113 research outputs found

    Soil radioactivity and elemental characterization of area proposed for the first nuclear power plant at Red Sea state, eastern Sudan

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    Abstract  This work was carried out with the aim to establish baseline data of soil radioactivity prior commissioning the first nuclear power plant for electricity production in the Sudan. A total of 105 soil samples from the proposed area were collected and analyzed using Gamma-ray spectrometer, X-ray Fluorescence and Atomic Absorption. Ambient dose rates were measured during sampling using radiation survey meters. Based on radionuclides in soil; some radiological hazard indices (such as absorbed dose rates, Radium-Equivalent Activity, External Hazard, and Gamma index) were computed. The results exhibit that226Ra, 232Th,40Kand 137Cs concentration ranged from0.55-88.9, 1.63-76.6, 24-1100 and 0.001-1.03 Bq/kg with an average value of10.43, 11.12, 361.2and 0.045Bq/kg respectively. The average value of absorbed dose rate(29.92nGy/h), Radium equivalent (70.55 Bq/Kg), external hazard (0.19), Gamma index. (0.25) and those parameters are lower than the corresponding global average. The results of the study revealed that the average values of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs fall within the global average value. GIS Predictive exhibited the spatial distribution of radioactivity trends with low levels at eastern part towards the Red Sea while high values observed at the desert (western part). This trend in addition to low levels has a very good impact to decision makers for consideration in site selection of NPP. Pearson correlation coefficient shows a correlation between the variables 226Ra and 232Th (0.69); Cr and Au (0.82); Br and Nb (0.84),Hf and Sb (+0.75) with no significant correlations between radioactive and radioactive elements. Keywords: Road map, GIS, Gamma-ray Spectrometer, Effective dose. 

    Optimal Charging/Discharging of PHEVs for Predictability Enhancement of Wind Power Generation

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    In a context of rapidly expanding renewable energy resources, the wind power is the most interest. Because of intermittent nature of wind turbines, it is difficult to predict and control the wind power generation. At high penetration level, an extra fast response reserve capacity is needed to compensate the shortage of generation when a sudden variation of wind takes place. In order to manage this uncertainty, to minimize the system losses, and to improve the voltage profiles, the injected power to the grid should be kept at its optimal level throughout the day. This paper presents an approach to keep the injected power at its optimal level by combining the wind power generation system with Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) and optimal utilizing of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capacities. Optimal PHEVs charging/discharging can stabilize the injected power of the wind turbines by storing electric energy during high wind speed and deliver it during low wind speed. So, it is important to estimate enough number of participating PHEVs for the desired applications. The proposed approach is tested using a 33-bus distribution system with a variety of case studies and actual wind speed

    Avoiding cord extraction or mobilization during pediatric inguinal hernia repair: a step midway between conventional and minimally invasive approaches

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    Background: Pediatric inguinal hernia (PIH) represents one of the most common congenital defects in infants and children worldwide. Several techniques have been adopted for repair. Conventional open excision of the sac is considered the most popular and most accepted among pediatric surgeons. In the past few years laparoscopic PIH repair has started to gain popularity.Aim: The aim of this study was to minimize the intervention to be near to minimally invasive but at the same time to be conventional in approach, reducing the stretch and manipulation of the vital cord structures.Patients and methods: During the period from April 2013 to May 2015, 200 male infants who presented with PIH were operated upon in our hospital. We excluded patients with complicated inguinal hernias, hernias associated with hydroceles, undescended testis, and female infants.Results: Of the 200 male infants with PIH who were operated upon, 107 had hernias on the right side, 74 had on  the left side, and 19 were bilateral. The mean age was 4.5 months. The mean body weight was 5 kg. All infants received general anesthesia. The mean length of the incision was 10 mm. Recurrence was found in only three cases. There were no cases of testicular atrophy.Conclusion: We found our approach to be safe and easy to perform, and the vital structures in the cord did not have to be manipulated.Keywords: pediatric, inguinal hernia, repai

    Development of ui/ux for bipa mobile application based on human-centered design (hcd) method

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    ABSTRACT: Language serves as the fundamental medium of communication among humans, highlighting its paramount importance. The diverse array of languages across the world stands as a testament to the existence of an Almighty Creator, Allah ﷻ, within the universe. BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing), a program initiated by the Indonesian government, aims to teach the Indonesian language to foreign speakers, fostering intercultural dialogue and facilitating communication between Indonesians and foreigners. BIPA offers courses at various proficiency levels, both online and in person, attracting students globally who are keen on delving into Indonesian language and culture. This research focuses on the development of the BIPA official website (https://bipa.kemdikbud.go.id), which serves as the primary online resource for learning Indonesian based on the BIPA curriculum. While the website boasts notable strengths, such as a comprehensive curriculum and accessibility options, it also presents several drawbacks that need to be addressed. These include slow loading speed, the presence of Indonesian aspects despite an English language option, ineffective organization of learning resources, inadequate interactivity, difficulties with registration forms, unclear instructions, and suboptimal website navigation. This research aims to develop the UI/UX of the BIPA website using the Human-Centered Design (HCD) method to make a mobile-based application of BIPA. In order to overcome the weaknesses of the official BIPA website. Through various stages of the HCD method, the research uncovers valuable insights. The usability test using System Usability Scale (SUS) method conducted on the redesigned BIPA Mobile-Application yields an exceptional usability score of 90.378%, signifying excellent results and successful outcomes. The redesigned Mobile Application effectively caters to user needs by streamlining the process of getting education material, geographic information, and BIPA activities, expediting the learning process, and improving access to BIPA news. This research highlights the significance of continuous development and improvement of language learning platforms, ensuring an immersive and enriching experience in Indonesian language and culture for learners worldwide. ABSTRAK: Bahasa merupakan medium komunikasi yang mendasar di antara manusia, menyoroti pentingnya yang sangat besar. Ragam bahasa yang ada di seluruh dunia menjadi bukti akan keberadaan Sang Pencipta, Allah جل جلاله, dalam alam semesta. BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing), program yang diinisiasi oleh pemerintah Indonesia, bertujuan untuk mengajarkan bahasa Indonesia kepada penutur asing, mendorong dialog antarbudaya, dan memfasilitasi komunikasi antara orang Indonesia dan orang asing. BIPA menawarkan kursus pada berbagai tingkatan kemampuan, baik secara daring maupun tatap muka, menarik minat siswa dari seluruh dunia yang ingin mempelajari bahasa dan budaya Indonesia.Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengembangan situs web resmi BIPA (https://bipa.kemdikbud.go.id), yang menjadi sumber daya utama daring untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia berdasarkan kurikulum BIPA. Meskipun situs web ini memiliki keunggulan yang mencolok, seperti kurikulum yang komprehensif dan opsi aksesibilitas, terdapat beberapa kelemahan yang perlu diperbaiki. Kelemahan tersebut meliputi kecepatan muat yang lambat, adanya unsur berbahasa Indonesia meskipun tersedia pilihan bahasa Inggris, organisasi sumber daya pembelajaran yang kurang efektif, interaktivitas yang tidak memadai, kesulitan dengan formulir pendaftaran, instruksi yang tidak jelas, dan navigasi situs web yang suboptimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan UI/UX situs web BIPA menggunakan metode Human-Centered Design (HCD) untuk membuat aplikasi berbasis seluler dari BIPA. Hal ini dilakukan guna mengatasi kelemahan- kelemahan situs web resmi BIPA. Melalui berbagai tahapan metode HCD, penelitian ini mengungkapkan wawasan yang berharga. Uji usability menggunakan metode System Usability Scale (SUS) kegunaan yang dilakukan pada terhadap Aplikasi seluler yang telah diubah desainnya menghasilkan skor kegunaan yang luar biasa, yaitu 90,378%, menunjukkan hasil yang sangat baik dan berhasil. Aplikasi seluler yang telah diubah desainnya efektif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna dengan menyederhanakan proses akses materi pendidikan, informasi geografis, dan kegiatan BIPA, mempercepat proses pembelajaran, dan meningkatkan akses ke berita BIPA. Penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya pengembangan dan perbaikan berkelanjutan pada platform pembelajaran bahasa, guna memastikan pengalaman yang mendalam dan kaya dalam bahasa dan budaya Indonesia bagi para pembelajar di seluruh dunia ستخلص البحث: ﻌﻤﻞ اﻟﻠﻐﺔاﻳﻪ و دﻟﻴﻞ و ﻋﻼﻣﻪ ﻋﻠﻰ وﺟﻮد الخﺎﻟﻖ اﻟﻘﺪﻳﺮ ، ﷲ جل جلاله ، في اﻟﻜﻮن . ﻳﻬﺪف ﺑﺮ7ﻣﺞ ﺑﻴﺒﺎ(BIPA))اﻹﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺘﺤﺪﺛين اﻷﺟﺎﻧﺐ( ، وﻫﻮ ﺑﺮ7ﻣﺞ أﻃﻠﻘﺘﻪ الحﻜﻮﻣﺔ اﻹﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺔ ، إلى ﺗﻌﻠﻴﻢ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺘﺤﺪﺛين اﻷﺟﺎﻧﺐ ، وﺗﻌﺰﻳﺰ الحﻮار ﺑين اﻟﺜﻘﺎﻓﺎت وﺗﺴﻬﻴﻞ اﻟﺘﻮاﺻﻞ ﺑين اﻹﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴين واﻷﺟﺎﻧﺐ. ﻳﻘﺪم ﺑﻴﺒﺎ(BIPA)دورات ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺴﺘﻮ ت إﺗﻘﺎن مخﺘﻠﻔﺔ ، ﺳﻮاء ﻋبر اﻹﻧترﻧﺖ أو ﺷﺨﺼﻴًﺎ ، وتجﺬب اﻟﻄﻼب ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺴﺘﻮى اﻟﻌﺎلماﻟﺬﻳﻦ يحﺮﺻﻮن ﻋﻠﻰ الخﻮض في اﻟﻠﻐﺔ واﻟﺜﻘﺎﻓﺔ اﻹﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺔ.ﻛﺰ ﻫﺬا اﻟﺒﺤﺚ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﻄﻮﻳﺮ المﻮﻗﻊﻳﺮ اﻟﺮسمﻲ ﻟـبر7ﻣﺞ ﺑﻴﺒﺎ(https://bipa.kemdikbud.go.id)، واﻟﺬي ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ﻛﻤﻮرد أﺳﺎﺳﻲ ﻋبر ﻋبراﻹﻧترﻧﺖ ﻟﺘﻌﻠﻢ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺔ اﺳﺘﻨﺎدًا إلى المﻨﻬﺞ اﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻤﻲ ﻟﺒﻴﺒﺎ. ﺑﻴﻨﻤﺎ ﻳﺘﻤﺘﻊ المﻮﻗﻊ ﺑﻨﻘﺎط ﻗﻮة ﻣﻠﺤﻮﻇﺔ ، ﻣﺜﻞ وﺟﻮد ﻣﻨﻬﺞ ﺷﺎﻣﻞ وﺧﻴﺎرات وﺻﻮل ، ﻓﺈﻧﻪ ﻳﻌﺮض أﻳﻀًﺎ اﻟﻌﺪﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻌﻴﻮب اﻟتي يجﺐ ﻣﻌﺎلجﺘﻬﺎ. ﻳﺘﻀﻤﻦ ذﻟﻚ ﺳﺮﻋﺔ اﻟﺘﺤﻤﻴﻞ اﻟﺒﻄﻴﺌﺔ ، وﻋﺮض ﺑﻌﺾ الجﻮاﻧﺐ �ﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺮﻏﻢ ﻣﻦ ﺧﻴﺎر اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹنجﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ ، واﻟﺘﻨﻈﻴﻢ ﻏير اﻟﻔﻌﺎل لمﻮارد اﻟﺘﻌﻠﻢ ، واﻟﺘﻔﺎﻋﻞ ﻏير اﻟﻜﺎفي ، واﻟﺼﻌﻮ�ت في نمﺎذج اﻟﺘﺴﺠﻴﻞ ، واﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻤﺎت ﻏير اﻟﻮاﺿﺤﺔ ، وﺗﺼﻔﺢ المﻮﻗﻊ دون المﺴﺘﻮى اﻷﻣﺜﻞ.ﻳﻬﺪف ﻫﺬا اﻟﺒﺤﺚ إلى ﺗﻄﻮﻳﺮ اﻟﻮاﺟﻬﻪ اﻟﺮﺳﻮﻣﻴﺔ لمﻮﻗﻊ ﺑﻴﺒﺎ �ﺳﺘﺨﺪام ﻃﺮﻳﻘﺔ اﻟﺘﺼﻤﻴﻢالمﺮﺗﻜﺰ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻹﻧﺴﺎنﻹﻧﺸﺎء ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻖ ﻗﺎﺋﻢ ﻋﻠﻰ الهﺎﺗﻒ المحﻤﻮل ﻟـﺒﻴﺒﺎ. ﻣﻦ أﺟﻞ اﻟﺘﻐﻠﺐ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻧﻘﺎط اﻟﻀﻌﻒ في ﻣﻮﻗﻊ ﺑﻴﺒﺎ اﻟﺮسمﻲ. ﻣﻦ ﺧﻼل ﻣﺮاﺣﻞ مخﺘﻠﻔﺔ ﻣﻦ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻖ ﻃﺮﻳﻘﺔ اﻟﺘﺼﻤﻴﻢ المﺮﺗﻜﺰ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻹﻧﺴﺎن ﻳﻜﺸﻒ اﻟﺒﺤﺚ ﻋﻦ رؤى ﻗﻴﻤﺔ. ﺣﻘﻖ اﺧﺘﺒﺎر ﻗﺎﺑﻠﻴﺔ اﻻﺳﺘﺨﺪام اﻟﺬي تم إﺟﺮاؤﻩ ﻋﻠﻰﺗﻄﺒﻴﻖﺑﻴﺒﺎﻟﻠﻬﺎﺗﻒ الجﻮالالمﻌﺎد ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻤﻪ درﺟﺔ اﺳﺘﺨﺪام ﻋبر ﻧﺘﺎﺋﺞ ﺗﻘﻴﻴﻤﺎت�ﺳﺘﺨﺪام ﻃﺮﻳﻘﺔﻣﻘﻴﺎس ﻗﺎﺑﻠﻴﺔ اﺳﺘﺨﺪام اﻟﻨﻈﺎمﺑﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞاﺳﺘﺜﻨﺎﺋﻴﺔ ﺑﻨﺴﺒﺔ نجﺎح90.378٪ ، ممﺎ ﻳﺪل ﻋﻠﻰ ﻧﺘﺎﺋﺞ ممﺘﺎزة وﻧﺘﺎﺋﺞ 7ﺟﺤﺔ. ﻳﻠبي ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻖ الهﺎﺗﻒ المحﻤﻮل المﻌﺎد ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻤﻪ ﺑﺸﻜﻞ ﻓﻌﺎل اﺣﺘﻴﺎﺟﺎت المﺴﺘﺨﺪﻣين ﻣﻦ ﺧﻼل ﺗﺒﺴﻴﻂ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺔ الحﺼﻮل ﻋﻠﻰ المﻮاد اﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻤﻴﺔ والمﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت الجﻐﺮاﻓﻴﺔ وأﻧﺸﻄﺔ ﺑﻴﺒﺎ,وﺗﺴﺮﻳﻊ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﻌﻠﻢ ، وتحﺴين اﻟﻮﺻﻮل إلى أﺧﺒﺎر ﺑﻴﺒﺎ. ﻳﺴﻠﻂ ﻫﺬا اﻟﺒﺤﺚ اﻟﻀﻮء ﻋﻠﻰ أهمﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﻄﻮﻳﺮ واﻟﺘﺤﺴين المﺴﺘﻤﺮ لمﻨﺼﺎت ﺗﻌﻠﻢ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ، ممﺎ ﻳﻀﻤﻦ تجﺮﺑﺔ ﻏﺎﻣﺮة وﻣﺜيرة في اﻟﻠﻐﺔ واﻟﺜﻘﺎﻓﺔ اﻹﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺘﻌﻠﻤينفي جمﻴﻊ أنحﺎء اﻟﻌﺎل


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    This research investigates the reduction in scour downstream of a broken-back culvert by forming a hydraulic jump inside the culvert. A broken-back culvert is used in areas of high relief and steep topography as it has one or more breaks in profile slope. A broken-back culvert in the laboratory represents a 1 (vertical) to 2 (horizontal) slope after the upstream inlet and then continuing 90 feet at a 1 percent slope in the flat part of the culvert to the downstream outlet. The prototypes for these experiments were either a two barrel 10-foot by 10-foot, or a two barrel 10-foot by 20-foot reinforced concrete culvert. The drop between inlet and outlet was selected as 30 feet. Three flow conditions were simulated, consisting of 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 times the culvert depth. This report represents Phase V of broken-back culverts with a drop of 30 feet. The first phase of this research was performed with a drop of 24 feet, the second phase of this research was carried with for a drop of 6 feet, the third phase of this research, performed was a drop of 18 feet, and the fourth phase of this research was performed with a drop of 12 feet.The Froude number (Fr1) of the hydraulic jump created in the flat part of the culvert ranged between 2.53 and 5.66. This Fr1 classifies the jump as an oscillating to steady jump. The jump began nearly at the toe by placing sills and friction blocks of different sizes in the flat part. For new culvert construction, the best option to maximize energy dissipation under open channel flow conditions is to use one 5.83-foot sill located 33.33 feet from the outlet. The maximum length of the culvert can be reduced from 25 feet to 30 feet that was for middle sill. For existing and new culverts, the best option is to use one end sill with height of 6.67-foot. In pressure flow conditions, the optimal location was determined at a distance of 31.67 feet from the outlet for 4.17-foot sill. The length of the culvert can be reduced by 25 feet to 30 feet. Also, for new and existing culverts, the optimal end sill is to use one 4.17-foot sill height under pressure flow conditions. Such a scenario is important where right-of-way problems exist for culvert construction. Also examined was a slotted sill which has a cut in the middle for cleanup purposes. In open channel flow conditions, the best option to maximize energy dissipation is to use one 5.83-foot slotted sill located 33.33 feet from the outlet, and for end slotted sill is to use 7.5-foot height. In the pressure flow conditions, the optimal slotted sill was 5-foot at a distance of 41.67 feet from the outlet, and for end slotted sill is to use 4.17-foot height. The regular and slotted sills contain two small orifices at the bottom to allow the culvert to completely drain. The impact of friction blocks was found to be minimal. No friction blocks were used to further dissipate the energy.Final report, October 2013-September 2014N

    Measurement Equivalence of Rosenberg's Self-Esteem: Electronic versus Traditional Scale

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى المفاضلة بين البنية العامليه التوكيدية للصورة التقليدية والنسخة الالكترونية لمقياس تقدير الذات لـــ Rosenberg (1965). طبقتالدراسة على عينتين تم اختيارهما بطريقة عشوائية بسيطةأحدهما للصورة التقليدية بإجمالي160 طالب وطالبة من طلاب البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا بكلية التربية بالإسماعيلية بمتوسط عمري 23 عاماً وانحراف معياري 3.45 عاماً، بينماالصورة الالكترونية بإجمالى197 متطوعاً ومتطوعة من مستخدمي شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي (تويتر، فيسبوك، سناب شات) بمتوسط عمري 29.7 عاماً وانحراف معياري 2.13 عاماً. استخدم الباحثان المنهج السببي المقارن تصميم بين المجموعات والذي يختبر التكافؤ للصور المتعددة والمقارنة بين أداء الطلاب عليها باستخدام اختبار ت للعينات المستقلة. وأظهرت النتائج تفوق الصورة الالكترونية عن التقليدية في مؤشرات المطابقة وثبات ألفا لكرونباخ، كما أسفرت النتائج عن عدم تكافؤ الصورتين على مقياس روسنبرج لتقدير الذات. وقد اوصت الدراسة باستخدام الصور الإلكترونية للاختبارات بما تتمتع بهمن حتميه الاستجابة على جميع مفردات الاختبارات وبالتالي الحد من مشكلات التحليل الإحصائي.The study aimed as comparing the factor structure of traditional and Electronic Self-esteem scale. Random sample has been selected and consisted of (n=160) for traditional, (n=197) for Electronic scale. Causal Comparative design and between groups method have been used. The findings revealed that the electronic scale has over weighted the traditional one on the fitting indices and on Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient. Furthermore, the results have shown that the sample of electronic version overpassed on the performance on Rosenbergs' Self-esteem scale

    Povidone-iodine versus normal saline solution in preoperative vaginal cleansing before office hysteroscopy: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Hysteroscopy is well-thought-out the gold standard for assessing the uterine cavity, and now can be done as an office process due to enhanced endoscopic advances with no need to in-patient admission. Objective of the present study was to compare the difference in the rate of postoperative vaginal irritation symptoms and postoperative infections after using povidone iodine (PI) and normal saline (NS) solution in vaginal cleaning before outpatient office hysteroscopy (OH).Methods: Women attended to the hospital for diagnostic OH were included for present study. Eligible women were randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to two groups. Group I "PI group" women exposed to PI for vaginal cleansing before hysteroscopy, and group II "NS group” women exposed to the NS solution for vaginal cleansing. The primary outcome of the study was to compare the difference in the rate of postoperative vaginal irritation symptoms and postoperative infections in both groups.Results: The mean age of the study participants was 34.26±4.14 years for NS group compared to 35.22±4.01 years for PI group (p=0.652). The PI group reported higher rate of vaginal irritation than NS group with no statistically significant difference between the two groups (p=0.179). Both groups were similar in postoperative fever, urinary tract infection and vaginitis (p>0.05).Conclusions: This study concluded that preoperative vaginal disinfection at the time of OH with a NS solution is less frequently causing postoperative vaginal irritation symptoms. Additionally, it is as effective as the usual agent (PI) in preventing postoperative infections

    Assessment of the Extent of Myocardial Injury in Patients Undergoing Transvenous Implantation of a Pacemaker Using Cardiac Troponin I as a Marker of Structural Heart Damage and Its Relation to Different Sites of RV Implantation

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    Background and Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the degree of myocardial injury that occurs after transvenous pacemaker implantation using cardiac troponin I (cTnI) as a myocardial injury marker and the relationship between the number of screws, different sites of right ventricle (RV) lead implantation, and myocardial injury. Materials and Methods: Fifty patients at Ain Shams University Hospitals who underwent transvenous implantation of single- or dual-chamber permanent pacemakers were included in the study. According to the site of RV lead implantation, the study population was divided into 2 equal groups, 25 patients each. In the first group, the RV lead was implanted in the RV apex and in the other group, the RV lead was implanted in the RV septum. Results: In all patients, the cTnI level was elevated after pacemaker implantation, showing a significant relationship between transvenous pacemaker implantation and the incidence of myocardial injury. Comparing the RV apical pacing group with the RV septal pacing group, a greater rise in cTnI was recognized in the septal RV pacing group, indicating a significant relationship between the site of RV lead implantation and the degree of myocardial injury being more in the RV septum than in the RV apex. Moreover, the higher the number of attempts of screwing the lead in different RV sites caused more rise in cTnI, denoting a significant relationship between the number of screwing attempts and the extent of myocardial injury. Conclusion: Transvenous pacemaker implantation is associated with an increased incidence of myocardial injury, and septal RV lead implantation is associated with a higher degree of myocardial injury than apical RV lead implantation. In addition, a higher number of screwing attempts of the RV lead into the myocardium is associated with a higher degree of myocardial injury

    Systematics of detrital zircon U–Pb ages from Cambrian–Lower Devonian rocks of northern Morocco with implications for the northern Gondwanan passive margin

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    This study was found by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain through the project PANGEATOR (CGL2015-71692) and the Pre-Doctoral scholarship BES-2016-078168. We are indebted to Mike Hall and Brad McDonald for their assistance and technical support on sample preparation and the LA-ICPMS, respectively. The CL imaging was carried out on the Curtin University's Microscopy & Microanalysis Facility, whose instrumentation has been partially funded by the University, State and Commonwealth Governments, and the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Facility at the University of Edinburgh. Analysis in the SHRIMP and GeoHistory Facilities, JdLC, Curtin University were enabled by AuScope (auscope.org.au) and the Australian Government via the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) and an Australian Geophysical Observing System grant provided to AuScope Pty Ltd. by the AQ44 Australian Education Investment Fund program, respectively. The NPII multi-collector was obtained via funding from the Australian Research Council LIEF program (LE150100013). The SIMS analyses were performed at the NERC Ion Microprobe Facility of the University of Edinburgh (UK). Comments from two anonymous reviewers and editorial handling by Prof. Victoria Pease are acknowledged. Funding for open access charge: YUniversidad de Granada / CBUA.The systematic acquisition of U–Pb geochronological data from detrital zircon grains has become an essential tool in tectonic studies focused on reconstructing the pre–Variscan geography of the northern Gondwanan passive margin. New detrital zircon ages for 16 samples from the Cambrian–Lower Devonian succession of the Moroccan Mesetas (northern Morocco) are reported here. The results, combined with previously published data, reassert the strong West African Craton affinity of the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, characterized by dominant Cadomian/Pan–African (c. 850–540 Ma) and Eburnean (c. 2.2–1.9 Ga) detrital zircon populations and a minor Leonian/Liberian (c. 2.5 Ga) population. Primary sources of these zircon grains are well established as the West African Craton located just to the south, but also in the Precambrian basement that locally crops out in the Moroccan Mesetas themselves. During the Cambrian–Early Ordovician, erosion preferentially dismantled Cadomian (c. 590–540 Ma) arc–derived rocks of the Gondwanan continental margin, while later, the slightly older Pan–African (c. 650–600 Ma) basement became the main sediment source. In the studied samples, irregularly present minor detrital zircon populations suggest additional sediment provenance from secondary sources such as: (i) remote northeastern African cratons (e.g., Saharan Metacraton and/or Arabian–Nubian Shield) that likely could have provided the c. 1.1–0.9 Ga and, possibly, the c. 1.9–1.7 Ga zircon grains, and (ii) rift–related Cambrian–Early Ordovician volcanic centers in the Moroccan Mesetas that supplied heterogeneously distributed – although locally dominant in small areas – sedimentary detritus before rift abortion and burial underneath the overlying passive margin sedimentary succession.Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain through the project PANGEATOR CGL2015-71692Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Facility at the University of EdinburghAustralian Geophysical Observing System grant by AQ44 Australian Education Investment Fund programAustralian Research Council LE150100013Universidad de Granada / CBUA BES-2016-07816

    Syn-collisional detrital zircon source evolution in the northern Moroccan Variscides

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    Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain through the project PANGEATOR (CGL2015-71692) and the Pre-doctoral scholarship BES-2016-078168.U–Pb dating and Hf isotopic analyses of detrital zircon grains from Cambrian-Devonian strata in the Moroccan Mesetas were undertaken in order to constrain its Paleozoic paleogeographic evolution. In this work, we analyzed 12 LateDevonian-Late Carboniferous samples of syn-collisional detrital rocks fromtheWestern and Eastern Moroccan Mesetas. All our samples present significant Ediacaran (ca. 620 Ma) and Rhyacian (ca. 2.1 Ga) detrital zircon populations, suggesting that theWest African Craton remained themain source of sediments for northern Morocco at least until the Late Carboniferous. Locally, a Stenian-Tonian (ca. 1.0 Ga) detrital zircon population is also present, probably fed from intermittent and distant source areas located in NE Africa (e.g. Sahara Metacraton). The collisional evolution started with the approach of an Avalonian promontory to the northern Gondwana continental margin (latest Devonian - earliest Carboniferous), after the closure of the Rheic Ocean. This process entailed the former subduction of the Rheic oceanic lithosphere underneath the Avalonian continental terrane and the formation of a magmatic arc in the upper plate. In this scenario, the first syn-collisional sediments (Tournaisian; Tiflet and Debdou-Mekkam areas) are characterized by a Devonian detrital zircon population (ca. 370 Ma), presumably derived from the magmatic arc, and an increasing number of Mesoproterozoic dates, putatively also sourced from the continental crust of the Avalonian terrane. After the initial collision, only the Visean samples located in areas close to the exotic terrane (e.g. Ben Slimane area) displayed a minor Avalonian component. Finally, the Late Carboniferous samples from the Jerada area recorded an important Middle Carboniferous (ca. 330 Ma) detrital zircon population, probably sourced from Variscan granitoids emplaced in the Eastern Moroccan Meseta and attesting to crustal thickening and subsequent thermal maturation of the Gondwana continental crust in this area.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain PANGEATOR (CGL2015-71692)Pre-doctoral scholarship BES-2016-07816