40 research outputs found

    Tahap Kemahiran Imam Menukarkan Kata Ganti Nama dalam Bacaan Doa Bahasa Arab

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    Bahasa Arab mempunyai kedudukan yang penting dalam ibadah. Ayat-ayat al-Quran, bacaan dalam solat dan juga doa-doa dibaca dalam Bahasa Arab. Imam merupakan individu yang akan mengetuai solat seterusnya melakukan pembacaan-pembacaan tersebut yang boleh didengari oleh para makmum. Kajian ini ingin melihat tahap kemahiran para imam menukarkan kata ganti nama ketika membaca doa qunut dan doa pengampunan ibu bapa. Dalam teks bacaan kedua dua doa ini mengandungi kata ganti nama yang perlu diubah dari kata ganti nama tunggal yang digunakan ketika solat bersendirian kepada kata ganti nama jamak ketika solat berjemaah. 20 responden yang merupakan para pelajar di beberapa institusi pengajian tinggi yang pernah menjadi imam telah diminta untuk membuat rakaman suara bacaan bagi kedua-dua doa tersebut semasa menjadi imam dan telah dihantar kepada pengkaji sejurus setelah mereka diberikan penerangan tentang kutipan data. Analisa kekerapan kesilapan bagi doa qunut melibatkan 7 perkataan dan analisa kekerapan kesilapan bagi doa pengampunan ibu bapa melibatkan 6 perkataan. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa kadar kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh para imam bagi dalam membaca kedua-dua doa qunut dan doa pengampunan ibu bapa adalah pada kadar yang sangat rendah iaitu 9.23%. Walau bagaimanapun, kadar kesilapan bacaan doa qunut adalah jauh lebih tinggi berbanding doa pengampunan ibu bapa. Bagi perkataan yang paling kerap dilakukan kesilapan bacaan pula adalah pada perkataan أتوب iaitu sebanyak 7 kali diikuti dengan perkataan استغفرك sebanyak 6 kali. Ini memberi gambaran bahawa wujudnya kekeliruan penukaran ا yang sepatutnya ditukar kepada ن di bahagian prefiks di mana kedua-duanya adalah versi kata kerja kini

    Tinjauan awal penerapan elemen pembelajaran vark dalam teknik pembelajaran dan hafazan al-quran di Malaysia

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    Pengajian tahfiz kini menjadi pilihan ibu bapa bagi anak-anak mereka mendapatkan pendidikan. Kesedaran umat Islam mengenai kelebihan dan kebaikan yang diperolehi dari hafazan al-Quran mendorong ibu bapa untuk menempatkan anak-anak mereka ke sekolah-sekolah atau pusat-pusat tahfiz. Walau bagaimanapun mengambil aliran atau pengajian tahfiz tidak semudah yang disangkakan kerana proses penghafazan al-Quran memerlukan penumpuan dan disiplin yang tinggi. Lantaran itu, tidak sedikit pelajar tahfiz yang gagal menamatkan hafazan al-Quran mengikut tempoh yang telah ditetapkan. Oleh itu, pemilihan metod dan gaya pembelajaran pelajar sangat penting bagi memastikan proses menghafaz al-Quran dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan berkesan. Strategi pembelajaran yang bersesuaian dengan gaya pembelajaran pelajar boleh meningkatkan motivasi dan pencapaian prestasi pelajar. Strategi pembelajaran VARK misalnya terbukti dapat meningkatkan penguasaan pelajar terhadap sesuatu pelajaran termasuk dalam menghafaz ayat-ayat al-Quran. Justeru itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti elemen pembelajaran VARK dalam teknik pembelajaran dan hafazan alQuran yang diaplikasi di pusat-pusat atau sekolah-sekolah tahfiz di Malaysia. berdasarkan kepada kajian-kajian lepas. Kajian ini menggunakan metod kualitatif dalam menganalisis kajian-kajian lepas berkenaan isu ini. Berdasarkan analisis yang dibuat, kajian ini mendapati bahawa pusat dan sekolah tahfiz di Malaysia masih menerapkan teknik tradisional, meskipun begitu tiga elemen VARK turut diaplikasikan dalam teknik pembelajaran dan penghafazan al-Quran iaitu auditori, membaca dan menulis. Hasil kajian ini signifikan dalam membantu guru mengaplikasikan kaedah pembelajaran dan hafazan yang sesuai untuk memadankan gaya pembelajaran pelajar bagi meningkatkan keupayaan dan prestasi pelajar dalam menghafaz al-Quran. Dapatan kajian juga dapat digunapakai dalam meneruskan kajian susulan untuk memahami lebih mendalam pengaplikasian kaedah VARK dalam meningkatkan proses penghafazan ayat-ayat Al-Quran di pusat-pusat dan sekolah-sekolah tahfiz di Malaysia

    Resolving Arabic-language text reading errors among University students through project-based learning (PBL)

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    Foreign language learning is certainly accentuating on the mastery of basic skills including reading skills that need to be emphasized by every student in the early stages. Similarly, the same goes for Arabic language learning which is the third language or also recognized as a foreign language in the Malaysian community. One of the skills focused on this study is the focus on reading Arabic texts. The objective of this study is to identify the common reading mistakes that students often make while reading Arabic texts and to determine how well the Project Based Learning (PBL) method can overcome and reduce their reading errors. This study utilizes qualitative approach with the method of observation performed on students when they were reading texts during pre and post reading tests. The reduction of these mistakes was identified from before and after the PBL procedure was implemented. The study sample consisted of 69 students who registered for the 3rd level Arabic course in the 2019/2020 study session at Universiti Malaysia Sabah Labuan International Campus (UMS-LIC). The instrument used was a set of pre and post reading tests based on the KSSR (Primary School Curriculum Standards) guidelines set out by the MOE (Ministry of Education, 2015)

    Application of project-based learning in enhancing solid waste management and awareness

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    Solid waste is one of the regular issues of environmental management. As an effort to tackling the issue, Environmental education is one of the importa nt and relevant from year to year to enhance the management of the nature. There is an urgent need for the young generation to be educated on sustainable development to protect the earth for the future. Lack of knowledge and awareness of the scarcity of ou r nature means there is that our natural resources becoming scarce and we are facing all types of environmental consequences. This paper explores the application of project - based learning in one of the liberal courses, which related to the environment and being offered as elective subjects in one of the high education institute in Malaysia. The implementation of project - based learning in dealing with the environmental destruction while conserving the earth focusing on solid waste being discussed and presen ted. Also, this paper shows the value of the project - based approach by the respondents' reflection. It is proved that project - based learning has helped to breed a positive attitude towards the environment

    Oral participation practices in classroom among university students in Afghanistan

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    This study aimed at exploring factors affecting classroom participation among students in the English department of Laghman University, Afghanistan. More precisely, this research discovered factors related to teachers and class-size that hinder students’ practice of oral participation in the classroom. In collecting the data, this study employed mixed-method research with concurrent design. An adapted questionnaire and a semi-structured interview have been used as the data collection instrument of this study. An online survey questionnaire was conducted with 110 respondents. In addition, a semi-structured interview was conducted with five of the respondents at the English Department of Laghman University. The data from the questionnaire was descriptively analyzed through using statistical package for social science (SPSS), and the semi-structured interview data were thematically analyzed and interpreted. The findings revealed that classsize related factor is the first influential factor in affecting oral participation among students and it is due to having large number students in a class. Teacher’s related factor is the second influential factor that affects the oral participation of students. Majority claimed that teachers’ approach, behavior, and qualification have prominent impact on their level of oral participation. Based on the finding, it can be seen that class-size related, and teachers’ factors affected oral participation of the students at the English Department of Laghman University. It is recommended that the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan strive to decrease the number of students in each class and enforce teachers in implementing a student-centered learning approach while teaching

    Coping Strategies for Emotional Self-Regulation (ESR) among ASD Children

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    Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by social impairments that include abnormal communication and restricted or repetitive interests or behaviours. Children with ASD often have difficulty in terms of controlling emotions, inhibiting reactions, delaying gratification and accepting changes. Meanwhile, emotional self-regulation (ESR) is the ability to monitor, assess, and change one’s emotional state and level of arousal in order to maintain engagement and achieve goals. ASD children have shown to use less ESR strategies as compared to their typical developing peers. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to assist them in establishing coping strategies when their needs are unmet. The present study aims to explore the coping strategies for emotional self-regulation among ASD children. Design/Methodology/Approach: This qualitative research applied the action research method. There were two cycles involved. The first cycle was conducted at an intervention centre for four months, while the second cycle was conducted at home for one month. Initially, there were eight parents and ASD children involved. However, only four parents and ASD children completed both cycles. Results: From the study, it was found that there were three coping strategies used by these children. The first strategy is by identifying and expressing their emotions, the second strategy is by using breathing technique exercise, while the last strategy is through the use of sound therapy. Conclusion: ASD children have the ability to cope and self-regulate their emotions given the right intervention and support from their parents and teachers

    A mouse IgM monoclonal antibody recognized breast and colon cancer.

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    Hybridoma clone C3A8, which is a fusion product between splenic lymphocytes of Balb/c mice immunized with MCF7 breast carcinoma cells and SP2/0 myelomas, was produced and characterized. A stable clone that secreted IgM monoclonal antibody (MAb) with κ light chain was obtained through limiting dilutions. Cell-ELISA screening, flow cytometry analysis, and immunofluorescence staining revealed that the MAb C3A8 had bound specifically and strongly to MCF7 and HT29 but cross reacted weakly or not on HeLa cell line. The MAb C3A8 reacted positively with paraffin-embedded tissues of human breast and colon cancers but there were no positive reactions on normal tissues. Western blot analysis showed the MAb recognized a 55 kDa protein, which was present in the extract of MCF7 and HT29 cell lines. Our results demonstrated that MAb C3A8 could be used for basic and clinical research of breast and colon cancers

    Development of soft skills among students through extra-curricular activities in residential colleges

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    Soft skills are deemed important for tertiary students. Unfortunately, most of them focus too much on content causing them not to obtain these skills. Seeing this, the Ministry of Higher Education introduced seven soft skills for undergraduates to possess when they exit university. Among the seven skills, communication, problem solving and teamworking skills are most sought after by employers. Therefore, this study examines the development of the three skills through students’ participation in the extracurricular activities held in residential colleges. The data was collected via survey. Findings suggest that majority of the students see residential colleges’ activities as effective in equipping them with the skills. The study hopes to provide insights for the better production of graduates to meet the workplace needs

    Exploring research activities: the engineering students' experience

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    University students are constantly exposed and challenged to do various academic exercises that would prepare them for their academic excellence and future professional endeavor. The demand to equip these future professionals with skills that would enable them to meet the expectations of the university and later the industries is further aggravated when special requirements will have to be met before any program is accepted and recognised by special bodies such as the Malaysian Board of Engineers or the quality assurance standards set by the Ministry of Higher Education. For that reason, the teaching and learning process at the university has shifted from the common traditional lecture style to a more active form of learning. Therefore, knowledge is no longer acquired just by attending lectures, conducting laboratory experiments and by doing specific assignments for subject specific courses. Instead, it is also gained through hands-on learning that exposes and challenges students to use specific knowledge together with other soft skills such as problem solving, team working and communication