239 research outputs found

    The Attitudes of students in hostels center complex towards violence and its relationship to some variables

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    هدفت الدراسة إلي معرفة إتجاهات طلاب داخلية مجمع الوسط نحو العنف وعلاقتها بمتغيرات (التنظيم السياسي، الحالة الإجتماعية، الموطن الأصلي). تمثل مجتمع الدراسة في طلاب داخلية مجمع الوسط المسجلين للعام الدراسي 2016/2017م، تكونت عينة الدراسة من (89) طالباً، إتبعت الدراسة منهج المسح الإجتماعي. وشملت أدوات الدراسة إستمارة البيانات الأولية إعداد الباحث، ومقياس إتجاهات الطلاب نحو العنف، إستخدم الباحث لتحليل البيانات برنامج الحزمة الإحصائية للعلوم الإجتماعية، مستخدماً إختبار (ت) لعينة الواحدة، وإختبار (ت)، لعينتين مستقلتين. توصلت الدراسة إلي النتائج الآتية: تتسم إتجاهات طلاب داخلية مجمع الوسط نحو العنف الطلابي بالسلبية عند مستوى الدلالة 0.05، لا توجد فروق دالة إحصائيا  في إتجاهات طلاب داخلية الوسط نحو العنف الطلابي حسب التنظيم السياسي والحالة الاجتماعية عند مستوى الدلالة 0.05، و توجد فروق دالة إحصائيا في إتجاهات طلاب داخلية الوسط نحو العنف الطلابي حسب الموطن الأصلي لصالح طلاب الريف و عند مستوى الدلالة 0.05. ختمت الدراسة بمجموعة من التوصيات.The study aimed to identify the attitudes of the students in hostels center complex towards violence and its relationship to the variables (political organization, social situation, original home). The population of study is represented in the registered internal students in the center of the academic year 2016/2017. The study sample consisted of (89) students. The study followed the Social Survey Methodology. The study instruments included the researcher's preliminary data form and the attitudes scale towards the violence which.  The study reached the following results: The attitudes of the students in hostels center complex towards violence characterized by Negative at the significance level of 0.05, there were no statistically significant differences in the attitudes of the students in hostels center complex towards violence according to the variables political organization and marital status at the significance level of 0.05. There are statistically significant differences according to the variable original home in favor of rural students at the significance level of 0.05. The study concluded with a set of recommendations

    Plasticité induite par transformation de phase martensitique dans l’acier 35NCD16

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    Cette étude porte sur la plasticité des aciers au cours d'une transformation de phase martensitique. Nous nous intéressons à la Plasticité Induite par la Transformation (Transformation Induced Plasticity ou TRIP), dans l’acier 35NCD16. Différents types d’essais ont été réalisés pour mettre en évidence ce phénomène sous diverses conditions de chargement uniaxial en cours de transformation (constant, linéaire croissant, linéaire décroissant…). En effet, classiquement les essais de TRIP sont réalisés sous un chargement constant durant toute la transformation ce qui n’est pas forcément représentatif des conditions de sollicitations réelles dans les structures industrielles. Les prédictions des modèles de Leblond (1989) et de Taleb et Sidoroff (2003) pour ces essais feront l’objet d’une discussion

    Ex-Ante Impact Assessment of water policy reform in Southeastern of Tunisia:: A CGE Approach

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    Located in the South-East of Tunisia, the Medenine governorate is characterised by an arid climate.The water scarcity was accentuated by the growing demand from different economic sectors. Therebythe inter-sectorial competition for water, mainly between tourism and agriculture, presents a majorproblem. This area of socio-economic and geopolitical interest has profited from various programmesof development; in particular, multiple water policy reforms. Despite of the early public intervention,since 80s, the ex-ante integrated impact assessment (IIA) of water policies reform needs more investigationin Tunisian arid regions. Using a Computable general equilibrium model we have assessed the economywideimpact of water policies reform that consists of providing higher quantity water to the differenteconomic sectors. The central aims are to outline the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) building procedure,describe the policy options and present the preliminary results. Model results show that providing morenon-conventional water to tourism and agriculture sectors has positive impacts on regional economy.Meanwhile, the results should be analysed with caution given the various limitations of the work thatshould be enhanced. This work was carried out in the framework of Land Use Policies and SustainableDevelopment on developing countries (LUPIS) project (Reidsma et al., 2011).Localizada no sudeste da Tunísia, o território Medenine é caracterizado por um clima árido. A escassez de água foi acentuada pela crescente demanda de diferentes setores econômicos. A competição inter-setorial pela água, principalmente entre o turismo e a agricultura, representa um grande problema. Esta área de interesse socioeconômico e geopolítico foi alvo de diversos programas de desenvolvimento, em particular várias reformas na política da água. Apesar da intervenção pública já nos anos 1980, a avaliação integrada ex-ante de impacto (IIA) da reforma da política da água necessita de mais atenção em regiões áridas da Tunísia. Usando um modelo de equilíbrio geral computacional foi avaliado o impacto em toda a economia, resultante da reforma das políticas de água, que consistem em fornecer maior quantidade de água para os diferentes setores econômicos. Os objetivos centrais foram delinear um procedimento de construção de uma Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), descrever as opções políticas e apresentar os resultados preliminares. Os resultados do modelo mostram que o fornecimento de água segundo práticas não-convencionais para setores do turismo e da agricultura tem um impacto positivo na economia regional. Os resultados devem ser analisados com cautela, dada as várias limitações do trabalho que devem ser superadas. Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do Projeto Políticas de Uso da Terra e Desenvolvimento Sustentável em Países em Desenvolvimento (Lupis) (Reidsma et al., 2011)

    Overlapping IgG4 Responses to Self- and Environmental Antigens in Endemic Pemphigus Foliaceus

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    The etiology of human autoimmune diseases in general remains largely unknown, although the genetic and environmental interplay may be relevant. This applies to the autoimmune diseases of the skin such as the pemphigus phenotypes and others. In this group, there is an endemic form of pemphigus foliaceus [also known as Fogo Selvagem (FS)] where the pathogenic IgG4 autoantibody response to the self-antigen, Desmoglein 1 (Dsg1) cross-react with the LJM11 sand fly salivary gland antigen. In this investigation we dissected the IgG4 autoantibody repertoires utilized by FS patients in response to endogenous self Dsg1 and exogenous LJM11 sand fly antigen. Based on analyses of the genetic clonal signatures of these antibodies, our results indicate that there is a significant overlap between these two responses as all identified IgG4 monoclonal antibodies cross-react to both Dsg1 and LJM11 antigens. Germline H and L chain V gene antibodies generated according to mutated cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies preserved their reactivity to both antigens. Our findings suggest that both Dsg1 autoantigen and LJM11 environmental antigen could be the initial antigenic stimulants for the IgG4 autoimmune responses in FS. These results support our hypothesis that LJM11 antigen plays a substantial role in triggering the IgG4 autoantibody development in FS, and provide new insights on how non-infectious environmental antigen(s) may drive the generation of autoantibodies in IgG4-related autoimmune diseases

    Efficiency of Crop–Livestock Production Systems Under Conservation Agriculture: Scope for Sustainable System Transformation in Rain-Fed Drylands of Tunisia

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    Presentation on “Efficiency of Crop–Livestock Production Systems Under Conservation Agriculture: Scope for Sustainable System Transformation in Rain-Fed Drylands of Tunisia” delivered during the International Symposium LESOR'2022 (Djerba-Tunisia, 23-25 November 2022

    Efficiency of Crop–Livestock Production Systems Under Conservation Agriculture: Scope for sustainable system transformation to Achieving Food Security in Rain-Fed Drylands of Tunisia

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the technical efficiency of farmers engaged in mixed crop–livestock systems under conservation agriculture (CLCA) in Tunisian rainfed areas who are using Resource-Conserving Technologies (RCTs) such as forage mixture, minimum and zero tillage, and small machinery

    Coping Strategies and Perceived Effects in Response to Climate Shock Exposure: Household resiliency toward food insecurity related to drought in central Tunisian rural communities

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    Climate change exacerbated droughts by making them more frequent that increased risks of food insecurity faced by rural families in arid areas. Adopting coping mechanisms are necessary to reduce the vulnerability of rural agricultural communities and enhance their resilience to climate change. The main objectives of this paper are i) to assess effectiveness of the adopted coping strategies in rural areas by measuring resilience properties of household livelihoods and ii) to identify their key drivers. we will measure. A cross-sectional survey among 671 sample households was conducted in Kairouan and Zaghouan. To understand the key drivers of each livelihood coping strategy and compare different livelihood strategies we used an updated version of we used and updated the resilience analysis framework. A special attention was given understand how household-level characteristics correspond to household coping strategies towards an identification and assessment of the coping mechanisms adopted by farmers to mitigate the impact of drought on their livelihood and food security. Results showed income and food access, assets possession, access to basic services, adaptive capacity, and social safety nets have positive and significant effect on farm households’ resilience to food insecurity. Climate change and stability have a negative and significant effects. This could be due to the negative effect of the climate change especially drought on the household resilience

    Some Good and Some Bad: Sand Fly Salivary Proteins in the Control of Leishmaniasis and in Autoimmunity

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    Sand flies are hematophagous insects responsible for the transmission of vector-borne diseases to humans. Prominent among these diseases is Leishmaniasis that affects the skin and mucous surfaces and organs such as liver and spleen. Importantly, the function of blood-sucking arthropods goes beyond merely transporting pathogens. The saliva of vectors of disease contains pharmacologically active components that facilitate blood feeding and often pathogen establishment. Transcriptomic and proteomic studies have enumerated the repertoire of sand fly salivary proteins and their potential use for the control of Leishmaniasis, either as biomarkers of vector exposure or as anti-Leishmania vaccines. However, a group of specific sand fly salivary proteins triggers formation of cross-reactive antibodies that bind the ectodomain of human desmoglein 1, a member of the epidermal desmosomal cadherins. These cross-reactive antibodies are associated with skin autoimmune blistering diseases, such as pemphigus, in certain immunogenetically predisposed individuals. In this review, we focus on two different aspects of sand fly salivary proteins in the context of human disease: The good, which refers to salivary proteins functioning as biomarkers of exposure or as anti-Leishmania vaccines, and the bad, which refers to salivary proteins as environmental triggers of autoimmune skin diseases

    Assessing complementary synergies for integrated crop–livestock systems under conservation agriculture in Tunisian dryland farming systems

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    The aim of this paper is twofold. The first objective is to measure the technical efficiency of mixed crop-livestock (CL) smallholder producers operating under conservation agriculture systems in Tunisian rainfed areas. The second objective is to explore complementarities, synergies, and economies of diversification across the different production system components of these crop-livestock producers using the cross-partial derivative framework of output variables in the distance function. A simple random sampling process was employed to select and survey 59 CL smallholders operating under conservation agriculture. The collected data were analyzed using a stochastic input distance function in which synergies were estimated based on the second cross-partial derivative concept of output variables in the distance function. Results show that technical inefficiencies are significant in integrated crop-livestock systems, and there is evidence that economic diversification provides a productivity buffer against climate change threats. As a sustainable intensification strategy, this integrated system also offers a potential advantage. The results further contribute to the debate on crop diversification vs. specialization. Although an enhanced system integration could be a financially and ecologically viable option for mixed crop-livestock systems, more pathways for profitable and viable diversification of cereal-based or orchard-based systems remain to be explored