18 research outputs found

    Mzabite Heritage in Southern Algeria: What Bioclimatic Lessons can Be Learned to Optimize Thermal Comfort?

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    It is urgent to act currently on the problems of overconsumption of energy as well as the environment and the economy. Energy is a direct mechanical source of many devices of an artificial thermal environment of the modern habitat. To cope with the consequences of the exceed consumption of domestic use, architecture takes part by focusing on the old constructive and functional solutions. The researchers are interested even fascinated by ancient and vernacular architecture; its buildings are a masterpiece of urban planning in matters of environment. Our study has clearly chosen as an example The Mzab valley; a qualitative and retrospective analysis which aims to describe and classify all the solutions and traditional climate strategies developed by the Mzabites to produce a real thermal comfort and a residential heritage to fight against climatic solicitations. We have checked and observed in parallel if these strategies are convergent or divergent with the recommendations and the needs of the specific comfort in our case study and predetermined in this paper by the method of Givoni. This analysis has shown that Mzabite architecture symbolizes an ancient bioclimatic knowledge, Its strategies generate a perfect harmony between climate, habitat and occupant, they formed an inspiring reference and exemplary lessons available of the designers; by re-adapting these ancient solutions and techniques of our ancestors with a suitable manner to contemporary architecture, and contributing to the improvement of comfortable climate

    Seismic Vulnerability of Masonry Lighthouses: A Study of the Bengut Lighthouse, Dellys, BoumerdĂšs, Algeria

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    In Algeria, lighthouses are an essential element of the maritime landscape and constitute a substantial part of the local historical and cultural heritage, marked by a great variety of styles, architecture, geometrical forms, and materials. The study presented falls into the general context of pre- and post-seismic conservation of Algerian lighthouses, since all these stone masonry buildings are situated in areas characterized by a medium–high seismic hazard. In the paper, a relevant example has been analyzed: the Bengut Lighthouse, which has been classified as "National Heritage" by the Algerian Ministry of Culture and has been severely damaged by the Boumerdùs that occurred on 21 May 2003. After an overview of historical lighthouses in Algeria and their morpho-typological classification, the case study of the lighthouse at Cap Bengut is presented, showing the results of a detailed survey of the geometric and constructive features and of the actual cracking and damage pattern. First, based on the critical analysis of this knowledge framework, a preliminary qualitative evaluation of the seismic vulnerability has been made, analyzing and classifying the set of local and global failure modes coherently with the observed structural pathologies and damages. Then, numerical modeling has been implemented in TreMuri computer code, performing a set of pushover analyses. This allowed the investigation of the criticalities in the response of the building to seismic actions, characterization of the dynamic behavior, and comparison with the actual observed damages, which are discussed, providing an interpretation of the global and local failure modes. Based on the results of the visual assessment and numerical analysis, guidelines for the retrofitting intervention have been proposed, by considering, on the one hand, the objective of effectively mitigating the elements of vulnerability pointed out by the results and, on the other, the main principles of conservation and restoration. The presented study and its results, in perspective, are intended to provide a basis for developing risk and vulnerability analysis of typological classes of historical lighthouses at a large scale

    Factors Affecting Residents' Support for Tourism Development: Case of the AurĂšs Cultural Landscape

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    The paper aims to understand residents' perceptions and opinions of tourism impacts and to determine whether there is a relationship between tourism impacts and support/participation in tourism in a developing region: The AurĂšs. A total of 360 questionnaires were collected from the inhabitants of 4 villages, selected according to their tourist frequentation. 50 items concerning demographic characteristics, tourism impacts and tourist support/involvement were used. The results indicate that the inhabitants generally have positive perceptions and opinions towards tourism development. Motivated by the economic factor and concerned about privacy issues, residents of villages with tourist traffic are more supportive of tourism development than others. From the perspective of the tourism development that the city government has initiated, these results provide useful information for the planning and management of future tourism projects

    Assassing the defensibility of the pre-colonial defensive architecture in Algeria: case study on the medieval fortified villages

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    [EN] Algeria’s pre-colonial towns of the medieval period still exist in different typologies, ranging from the isolated buildings (forts, castles) and town enclosures to whole urban units (fortified villages, defensives towns). Indeed, the constituent of these fortresses was their defense system, characterized by its large dimension, constituted essentially by the enclosure wall, and architectural features of defensiveness correlated with the outside and the inside of the fortresses. This paper aims to evaluate the relationship between physical landscape, built defensive features and cultural values of the medieval fortified villages in Algeria, two medieval fortified villages in our case “Kalaa of Beni Abbes” in Bejaia and “Kalaa of Beni Rached” in Oran, that we identified as an evolved landscape and interpreted as complex system (both defensive architecture and continuing cultural landscape). This current study consists of quantifying the defensiveness degree of these sites situated within different contexts, in fact, this method ensures to identify the strategy adopted to be protected against different invasions. However, in order to achievethis we calculate a spatial defensiveness index (DI) of these sites. The parameters of our choice are related to the implantation site, the elevation, the visibility and the geometrical shape, which allow us toestimate the defensiveness degree of the defense system of our case studies.Oulmas, M.; Abdessemed-Fouda, A.; GonzĂĄlez AvilĂ©s, ÁB. (2020). Évaluation de degrĂ© de dĂ©fense de l’architecture dĂ©fensive prĂ©-coloniale en AlgĂ©rie : cas des villages fortifiĂ©s. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 1311-1318. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11376OCS1311131

    Constructive Characteristics of the Citadel of Algiers (Algeria)

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    The citadel of Algiers was built in 1516. Since the Ottoman Regency, the medieval citadel was destroyed and the reconstruction of the new Qasabah was located on the most highlight of the medina. It is the first military edifice built during the Othoman regency. Initially the citadel contained a powder keg, a walkway, Janissaries residence and their mosque. Several buildings were added to this whole defensive through time: the palace of Dey, its mosque and hammam and the palace of the Beys. The stratigraphic analysis shows that the several intervention constructions; demolition and reconstruction took place over several centuries. Since 2003, the Executive Decret n°03-324 of the law 98-04 on protection of cultural heritage in Algeria was implemented. This allowed today a better care of the restoration projects of this whole military building. Today the citadel of Algiers is under a work of more rigorous restoration. Several processes are conducted by different architects specializing Heritage. These include the restoration of the powder keg, Dey palace, the main entrance, etc. This work aims to present the different strata of the constructive citadel, the constructive typology of some buildings located intra muros highlighted during the work of restoring

    Mzabite Heritage in Southern Algeria: What Bioclimatic Lessons can Be Learned to Optimize Thermal Comfort?

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    It is urgent to act currently on the problems of overconsumption of energy as well as the environment and the economy. Energy is a direct mechanical source of many devices of an artificial thermal environment of the modern habitat. To cope with the consequences of the exceed consumption of domestic use, architecture takes part by focusing on the old constructive and functional solutions. The researchers are interested even fascinated by ancient and vernacular architecture; its buildings are a masterpiece of urban planning in matters of environment. Our study has clearly chosen as an example The Mzab valley; a qualitative and retrospective analysis which aims to describe and classify all the solutions and traditional climate strategies developed by the Mzabites to produce a real thermal comfort and a residential heritage to fight against climatic solicitations. We have checked and observed in parallel if these strategies are convergent or divergent with the recommendations and the needs of the specific comfort in our case study and predetermined in this paper by the method of Givoni. This analysis has shown that Mzabite architecture symbolizes an ancient bioclimatic knowledge, Its strategies generate a perfect harmony between climate, habitat and occupant, they formed an inspiring reference and exemplary lessons available of the designers; by re-adapting these ancient solutions and techniques of our ancestors with a suitable manner to contemporary architecture, and contributing to the improvement of comfortable climate

    Valorisation numĂ©rique des minoteries AlgĂ©rienne du XIXe et XXe siĂšcle : l’aurore d’un processus de patrimonialisation d’un patrimoine industriel

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    Etablir un processus de patrimonialisation, ou l’adapter au contexte industriel des minoteries ? De telles initiatives ont Ă©tĂ© largement traitĂ©es par les protecteurs du patrimoine dans le monde. La conservation, la rĂ©habilitation, la reconversion ont marquĂ© l’histoire versant pour le profit des retombĂ©es touristiques. La valorisation des ressources par voix numĂ©rique, certes, est une action conservatrice, mais qui manque de pratique concrĂšte sur le terrain. Le patrimoine mĂ©diatisĂ© gagne en valorisation cependant, il perd de son Ă©tat de conservation s’il y a un manque d’intervention. La sauvegarde du patrimoine industriel ne se considĂšre pas prioritaire aujourd'hui pour L’AlgĂ©rie, malgrĂ© cette richesse non exploitĂ©e qui se trouve en pĂ©ril si aucune action de protection n'est engagĂ©e. Cette rĂ©alitĂ© observĂ©e est due en grande partie au dĂ©tachement de la sociĂ©tĂ© de la mĂ©moire des lieux que portent ces minoteries algĂ©riennes. Comment pourrait-on crĂ©er ou amĂ©liorer l’attachement entre sociĂ©tĂ© et minoterie par vois numĂ©rique? L’objectif de ce prĂ©sent article est la construction symbolique d’une mĂ©moire et d’histoire personnelle propre aux minoteries algĂ©riennes du XIXe et XXe siĂšcle. Une dĂ©marche introductive a un attachement social, attribuant Ă  ces minoteries l’aspect patrimonial d’une construction sociale au sein de la sociĂ©tĂ© actuelle.La mĂ©thode adoptĂ©e est la recherche-action participative, conjuguant intervention sociale et mĂ©diation mĂ©morielle par le biais de l’outil numĂ©rique. Sur une plate-forme assemblant pĂ©dagogie, formation et travail, un programme touchant tous les groupes d’ñge sera Ă©tabli et lancĂ© en premier sur les directions pĂ©dagogiques de l’enseignement, de la classe primaire Ă  l’universitĂ©, rendant cette plate-forme un espace de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Les liens sociaux unifiant les usagers avec leurs familles vont la faire Ă©merger. Ce programme va contenir des formations et sorties lucratives sur terrain selon la tranche d’ñge. La plate-forme quant Ă  elle, aura la fonction de stocker et mĂ©diter l’histoire crĂ©Ă©e. Cette mĂ©thode va influencer le niveau de frĂ©quentation des minoteries ainsi la crĂ©ation d’une mĂ©moire et d’histoire collectives des lieux aboutissant Ă  un attachement social. Ensemble, les rĂ©sultats attendus de cette dĂ©marche peuvent constituer un processus interactif de construction symbolique d’un patrimoine pour lequel il y avait peur ou pas d’histoire partagĂ©e avec la sociĂ©tĂ©. La catĂ©gorie la plus experte de la sociĂ©tĂ© bĂ©nĂ©ficiera d’un enseignement, et Ă  long terme un attachement aux minoteries que la sociĂ©tĂ© avait Ă  interagir et Ă  crĂ©er sa propre histoire personnelle. Le traitement de l’information aujourd’hui est pris par la fascination de la technologie. Le numĂ©rique gagne du terrain, et son expansion peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e comme Ă©lĂ©ment d’analyse et expertise communicationnel Ɠuvrant pour la qualitĂ© mĂ©morielle de la sociĂ©tĂ©

    Architectural and landscape study of Medieval Fortifications. Case study of “BĂ©ni Abbes” fortress in Bejaia, Algeria

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    “Qalaas” or Fortresses where symbols of power and authority in Algeria between the 7th and 15th century during the Arab conquest. They were once, built by taking into account strategic and defensive purpose in order to get away external attacks. This paper aims to present the architectural and landscape characteristics of Medieval Fortifications in Algeria. The following study is an attempt to collect some basic information such as architectural typology, functional survey, defensive system, and spiritual and living place in order to better protect these fortifications. The current study focuses on the “Beni Abbes” fortress in Bejaia, which reveals the Hispano-Maghrebin history. It was founded at the crossroads of three important historical events: the end to the Hafsid dynasty, the Spain invasion and the Ottoman period. In order to achieve this, we will carry out a detailed architectural survey of the whole fortress and landscaping assessment. A methodology for landscape and heritage assessment will be developed specifically for this Berber kingdom fortress, for its knowledge and recognition

    The BĂ©ni-Rached Fortress in Relizane: An archaeological city and cultural landscape of the pre-colonial defensive architecture in Algeria

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    Located in mountainous area, between Relizane and Mascara cities, the Beni-Rached Qalaa is made up of four distinct conurbations, amidst multiple rocky peaks, following the banks of river, nearby the fertile plains, staggered between two separate zones. The citadel presents a structure and characters common to Berber and Aurasian villages, intended to facilitate their defensive system. Indeed, like precolonial fortified cities of Algeria, the Beni-Rached Citadel was the political and military capital during the three periods of the history that made its foundation: The Arab conquest, the Ottoman and Spanish occupation, and the French colonization. Today the fortress is witness of a living culture with its industrious population, conserving important social functions. This paper aims to present an architectural, landscape and patrimonial study of the Beni-Rached Qalaa that tackles the question of its assessment as a “lived and perceived” landscape. First and foremost, the primary objective of this research is the identification of the cultural (tangible and intangible) and natural attributes of the fortress, this current method is enrolled in dual approach of knowledge and recognition of the Beni Rached Qalaa, its knowledge consists of making an analysis grid at three different scales: the global perception scale that allows the interpretation of physicals and symbolic characteristics of the citadel, scale of the fortress landscape evaluation and its evolution based on the historical approach, and scale of the cultural and natural values quantification. Regarding the recognition, it evokes the determination of the integrity and authenticity of the BĂ©ni-Rached Qalaa, allowing its inscription as a cultural landscape in accordance with the UNESCO regulation and Algerian legislation governing the cultural heritage protection