116 research outputs found

    An unusual median nerve formation; A case report and literature review

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    The Median nerve anatomical variation is commonly encountered. During the dissection of about 65 years of formalin-fixed male cadaver at the  Department of Human Anatomy at National University Faculty of Medicine for undergraduate students in 2016-2017, the left upper limb showed that the  median nerve was formed by the union of the three roots. However, the third root arose from the musculocutaneous nerve inside the coracobrachialis  muscle, perforating the lower part of the muscle and joining the median nerve at the middle of the arm region. Knowledge of these variations is useful  clinically, especially when evaluating symptoms of upper limb trauma, and it is also useful when performing surgical approaches.&nbsp

    Athari za Kiisimu za Lahaja ya Kimakunduchi katika Kiswahili Sanifu Kinachotumika Shuleni Makunduchi Zanzibar

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    Utafiti huu uliwalenga wanafunzi wa skuli za msingi na sekondari za Makunduchi zilizo katika wilaya ya Kusini Unguja katika kuchunguza athari za Kimakunduchi katika Kiswahili Sanifu. Pia, walimu wa somo la Kiswahili walishirikishwa kikamilifu. Kwa upande wa wanafunzi, waliotafitiwa ni watoto wenye umri kati ya miaka 10-14 ambao ni wanafunzi wa msingi; na miaka 15 ā€“ 20 wanaosoma sekondari. Mbinu kadhaa zilitumika ikiwemo mbinu ya usaili, mbinu ya kutumia hojaji, mbinu ya maktaba, mbinu ya uchunguzi wa maskanini na mbinu ya majaribio. Kila mbinu ilimsaidia mtafiti kwa namna moja au nyingine wakati wa ukusanyaji wa data; na pia wakati wa uchambuzi. Utafiti huu una sura tano. Sura ya kwanza imefafanua usuli wa mada, tatizo la utafiti, malengo na maswali ya utafiti, umuhimu, upeo wake na pia imebainisha kiunzi cha nadharia kilichotumiwa na utafiti huu. Sura ya pili imeelezea mapitio ya maandiko ambapo mna mjadala wa namna fulani kuhusiana maandiko hayo na namna yalivyomsaidia mtafiti katika kazi yake. Sura ya tatu imezungumzia mbinu alizotumia mwandishi katika ukusanyaji wa data yake. Sura ya nne imewasilisha uchambuzi wa data. Katika uwasilishaji huo, sura imeanza kwa kubainisha sifa za kiisimu za lahaja ya Kimakunduchi kwa ujumla, pia imebainisha matumizi ya Kimakunduchi madarasani pamoja na kuonesha athari za lahaja hiyo kwa Kiswahili Sanifu. Sura ya tano imeonesha matokeo ya utafiti ambapo imebainika kwamba yamekidhi haja ya maswali ya utafiti yaliyotumika kama dira ya ukusanyaji wa data. Mwisho, sura ya sita imemalizia kwa kuonesha muhtasari na mapendekezo ya utafiti

    Optimal PV Allocation & Minimal tap-Changing Transformers Achieving Best Distribution Voltage Profile & Minimum Losses in Active Distribution Networks

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    In distribution systems, voltage levels of the various buses should be maintained within the permissible limits for satisfactory operation of all electrical installations and equipment.Ā  The task of voltage control is closely associated with fluctuating load conditions and corresponding requirements of reactive power compensation. The problem of load bus voltage optimization in distribution systems that have distributed generation (DG) has recently become an issue. In Oman, the distribution code limits the load bus voltage variations within Ā±6% of the nominal value. Several voltage control methods are employed in active distribution systems with a high share of photovoltaic systems (PV) to keep the voltage levels within the desirable limits. In addition to the constraint of targeting the best voltage profile, another constraint has to be achieved which is the minimum loss in the distribution network. An optimised solution for voltage of load busses with on-load tap-changing (OLTC)Ā tarnsformers and PV sources is presesnted in this paper.Ā This study addresses the problem of optimizing the injected power from PV systems associated with the facilities of tap-changing transformers, as it is an important means of controlling voltage throughout the system. Ā To avoid violating tap-changing constraints, a method is depicted for determining the minimal changes in transformer taps to control voltage levels with distributed PV sources. Ā The taps of a range + 5 to -15 %, can be achieved by tap-changing transformers. The OLTC operation was designed to keep the secondary bus within the voltage standard for MV networks

    Performance evaluation of an RDB and an ORDB: A comparative study using the BUCKY benchmark

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    This paper highlights the functionality of object-based database systems by comparing the performance of relational database (RDB) and object-relational database (ORDB) systems. The study focuses on assessing the efficiency of database systems based on query processing and object complexity. We conducted an experiment that includes running the queries on the RDB and ORDB that were used in the BUCKY benchmark and implemented on Oracle 11g. The findings of this research show that the performance of both database systems depends on various factors, such as the size and type of databases, the schema and query structures, the number of tuples scanned in tables, indexes as well as the environment, in which the experiment was carried out

    The Protection of Digital Intellectual Property: Domain Names Disputes under Jordanian Cyber Regulation

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    The protection of Intellectual property has faced new challenges with the tremendous expansion of Internet. Our article highlights the domain names disputes that may arise in the process of registration of new websites and the legal procedures able to arbitrate those particular cases. We focus the study of this problematic on the case of Jordan and the legal tools available to the Jordanian legislative and judicial authorities to arbitrate those disputes alongside with its memberships to International Organizations and Conventions specialized in protecting Intellectual property. Keywords: Digital Intellectual property, domain name disputes, Jordanian Cyber regulation, NITC, TRIPS, cybersquatting


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    Modular Multilevel Converters (MMCs) are distinguished by their modular nature that makes them suitable for wide range of high power and high voltage applications. However, they are vulnerable to internal faults because of the large number of series connected Sub-Modules. Additionally, it is highly recommended not to block the converter even if it is subjected to internal faults to secure the supply, to increase the reliability of the system and prevent unscheduled maintenance. This thesis introduces a fault tolerant control system for controlling the MMC in normal as well as abnormal operating conditions. This is done through developing a new adaptive voltage balancing strategy based on capacitor voltage estimation utilizing ADAptive LInear NEuron (ADALINE) and Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithms. The capacitor voltage balancing techniques that have been proposed in literature are based on measuring the capacitor voltage of each sub-module. On contrary, the proposed strategy eliminates the need of these measurements and associated communication links with the central controller. Furthermore, the thesis presents a novel fault diagnosis algorithm using the estimated capacitor voltages which are utilized to detect and localize different types of sub-module faults. The proposed fault diagnosis algorithm surpasses the methods presented in literature by its fast fault detection capability without the need of any extra sensing elements or special power circuit. Finally, a new Fault Tolerant Control Unit (FTCU) is proposed to tolerate the faults located inside the MMC submodules. The proposed FTCU is based on a sorting algorithm which modifies the parameters of the voltage balancing technique in an adaptive manner to overcome the reduction of the active submodules and secure the MMC operation without the need of full shut-down. Most of fault tolerant strategies that have been proposed by other researchers are based on using redundant components, while the proposed FTCU does not need any extra components. The dynamic performance of the proposed strategy is investigated, using PSCAD/EMTDC simulations and hardware in the loop (HIL) real-time simulations, under different normal and faulty operating conditions. The accuracy and the time response of the proposed fault detection and tolerant control units result in stabilizing the operation of the MMC under different types of faults. Consequently, the proposed integrated control strategy improves the reliability of the MMC

    Treatment of comminuted distal radius fractures using spanning external fixator

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    Background: Distal radius fractures are common orthopedic injuries with a bimodal age distribution, affecting young patients following high-energy trauma and elderly patients with osteoporotic bone following low-energy falls.Objectives: The aim of the study was to understand the advantages and disadvantages of spanning external fixation technique for treatment of comminuted distal radius fractures.Patients and methods: This Prospective Cohort study was conducted in Orthopedic Surgery Department, Zagazig University Hospitals, Egypt on twenty-four patients with comminuted distal radius fractures treated by spanning External Fixator, during the period from January 2021 to December 2021.Result: All patients achieved the full union; only 2 patients had delayed union beyond the 3 months. According to MMWS, 50% of patients had excellent outcome, 29.2% had good, while fair and poor outcome occurred in 12.5% & 8.3% respectively. Regarding the Complications, ten patients developed complications, most of them were minor complications, while 2 patients developed Delayed union and one patient had DRUJ instability.Conclusion: It could be concluded that spanning external fixation is a good option for treatment of intra-articular DRF. The good outcomes achieved in this study suggest that use of the Spanning external fixators could be an alternative treatment method for intra articular distal radius fractures, as it is easier, need less operation time, decrease amount of blood loss and decrease risk of infection in comparison with spanning bridging plate or locked distal radius plates. All DRFs achieved good results; Functional outcomes were promising, including wide wrist ROM and no mal or non-union occurred

    Vrednovanje metode RT-PCR za određivanje sudanskih serotipova virusa epizootske hemoragijske bolesti.

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    Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) is an infectious non-contagious disease of deer and cattle. At least 2 serotypes of EHD virus, designated EHDV-4 and EHDV-318, are enzootic in the Sudan. To facilitate clinical disease investigation and control of the disease a rapid diagnostic assay is urgently needed. A reverse transcriptase (RT) polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) protocol, previously reported for detection of the United States EHDV serotypes 1 and 2 ribonucleic acid (RNA) in cell culture and clinical specimens, was evaluated for detection of the Sudanese EHDV serotypes. RNA from Sudanese isolates of EHDV-4 and EHDV-318, propagated in cell cultures, were detected by the described RT-PCR-based assay. The specific 387 bp PCR products were visualized on ethidium bromide stained agarose gel. Amplification product was not detected when the EHDV RT-PCR-based assay was applied to RNA from Sudanese bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 4 (BTV-4) or total nucleic acid extracts from uninfected BHK-21 cells. The scientific observations reported in this paper indicated that the previously described EHDV RT-PCR assay could be applied for detection of EHDV infection among the Sudanese susceptible animal populations.Epizootska hemoragijska bolest je zarazna nekontagiozna bolest jelena i goveda. U Sudanu se enzootski javljaju najmanje 2 serotipa virusa te bolesti i to EHDV-4 i EHDV-318. Za njezinu pouzdanu dijagnostiku i kontrolu potrebne su brze suvremene metode. Za dokaz serotipova izdvojenih u Sudanu vrednovana je lančana reakcija polimerazom uz predhodnu reverznu transkripciju (RT-PCR), opisana u SAD-u za dokaz RNA serotipova 1 i 2 virusa epizootske hemoragijske bolesti u staničnoj kulturi i kliničkom materijalu. RNA sudanskih izolata EHDV-4 i EHDV-318 umnoženih u staničnoj kulturi dokazana je tom metodom. Specifični proizvodi PCR-a od 387 parova baza dokazani su u agaroznom gelu pomoću bojanja etidijevim bromidom. Umnažanje specifičnog slijeda nije dokazano kad je kao izvor nukleinske kiseline rabljen serotip 4 virusa bolesti plavog jezika ili ekstrakti nukleinske kiseline iz neinficirane stanične kulture BHK-21. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključuje se da je prije opisani test u potpunosti prikladan i za određivanje sudanskih serotipova virusa epizootske hemoragijske bolesti
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