433 research outputs found

    Unity in Diversity: The New Multicultural Reality

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    Culture is often defined as the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of human groups. It is the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes a group of like individuals. That is why every society tries to protect itself against alien cultures, though they often criticize and modify their systems and ways of life according to the improvement of means and ends to be reached. Multicultural societies have people (s) with different backgrounds living in them. Since the 1960s most of the Western countries (Europe) have experienced sweeping changes in their social structures. People from ex-colonial countries migrated into those societies (legally & illegally) with their own ways of doing things. In the United States of America multiculturalism was associated with the Civil Revolution as a result of the huge population movement (migration) into the Western (California) and Southern States (Florida) from Cuba and Latin America. Families comprising three generations (grand father, father, and children) moved into the American society with different language, customs, and ways of doing things. The situation created a huge burden on the American society at the local and federal levels.Peer Reviewe


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penerapan metode discussion dan role playing di dalam kelas manajemen kinerja, apakah lebih lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan metode ceramah yang sebelumnya digunakan oleh kebanyakan pelajar. Hal ini disebabkan karena metode yang lama dinilai kurang efektif dan tidak mendapatkan hasil yang optimal.  Secara visual mahasiswa cenderung kurang bersemangan  dalam  belajar,  kurang ekspresif dan kurang terganli kemampuan inidividunya.Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan warna baru bagi mahasiswa dan pengajarnya,  sehingga  akan  membuat  mahasiswa  menjadi  lebih  kreatif  dan  bersemangat dalam belajar sehingga prestasi belajar akan menjadi semakin baik. Penelitian ini juga akan membantu meningkatkan kemandirian, kepercayaan diri dan jiwa kompetitif dari mahasiswa karena  metode   yang   diterapkan   lebih   interaktif,   melibatkan  keduabelah  pihak   yaitu mahasiswa dan dosennya serta kemampuan bekerja sama dalam kelompok sehingga jauh dari kesan monoton.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas, yang dirancang secara khusus dalam penerapannya dan disesuaikan dengan silabus dan satuan acara perkuliahan yang telah disepakati oleh pihak institusi. Hasil dari penelitian sudah seperti yang diharapkan walau belum maksimal, peningkatan prestasi mahasiswa sudah terlihat dengan hasil test yang dilakukan oleh peneliti. Prilaku mahasiswa juga terlihat ada perubahan, lebih percaya diri, kreatif, toleransi lebih baik, kooperatif dan lebih mandiri.Kata Kunci : Discussion, role playing dan prestas

    Managing Time: A Study Among Arab Open University Tutors In Kuwait Branch

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    The purpose of this paper was to investigate how tutors at the Arab Open University (AOU) in Kuwait Branch manage their time given workloads they are assigned. Group interviews were conducted with a sample that was selected from AOU tutors in Kuwait branch.  The findings showed that tutors do not ask for more time or cut down workloads; instead, they ask for a better organized and healthy work environment where they can make use of the available time and be more productive and creative

    Response of combined abiotic stresses on maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines and interaction among various stresses

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    In tropics, maize is largely grown as rain fed crop in marginal areas often faces drought and waterlogging simultaneouslyin same season that critically affects plant growth and development. The aim of the research was to studythe response of combined abiotic stresses and the interaction among various stresses on maize inbred plants. Inthe present study, eighty maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines were screened, for multiple abiotic stresses at the vegetativestage. All the traits, observed were severely affected, in drought x low-N stress compare to waterloggingx low-N stress. However in both the stress combinations (drought x low-N and waterlogging x low-N) chlorophyllcontent decreases significantly, low-N stress has synergistic effect on the maize plants. Hence the overall effectof stress combination was negative causing enhanced damage to plants. Whereas, interaction of drought x waterloggingstress showed the antagonized each other response that primarily enhanced growth parameters (leafarea, plant height and stem diameter) and it has improved the tolerant mechanism of maize plants. Therefore weconcluded, the response of maize various plants exposed to combinations of stresses is depend on interactionof stresses

    Purification and characterization of thermostable chitinase from a novel S. maltophilia strain

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    Aims: The presents study examines the purification and characterization of a chitinase from S. maltophilia SJ602 strainisolated from a soil sample collected from Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.Methodology and Results: The purification steps included chitin affinity using colloidal chitin as the affinity matrix andcolumn chromatography using Sephadex G-100. The chitinase was purified to 66 fold having a yield of 17%. The molecular weight of the chitinase was found to be around 29 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The pH and temperature optima of the purified chitinase were found to be at pH 5.5 and60 °C, respectively. Conclusion, Significance and Impact of the study: Besides showing a significant yield, the enzyme has a highthermal stability which has its applicability in the recycling of chitin waste

    Bandstop Filter Design for GSM Shielding Using Frequency Selective Surfaces

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    In this paper, the performance of bandstop Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) is presented which can be used to provide wireless security on airports and other sensitive places, where a mobile phone can be used to set-off an explosive device. It can also be used to block the mobile signals at the places of worship, hospitals and cinemas where the annoying voice of a mobile phone may irritate the masses. The FSS unit cell consists of two metallic square-loop elements printed on FR-4 substrate with different periodicities. The outer and inner square-loop elements are tuned to 900 MHz and 1800 MHz, respectively. It has a stable frequency response at oblique incidences for both perpendicular (TE) and parallel (TM) polarizations. Simulation results are presented to give an overview for the performance of proposed FSS design.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i6.182

    Reliability of spring recession curve analysis as a function of the temporal resolution of the monitoring dataset

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    Mountain springs represent one of the largest and most precious sources of potable water in Italy, necessary to meet the water needs of the population. Optimizing the present and future management strategies of mountain groundwater resources has become increasingly necessary. The accuracy and frequency of the flow rate (Q) measurements determine and restrict the processes that can be studied using spring hydrograph and recession curve analysis. Therefore, to properly define mountain aquifers’ hydrogeological properties, it turns out important to highlight the variation of the error in the estimation of the hydrogeological parameters as the time interval of sampling varies. In this paper, recession curve analysis was performed on two different mountain springs (Spring 1 and Spring 2) of north-western Italy, firstly considering available 4-h resolution measuring data and subsequently by resampling data to simulate longer sampling intervals of 1, 3, 7, 15, and 30 days. The resulting distribution of errors introduced by longer acquisition intervals underlined how the percentage error increases with increasing acquisition interval. For obtaining an adequate estimation of mountain aquifer hydrodynamic parameters, in place of continuous hourly data, 1-day and 3-day sampling intervals with associated errors respectively lower than 5% and 10% were found to be valid

    Nanostructured Lipid Carriers for Delivery of Chemotherapeutics: A Review

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    The efficacy of current standard chemotherapy is suboptimal due to the poor solubility and short half-lives of chemotherapeutic agents, as well as their high toxicity and lack of specificity which may result in severe side effects, noncompliance and patient inconvenience. The application of nanotechnology has revolutionized the pharmaceutical industry and attracted increasing attention as a significant means for optimizing the delivery of chemotherapeutic agents and enhancing their efficiency and safety profiles. Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) are lipid-based formulations that have been broadly studied as drug delivery systems. They have a solid matrix at room temperature and are considered superior to many other traditional lipid-based nanocarriers such as nanoemulsions, liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) due to their enhanced physical stability, improved drug loading capacity, and biocompatibility. This review focuses on the latest advances in the use of NLCs as drug delivery systems and their preparation and characterization techniques with special emphasis on their applications as delivery systems for chemotherapeutic agents and different strategies for their use in tumor targeting.This research was funded by Aljalila foundation, grant number AJF201777

    Groundwater heat pump systems diffusion and groundwater resources protection

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    Geothermal Energy, being a clean and sustainable source of energy, is gaining importance worldwide due to various reasons. Geothermal power can be generated throughout the year on twenty four hour basis as it's not much dependent on ambient temperature and weather conditions. Recently there is an increased interest in exploitation of low enthalpy geothermal resources for other applications such as geothermal space heating and cooling for domestic, industrial and commercial applications.GroundWater Heat Pump systems (GWHPs) extract water from one or more wells, pass it through a heat exchanger or a heat pump, which either extracts heat from, or rejects heat, and discharge water back into the aquifer or nearby surface water.This reinjection disturbs the natural aquifer temperature, producing a local temperature anomalies (cold or heat plume) known as the thermal affected zone (TAZ).Moreover, it is important to know if the TAZ can interfere with downgradient pre-existing plants or subsurface infrastructure or with the plant itself (thermal feedback). It is then important to know, even before constructing a GWHP system, the future TAZ extent around the planned injection point.Due to these risks, the increasing number of GWHP systems enforces the need for new criteria to develop subsurface energy policies that allow planning their spatial distribution. To obtain these sustainability criteria, the results of different dedicated studies are here proposed, in order to optimize the design and operation of GWHP systems