521 research outputs found

    Influence of Some Agricultural Extension Television Elements on Diffusion of Agricultural Information, Rural Knowledge and New Technologies to Tenants in the Gezira Province

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    Agricultural extension and rural information services provide rural people with information and rural knowledge which they need in order to increase their production, incomes and consequently improve their standard of living. Therefore, rural information systems must involve rural communities and local needs must also be of prime importance. Field surveys were used to collect data from 120 tenants in the Gezira Province in 2003/2004 growing season selected from a total population of 120000 tenants distributed in eight extension areas in the province by using the simple random sampling technique. The collected data were statistically analyzed using percentage and frequency distributions. The results showed unsuitability of some elements of extension television with tenants conditions and preferences in the Gezira Province. It could be concluded that the inconvenient time of broadcasting of extension television programs and their improper presentation negatively influenced diffusion of agricultural information, rural knowledge and new technologies to tenants in the Gezira Province. Thus, more attention should be given to planning, producing and time of transmitting of extension message through effective use of extension television elements

    Removal of Carcinogenic Hexavalent Chromium by Reduction with Iron in Presence of Accelerator Non Toxic Organic Compounds (Chalcone)

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    The focus of this work is on Cr, which has two predominant oxidation states of the atmosphere: + â€3, which is an essential nutrient in low doses, and +â€6, which is highly toxic and carcinogenic. We found that, the reduction of Cr6+ to Cr3+ was first order reaction and the rate controlling step is the diffusion of (Cr6+) from bulk to iron surface. Toxicity reduction method includes studding of 1-aryl-3-(1-phenylpyrazolo [3,4-b] quinoxalin-3-yl) -2-propenones derivatives or chalcone derivatives concentration, temperatures and rotation speeds effect, which exhibit a strong dependence and supported that the process is diffusion controlled. Thermodynamic parameter ΔG*, ΔH* and ΔS* are given. Mass transfer study of the process was correlated by the equation: Sh = 0.53Sc0.33Re0.38. The order of acceleration was confirmed by quantum calculations

    Pyrolytic elimination of ethylene from ethoxyquinolines and ethoxyisoquinolines: a computational study

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    This work reports a thermo-kinetic study on unimolecular thermal decomposition of some ethoxyquinolines and ethoxyisoquinolines derivatives (1-ethoxyisoquinoline (1-EisoQ), 2-ethoxyquinoline (2-EQ), 3-ethoxyquinoline (3-EQ), 3-ethoxyisoquinoline (3-EisoQ), 4-ethoxyquinoline (4-EQ), 4-ethoxyisoquinoline (4-EisoQ), 5-ethoxyquinoline (5-EQ), 5-ethoxyisoquinoline (5-EisoQ), 8-ethoxyquinoline (8-EQ) and 8-ethoxyisoquinoline (8-EisoQ)) using density functional theory DFT (BMK, MPW1B95, M06-2X) and ab initio complete basis set-quadratic Becke3 (CBS-QB3) calculations. In the course of the decomposition of the investigated systems, ethylene is eliminated with the production of either keto or enol tautomer. The six-membered transition state structure encountered in the path of keto formation is much lower in energy than the four-membered transition state required to give enol form. Rate constants and activation energies for the decomposition of 1-EisoQ, 2-EQ, 3-EQ, 3-EisoQ, 4-EQ, 4-EisoQ, 5-EQ, 5-EisoQ, 8-EQ, and 8-EisoQ have been estimated at different temperatures and pressures using conventional transition state theory combined with Eckart tunneling and the unimolecular statistical Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel–Marcus theories. The tunneling correction is significant at temperatures up to 1000 K. Rate constants results reveal that ethylene elimination and keto production are favored kinetically and thermodynamically over the whole temperature range of 400–1200 K and the rates of the processes under study increase with the rising of pressure up to 1 atm.This paper is dedicated to the soul of the late Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Nahas, without whom this project would never have been possible.Scopu

    Synthesis and Biological activity of 1,3-Thiazolylidenehydrazinylidene ethylpyridiniumbromide monohydrate, 1,3-Thiazolylidenehydraziniumbromide and 1,3-Thiazolylidenehydrazine derivatives

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    1,3-Thiazolylidenehydrazinylidene ethylpyridinium bromide monohydrate, 1,3-thiazolylidenehydrazinium bromide and 1,3-thiazolylidenehydrazine derivatives were synthesized by heterocyclization of 2-(1-substituted ethylidene) hydrazinecarbothioamides, characterized and screened for their anti-bacterial activities. The structures of synthesized compounds were established by spectroscopic (IR, 1H, 13C-NMR, Mass) and X-ray analyses

    Improvement in Environmental Management Performance in Ashghal Projects

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    The Public Works Authority (Ashghal) of Qatar is responsible for countrywide infrastructure and public building projects starting from their planning stages and through design, procurement, construction, operation, and maintenance stages. This includes highways, local roads, surface water drainage networks, foul sewers, treated sewage effluent systems, schools and hospitals. Considering the large number of projects with construction activities ongoing at the same time, it is a challenge to develop a unique and standardized tool for monitoring of environmental management performance of each project, each department or Ashghal wide. Being a supportive department to all other Ashghal departments, with a main role of ensuring the conformity of projects to environmental regulations and standards, Quality and Safety Department (QSD) of Ashghal has started several initiatives to improve environmental management performance of projects. This paper provides a brief information about some of those initiatives, such as a portal for monthly reporting of environmental management performance (EPMS), a unique annual award which was developed to increase awareness for sustainable practices in construction and assist in guiding minimization and/or reduction of adverse environmental impacts caused by construction projects (Ashghal Green Award); and a list of Ashghal approved third-party environmental service providers which will be used as a vendor list in all Ashghal projects. In addition, Ashghal QSD chemical and microbiological laboratories as well as mobile noise and air quality monitoring trucks serve to support projects departments to improve environmental impacts resulted from construction activities on the environmental sensitive receptors located within or nearby the project

    Prediction of Axial Compressive Strength of Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Columns under Static Loading

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    Steel corrosion is thought to be one of the primary causes of the inadequate durability of concrete buildings in the maritime environment. Because of this, adopting Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars in harsh settings has attracted a lot of attention for its appealing mechanical properties as well as to prevent corrosion issues. But because there hasn't been much research in this area, we don't fully understand how fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars behave when they are compressed. This work's goal is to assess the expected axial compressive strength of columns when hybrid reinforcement is used in place of steel reinforcement. Hybrid bars are steel bars surrounded by a cover shell of Glass or Carbon FRP (hybrid-steel) for longitudinal reinforcement and/or transverse reinforcement. 17 column specimens were included in an experimental study program that was created.The specimens were tested to failure with an axial loading condition. The parameters studied were the type of fibers, the percentage of steel in the hybrid reinforcement for longitudinal main reinforcement ρL(0.96, 0.44, and 0.25), the ratio of the web reinforcement (internal ties), the proportion of fiber in the hybrid bars, as well as the columns' cross sections' rectangularity. Based on the data, mathematical models were devised and assessed to forecast the load bearing capability of the column. The findings indicate that hybrid reinforced concrete columns have acceptable levels of dependability index in general

    The Changes in the Lipid Composition of Mung Bean Seeds as Affected by Processing Methods

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.This study was conducted to assess in detail the possible effects of some technological processes such as soaking, germination, cooking, soaking + cooking, and germination + cooking on the lipid composition of mung bean seeds of Giza 1 variety. TLC analysis of mung bean lipids showed that the phospholipids and triglycerides recorded the highest percentage among lipid fractions (32.26 and 30.10%), while the 1,3 diglycerides constituted the least percentage (2.80%) in mung bean seeds. The soaking, germination and cooking processes caused a decrease in the phospholipids, triglycerides and hydrocarbons accompanied with an increase in monoglycerides, 1,2-(2,3)-diglycerides, sterols and free fatty acids. Eleven fractions were separated from phospholipids class of the studied samples; seven of these fractions were identified. The major component of phospholipids was phosphatidyl choline, amounting to 21.30, 17.84, 16.21, 13.87, 13.20 and 11.47% of the total phospholipids in raw, soaked, germinated, raw-cooked, soaked-cooked and germinated-cooked mung bean seeds, respectively. Gas liquid chromatography of the total lipids of mung bean seeds showed that the unsaturated fatty acids represented 69.58, 64.35, 63.3, 63.16, 61.84 and 61.12%, while the levels of saturated fatty acids were low being 30.37, 34.05, 35.66, 34.64, 37.93 and 38.75% of the total fatty acids in raw, soaked, germinated, raw-cooked, soaked-cooked and germinated-cooked, respectively. The total essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic) represented the highest proportion of fatty acids (50.10% of the total fatty acids)

    Climatic factors interference with the occurrence of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae in cultivated soil

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    Description of method and recommendation of laboratory and field procedures for the isolation of soil borne entomopathogenic fungi (specifically Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae) is presented. Baiting technique method was used for screening of occurrence of indigenous populations of entomopathogenic fungi. Totally, 2068 alive greater wax moth larvae (Galleria mellonella L.) were used to trap entomopathogenic fungi present in the soil. Site selected was the experimental farm of Assiut University; only 105 larvae were infected by entomopathogenic fungi representing 5.08% mortality. B. bassiana caused 85.71% of the mortality  represented by 90 isolates. M. anisopliae caused 14.29% of the mortality giving only 15 isolates of M. anisopliae. Data showed that B. bassiana seems to be the most economically important entomopathogenic fungi inhabiting soil cultivated with wheat and cotton plants. The highest number of the isolates was recorded during spring and autumn seasons. The relationship between the incidence of B. bassiana and M. anisopliae and the selected weather factors was statistically analyzed using multiple regression analysis.Key words: Entomopathogenic fungi, Galleria mellonella, baiting technique, soil

    The Effect of Heat Stress on Blood Picture of Japanese Quail

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of heat stress on quail hematological parameters. A total number of 300 Japanese quail chicks (Coturnix Coturnix japonica) of 28 days old were exposed to different levels of raising temperatures (22, 29, 34, 36 and 40 ºC) for 15 days. At 42 days old, blood samples were collected from 14 birds (7 males + 7 females) that were randomly selected. The samples were used for determining red blood cells count, hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, total and differential white blood cells count, heterophils/ lymphocyte (H/L) ratio, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. The obtained results indicated that, rearing quail birds under high environmental conditions during fattening period has a great adverse effect on these blood parameters