717 research outputs found

    Identity Theft in Cyberspace: Issues and Solutions

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    Cet article présente et analyse la menace grandissante que représente le vol d’identité dans le cyberespace. Le développement, dans la dernière décennie, du commerce électronique ainsi que des transactions et des communications numériques s’accélère. Cette progression non linéaire a généré une myriade de risques associés à l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication (les TIC) dans le cyberespace, dont un des plus importants est sans conteste la menace du vol d’identité. Cet article vise à donner un aperçu des enjeux et des risques relatifs au vol d’identité et cherche à offrir certaines solutions basées sur la nécessité d’opter pour une politique à trois volets qui englobe des approches stratégiques et règlementaires, techniques et culturelles.This article addresses and analyses the growing threat of identity theft in cyberspace. E-commerce and digital transactions and communications have, over the past decade, been increasingly transpiring at an accelerated rate. This non-linear progression has generated a myriad of risks associated with the utilization of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in cyberspace communications, amongst the most important of which is: the threat of identity theft. On such account, this article aims to provide an overview of the issues and risks pertinent to identity theft and seeks to offer some solutions based on the necessity of pursuing a tri-fold policy encompassing strategic and regulatory, technical, and cultural approaches

    Recent Egyptian experience in development planning

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Boston Universit

    An examination of the relationship between skills development and productivity in the construction industry

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    In recent years, the UK government skills policy has emphasised the role of workforce skills development as a key driver of economic success and improving productivity across all sectors of the economy. The importance of skills (as a vehicle for enhancing productivity performance) is highlighted within numerous government reports, such as Skills White Papers (2003 and 2005), in addition to the Leitch Review of Skills (2006) which coincided with the outset of this research. Thus, the aim of this research was to examine the relationship between skills development and productivity in the construction industry in order to assess the assumptions of government skills policy in the context of the sector. A multi-method approach was adopted in this research. This involved the analysis of: official construction statistics, levy/grant and financial accounts data of construction companies, in addition to a telephone survey. The main findings of the research are published in five peer reviewed academic papers, demonstrating the tenuous nature of the relationship between skills development and productivity performance, particularly when considering the heterogeneous nature of the construction industry. Government claims about the mono-causal relationship between skills and productivity should be treated with caution. A simple boost in qualification levels or participation rates of training is unlikely to lead to productivity improvements in the construction sector.However, skills development and training activities needs to be targeted and focused if the desired outcome of enhancing productivity performance is to be achieved. Construction companies needs to be proactive in addressing the skills and training needs of their business through drawing on the various support available through CITBConstructionSkills training grants or participating in appropriate skills/training initiatives, such as apprenticeship schemes. The provision of 'productivity-based' training grants should be considered by CITB-CS in order to prompt construction companies to consider training as a plausible means for enhancing their productivity performance. Finally, the recommendations presented in this thesis and areas for further research sets out the potential way forward in terms of advancing knowledge in this area

    A conceptual framework for the evaluation of fuel-cell energy systems in the UK built environment.

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    Energy-efficient buildings can reduce human impact on the environment. Energy efficiency is not only concerned with generating more energy using fewer resources, nor reducing energy usage, but also it is about harnessing natural resources, such as wind and sun, to produce energy. The UK government is thus promoting the adoption of renewable energy in buildings. The Fuel-Cell Energy Systems (FCES), which utilizes hydrogen from renewable sources (green hydrogen), is a prominent technology yet with little application in the UK built environment. FCESs can help in addressing the problem of intermittent supplies of renewable energy by allowing for energy storage, which could act as a buffer to meet the variability in user-demand thereby maintaining energy security. Thus, the aim of this article is to explore the application of FCES in the UK built environment by drawing on the scant literature as well as discussion with industry experts. With the recent implementation of FCESs in Scotland, the development of guidelines for evaluation of the FCES is timely. A conceptual framework for the evaluation of FCES is thus outlined in this article, which could be piloted in Scotland (and possibly elsewhere). It is argued that such framework provides a holistic and structured approach for establishing the efficacy of FCES, which is crucial for informing its wider adoption in the future and in particular when it comes to the Return-on-Investment, especially from the perspective of funders and the local community

    Das Bildprogramm und die Raumfunktion in den Nubischen Felstempeln Ramses'II.

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den sechs nubischen Felstempeln Ramses’II. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob diese Tempelkomplexe einem bestimmten System in ihre Lage, Architektur und Darstellungen folgen. Ziel ist es zu versuchen, den Überlegungen der Planer der verschiedenen Räume zu folgen, die Systematik hinter den Darstellungsabfolgen und die Beziehung zwischen den verschiedenen Szenen darzustellen, sowie die Entwicklung der Königsideologie innerhalb dieser Reihe. Es wird versucht, neue Erkenntnisse und besondere Merkmale (Bedeutung) des Bildprogramms in den nubischen Tempeln zu gewinnen, und ein wohlüberlegtes Bildprogramm zusammenzustellen. Die Fragestellungen werden durch detaillierte Überprüfung der Bilder und Texte in jedem Tempel zu diskutieren und zu bewerten. Hier werden die Bilder thematisch geordnet, die Götter und abgebildete Personen analysiert sowie alle Inschriften übersetzt, danach werden alle Ergebnisse geordnet und miteinander verglichen. Im Ergebnis wird deutlich, dass alle Tempel ein einheitliches System bilden. Die Lage der Felstempel scheinen einem bestimmten System zu folgen. Das System zeigt eine geographische und eine chronologische Ordnung. Die Grundrisse dieser Tempelreihe zeigen Entwicklungsschritte in der Tempelarchitektur, die von einer kultischen Änderung bedingt sind. Die Betrachtung der Tempelbauten von Ramses’II. in Nubien lehrt eindrucksvoll, dass sie einem Hauptziel folgen, nämlich zu Ramses’II. Lebzeiten seine Göttlichkeit zu realisieren und zu bestätigen. Zum Abschluss des Prozesses gelangt es Ramses’II. in Nubien nicht nur sich als neuen Gott in die Welt der ägyptischen Götter einzuführen, sondern er tritt an die Stelle der Reichsgötter, indem der vergöttlichte Herrscher in einigen Fällen die ramessidischen Reichsgötter „Amun, Ra-Harachte und Ptah“ ersetzt

    Performance of locally developed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids under irrigation

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        A field experiment was carried out at two locations, New Halfa and Rahad, for two cropping seasons, summer (2003/04) and winter (2004/05) at each location in a randomized complete block design with four replicates, to estimate the phenotypic and genotypic variability, heritability in broad sense and genetic advance for yield, yield components and other agronomic characters among 20 locally developed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids. Highly significant differences found between the evaluated hybrids for almost all characters at the four environments, except plant height at New Halfa, in summer, 1000- seed weight and seed yield at both locations in winter. Most of the variation for the morphological traits was due to genetic factors, whereas, the variation in yield and its components was due to environmental factors. High heritability estimate (>60 %) coupled with low genetic advance for the morphological characters indicate epistatic and dominance nature of inheritance, while, the low heritability (<60 %) coupled with high genetic advance for yield and its components, would indicate additive nature of inheritance. Therefore, direct selection for the morpholo-gical traits, based on the phenotype, among the hybrids may be effective, while selection for yield and yield components may not be effective. Thus, there is a need for a mechanism, other than simple selection, to improve yield in sunflower

    Durability of Transcatheter Heart Valves: Standardized Definitions and Available Data

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    Transcatheter aortic valve replacement is a well-established alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement in high-risk patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis. Currently, this technique is shifting towards younger patient groups with intermediate- and low-risk profile, which raises the question about long-term durability. Despite acceptable results up to 5 years, little is currently known about valve performance beyond 5 years. Since valve deterioration, thrombosis and endocarditis seem to be the main factors affecting valve durability, precise and widely accepted definitions of these parameters were stated by the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) in 2017, followed by the Valve in Valve International Data (VIVID) group definitions in 2018 and the Valve Academic Research Consortium 3 (VARC-3) definitions in 2021. Until the introduction of these definitions, interstudy comparisons were difficult due to missing uniformity. Since the release of these recommendations, an increasing number of studies have reported their data on long-term durability using these new criteria. The aim of the present article is to discuss the current definitions on bioprosthetic valve durability, and to summarize the available data on long-term durability of transcatheter aortic valves

    Visual-inertial 6-DOF localization for a wearable immersive VR/AR system

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