78 research outputs found

    Median sternotomy in penetrating cardiac trauma , does it make a difference ?

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    Background: Studies comparing the outcomes of left lateral thoracotomy and median sternotomy in the management of penetrating cardiac trauma in the Egyptian setting are lacking, which motivated us to conduct the current study. This study aimed to compare the perioperative and short-term outcomes between median sternotomy and left anterior thoracotomy in the management of patients with penetrating cardiac injuries. Methods: A total of 40 patients with penetrating cardiac trauma were included: 34 were males (85%), and 6 were females (15%). The mean age was 35.00 ± 10.83 years. Patients were allocated into two groups: Group A (n= 20) was managed with median sternotomy, and Group B (n= 20) was managed with left lateral thoracotomy. The study outcomes included operative time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative pain score, duration of mechanical ventilation, length of ICU stay, postoperative complications and mortality. Results: The right ventricle was the most common injury site (60% vs. 50%, p= 0.619 in Groups A and B, respectively). Left lateral thoracotomy was associated with longer operation times [3750 (1500 – 6000) vs. 185 (70 - 260) mins, p= 0.002]. Left lateral thoracotomy patients had longer ICU stays [5 (2 – 7) vs. 3 (2 – 5) days, p= 0.004] and hospital stays [7 (4 – 12) vs. 5 (4 – 7) days, p= 0.001]. There were no differences in wound infection, pericardial effusion, or mortality between the groups. The pain score was lower in the median sternotomy group postoperatively from day 2 to day 7. Conclusion: Median sternotomy was associated with a significant decrease in operation time, blood loss, pain score, duration of ICU stay, and hospitalization period. The median sternotomy approach could be preferred over the thoracotomy approach in patients with penetrating cardiac injury

    Tamoxifen drug loading solid lipid nanoparticles prepared by hot high pressure homogenization techniques.

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    As drug delivery systems Nanoparticulate widely investigated because of many advantages such as smaller size, controlled drug release potential, targeting ability, enhancement of therapeutic efficacy and reduction of toxicity. So, Solid Lipid Nanoparticles have recently received considerable attention as alternative drug delivery carrier. In this study Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs) containing tamoxifen, nonsteroidal antiestrogens have been loaded and to be used as breast cancer therapy, were prepared by hot High Pressure Homogenization techniques. Tamoxifen loaded SLNs seem to have dimensional properties useful for parenteral administration. Preliminary study of antiproliferative activity in vitro, carried out on MCF-7 cell line (human breast cancer cells), demonstrated that SLNs, containing tamoxifen showed an antitumoral activity comparable to free drug. Tamoxifen loaded SLNs seem to have dimensional properties useful for parenteral administration. SLN was characterized by Differential Scanning Calorimetery (DSC), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Zeta Potential and Particle Size. The results of characterization studies strongly support the potential application of Tamoxifen-loaded SLNs as a carrier system. The SLN presented here are well suited for certain drug delivery applications, particularly breast cancer therapy

    Evaluation of plasma zinc and copper in patient with chronic renal failure in Khartoum State - Sudan

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    The kidney is complex vital organs, and has many functions. The main function it‘s removal of toxic and excess  substancesfrom the plasma, if there is any defect in the kidney like renal failure can disrupt  this function. The aim of this study was to determine the level of Zinc and Copper in Sudanese patient with chronic renal failure. This study was designed as case control, which includes 100 blood samples, a 60 from these sample were collected from patient with chronic renal failure and 40 samples were collected from health individual as control group and the sample is collected by using sterile disposable syringes and separated by centrifuge. Carried out in Ribat University Hospital in Khartoum state, during period from March to June 2018. And the plasma levels of zinc and copper determined by the use of atomic absorption spectrophotometer (OPERATOR’S MANUAL January 2003 VER 3.94 C), and the obtained results were analyzed by SPSS. The result of this study showed that there was significant decrease (p<0.05) in the plasma levels of zinc and copper in patient with chronic renal failure compared to the control subjects. The mean of plasma Zn was 0.3mg/l in test group and 0.7mg/l in control group with p. value of 0.002 and the mean of plasma Copper was 0.5mg/l in test group and 0.7mg/l in control group with p. value of 0.019. Also the study showed the gender and age of the patient, also the duration of the disease have no effect on the plasma level of zinc and copper (p 0.05). The study concludes that the plasma level of zinc and copper are low in patient with chronic renal failure. And the gender and age of the patient also the duration of disease have no significant effect on the plasma level of zinc and copper. Keywords: Chronic Renal Failure, Zinc, Copper, Sudanes

    Mothers’ Attitudes towards Children’s Use of Electronic Games and their Impact on Them: A ‏Survey

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على تأثير معدل متابعة الألعاب الإلكترونية واستخدامها في الأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين (6-15) سنة من وجهة نظر الأمهات للوقوف على بعض الجوانب السلبية والإيجابية وتنتمي هذه الدراسة إلى الدراسات الوصفية مستخدمة المنهج المسحي عبر عينة من الأمهات بالإجابة على استبانة تضم 17 سؤالا مستهدفة  وصف أثر استخدام الألعاب الإلكترونية على الأطفال في مدينة الدمام بالمملكة العربية السعودية، واعتمدت منهج المسح الإعلامي عبر عينة لجمهور الأمهات، للتعرف على كيفية استخدام أبنائهن للألعاب الإلكترونية، والنتائج المتحققة لديهن من متابعة تلك الألعاب وتأثيرها على تحصيلهم الدراسي، ومن أهم نتائج الدراسة: اتفاق نتائج الدراسة مع ما توصلت إليه الدراسات السابقة من حيث وجود أضرار نفسية ودراسية واضحة على الأطفال، وجاء الذكور أكثر استخداما للجوال والبلايستيشن بنسب متقاربة، بينما تميل الإناث لاستخدام الجوال أكثر من الذكور ولا تميل إلى استخدام البلاي ستيشن، بينما لا يميل أيا من الجنسين لاستخدام الإكس بوكس، وكذلك الذكور هم الأكثر مداومة في الجلوس على أجهزة إلكترونية مختلفة، ويفضلون استخدام ألعاب المغامرات والأكشن ثم الألعاب التعليمية، ومن ثم فالتأثير السلبي نحو التعامل بعنف وتأخر تحصيهم الدراسي كان أعلى من الإناث، ويُفضل الإناث ألعاب المغامرات والألعاب التعليمية ثم الألغاز، ولا يداومن على الجلوس على الأجهزة المختلفة بكثرة كما الذكور، ومن ثم تبدو نسبة التعامل مع الآخرين أقل عنفًا وتأخر التحصيل الدراسي أقل، ويُفضل الذكور استخدام ألعاب الرعب مقارنة بالإناث، وتُشير النتائج إلى أن ممارسة الألعاب يؤثر سالبا على الأطفال في التعامل مع الآخرين بعنف وتأخر الطفل في التحصيل الدراسي، وكان الذكور أعلى في التأثر من الإناث، وهناك تقارب في نسب التأثيرات الإيجابية بين الذكور والإناث إثر التعلق بالألعاب الإلكترونية على حياتهم اليومية، وجاءت التأثيرات السلبية أعلى تأثيرا من التأثيرات الإيجابية.The study aimed to identify the impact of the rate of follow-up and use of electronic games on children between the ages of (6-15) years from the mothers’ point of view to find out some of its negative and positive aspects. This study is a descriptive study which used the survey method through a sample of mothers by answering a questionnaire containing 17 questions that aims to describe the impact of the use of electronic games on children in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. It relied on the media survey method through a sample of the mothers' audience, to know how their children use electronic games, and the effects achieved by them from following these games and their impact on their academic achievement, and among the most important results of the study: The results of the study are consistent with the findings of previous studies in terms of clear psychological and academic change for children. The males showed frequent usage for mobile devices and PlayStation in close proportions while females tend to use mobile phones more than males and do not tend to use PlayStation. However, neither gender tends to use Xbox. The males are the most persistent in sitting on different electronic games. They prefer to use adventure and action games and then educational games, so the negative impact towards dealing violently and delaying their academic achievement was higher than that of females. Females preferred adventure games, educational games, then puzzles. They do not persist in sitting on different devices as much as males do, so the percentage of dealing with others more violent and the delay in academic achievement is   less. Males prefer to use horror games compared to females. The results generally indicate that playing games negatively affects children in dealing with others violently and a steep decrease in their school achievement, and males were more affected than females. There is a convergence in the proportions of positive effects between males and females towards attaching electronic games to their daily lives, and the negative effects were higher than the positive ones

    Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of the essentail oils of Etlingera elatior and Cinnamomum pubescens Kochummen

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    BACKGROUND: Plant essential oils are widely used as fragrances and flavours. Therefore, the essential oils from the leaves of Cinnamomum pubescens Kochummen (CP) and the whole plant of Etlingera elatior (EE) were investigated for their antioxidant, antibacterial and phytochemical properties. RESULTS: CP and EE were found to contain appreciable levels of total phenolic contents (50.6 and 33.41 g kg(-1) as gallic acid equivalent) and total flavonoid contents (205.6 and 244.8 g kg(-1) as rutin equivalent), respectively. DPPH free radical scavenging activity of CP is superior to EE (P < 0.05) showing IC(50) of 77.2 and 995.1 µg mL(-1), respectively. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella choleraesuis were tested against CP and EE. Only MRSA was the most susceptible bacteria to CP. GC/MS studies resulted in the identification of 79 and 73 compounds in CP and EE, respectively. The most abundant components of EE included β-pinene (24.92%) and 1-dodecene (24.31%). While the major compound in CP were 1,6-octadien-3-ol,3,7-dimethyl (11.55%), cinnamaldehyde (56.15%) and 1-phenyl-propane-2,2-diol diethanoate (11.38%). CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the essential oils from Cinnamomum pubescens Kochummen and Etlingera elatior could be potentially used as a new source of natural antioxidant and antibacterial in the food and pharmaceutical industries

    Phytochemical profiling of Costus (Saussurea lappa Clarke) root essential oil, and its antimicrobial and toxicological effects

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    Purpose: To carry out gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the phytochemical content of the root essential oil of Saussurea lappa Clarke Asteraceae (Costus, SLEO), and to evaluate its physicochemical, antimicrobial and cytoxic properties. Methods: The oil was extracted from the plant’s roots by steam distillation using a Clevenger system. Various physicochemical parameters for the oil including refractive index, color, acid value, saponification number, ester and peroxide values were measured. Flavonoid content was assessed using thin layer chromatography (TLC). Thermoscientific trace ultra gas chromatograph equipped with a Thermoscientific capillary TR-5MS column was utilized to determine the volatile components of SLEO. Antimicrobial activity of SLEO was performed against various Gram (+ve) and Gram (-ve) microorganisms, viz, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans, while cytotoxic effect was monitored using Artemia salina (brine shrimp) lethality assay. Results: Essential oil yield was good (3 %). Concentration-dependent antimicrobial effects were observed on all test microorganisms and no marked difference in lethality levels was observed among the tested SLEO concentrations on brine shrimp (p &lt; 0.05). The main component of SLEO was costunolide or eudesma-5,11(13)-dien-8,12-olide (52.01 %). Conclusion: The results indicate the promising therapeutic properties of S. lappa. However, further phytochemical and biological investigations are required to establish the mechanism of action and toxicological the extract

    Assessment of Glycosylated hemoglobin and lipid profile among patients with skin tags in Khartoum State-Sudan

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    Background: Skin tags (acrochordons) are the common small benign connective tissue tumor of the dermis that occurs in old subjects usually located on the neck and the major flexors .and the aim of this study to estimate the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and dyslipidemia among patients with Skin Tags in Khartoum state. Material and Methods: This is descriptive case control study and was conducted during the period from March to July 2018. In this study 50 [28 (56%) male and 22 (54%) female] patients with skin tags and 20 [11 (55%) male and 9 (45%) female] healthy individual are randomly selected, blood samples were collected after fulfillment of questionnaire, fasting venous blood collected in fluoride oxalate container for fasting glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides and 2.5ml venous blood in EDTA for HbA1c,&nbsp; and were analysis by spectrophotometer for glucose cholesterol and triglycerides and&nbsp; ichroma for HbA1c,obtained results were analyzed statistically by using SPSS. Results: The mean of fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, cholesterol and triglycerides of case is (111mg.dl, 5.6 %, 205mg.dl, 160mg.dl) respectively. And the mean of fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, cholesterol and triglycerides of healthy individual is (86mg.dl, 5.0%, 149mg.dl, 170mg.dl) respectively. 62.2% of male has (1-10 ST), 38.5% of male has (11-20 ST) and 37.8% of female has (1-10 ST) ,61.5% has 11-20 ST. case aged 20-40 years (48.6% has 1-10 ST and 15.4% has 11-20 ST ), case aged 41-80 years (51.4% has 1-10 ST and 84.6% has 11-20 ST). Conclusion: There was significant correlation between number of skin tags and mean levels of fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, and fasting serum cholesterol levels, no significant correlation between gender and number of ST, significant correlation between age and number of ST. Keywords: Skin Tags, Fasting Blood Glucose, Hba1c, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Sudanes

    Biological and phytochemical investigations of Goniothalamus umbrosus leaves hexane extract.

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    Antibacterial, antioxidant, anticancer properties and chemical compositions of Goniothalamus umbrosus (GU) hexane extract was investigated using disc diffusion method, DPPH assay, MTT cytotoxicity test (MCF-7 breast cancer cell line, HT-29 colon cancer cell line and CEMss leukemia cell line) and GC-MS, respectively. Anti-tumor effect of GU was further confirmed morphologically under inverted and fluorescent microscopy. Anticancer properties were only observed on MCF-7 with an IC50 of 20 ± 4.469 μg/ml. Morphology of MCF-7, after exposure to the extract, has suggested strongly the incidence of a cell death that might resemble to apoptosis. Antioxidant activity was not comparable significantly to the commercial standard antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). The extract failed to exhibit any antibacterial activity towards two Gram-positive bacteria, Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Bacillus subtilis B29, and other two Gram-negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 60690 and Salmonella choleraesuis. Analyses of the extract by gas chromatography and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) tentatively identified 68 compounds, including a group naphthalene derivatives (18.33%) and eudesma-4(14),7(11)-diene (5.97%). A further research is recommended to verify the mechanism of oncolytic action of the hexane extract of G. umbrosu