152 research outputs found

    Assessment of the microbial communities and their petroleum hydrocarbon transformation potential in the northern Caspian sea

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    Marine bacterial biodiversity is an immense library of tools which have a potential in bioremediation of oil spills [1]. Oil industry is flourishing in the Caspian Sea which is effecting local environment and we hypothesize that natural seeps and historical anthropogenic leaks have sustained indigenous microbial communities, including hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms (Picture 1). Indigenous microbial communities of Northern part of the Sea and their overall metabolic potential have not been studied comprehensively. We aim to gain knowledge about the bacterial community, determine specific hydrocarbon degrading species and study their potential in bioremediation of oil-polluted Caspian Sea waters

    Numerical modelling of deformation of hyperelastic incompressible solids

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    © 2016, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering.In this paper the model of investigation of large deformations of solids for incompressible elastic materials is considered. The constitutive equations are derived from the potential of elastic deformation. Calculation algorithm is based on the linearized equation of virtual work, defined to actual state. To account incompressibility a penalty method is applied. Numerical implementation is based on the finite element method. The deformation of a square plate with round neckline is provided

    Sociological theories of motivation

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    The study of the theories of motivation is a very relevant topic today, since the result of any human activity depends on motivation, willingness to work and succeed in their endeavors. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that individuals with higher motivation work much harder and more productive. This article describes the concept of motivation such authors as: E. Mayo, A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, D. McClelland, D. McGregor and W. Ouchi.Изучение теорий мотивации весьма актуальная на сегодня тема, так как от мотивации, готовности трудиться и добиваться успеха в своих начинаниях зависит результат любой деятельности человека. Это подтверждается тем, что индивиды, имеющие более высокую мотивацию, работают гораздо усерднее и продуктивнее. В данной статье рассмотрены концепции мотивации таких авторов как: Э. Мэйо, А. Маслоу, Ф. Герцберг, Д. МакКлелланд, Д. МакГрегор и В. Оучи

    Comparative analysis of methods and types of creolization in English and Russian scientific and technical texts: the case of railway discourse texts

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    English and Russian scientific and technical texts of railway discourse are analyzed in the article in order to detect, describe and compare specific methods and types of such texts creolization. In the research the author draws on the up-to-date theory of creolized texts problematics, emphasizing texts in scientific language as the particular object under study. The scientific and technical text ordonnance is analyzed here for purposes of special texts satiation with verbal and non-verbal communicating means and their quantitative relation. The author concretizes the cohesion of the constituents of the scientific and technical texts (arrangement, textuality, functionality). The goal of the research is to study creolization methods and types of highly-specialized English and Russian scientific texts (in the context of railway discourse) followed by the comparative analysis, searching out certain similarities and differences in ways and means of informative value of the English and Russian texts forming. English and Russian teaching-learning materials, scientific publications and periodicals were used as empiric material source. The railway discourse is an understudied linguistic phenomenon. The results of the scientific railway texts comparative analysis for purposes of non-verbal communicating means using, creolized texts classification according to their components interaction, linguistic and visual means description are more likely for present cross-disciplinary researches. The conclusions drawn from the study will help the researchers who would like his/her article to be published in an oversea periodical to make the ordonnance of his/her text in the authentic manner

    THE national mindset verbalization through the Tatar pragmatonims

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    In recent years, the global linguistics developed a special trend within onomastics. This trend studies the names of product brands or a type of offered services. The scientific term "pragmatonim" started to denote such product brands. Pragmatonims often have a national focus. They contain the national language and extralinguistic information, have a multi-level semantics, including the onomastic, linguistic cultural and emotionally expressive connotations. In Tatar linguistic cultural area pragmatonims were not an object of special study till now. The purpose of this work is the study of national mentality verbalization in Tatar language pragmatonims. They use descriptive, semiotic, integrally-contrastive, statistical, linguistic cultural and pragmatic methods. In this paper we considered the pragmatonims of "national food" and "drinks" groups. The analysis of the factual material showed that the meaning of these groups is verbalized by the means of a specific nomination type, called substantial one. At that it is important to note the axiological characteristics of national food and drinks names. The national specifics associated with the history and traditions of people is clearly expressed in the studied Tatar pragmatonims. Thus, the national mentality is verbalized in Tatar language pragmatonims, the ethnic and cultural features of the Tatar people are clearly expressed. The use of pragmatonims formed on the basis of a mother tongue gives the impetus to the national culture development. The prospect of further verbal trademark research is also observed

    Method of investigation of deformations of solids of incompressible materials

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The aim of this work is development mathematical models, algorithm for the investigation stress-strain state of elastic solids, taking into account the incompressibility materials. The constitutive equations are received using a potential energy of deformations. The system of the linear algebraic equations is received by linearization of a resolving equation. The penalty method is applied for a modelling of the incompressibility of the material. The finite element method is used for numerical solution of the problems

    Problems and prospects of sugar beet cultivation in Kazakhstan (Changed title according to reviewers' comments)

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    Received: May 21st, 2023 ; Accepted: August 5th, 2023 ; Published: October 24th, 2023Purpose - to ensure the food security of Kazakhstan, domestic sugar industry should aim at a significant reduction in import dependence and transition to self-sufficiency. The share of domestic sugar from sugar beet in Kazakhstan is 7%. Design/methodology/approach - review indicating the main problems in the sugar beet production in Kazakhstan for the purpose of reimagining the domestic sugar beet industry to reduce dependence on sugar import. We analyzed the dynamics of sugar beet cultivation in Kazakhstan over the past 20 years and detected a sharp reduction in the sugar beet production. Findings - we have identified 10 problems in sugar beet production in Kazakhstan and determined the necessary targeted solutions. We consider the main direction to be the development of scientific methodology for sugar beet production (breeding of new highly productive disease-resistant cultivars, improvement of sugar beet protection system, efficient crop rotation). The most notable problems included in this paper are small-scale marketability of sugar beet farms, infectious diseases of sugar beet, water supply shortages, use of outdated agricultural technologies, high cost of imported sugar beet seeds. Originality/value - The present paper includes a full analysis of current problems in sugar beet production in Kazakhstan

    Influence of cytoskeletal agents on the respiratory electron transport pathways in the cells of winter wheat leaves

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    The effects of actin and tubulin polymerization inhibitors on the respiratory electron transport pathway activities were investigated using abscisic acid (ABA)- and cold-treated winter wheat seedling leaves. In unstressed control plants, cytochalasin B (15 μM) decreased the capacity of the cytochrome pathway, but stimulated the cyanide-resistant pathway, whereas oryzalin (15 μM) produced the opposite effects. Cold hardening (3°C for 7 days) and ABA treatment 30 μM changed the respiratory pattern in a similar manner to cytochalasin B but to lesser effects. This points to cold- and ABA-induced reduction in microfilament sensitivity to these drugs and hence stabilization of actin-dependent processes. In contrast, oryzalin had only weak effects on control samples and its effects were strengthened in the presence of the cytoskeleton-modifying factors. The data suggest that the potential targets for the agent either increase and/or the degree of involvement of microtubules in the respiratory chain regulation, and therefore that the cytoskeleton can modify the functioning of the respiratory electron transport pathways in winter wheat cells. (C) 2000 Academic Press