59 research outputs found

    Development and delivery of occupational health and safety management program through open and flexible distance learning

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    Open and flexible distance education (OFDE) removes the barriers to quality post-secondary distance education by offering quality programme through flexible delivery system with minimum admission requirements. OFDE also provides opportunity for working adults to seek lifelong education in a flexible manner. In line with the Occupational Safety and Health Master Plan for Malaysia 2015 (OSH-MP 15), Open University Malaysia (OUM) has been on the forefront in spearheading effort to offer Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety Management (BOHSM) with honours and Master of OSH Risk Management (MOSHRM) through OFDE. Although it is quite challenging to offer science and technical related subjects through open and flexible distance learning, OUM has taken a bold step to explore the possibilities. This paper aims to present Open University Malaysia’s experience in the development and delivery of the BOHSM with Honours and MOSHRM through open and flexible distance learning. This paper will share the strategies adopted by OUM. (Abstract by authors

    Effects of ingredients on the characteristics of rice cakes

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    Steamed leavened rice cakes made from rice flour, sugar, water, yeast or baking powder were used to study the effects of ingredients on cereal-based cakes. Volume expansion linearly correlates to amylopectin and negatively correlates to amylose content (r 2 = 0.84), with an optimum amylose/amylopectin ratio of approximately 1 : 8. Higher amylopectin content resulted in sticky, elastic and unacceptable cake. The optimum water content for volume expansion was in the range of 90 ± 5% by weight of rice flour. Sugar content correlates linearly with volume expansion and tenderness of chemically leavened rice cakes (CLRC) (r 2 = 0.99 and 0.92, respectively). Sugar content above 50% of rice flour weight decreased volume and softness of yeast-leavened rice cakes (YLRC). Tenderness of YLRC correlates linearly to fat content (r 2 = 0.98), but volume expansions correlates negatively to the square root of fat content (r 2 = 0.81 and 0.97 for the two rice cakes). Both tenderness (r 2 > 0.92) and volume expansion (r 2 > 0.93) correlates linearly with emulsifier content up to 3% by weight of rice flour, above which the cake becomes crumbly. A little salt increased hardness, but further increase reduced both volume expansion and hardness of rice cakes. Skimmed milk powder greatly increased the expansion of CLRC. Ovalbumin content correlates linearly to volume expansion of YLRC (r 2 = 0.87) but negatively to the expansion of CLRC (r 2 = 0.96). The proteins that improved the textures of rice cakes were skimmed milk and egg white with an optimum content of 2-4%. Egg yolk, soya protein, whey powder and wheat gluten reduced both tenderness and volume expansion. The effects of the various ingredients interacting together were studied and the optimum formulations was determined using a Random Centroid Optimisation Program

    A study of computer-based learning model for students with dyslexia

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    Dyslexia is one of the most common Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) in the world. Students with dyslexia have poor fluency in reading, writing, spelling, speech, short-term memory, and also other related disorders. In addition emotion is recognised as important as the cognitive difficulty that affects dyslexia learning. Students with dyslexia often suffer emotions like frustration and low self-esteem due to lack of achievement. As a result, they may develop behaviour difficulty or perceive by others as misbehaviours. In order to address the dyslexia learning difficulties several computer-based learning models have been introduced. The computer-based learning model found to be interesting, user-friendly, attractive and supportive. In this paper, we present a study of computer-based learning model to support dyslexia students. The work is crucial to provide a basis for developing a computer-based learning model that addresses dyslexia language-based learning difficulties that considers both student's cognitive and emotion. In addition, the study also explores the uses of machine learning (ML) approach to improve effectiveness of the learning process

    Iranian productivity in manufacturing sector: empirical evidence using panel estimation techniques

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    Rapid changes in demand and supply models, the byproduct of increasing productivity and competition, cause entrants to pay special attention to the conditions of productivity and environment of the competition. Iranian manufacturing sector faces a major problem where its lack of entrants’ paying attention to productivity issues. Productivity issues cause a waste of resources and wrong entry decisions. This research employs econometrical models to investigate the determinants of productivity. The three productivity equations are estimated into two categories, that is labour-intensive and capital-intensive sub sectors during the period of 1997-2006. The results indicate that productivity, both in labour, capital and joint labour-capital, in twenty one Iranian industries seem to be highly sensitive to investment sales ratio and minimum efficiency of scale. We review performance indicator roles in manufacturing sector in acquiring results of this study. It increases our knowledge about the Iranian manufacturing structure. The importance of this study stems from a desire to formulate industrial policy based on real empirical knowledge rather than on baseless foundations

    DAC 12203 Environmental Engineering (Lecture Notes)

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    This module will give the students an understanding of the Environmental Engineering for the course DAC 12203 offered by the Centre of Diploma Studies (CeDS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM

    Environmental Engineering (Laboratory)

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    This module will give the students an understanding of the Environmental Engineering (Laboratory) for the course DAC 12203 offered by the Centre of Diploma Studies (CeDS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

    Food components affecting the oil absorption and crispness of fried batter

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    Frying batters are used to add value to a product by improving texture, flavour, weight and volume and reducing water loss during frying which, in turn, lessens oil absorption. The physical characteristics of fried batters were studied using model systems based on rice flours. Crispness was positively correlated with amylose content, while oil absorption was negatively correlated with amylose content. Addition of pregelatinised rice flour improved crispness but resulted in increased oil absorption because of the porous nature of the fried product. Amongst the proteins (egg yolk, gluten, skimmed milk, whey and ovalbumin) studied, ovalbumin was able to reduce oil absorption and improve the crispness of the fried batter. Addition of calcium chloride also reduced oil absorption and improved crispness, while a little oil reduced the oil content of the fried batter and improved its taste. Addition of ovalbumin, oil or calcium chloride beyond the optimal levels reduced crispness and increased oil absorption in a linear manner. Modified tapioca starch and diglyceride emulsifiers improved crispness but increased oil absorption. The amount of water added to the formulation affected the physical characteristics of the fried batter. The optimal formulation for a crisp frying batter with reasonably low oil absorption was an amylose/amylopectin ratio of about 18 : 67; with (g kg-1) 850 pregelatinised rice flour; up to 150 modified tapioca starch; 30 ovalbumin; 1 calcium chloride; 20 oil; 20 emulsifier and a water/flour ratio of 2:1

    Application of rasch model in measuring the quality of health and wellness final exam questions

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    The assessment of the Health and Wellness module includes two components, 60% for the continuous examination and 40% for the final examination paper. In this paper we discussed the performance of students in the final examination paper which comprises 40 MCQs (MCQ). The 40 MCQ were constructed based on the Table of Test Specification developed by the subject matter experts at the faculty. The difficulty level of the questions was based on the 5:3:2 proportions. This ratio produces 20 MCQ at lower difficulty level, 12 MCQ at moderately difficult and 8 MCQ at higher difficulty. Results of 764 students were analysed based on their ability and item difficulty of the 40 MCQ using RaschWinsteps 4.01 software. Person Item Map Distribution (PIDM) showed that the item measure is between -3.62 to +4.97 logits and the person measure is between -1.28 to +4.09 logits. This finding indicated that while person ability exceeded item difficulty at the lower logit continuum of the Rasch model, at the upper logit continuum, some items are at higher difficulty level compared to students’ ability. Item difficulty and separation indices statistics for both person and item are also of concern in this study. To ensure and enhance reliability and validity of the questions, it is highly recommended that the subject matter experts review the questions before applying it again in another exam or depositing it in the item bank system

    Protective effect of Centella asiatica extract and powder on oxidative stress in rats

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    The effect of Centella asiatica extract and powder in reducing oxidative stress in SpraqueDawley rats was evaluated. Lipid peroxidation was monitored by measuring malonaldehyde (MDA) level in blood. Activities of free radical-scavenging enzymes (superoxide dismutase and catalase) were determined using H2O2 decomposition and nitrobluetetrazolium reduction, respectively. Results showed that administration of H2O2 (0.1%) in drinking water of the rats, for 25 weeks, increased the malonaldehyde levels in erythrocytes of all the rats. However, rats receiving C. asiatica extract, powder and a-tocopherol had lower MDA levels than did the other rats, which indicates, decrease lipid peroxidation in these rats. Increase in catalase activity of the rats appears to be a response to H2O2 accumulation. The decrease in the activity of superoxide dismutase in C. asiatica- and a-tocopherol supplemented rats suggested a lower requirement for the enzyme and this indicates the protective effect of the plant in combating oxidative stress undergone by the rats. Results revealed that C. asiatica extract and powder may ameliorate H2O2-induced oxidative stress by decreasing lipid peroxidation via alteration of the antioxidant defence system of the rats