog. The gas turbine exhibited significant deterioration in power output and thermal efficiency by 21.09% and 7.92%, respectively, due to the augmented high inlet air temperature and fouling. However, the integration of the inlet air cooling technique helped in improving the power output, thermal efficiency, and surge margin by 29.67%, 7.38%, 32.84%, respectively. Additionally, the specific fuel consumption (SFC) was reduced by 6.88%. The VIGV down-drift schedule has also resulted in improved power output, thermal efficiency, and the surge margin by 14.53%, 5.55%, and 32.08%, respectively, while the SFC decreased by 5.23%. The current model can assist in troubleshooting the root cause of performance degradation and surging in an engine faced with VIGV drift and fouling simultaneously. Moreover, the combined study also indicated the optimum schedule during VIGV drift and fouling for performance improvement via the IAC technique

    Attaining simultaneous reduction in nox and smoke by using water-in-biodiesel emulsion fuels for diesel engine

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    This paper presents the study of water-in-biodiesel emulsions (WiBE) stabilized by surfactants with different hydrophiliclipophilic balance (HLB) on a single-cylinder diesel engine. The engine performance and exhaust emissions were compared against the base fuel biodiesel (B5 diesel) which contained 5% palm oil methyl ester (POME) in the diesel fuel, at a constant engine speed of 2000 rpm with different engine loads. 36 emulsion blends of B5 diesel mixed with 9%, 12% and 15% volume of water, HLB values of 6, 7, 8 and 9, and surfactant dosage of 5%, 10% or 15% by percentage volume of water added. The results exhibited 11.7% lower engine power with WiBE as compared to B5 diesel. It was also observed that WiBE produced higher in-cylinder pressure and heat release rate. WiBE with higher water content at high load condition produced up to 15.2% higher peak pressure with a significant reduction in both NOx and smoke opacity, while a moderate decrease in the exhaust temperature was recorded for WiBE. The research work proved that WiBE with 15% water content with optimum HLB value is capable of reducing up to 79% NOx and 23% smoke opacity simultaneously, due to the heat sink effect during combustion