44 research outputs found

    Design and simulation of an infrared optical filter suitable for carbon dioxide and CO2 lasers

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    109-115The main objective of this study was to assess the molecular simulation of the design of carbon dioxide (CO2) and to construct infrared optical filters for the transmission and absorption of the CO2 laser and the emission of gaseous CO2 radiation. Semiconductor compounds used to determine the wavelength of infrared transmission and absorption infrared radiation (IR) to produce an IR filter for laser production and gas emission using the Fourier Transform infrared spectrometer (FT-RI) for research purposes. Carbon dioxide molecule simulation has been used based on Hyper 6 simulation programme in potential energy, and kinetic energy, which measures the infrared radiation spectrum. Infrared filters are constructed from the compounds of a semiconductor of Zinc Sulfide supplied (ZnS), Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3), Magnesium Oxide (MgO), Lead (II) Sulfide (PbS), and Potassium Chloride (KCl). The data used for evaluation of the optical elements in the IR region based on the transmission and absorption of radiation intensity effective for wavelength detection. The assessment of the detection is indicating transmission and absorption of the wavelengths of CO2 laser and CO2 gas molecule under investigation. This study has identified the approach of the result of transmission and absorption of the peak intensities of 10.6, 2.7, 4.3 and 15μm of CO2 laser and gas radiation emission of the filters in the IR region. The findings of this study have a number of important applications in the IR radiation region

    Design and simulation of an infrared optical filter suitable for carbon dioxide and CO2 lasers

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    The main objective of this study was to assess the molecular simulation of the design of carbon dioxide (CO2) and to construct infrared optical filters for the transmission and absorption of the CO2 laser and the emission of gaseous CO2 radiation. Semiconductor compounds used to determine the wavelength of infrared transmission and absorption infrared radiation (IR) to produce an IR filter for laser production and gas emission using the Fourier Transform infrared spectrometer (FT-RI) for research purposes. Carbon dioxide molecule simulation has been used based on Hyper 6 simulation programme in potential energy, and kinetic energy, which measures the infrared radiation spectrum. Infrared filters are constructed from the compounds of a semiconductor of Zinc Sulfide supplied (ZnS), Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3), Magnesium Oxide (MgO), Lead (II) Sulfide (PbS), and Potassium Chloride (KCl). The data used for evaluation of the optical elements in the IR region based on the transmission and absorption of radiation intensity effective for wavelength detection. The assessment of the detection is indicating transmission and absorption of the wavelengths of CO2 laser and CO2 gas molecule under investigation. This study has identified the approach of the result of transmission and absorption of the peak intensities of 10.6, 2.7, 4.3 and 15μm of CO2 laser and gas radiation emission of the filters in the IR region. The findings of this study have a number of important applications in the IR radiation region

    Hypoglycemic and toxic effects of saponins from the fruit of bitter apple [Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad] on the internal organs of Norway rat [Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout)]

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        Nowadays, natural products receive attention  to research centers because  of  their special importance  in  safety  of communities. The  curative  properties  of  these plants are  mainly due to the presence of various complex chemical substances of different composition which occur as secondary metabolites.The main objectives of this study were to evaluate saponins toxic effects as reflected in the  histopathological changes in the internal organs of Norway rats and to study the hypoglycemic effects induced by the same group. Powdered dried fruit parts (rinds, pulps and seeds) of bitter apple were screened for detection of saponins, glycosides, terpenes, anthraquinones, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, coumarins, cardiac glycosides, cyanogenic glycosides and cucurbitacins. The results of the qualitative analysis and phytochemical screening profiles indicated that, most of the natural products tested for were present in the plant material, except cyanogenic glycosides. Crude saponins were extracted from the rind and their acute toxicity was determined on Norway rats. Five dosage levels (60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 mgs saponins/rat) were administered intraperitoneally   to each batch of albino rats (4 rats/batch). The histological changes in the liver exhibited prominent nucleolus, open chromatin, congestion of central veins and liver sinusoids. The kidney showed signs of reduced renal tubules and lining of epithelial cells. The stomach and digestive system showed mucosal edema, open chromatin, prominent nucleolus and structural necrosis. Percentages reduction in glucose level  in treated rats and the control after six hours were 42%, 55.4%, 60%, 62.5%, 69.3 and 0.10 %, following the same order. There was a considerable dose-dependent decrease in the mean concentration of glucose in the plasma of the treated rats. أصبحت المنتجات النباتية الطبيعية في الآونة الأخيرة محوراً مهماً للبحث في الكثير من المراكز البحثية، وذلك لأهميتها الخاصة في سلامة المجتمعات. تعود الخواص العلاجية لهذه النباتات لاحتوائها على العديد من المركبات الكيمائية المعقدة ذات التراكيب المتباينة والتي توجد فيها على صورة نواتج ثانوية لعملية الأيض. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلي  تقويم الآثار الخافضة للسكر والآثار السامة لصابوينات الحنظل والتغيرات النسيجية التي تحدثها على الأعضاء الداخلية للجرذ النرويجي. تم كل ذلك عبر عدة طرق هدفت للكشف عن وتسمية مجاميع المواد الفاعلة في مسحوق ثمار نبات الحنظل  C.colocynthis (L.)Schradوشملت هذه المواد الصابونينات، الجلايكوسيدات والفلافونويدات والقلويدات والأنثروكينونات، والتربينات والتانينات والكومارينات، الجلايكوسيدات القلبية والجلايكوسيدات والسيانوجينية والكيوكيربتسينات. كانت النتائج كلها إيجابية مع غياب الجلايكوسيدات السيانوجينية. تم اختبار السمية الحادة للصابونينات المستخلصة من قشور ثمار نبات الحنظل علي طريق الحقن عبر الغشاء البروتوني للجرذان النرويجية البهقاء Rattus norvegicus ( Berkenhout). بناءً على تجارب أولية تم اختبار خمس جرعات وهى 60 ، 70، 80، 90 و100 مجم صابونين خام/جرذ. فيما يختص بالتغيرات النسيجية على الأعضاء والأنسجة الداخلية للجرذان المعاملة بالصابونين فقد لوحظ أنها شملت تشوه الأنوية وانفتاح الكروماتين واحتقان الأوردة في خلايا الكبد مع انخفاض الخلايا الطلائية المبطنة للأنيبيبات البولية في الكلى. أما بالنسبة للتغيرات في المعدة والجهاز الهضمي فشملت وزمة الغشاء المخاطي، وانفتاح الكروماتين مع تشوه الأنوية وموت الأنسجة. تمت أيضا  دراسة أثر الصابونينات علي خفض معدل السكر في دم الجرذان المعاملة بالجرعات السابقة وكذا الشاهد حيث تم أخذ متوسط النسب المئوية لانخفاض السكر في الدم خلال ست ساعات  وكانت المتوسطات42% ، 55.4%، 60%،62%، 69.3%، 0.10% وللشاهد على الترتيب. وقد لوحظ أن هنالك تدني ملحوظ في نسبة الجلوكوز في دم الجرذان المعاملة يتناسب عكسياً مع الجرعة المستخدمة

    Blood meal profile and positivity rate with malaria parasites among different malaria vectors in Sudan

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    Background: Malaria is a life-threatening public health problem globally with particularly heavy burden in the sub-Saharan Africa including Sudan. The understanding of feeding preference of malaria vectors on different hosts is a major challenge for hindering the transmission cycle of malaria. In this study, blood meals taken by blood-fed Anopheles mosquitoes collected from the field in malaria endemic areas of Sudan were analysed for source of blood meal and malaria parasite presence. Methods: Anopheles mosquitoes were collected from different regions in Sudan: Khartoum state, Sennar state, Northern state, and El Gedarif state between September 2020 and February 2021. Anopheles mosquitoes were collected using the standard pyrethrum spray catch and back-pack aspirator. Mosquito samples were sorted and morphologically identified to species level using international identification keys. Morphologically identified mosquito species were also confirmed using PCR. Genomic DNA was extracted from mosquitoes for molecular identification of blood meal source and parasite detection. The presence of Plasmodium species DNA in each mosquito sample was investigated using semi-nested PCR. Frequency of each blood meal source, Anopheles mosquito vector, and malaria parasite detected was calculated. Positivity rate of each fed female Anopheles mosquito was calculated for each species. Results: A total of 2132 Anopheles mosquitoes were collected. 571 (26.8%) were males and 1561 (73.2%) were females classified based on their abdominal status into 1048 (67.1%) gravid, 274 (17.6%) fed, and 239 (15.3%) unfed females. Among the blood fed Anopheles mosquitoes, 263 (96.0%) were morphologically identified and confirmed using PCR to Anopheles arabiensis, 9 (3.3%) to Anopheles stephensi, and 2 (0.7%) to Anopheles rufipes. Of 274 blood-fed An. arabiensis, 68 (25.9%) fed on mixed blood meals from human and cattle, 8 (3.0%) fed on cattle and goat, and 13 (4.8%) fed on human, cattle and goat. For single blood meal sources, 70 (26.6%) fed on human, 95 (36.1%) fed on cattle, 8 (3.0%) fed on goat, and 1 (0.4%) fed on dog. While An. rufipes and An. stephensi fed on dog (2; 0.75%) and cattle (9; 3.3%), respectively. Plasmodium parasite detection in the blood meals showed that 25/274 (9.1%) An. arabiensis meals were positive for Plasmodium vivax and 19/274 (6.9%) An. arabiensis meals were positive for Plasmodium falciparum. The rate of positivity of An. arabiensis with any Plasmodium species was 16.7%. However, the positivity rate with P. falciparum only was 7.2%, while P. vivax was 9.5%. Both An. rufipes and An. stephensi were having positivity rates of 0.0% each. Conclusions: This study which was mainly on blood-fed Anopheles mosquitoes showed a diversity in the type of diet from human, cattle, and goat. Anopheles mosquitoes especially An. arabiensis in Sudan, are opportunistic blood feeders and can feed broadly on both human and cattle. The application of blood meal identification is not only important in malaria vector epidemiological surveillance but also is very useful in areas where arthropods exhibit zoophilic feeding behaviour for mammals.</p

    Blood meal profile and positivity rate with malaria parasites among different malaria vectors in Sudan

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    Background: Malaria is a life-threatening public health problem globally with particularly heavy burden in the sub-Saharan Africa including Sudan. The understanding of feeding preference of malaria vectors on different hosts is a major challenge for hindering the transmission cycle of malaria. In this study, blood meals taken by blood-fed Anopheles mosquitoes collected from the field in malaria endemic areas of Sudan were analysed for source of blood meal and malaria parasite presence. Methods: Anopheles mosquitoes were collected from different regions in Sudan: Khartoum state, Sennar state, Northern state, and El Gedarif state between September 2020 and February 2021. Anopheles mosquitoes were collected using the standard pyrethrum spray catch and back-pack aspirator. Mosquito samples were sorted and morphologically identified to species level using international identification keys. Morphologically identified mosquito species were also confirmed using PCR. Genomic DNA was extracted from mosquitoes for molecular identification of blood meal source and parasite detection. The presence of Plasmodium species DNA in each mosquito sample was investigated using semi-nested PCR. Frequency of each blood meal source, Anopheles mosquito vector, and malaria parasite detected was calculated. Positivity rate of each fed female Anopheles mosquito was calculated for each species. Results: A total of 2132 Anopheles mosquitoes were collected. 571 (26.8%) were males and 1561 (73.2%) were females classified based on their abdominal status into 1048 (67.1%) gravid, 274 (17.6%) fed, and 239 (15.3%) unfed females. Among the blood fed Anopheles mosquitoes, 263 (96.0%) were morphologically identified and confirmed using PCR to Anopheles arabiensis, 9 (3.3%) to Anopheles stephensi, and 2 (0.7%) to Anopheles rufipes. Of 274 blood-fed An. arabiensis, 68 (25.9%) fed on mixed blood meals from human and cattle, 8 (3.0%) fed on cattle and goat, and 13 (4.8%) fed on human, cattle and goat. For single blood meal sources, 70 (26.6%) fed on human, 95 (36.1%) fed on cattle, 8 (3.0%) fed on goat, and 1 (0.4%) fed on dog. While An. rufipes and An. stephensi fed on dog (2; 0.75%) and cattle (9; 3.3%), respectively. Plasmodium parasite detection in the blood meals showed that 25/274 (9.1%) An. arabiensis meals were positive for Plasmodium vivax and 19/274 (6.9%) An. arabiensis meals were positive for Plasmodium falciparum. The rate of positivity of An. arabiensis with any Plasmodium species was 16.7%. However, the positivity rate with P. falciparum only was 7.2%, while P. vivax was 9.5%. Both An. rufipes and An. stephensi were having positivity rates of 0.0% each. Conclusions: This study which was mainly on blood-fed Anopheles mosquitoes showed a diversity in the type of diet from human, cattle, and goat. Anopheles mosquitoes especially An. arabiensis in Sudan, are opportunistic blood feeders and can feed broadly on both human and cattle. The application of blood meal identification is not only important in malaria vector epidemiological surveillance but also is very useful in areas where arthropods exhibit zoophilic feeding behaviour for mammals.</p

    The Phylodynamic and spread of the invasive Asian malaria vectors, Anopheles stephensi, in Sudan

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    Anopheles stephensi is an invasive Asian malaria vector that initially emerged in Africa in 2012 and was reported in Sudan in 2019. We investigated the distribution and population structure of An. stephensi throughout Sudan by using sequencing and molecular tools. We confirmed the presence of An. stephensi in eight border-states, identifying both natural and human-made breeding sites. Our analysis revealed the presence of 20 haplotypes with different distributions per state. This study revealed a countrywide spread of An. stephensi in Sudan, with confirmed presence in borders states with Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Republic of Central Africa, and South Sudan. Detection of An. stephensi at points of entry with these countries, particularly Chad, Libya, and South Sudan, indicates the rapid previously undetected spread of this invasive vector. Our phylogenetic and haplotype analysis suggested local establishment and evolutionary adaptation of the vector to different ecological and environmental conditions in Sudan. Urgent engagement of the global community is essential to control and prevent further spread into Africa

    Agency and life satisfaction in Bedouin children in occupied Palestinian territory: a cross-lagged longitudinal study

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    Background Bedouin children living in occupied Palestinian territory are at risk of developing trauma-related pathologies because of chronic exposure to political and military violence. Little is known about psychological wellbeing and life satisfaction in this group of children, or their coping skills and survival skills in adjusting to these conditions