4,310 research outputs found

    Determination of the prime bound of a graph

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    Given a graph GG, a subset MM of V(G)V(G) is a module of GG if for each vV(G)Mv\in V(G)\setminus M, vv is adjacent to all the elements of MM or to none of them. For instance, V(G)V(G), \emptyset and {v}\{v\} (vV(G)v\in V(G)) are modules of GG called trivial. Given a graph GG, ωM(G)\omega_M(G) (respectively αM(G)\alpha_M(G)) denotes the largest integer mm such that there is a module MM of GG which is a clique (respectively a stable) set in GG with M=m|M|=m. A graph GG is prime if V(G)4|V(G)|\geq 4 and if all its modules are trivial. The prime bound of GG is the smallest integer p(G)p(G) such that there is a prime graph HH with V(H)V(G)V(H)\supseteq V(G), H[V(G)]=GH[V(G)]=G and V(H)V(G)=p(G)|V(H)\setminus V(G)|=p(G). We establish the following. For every graph GG such that max(αM(G),ωM(G))2\max(\alpha_M(G),\omega_M(G))\geq 2 and log2(max(αM(G),ωM(G)))\log_2(\max(\alpha_M(G),\omega_M(G))) is not an integer, p(G)=log2(max(αM(G),ωM(G)))p(G)=\lceil\log_2(\max(\alpha_M(G),\omega_M(G)))\rceil. Then, we prove that for every graph GG such that max(αM(G),ωM(G))=2k\max(\alpha_M(G),\omega_M(G))=2^k where k1k\geq 1, p(G)=kp(G)=k or k+1k+1. Moreover p(G)=k+1p(G)=k+1 if and only if GG or its complement admits 2k2^k isolated vertices. Lastly, we show that p(G)=1p(G)=1 for every non prime graph GG such that V(G)4|V(G)|\geq 4 and αM(G)=ωM(G)=1\alpha_M(G)=\omega_M(G)=1.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1110.293

    Feedback Control of Nonlinear Dissipative Systems by Finite Determining Parameters - A Reaction-diffusion Paradigm

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    We introduce here a simple finite-dimensional feedback control scheme for stabilizing solutions of infinite-dimensional dissipative evolution equations, such as reaction-diffusion systems, the Navier-Stokes equations and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. The designed feedback control scheme takes advantage of the fact that such systems possess finite number of determining parameters (degrees of freedom), namely, finite number of determining Fourier modes, determining nodes, and determining interpolants and projections. In particular, the feedback control scheme uses finitely many of such observables and controllers. This observation is of a particular interest since it implies that our approach has far more reaching applications, in particular, in data assimilation. Moreover, we emphasize that our scheme treats all kinds of the determining projections, as well as, the various dissipative equations with one unified approach. However, for the sake of simplicity we demonstrate our approach in this paper to a one-dimensional reaction-diffusion equation paradigm