259 research outputs found

    Guest Editorial

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    Adolescent healt

    HIV Epidemiology and Prevention

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    AIDS research must link to local policy

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    HIV research in South Africa is world class. To halt the country's epidemic, scientists need to shift focus from global problems to priorities at home

    HIV treatment in South Africa: overcoming impediments to get started.

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    Adolescent health

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    The period of adolescence is associated withcomplex psychological, physical and cognitivechanges as children transition to adulthood. In morerecent times this transition has taken on addedcomplexities, particularly in developing countriesundergoing social and political changes, in an era of increasingglobalisation and access to information through new technologies

    Colliding epidemics of communicable and non-communicable diseases during adolescence in South Africa

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    Over the past 50 years, the improvement of health outcomes ininfants and young children has received more attention than that inadolescents, primarily because adolescence is not typically associatedwith ill health. However, this picture is rapidly changing, with thepresent generation of adolescents already encountering diversechallenges, with different biosocial and neurocognitive responsescompared with their parents and grandparents. These transitions areinfluenced by geographical, cultural, economic and genetic contexts.This issue of CME includes the final two articles on the topic ofadolescent health

    Antiretroviral prophylaxis: a defining moment in HIV control

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    A defining moment in the global AIDS response has been reached. The discourse is no longer about HIV prevention or HIV treatment; it is now about HIV control through the implementation of antiretrovirals as key components of combination interventions. Barely a year ago, visions of HIV control would have been considered far-fetched. The impetus for this change in mindset, which has been building since the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna last year, emanates from the compelling evidence that antiretroviral drugs prevent HIV infection in the general heterosexual population, which is released this week and presented at the 6th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Rome by the Partners PrEP and Botswana TDF2 trials

    HIV epidemic types and customized prevention responses.

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    Since the first reported case of AIDS 27 years ago, more than 70 million people have been infected with HIV worldwide, and 25 million have died of AIDS. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimates that 33 million people are currently living with HIV. The global prevalence of HIV has leveled off, but the total number of people living with HIV continues to grow.1 This article briefly discusses the roles that different HIV transmission modes play in the worldwide pandemic, and explains how the global pandemic is actually a complex mosaic of dynamic epidemics within and between countries.2 Further, it discusses matching appropriate prevention responses to two different types of epidemics: generalized and concentrated
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