263 research outputs found

    Exploring Digital Transformation in Dentistry at the SSMD Dental Clinic

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    Digital transformation in healthcare includes an array of digital technologies that are rapidly transforming every domain of healthcare. Digital transformation has had a massive influence on Dentistry as common practices in the field continue to shift from traditional methods to digitally backed processes. This impacts not only dental practices but also dental education required to train dentists for a digital future. Regardless of this impact, adopting digital tools and techniques in healthcare practice and in education remains a significant challenge to accomplish successfully. This research aims to explore and tackle the barriers of adopting Intraoral Cameras within the SSMD Clinics by applying the theory of diffusion of innovation by Everett Rogers

    The initiative of stem schools in Egypt: Issues of process, teachers\u27 compatibility and governance

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    This study discusses the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) initiative as the latest policy move undertaken by the Egyptian government to improve the education system and prepare future generations of professionals in these fields. The findings of this study are based on a case study of two schools in Egypt. Data was collected using face-to-face and focus group interviewing along with a review of documents. This thesis discusses the role of the different stakeholders, the program structure, the student and teacher selection processes, teaching techniques, curricula, assessments, sustainability plan, and the views of STEM graduates. The study highlights the positive STEM learning environment but identifies a number of issues that could be threatening the quality and continuity of the STEM initiative in Egypt. These relate to: (1) the complex overarching bureaucratic legislation structure; (2) challenges in curricula design and assessment criteria; (3) teachers\u27 training and system compatibility challenges; and most importantly, (4) the shortfall in the availability of sustainable funding. Relying on the findings of the global STEM experience, the study discusses international best practices and recommendations

    Strategic human resource management and organizational performance: a case study from an Egyptian nonprofit organization

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    This study examines the relationship between strategic human resource management (SHRM) and organizational performance outcomes in Egyptian nonprofit organizations. The study uses a mixed-methods approach where quantitative research is followed by in-depth interviews to test the proposed relationships among variables at a growing human services nonprofit organization operating in Cairo. Data helped in identifying relationships between four unique SHRM configurations (retention, acquisition, training and internal labor market) and two workforce characteristics (employee intent to leave and human capital) proven by empirical literature to have a direct impact on perceptual measures of organizational performance. While research results suggested that measures of turnover were found to directly improve organization-level performance, data did not assert that measures for human capital (work experience and education level) directly enhance performance. However, these measures were found to be positively associated with acquisition and training in the context of human resource (HR) practices

    Social entrepreneurship in the era of digitalization and disruptive technology

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    (Galvanauskaite, 2014) mentioned that, “Social entrepreneurship is an emerging phenomenon and an important field that tackles the social problems of today’s world (Mair & Marti, 2006; Nicholls, 2008)”. (MORTENSEN, 2021) in her dissertation mentioned that, “Business models in all industries are being disrupted by advanced technology (Morrar et al., 2017).”. This thesis is aimed at exploring the role of technology in social entrepreneurship. (Holmes, n.d.) mentioned that, “Social constructivism, a social learning theory developed by Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, posits that individuals are active participants in the creation of their own knowledge (Schreiber & Valle, 2013).”. Through social constructivist and actor-network theory, existing literature covering the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship and the technology’s role in social enterprises has been reviewed. Interviewing the founders of several organizations that lie across the spectrum of social enterprises has been the source of this research’s empirical data, which was then analyzed according to grounded theory. Results showed that by utilizing technological capabilities, social organizations managed to do the job that other sectors failed to do, besides improving both economic and social conditions. Technology use breaks a lot of barriers and facilitates peoples’ lives and helps eradicate the endless loop of social injustice these people live in. in the field of social entrepreneurship, the use of technology enables anyone at any level to have a social impact. How technologies are utilized in social enterprises to serve unprivileged communities, especially in developing countries, how they are implemented, and the role of technology in disrupting the market by creating social impact. In addition to breaking trade hurdles, social organizations tend to co-operate on an inter-organizational level to overcome this. According to social constructivist theory, the findings of this research can be an interest to other researchers in this field, it will provide a clearer understanding of the technology’s role in SE. Policymakers can look for insights on technology means, such as an open-source model, that can be applied to ensure a better life. Nascent social enterprises, governments, and businesses can learn a lesson on using technology to create a social impact instead of using it to extend the gap between the rich and the poor. Finally, this thesis isn’t conclusive; there are still broader questions to be asked and more research opportunities to be taken and hopefully, these findings can define a wider scope for upcoming research on the technology utilization in social entrepreneurship(Galvanauskaite, 2014) mencionó que “el emprendimiento social es un fenómeno emergente y un campo importante que aborda los problemas sociales del mundo actual (Mair & Marti, 2006; Nicholls, 2008)”. (MORTENSEN, 2021) en su disertación mencionó que “los modelos de negocios en todas las industrias están siendo interrumpidos por la tecnología avanzada (Morrar et al., 2017)”. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo explorar el papel de la tecnología en el emprendimiento social. (Holmes, s.f.) mencionó que “el constructivismo social, una teoría del aprendizaje social desarrollada por el psicólogo ruso Lev Vygotsky, postula que los individuos son participantes activos en la creación de su propio conocimiento (Schreiber & Valle, 2013)”. A través de la teoría del constructivista social y de la red de actores, se ha revisado la literatura existente que cubre el fenómeno del emprendimiento social y el papel de la tecnología en las empresas sociales. Entrevistar a los fundadores de varias organizaciones que se encuentran en el espectro de las empresas sociales ha sido la fuente de los datos empíricos de esta investigación, que luego se analizaron de acuerdo con la teoría fundamentada. Los resultados mostraron que al utilizar las capacidades tecnológicas, las organizaciones sociales lograron hacer el trabajo que otros sectores no lograron, además de mejorar las condiciones económicas y sociales. Los usos de la tecnología rompen muchas barreras y facilitan la vida de las personas y ayudan a erradicar el ciclo interminable de injusticia social en el que viven estas personas. En el campo del emprendimiento social, el uso de la tecnología permite que cualquier persona en cualquier nivel tenga un impacto social. Cómo se utilizan las tecnologías en las empresas sociales para servir a las comunidades desfavorecidas, especialmente en los países en desarrollo, cómo se implementan y el papel de la tecnología en la disrupción del mercado al generar un impacto social. Para superar esto, además de romper los obstáculos comerciales, las organizaciones sociales tienden a cooperar a nivel interorganizacional. De acuerdo con la teoría constructivista social, los hallazgos de esta investigación pueden ser de interés para otros investigadores en este campo, ya que proporcionarán una comprensión más clara del papel de la tecnología en la SE. Los formuladores de políticas pueden buscar información sobre medios tecnológicos, como: modelo de código abierto, que se puede aplicar para garantizar una vida mejor. Las empresas sociales nacientes, los gobiernos y las empresas pueden aprender una lección sobre el uso de la tecnología para crear un impacto social en lugar de usarla para ampliar la brecha entre ricos y pobres. Finalmente, esta tesis no es concluyente; Todavía hay preguntas más amplias por hacer y más oportunidades de investigación por aprovechar y, con suerte, estos hallazgos pueden definir un alcance más amplio para la próxima investigación sobre el uso de la tecnología en el emprendimiento social

    Evidence of Early Supershear Transition in the Mw 7.8 Kahramanmara\c{s} Earthquake From Near-Field Records

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    The Mw 7.8 Kahramanmara\c{s} Earthquake was larger and more destructive than what had been expected for the tectonic setting in Southeastern Turkey. By using near-field records we provide evidence for early supershear transition on the splay fault that hosted the nucleation and early propagation of the first rupture that eventually transitioned into the East Anatolian fault. The two stations located furthest from the epicenter show a larger fault parallel particle velocity component relative to the fault normal particle velocity component; a unique signature of supershear ruptures that has been identified in theoretical and experimental models of intersonic rupture growth. The third station located closest to the epicenter, while mostly preserving the classical sub-Rayleigh characteristics, it also features a small supershear pulse clearly propagating ahead of the original sub-Rayleigh rupture. This record provides, for the first time ever, field observational evidence for the mechanism of intersonic transition. By using the two furthest stations we estimate the instantaneous supershear rupture propagation speed to be ~ 1.55 Cs and the sub-Rayleigh to supershear transition length to be around 19.45 km, very close to the location of the station nearest to the epicenter. This early supershear transition might have facilitated the continued propagation and triggering of slip on the nearby East Anatolian Fault leading to amplification of the hazard. The complex dynamics of the Kahramanmara\c{s} earthquake warrants further studies

    Shrinkage Induced Deformations in Composite Steel and Concrete Bridges

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    Concrete decks cast on steel bridge girders experience volume change beginning immediately after taking initial set. Volume changes in concrete result from temperature changes, creep or drying shrinkage of concrete. Shrinkage of the concrete occurs from a combination of hydration and evaporation as water is either consumed or pulled from the concrete. Resulting volume changes are the usual sources for cracking in concrete, serviceability problems and excessive deflections in deck slabs, sidewalks, driveways and other pavements, however they do not cause structural collapse alone. A poor prediction of such volumetric changes can be regarded as unimportant but it is important for some structures where serviceability and economic feasibility are needed. Recently, some Oklahoma bridges have been rehabilitated by casting new concrete decks atop existing steel girders. Some of these bridges experienced excessive downward deflections soon after construction was completed. Our research shows that concrete strains caused by drying shrinkage may account for some of these mid-span deflections. In our research, prototype beams were constructed from steel girders made composite with concrete deck slabs. These beams were monitored for temperature, concrete and steel strains and deflections. Results of the prototypes show downward deflections and concrete compressive strains consistent with the phenomenon of concrete shrinkage. Test results are compared to analytical iterative models that focus on concrete shrinkage. Models are based on ACI 209R-92 report shows methods for predicting creep, shrinkage and temperature effects in concrete structures. Three other numerical methods are compared in these reports and include the Bazant-Baweja B3 model, the CEB MC90-99 model and the GL2000 model. The four models are compared to one another and with the experimental results from the prototype beam constructed in lab. Some concrete properties were tested in the laboratory to use in the models. Despite the laboratory findings which connect concrete shrinkage to downward deflections of steel girder bridges, forensic investigations performed on real highway bridges that show the bridges were in a good condition and that shrinkage is not the likely cause of excessive deflections.Civil Engineerin

    Pressure, leakage and energy management in water distribution systems

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    A fast and efficient method to calculate time schedules for internal and boundary PRVs and flow modulation curves has been developed and implemented. Both time and flow modulation can be applied to a single inlet DMA. The time modulation methodology is based on solving a nonlinear programming problem (NLP). In addition, Genetic Algorithms (GA) has been proposed and investigated to calculate the optimal coefficients of a second order relationship between the flow and the outlet pressure for a PRV to minimize the background leakage. The obtained curve can be subsequently implemented using a flow modulation controller in a feedback control scheme. The Aquai-Mod® is a hydraulic device to control and modulate the outlet pressure of a PRV according to the valve flow. The controller was experimentally tested to assess its performance and functionality in different conditions and operating ranges. The mathematical model of the controller has been developed and solved, in both steady state and dynamic conditions. The results of the model have been compared with the experimental data and showed a good agreement in the magnitude and trends. A new method for combined energy and pressure management via integration and coordination of pump scheduling with pressure control aspects has been created. The method is based on formulating and solving an optimisation NLP problem and involves pressure dependent leakage. The cost function of the optimisation problem represents the total cost of water treatment and pumping energy. Developed network scheduling algorithm consists of two stages. The first stage involves solving a continuous problem, where operation of each pump is described by continuous variable. Subsequently, the second stage continuous pump schedules are discretised using heuristic algorithm. Another area of research has been developing optimal feedback rules using GA to control the operation of pump stations. Each pump station has a rule described by two water levels in a downstream reservoir and a value of pump speed for each tariff period. The lower and upper water switching levels of the downstream reservoir correspond to the pump being “ON” or “OFF”. The achieved similar energy cost per 1 Ml of pumped water. In the considered case study, the optimal feedback rules had advantage of small number of ON/OFF switches, which increase the pump stations lifetime and reduce the maintenance cost as well

    High speed imaging; history and development

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    An analysis of TQM and organisational learning processes using modelling and simulation.

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    The aims of this research are to examine the link between Total Quality Management (TQM) and organisational learning, to develop a conceptual framework for a learning organisation, and to model (Skill Pool Model (SKPM), Pipeline Skill Pool Model (PSKPM), Automated Pipeline Skill Pool Model (APSKPM)) learning processes to facilitate simulation of the effects of key parameters on the skill within an organisation.This thesis presents an analysis of the fundamental factors and mechanisms of TQM. A comparative study of ten quality Gurus is conducted to establish a link between TQM and organisational learning. This has resulted in the development of a conceptual framework for the learning organisation, using TQM as the baseline. The learning organisation conceptual framework consists of twenty-eight elements (enablers) and nineteen dependent outcomes (results).The learning organisation conceptual framework is utilised in a questionnaire survey to capture a snapshot of European organisations' efforts to become a learning organisation. Survey results show that the main differentiating factors between TQM and organisational learning are the type of learning tools in use and the information system in place. Further analyses reveal that organisations are experiencing great difficulties in translating organisational learning theory into practice.The research work uses system causal-loop analysis in conceptualising the three waves of quality, which provide a richer picture of the main variables and their relationships in an organisation context. Detailed causal-loop analysis focuses on the organisation's recruitment, and staff development policy. Adopting the Inventory and Order-Based Production Control System (IOBPCS) model, a SKPM is developed to help understand the dynamics of skill acquisition and retention, particularly during times when an organisation is going through major changes. A PSKPM has shown the significance of the process pipeline policy to improving staff training and the retention rate. By adding a feed-forward path to the PSKPM, an APSKPM shows how new skills can improve the organisation productivity and contribute to the development of new products. The model responds to the training and learning needs as a result of present skill loss rate (feed-forward) as well as skill level and training performance (feedback). The research concludes by identifying learning barriers, describing how knowledge can be created and managed, and analysing how information and knowledge are disseminated over time.The research has demonstrated the benefits of applying system dynamics in the field of organisational learning. The visual form of the models and the simulation outputs promotes understanding of the problems of retaining and developing the skills base, and the effects of speeding up the learning process within an organisation. The research shows that system thinking tools (such as causal-loop) and system dynamics can provide a greater insight for organisations set to embark on a learning organisation journey

    Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of different potato cultivars provides insight into early blight disease caused by Alternaria solani

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    BackgroundEarly blight, caused by the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Alternaria solani, is an economically important disease affecting the tuber yield worldwide. The disease is mainly controlled by chemical plant protection agents. However, over-using these chemicals can lead to the evolution of resistant A. solani strains and is environmentally hazardous. Identifying genetic disease resistance factors is crucial for the sustainable management of early blight but little effort has been diverted in this direction. Therefore, we carried out transcriptome sequencing of the A. solani interaction with different potato cultivars with varying levels of early blight resistance to identify key host genes and pathways in a cultivar-specific manner.ResultsIn this study, we have captured transcriptomes from three different potato cultivars with varying susceptibility to A. solani, namely Magnum Bonum, Desiree, and Kuras, at 18 and 36 h post-infection. We identified many differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between these cultivars, and the number of DEGs increased with susceptibility and infection time. There were 649 transcripts commonly expressed between the potato cultivars and time points, of which 627 and 22 were up- and down-regulated, respectively. Interestingly, overall the up-regulated DEGs were twice in number as compared to down-regulated ones in all the potato cultivars and time points, except Kuras at 36 h post-inoculation. In general, transcription factor families WRKY, ERF, bHLH, MYB, and C2H2 were highly enriched DEGs, of which a significant number were up-regulated. The majority of the key transcripts involved in the jasmonic acid and ethylene biosynthesis pathways were highly up-regulated. Many transcripts involved in the mevalonate (MVA) pathway, isoprenyl-PP, and terpene biosynthesis were also up-regulated across the potato cultivars and time points. Compared to Magnum Bonum and Desiree, multiple components of the photosynthesis machinery, starch biosynthesis and degradation pathway were down-regulated in the most susceptible potato cultivar, Kuras.ConclusionsTranscriptome sequencing identified many differentially expressed genes and pathways, thereby contributing to the improved understanding of the interaction between the potato host and A. solani. The transcription factors identified are attractive targets for genetic modification to improve potato resistance against early blight. The results provide important insights into the molecular events at the early stages of disease development, help to shorten the knowledge gap, and support potato breeding programs for improved early blight disease resistance