370 research outputs found

    Effect of Radiation on Bond Behavior Between Concrete and Steel Bar: Development of Experimental Protocol

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    There is a need to assess the effect of radiation on the behavior of bond strength between steel reinforcement and concrete. However, there is geometrical constraints in the cylindrical capsule which limit the size of concrete samples. Thus, developing a protocol to produce pullout sample and a test setup is needed. A protocol for fabricating high-precision concrete samples with embedded \#2 steel bar has been developed based on the results of an experimental program. A pullout system has also been developed to investigate the bond activity of concrete and steel. This research looks at two different aggregate sizes 3/8 inch (10 mm) and 1/2 inch (13 mm). The compressive strength, bond stress, and slip values for concrete with a maximum aggregate size of 1/2 inch (13 mm) are higher than those for concrete with a maximum aggregate size of 3/8 (10 mm), according to the results. Future research should look into the impact of maximum aggregate size on bond activity


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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to improve the aqueous solubility and dissolution characteristics of the loop diuretic furosemide (FUR); a class IV drug in the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) using solid dispersion technique. Methods: Solvent evaporation and kneading methods were used to produce solid dispersions of FUR in different ratios with the hydrophilic carrier polyvinylpyrrolidone K-30 (PVP-K30). The prepared solid dispersions were evaluated in terms of solubility study, percentage yield, drug content and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study (FT-IR). Tablets containing the optimized formula of solid dispersions ( were formulated and their dissolution characteristics were compared with commercial furosemide tablets. Results: The prepared solid dispersions showed an increase in aqueous solubility, especially those formulated in a 1:2 drug: carrier ratio using solvent evaporation method ( it showed a four-fold increase in solubility compared to the parent drug. The absence of drug-carrier chemical interactions that could affect the dissolution was proved by FT-IR. Solid dispersion tablets exhibited a better dissolution profile in simulated gastric fluid pH 1.2 at 37°C ± 0.5 than the commercial FUR tablets in terms of mean dissolution time (8.44 min) and dissolution efficiency in 30 min (42.54%). Both FUR solid dispersions and commercial tablets followed Weibull and Krosmeyer models as the two best models of drug release kinetics proving that they were immediate release. Conclusion: According to the results obtained in this study, solid dispersion techniques could be successfully used for the enhancement of aqueous solubility and dissolution rate of FUR

    Concept relation extraction using natural language processing: the CRISP technique

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    Knowledge Management (KM) has become the focus of a lot of scientific research during the second half of the twentieth century as researchers discovered the importance of the knowledge resource to business organizations. Recent research developed ontology-based knowledge management systems (KMS) to provide a standardized reference for knowledge consistency. However, use of ontologies has been impeded by the difficulties encountered in building ontologies, especially difficulties in the knowledge acquisition stage. It is hypothesized that NLP tools can be usefully implemented to assist in the knowledge acquisition stage for ontology building in specific, and to develop effective KMS’s in general. The proposed system, CRISP, utilizes a shallow parser for extracting concept relations from construction contract documents to assist in the development of an ontology-based KMS. When compared with human evaluators, CRISP achieved almost 80% of the average kappa score attained by the evaluators, and approximately 90% of their F-measure score

    Discovery and Validation of New Regulatory RNA Elements in Chlamydia trachomatis

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular bacterium that exhibits a unique biphasic developmental cycle that can be disrupted by growth in the presence of IFN-g and b-lactams, giving rise to an abnormal growth state termed persistence. Relatively little is known about the regulatory mechanisms that control temporal gene expression during the developmental cycle or the control of persistence and reactivation. Here we have examined the expression of a newly defined family of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that are differentially expressed during the developmental cycle and the induction of persistence and reactivation (Using IFNγ and Carbenicillin). Non-coding RNAs were initially identified using an intergenic tiling microarray and were confirmed by Northern blotting. A group of 10 ncRNAs were mapped and characterized and compared to the previously described chlamydial ncRNAs (IhtA, pCHL antisense transcripts). The 5’ and 3’ ends of the ncRNAs were determined using an RNA circularization procedure. Promoter predictions indicated that all ncRNAs were expressed from s66 promoters and 9 ncRNAs contained non-templated 3’ poly-A or poly-AG additions. Expression of ncRNAs was studied by Northern blotting during i) the normal developmental cycle, ii) IFN-g-induced persistence, and iii) carbenicillin-induced persistence. Differential temporal expression during the developmental cycle was seen for all ncRNAs and distinct differences in expression were seen during IFN-g and carbenicillin-induced persistence and reactivation. Two of the studied ncRNAs were cis acting antisense molecules (CTIG270 and CTIG153). Expression of CTIG270 in a surrogate E. coli system along with its target gene ftsI proved that it was an antisense RNA, and it effectively controlled ftsI availability. A screening system was developed to determine the targets of potential trans-acting ncRNAs. The screen was composed of two compatible plasmids, a high copy effector plasmid expressing the ncRNA and a low/medium copy target plasmid expressing chlamydial library. Target plasmid contained translational fusion between chlamydial library and a positive/negative selection fusion system (ccdB/CAT fusion/TEV protease). The selection process to identify potential targets for ncRNAs was carried out over two stages. Stage one was to eliminate self ligated plasmids and non translational fusions, in this phase, only CAT+ ccdB resistant cells survived chloramphenicol selection i.e. cells representing true translational fusions survived antibiotic selection. Plasmids enriched for by stage one selection were subjected to stage two selection. In stage two ccdB sensitive cells were double transformed with both target plasmid and effector plasmid. Only in instances when ncRNA inhibits translation of ccdB would cells survive this selection. Stage two selection enriched for target(s) of ncRNA under test. We show in details the construction of this screening system and its functional aspect

    Assesment of Vegetation Cover Status in Dry Lands of The Sudan Using Social and Terrestrial Data

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    The current study was conducted in 2015 in Bara Locality, North Kordofan, Sudan. The study area has experienced recurrent drought spells since 1970s of the past century. The main objective of this study was to assess and map the vegetation cover in the area using social, terrestrial and remotely sensed data. To accomplish the above mentioned objective, the study was based on qualitative and quantitative data. In qualitative data, household survey was conducted in which 100 respondents were randomly interviewed. Quantitative data was collected using terrestrial inventory and satellite imageries. In terrestrial inventory, 22 ground control points (GCPs) were randomly registered using GPS in order to get general overview of the land cover of the study area. In each GCP, tree species by number was inventoried within an area of 1 ha. Remote sensing data, covering the target study area, were acquainted using LANDSAT5 imageries (2014) with spatial resolution of 30×30 m. Results of the household survey revealed that only 13 shrub/tree species mentioned by 45% of the respondents, while only 9 woody species were identified, belonging to 8 families from terrestrial inventory. The results of the household survey, 45% of the respondents, indicated that vegetation cover was very good 20 years ago. The study categorized the present land cover as woody vegetation (19%), Acacia senegal stands (5%), shrubs i.e. Leptadenia pyrotechnica and Acacia nubica (18%), small scale farms and grasses (19%) and sandy soil and dunes (39%). The results of the land cover distribution indicated that vegetation cover decreased by 24% while sand/sand dunes was increased by 21% from 1985 to 2015. The study concluded that the study area is under threat of land degradation that may lead to depletion of vegetation cover and decline land productivity. Pengukuran Status Penutupan Vegetasi di Lahan Kering Sudan Menggunakan Data Sosial dan TerestrialIntisariPenelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2015 di Lokalitas Bara, Kordofan Utara, Sudan. Lokasi penelitian telah mengalami masa kekeringan yang berulang sejak dekade 1970-an. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai dan memetakan tutupan vegetasi di lokasi penelitian dengan menggunakan data sosial, terestrial, dan penginderaan jauh. Untuk mencapai tujuan dimaksud, penelitian ini menggunakan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Untuk data kualitatif, survei rumah tangga dengan wawancara terhadap 100 responden yang dipilih secara acak. Data kuantitatif dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan inventarisasi terestrial dan satelit citra. Untuk inventarisasi terestrial, 22 titik kontrol (GCP) didaftar secara acak dengan menggunakan GPS untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum dari tutupan lahan daerah penelitian. Pada setiap GCP, jumlah spesies pohon diinventarisasi dalam area 1 ha. Data penginderaan jauh yang mencakup wilayah studi diambil dengan citra LANDSAT5 (2014) dengan resolusi spasial 30 × 30 m. Hasil survei rumah tangga menunjukkan bahwa hanya 13 jenis semak/pohon yang disebutkan oleh 45% responden, sementara hanya 9 spesies kayu yang terindentifikasi, milik 8 keluarga dari inventarisasi terestrial. Berdasarkan hasil survei rumah tangga, 45% dari responden menyatakan bahwa tutupan vegetasi yang sangat baik 20 tahun yang lalu. Penelitian ini mengelompokkan tutupan lahan saat ini ke dalam vegetasi berkayu (19%), tegakan Acacia senegal (5%), semak yaitu Leptadenia pyrotechnica dan Acacia nubica (18%), pertanian skala kecil dan rerumputan (19%), dan tanah dan bukit pasir (39%). Hasil dari distribusi tutupan lahan menunjukkan bahwa tutupan vegetasi mengalami penurunan sebesar 24%, sedangkan proporsi pasir/bukit pasir meningkat 21% dari 1985 ke 2015. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa daerah penelitian berada di bawah ancaman degradasi lahan yang dapat menyebabkan penipisan vegetasi tutupan dan menurunkan produktivitas lahan

    Trichobezoar: Case Report and Literature Review

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    A bezoar is an agglomeration of food or foreign material in the intestinal tract usually noticed in ruminants. It can be classified as trichobezoar (hair) or phytobezoar (plant material). Stomach is the commonest site for bezoar formation, which may result in obstruction, gastric wall ulceration andmalnutrition. They present with abdominal pain, small bowel obstruction or malnutrition. Trichobezoars are associated with trichotillomania. This is a case report of trichobezoar in a Sudanese girl who presented with abdominal pain. This to our knowledge is the first case to be reported from Sudan.Key words: Bezoar, Trichobezoar, Trichotillomania, Sudan

    The effects of using an Electronic Interactive Whiteboard in Developing students’’ Attitude, Cognitive Motivation and Academic achievement

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    The aim of this study was to identify the effects of the use of an interactive whiteboard on the development of the students’ attitude towards study, cognitive motivation, and academic achievement in the eighth grade in basic education in the Sultanate of Oman. The attitude towards study, cognitive motivation and academic achievement scales was applied to a sample of (176) students from two basic education schools in one area. 86 students were chosen from school one as an experimental group and they used the electronic interactive board in teaching, and 90 students were chosen from school two as a control group using conventional way. Results showed statistically significant differences between the students in the two groups in the attitude towards study, cognitive motivation and its dimensions (motivation to acquire knowledge, the risk of acquiring knowledge and employment of knowledge), and academic achievement in favor to the students using the interactive whiteboard. The researchers recommended the use of interactive whiteboard technology in all schools, and training teachers to integrate it in teaching. Keywords.  electronic interactive whiteboard - attitude towards study- cognitive motivation -academic achievement. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-10-15 Publication date: April 30th 201

    Exploration based Genetic Algorithm for Job Scheduling on Grid Computing

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    Grid computing presents a new trend to distribute and Internet computing to coordinate large scale heterogeneous resources providing sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi- institutional virtual organizations. Scheduling is one of the most important problems in computational grid to increase the performance. Genetic Algorithm is adaptive method that can be used to solve optimization problems, based on the genetic process of biological organisms. The objective of this research is to develop a job scheduling algorithm using genetic algorithm with high exploration processes. To evaluate the proposed scheduling algorithm this study conducted a simulation using GridSim Simulator and a number of different workload. The research found that genetic algorithm get best results when increasing the mutation and these result directly proportional with the increase in the number of job. The paper concluded that, the mutation and exploration process has a good effect on the final execution time when we have large number of jobs. However, in small number of job mutation has no effects

    Effect of Probiotics on Serum Biochemical and Blood Constituents in Chicken Challenged with Salmonella enterica Subsp Typhimurium

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    Purpose: To examine the effects of two commercial probiotics (Toyocerin and CloSTAT) on serum enzyme activities, and hematological and biochemical indices of broiler chickens challenged with Salmonella enterica serovars Typhimurium (ST).Methods: The chicks received one of the following treatments at 0 day of age: T1 = control group, unmedicated diet, unchallenged birds, (negative control); T2 = unmedicated diet + bacterial challenge (positive control); T3 = medicated diet with neoxyval (0.05 g/kg diet) + bacterial challenge (NEOX); T4 = toyocerin (1 g/kg diet) + bacterial challenge (Toyocerin); and T5 = CloSTAT (1 g/kg diet) + bacterial challenge (COLS). Blood samples were withdrawn from 7 selected chicks in each treatment at 7, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days of age, and analyzed for total protein, albumin and globulin concentration, and the albumin: globulin ratio computed. Glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) and glutatamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) levels in serum were measured on days 7 and 42.Results: The results revealed that albumin (p < 0.001), globulin (p < 0.001) and albumin: globulin ratio (p < 0.001) were influenced by the time of blood collection. Globulin increased significantly after ST challenge while albumin decreased significantly. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) after ST challenge was affected by treatment (p < 0.05). Higher levels were obtained from birds which had received NEOX or positive control, compared to negative control group.Conclusion: Salmonella challenge affects serum albumin, globulin and GOT enzyme. The results obtained suggest that the probiotic, Toyocerin, mitigates the negative effects of Salmonella challenge.Keywords: Bacillus subtilis PB6, Bacillus Cereus var. toyoi, Probiotics, Liver enzymes, Hematology, Salmonella enteric