103 research outputs found

    Pendidikan karakter dalam Islam: Solusi untuk dekadensi moral generasi muda

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    This research aims to understand character education in Islam as a solution to the moral decadence of the younger generation. Through a literature study approach and content analysis, this research explores various related literature and sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the importance of instilling morals in the education process. The results show that character education in Islam plays a very important role in shaping good morals in the younger generation. Teachers as educators must be role models in their behaviour and morals, while students need to accept and practice the moral values taught. Through strong character education, the younger generation can grow into individuals who are responsible, honest, fair, and have a positive attitude towards the environment and others. This research provides a deeper understanding of the importance of character education in Islam as an effort to overcome the moral decadence of the younger generation. The implication of this research is the need for greater attention to character education in the education system and curriculum development that includes moral values as an integral part of learning. Abstrak         Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pendidikan karakter dalam Islam sebagai solusi terhadap dekadensi moral generasi muda. Melalui pendekatan studi pustaka dan analisis isi, penelitian ini menggali berbagai literatur dan sumber terkait untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang pentingnya penanaman akhlak dalam proses pendidikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter dalam Islam memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam membentuk akhlak yang baik pada generasi muda. Guru sebagai pendidik harus menjadi contoh teladan dalam perilaku dan akhlaknya, sementara murid perlu menerima dan mengamalkan nilai-nilai akhlak yang diajarkan. Melalui pendidikan karakter yang kuat, generasi muda dapat tumbuh menjadi individu yang bertanggung jawab, jujur, adil, dan memiliki sikap positif terhadap lingkungan dan sesama. Penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang pentingnya pendidikan karakter dalam Islam sebagai upaya untuk mengatasi dekadensi moral generasi muda. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah perlunya perhatian yang lebih besar terhadap pendidikan karakter dalam sistem pendidikan dan pengembangan kurikulum yang memasukkan nilai-nilai akhlak sebagai bagian integral dari pembelajaran

    Using strategy mapping and cause-and-effect relationship for measuring ITSP implementation.

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    The Information Technology Strategic Planning (ITSP) was developed to lead and reflect the organizational achievement and future aspiration. The plan basically includes the information technology (IT) goals and strategies for the next few years. The intention was to justify IT contributions towards the efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness. The plan may comprise of associated IT projects to achieve the planning strategies. Previous study has concluded that most of the plans are usually hard to manage due to various projects involved. Therefore, many performance measurement models and frameworks have been investigated and exploited to address the problem. Measuring ITSP implementation is important to justify the achievement of the planned projects. The focus of this paper is describing the application of the strategy mapping and cause and- effect relationship approach on measuring the achievement of the strategies and projects involved in the ITSP. This paper also report on the testing results of the related approach on the real case study to identify its applicability and measurability

    E-demokrasi di Indonesia, antara Peluang dan Hambatan Pendekatan Fenomenologis

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    Hadirnya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) serta teknologi digital lainnya termasuk internet, telah menjadi media baru dan dijadikan sebagai instrumen penting bagi organisasi swasta (bisnis) dan organisasi publik, salah satunya adalah organisasi pemerintahan. Pemanfaatan TIK dan internet pada organisasi pemerintahan dikenal dengan istilah e-government. Pelaksanaan e-government bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, efektifitas, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, sehingga tercapai penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang baik (good governance). Sementara, TIK dan internet sebagai media dalam proses demokrasi suatu negara dikenal dengan istilah e-demokrasi. Kedua istilah tersebut adalah dua entitas yang berbeda, tetapi saling terkait. Perkembangan TIK dan internet beberapa tahun terakhir yang diikuti oleh peningkatan penggunanya adalah merupakan peluang bagi lembaga-lembaga pemerintah dan partai politik untuk melakukan Perubahan sistem, baik sistem administrasi, pelayanan publik maupun sistem demokrasi. Namun, inisiatif penerapan e-demokrasi di Indonesia masih dikatakan sebagai tahap pengenalan. Sehingga, banyak masalah yang perlu menjadi perhatian sebelum e-demokrasi diimplementasikan. E-demokrasi tidak sekedar mengimplementasikan TIK dan internet ke dalam sistem demokrasi, tetapi banyak aspek-aspek nontechnology yang menjadi hambatan dan perlu penyelesaian. Hambatan pertama adalah terkait dengan implementasi e-government yang telah di laksanakan di Indonesia selama ini. Beberapa hambatan lain yang teridentifikasi diantaranya adalah masalah belum adanya nomer identitas warganegara yang valid, masalah budaya birokrasi dan budaya politik, masalah kesenjangan digital, masalah partisipasi, masalah teknologi, dan masalah organisasi

    Mangrove carbon stock assessment by optical satellite imagery

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    Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve or known as Matang Mangroves is the largest single mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia. Covering an area of about 41,000 ha, majority of this area is forest reserve. Mangroves have long been known as extremely productive ecosystem that cycle carbon (C) rapidly, but studies related to carbon in this ecosystem are limited. This study was carried out to assess the carbon stock and quantify their changes following deforestation, wood extraction and forest degradation. Landsat-TM and SPOT-5 satellite images for 1991 and 2011 respectively were utilised to identify mangroves. Vegetation index generated from the images was used as a variable to indicate carbon stock and it was correlated to forest inventory information through regression. The study showed that carbon stocks of Matang Mangroves ranged from 1.03 to 263.65 t C ha-1 and 1.01 to 259.68 t C ha-1 for the years 1991 and 2011 respectively. Total carbon stock in Matang Mangroves was estimated at about 3.04 mil t C in year 1991 and 2.15 mil t C in 2011. The study suggested that the traditional use of vegetation index from optical imagery systems is still relevant and viable in vegetative studies

    The success factors and barriers of information technology implementation in small and medium enterprises: an empirical study in Malaysia

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    The use of information technology (IT) among entrepreneurs is one of the critical aspects as the usage of IT effectively and efficiently will enable to increase productivity and performance in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Previous reports revealed that SMEs in Malaysia have many concerns about the durability, competitiveness and efficiency due to problems associated such as financial, lack of information and knowledge, capability and capacity. This research is derived based on the issues related to IT implementation in SMEs in Malaysia. It determines the problems and issues related to the implementation, and identify factors for the successful implementation of IT in SMEs. The research approach includes the usage of questionnaires, interviews and case studies. Literature study identified ten critical success factors that include the management, staff, IT planning, financial, consultants, vendors, organisational culture, relationship management and change, and perception. This paper presents the success factors and the barrier of IT implementation based on the empirical study

    A case study of software process assessment and certification (SPAC) model implementation

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    This paper reports the implementation of Software Process Assessment and Certification (SPAC) model.In year 2006, the model has been validated in three software organizations for its practicality in the real world. Recently in year 2011, the SPAC model has been implemented again in one of the organizations participated in year 2006.This paper discusses the outcome from the current study and compares it with the previous study. It reveals that after five years, the level of certification decreases from LEVEL IV to LEVEL II.This is because the best practices of software development are being neglected. Thus, we conclude that continuous software certification is certainly needed in order to know the current status of soft ware development process and help the organization to plan and monitor their continuous improvement of software quality

    Software certification implementation: Case studies analysis and findings

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    Continuous improvement in software quality is an essential concern in software industry. One way to guarantee this continuous improvement is through imposing certification environment. Current studies show that certification of software products are feasible and demonstrate the practicality of the implementation in real situation. Two main models were developed based on end product and process development approach of certification. These models have been tested in three real case studies involving three large organizations in Malaysia. The result of the studies shows that the proposed models and underlying attributes and metrics are appropriate to be gathered and collected during assessment and certification exercises. By having a successful applicable of the case studies show that the models are feasible and practical in the real world environment. Favourable evaluations from the organisations via the software owners enrich the validity and integrity of the model. This paper focuses on implementation of certification model by end product quality approach

    The development of pragmatic quality model for software product certification process

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    The emergence of Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) in Malaysia in 1996 was the starting point for the blooming of software and ICT related companies. Despite that, not much attention was given to the quality of the software product that was being developed by different categories of companies. These companies could not justify the quality of their products to the users and the users are left with uncertainties on the quality of the software. Our previous survey identified the need for independent software assessment and certification. Therefore, we propose a conceptual model of software certification process by product quality approach. It is designed to be applied by an independent certification body or any appointed institution. The main focus of this paper is the development of pragmatic quality model that will be applied in the certification process

    SPAC: A software process assessment and certification model

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    This paper discusses the development of software process assessment and certification(SPAC) model as an effort to ensure and improve the quality of software process.To ensure the compatibility with current practice, the SPAC model was designed by referring to existing models and standards namely ISO 9000,ISO/IEC 15504, Bootstrap and Capability Maturity Model (CMM).The main thrust of the model development is based on five main factors of software quality: process, people, development technology, working environment and project conditions. The distinguish features of the SPAC model are the assessment form, the assessment and certification procedures and the mechanisms for determining the quality and certification levels.In addition, the model also put emphasis on the implementation of team based assessment and the use of multiple data gathering techniques to improve the quality of the data collected