16 research outputs found

    Diary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution in the Egyptian Government Press: ÙŠÙˆÙ…ÙŠŰ§ŰȘ Ű«ÙˆŰ±Ű© Ű§Ù„Ù…ŰŹŰ± 1956 في Ű§Ù„Ű”Ű­Ű§ÙŰ© Ű§Ù„Ű­ÙƒÙˆÙ…ÙŠŰ© Ű§Ù„Ù…Ű”Ű±ÙŠŰ©

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    During the summer and fall of 1956, the attention of the Egyptian and international public opinion and the political leadership was dominated by several exciting internal and external events: crises of financing the construction of the High Dam in Aswan, the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company, and the tripartite aggression against Egypt. However, these important events did not distract attention from the Egyptian press coverage of news and commentary related to the simultaneous Hungarian revolution. All contemporary Egyptian newspapers wrote about the situation in Hungary and followed the incoming news constantly, and even often published several news daily in this regard, which represented interest in the Hungarian issue. Recently, many studies on the echoes of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 were released. In this article, I will focus primarily on how the Egyptian governmental newspapers dealt with the 1956 revolution. Among the Egyptian newspapers, I searched Al- Gomhoria, Al-Ahram, Akhbar Al-Youm. I chose these newspapers because they are the largest and most well-known daily newspapers in Egypt and the Arab world. All are daily newspapers with a great history and international reputation, and they deal with international news, especially political issues. These three newspapers are among the best Arab sources for true investigative journalism and objective political analysis. These newspapers address a large target audience, and their content is varied. These newspapers have published materials that are worthy of analysis on the Hungarian revolution by adopting three different methods of approaching

    The Consequences of the Six Day War for the Jewish Communities of Arab countries from Hungarian Perspective

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    Jews living in Arab countries faced discrimination even before 1967, namely after the establishment of a territorial Jewish State in 1948. However, the Six-Day War brought them further suffering, which often had a serious impact on the existence of Israelite communities dating back to ancient times. The significant reduction in the size of some Jewish communities in the Arab world depended largely on the policies of their ‘mother state’. Thus, Jewish emigration was less decisive in Maghreb countries, where governments sought to protect their Jewish citizens from atrocities fuelled by anti-Jewish and anti- Semitic sentiments.1 The situation was quite different in the Middle Eastern states, where governments themselves were often responsible for some incidents against Jews. The Hungarian Foreign Ministry also tried to follow all these events, but due to the political and interstate relations of the time, it did not always manage to form a realistic image of them

    Diary of the 1956 Hungarian revolution in the Egyptian Government Press

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    During the summer and fall of 1956, the attention of the Egyptian and international public opinion and the political leadership was dominated by several exciting internal and external events: crises of financing the construction of the High Dam in Aswan, the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company, and the tripartite aggression against Egypt. However, these important events did not distract attention from the Egyptian press coverage of news and commentary related to the simultaneous Hungarian revolution. All contemporary Egyptian newspapers wrote about the situation in Hungary and followed the incoming news constantly, and even often published several news daily in this regard, which represented interest in the Hungarian issue. Recently, many studies on the echoes of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 were released. In this article, I will focus primarily on how the Egyptian governmental newspapers dealt with the 1956 revolution. Among the Egyptian newspapers, I searched AlGomhoria, Al-Ahram, Akhbar Al-Youm. I chose these newspapers because they are the largest and most well-known daily newspapers in Egypt and the Arab world. All are daily newspapers with a great history and international reputation, and they deal with international news, especially political issues. These three newspapers are among the best Arab sources for true investigative journalism and objective political analysis. These newspapers address a large target audience, and their content is varied. These newspapers have published materials that are worthy of analysis on the Hungarian revolution by adopting three different methods of approaching

    Controversial issues in the life of the Hungarian-origin consort of the last Khedive of Egypt and Sudan

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    Not many people know that Abbas Helmy II, the last Khedive of Egypt and Sudan, had a Hungarian consort, Countess May Török SzendrƑi, who was known after her marriage and conversion to Islam as Djavidan Hanem. Their love-based marriage and life, full of hardships and tribulations, sparked many speculations, and as a result led to misconceptions about May. Conflicting information has already appeared about her name, exact date of birth and origin. Here, our main goal is to dispel the errors and misconceptions referring to scientifically accepted archival and documentary sources. In this piece, we also intend to prove that the father of the Khediva of the Nile is the famous Hungarian inventor Tivadar PuskĂĄs and not the Count JĂłzsef Török SzendrƑi

    A SzaĂșdi zöld kezdemĂ©nyezĂ©s: klĂ­masemlegessĂ©gi program az Ă©lhetƑbb jövĆ‘Ă©rt

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    Napjaink megnövekedett politikai feszĂŒltsĂ©geinek köszönhetƑen globĂĄlis szinten vĂĄlt kritikussĂĄ az energiabiztonsĂĄg garantĂĄlĂĄsa. JelentƑsen felĂ©rtĂ©kelƑdött emiatt az energiadiverzifikĂĄciĂłs programok Ă©s a fenntarthatĂłsĂĄgi kezdemĂ©nyezĂ©sek szerepe. Kiemelten figyelemre mĂ©ltĂł emiatt az az elƑrehaladĂĄs, ami SzaĂșd-ArĂĄbiĂĄban figyelhetƑ meg a nagyobb energiahatĂ©konysĂĄg Ă©s ellenĂĄllĂłkĂ©pessĂ©g elĂ©rĂ©se terĂ©n a Saudi Vision 2030-ban megfogalmazott cĂ©lokkal összhangban. A SzaĂșdi Zöld KezdemĂ©nyezĂ©s rendkĂ­vĂŒl perspektivikus elkĂ©pzelĂ©seket foglal magĂĄban ezzel kapcsolatban a zöld Ă©s a kĂ©k hidrogĂ©n hasznosĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra, illetve a nukleĂĄris energiaprogram tovĂĄbbfejlesztĂ©sĂ©re, amihez a rĂ©giĂł földrajzi viszonyai kimondottan kedvezƑek. A tervek megvalĂłsulĂĄsĂĄval SzaĂșd-ArĂĄbia nemcsak a sajĂĄt szĂŒksĂ©gleteit tudja biztosĂ­tani, hanem akĂĄr a megbĂ­zhatĂł Ă©s megfizethetƑ energia jelentƑs exportƑrĂ©vĂ© is vĂĄlhat a jövƑben. Az energiaĂĄtĂĄllĂĄs Ă©s a zöld cĂ©lok megvalĂłsĂ­tĂĄsa egyĂșttal lehetƑsĂ©get teremt az innovĂĄciĂłra is a megĂșjulĂł energiaforrĂĄsok fejlesztĂ©sĂ©re Ă©s a mĂĄr meglĂ©vƑ tĂĄmogatĂł hĂĄlĂłzat korszerƱsĂ­tĂ©sĂ©re, valamint a hatĂ©konyabb energiafelhasznĂĄlĂĄs kialakĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra a lakossĂĄgi fogyasztĂłk körĂ©ben, az iparban vagy Ă©ppen a közlekedĂ©sben. A környezetbarĂĄt energia fejlesztĂ©sĂ©t, elƑállĂ­tĂĄsĂĄt Ă©s bƑvĂ­tĂ©sĂ©t a szaĂșdi ĂĄllam szĂ©leskörƱ nemzetközi egyĂŒttmƱködĂ©s keretĂ©ben kĂ­vĂĄnja vĂ©grehajtani. Közös beruhĂĄzĂĄsokat, kutatĂĄsi programokat Ă©s kĂ©pzĂ©seket alakĂ­tott ki Ă©s indĂ­t jelenleg is a közel-keleti Ă©s Ă©szak-afrikai tĂ©rsĂ©gben, amivel a rĂ©giĂł energiaĂĄtalakulĂĄsĂĄnak vezetƑjĂ©vĂ© vĂĄlhat. Mindezek utĂĄn jelen tanulmĂĄnyban a szerzƑk cĂ©lja a SzaĂșdi Zöld KezdemĂ©nyezĂ©s lĂ©nyegi elemeinek, eddigi eredmĂ©nyeinek Ă©s vĂĄrhatĂł kihatĂĄsainak bemutatĂĄsa, kĂŒlönös tekintettel a szĂ©n-dioxid kibocsĂĄtĂĄs csökkentĂ©sĂ©re, a termĂ©szeti erƑforrĂĄsok hasznosĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra, a nukleĂĄris energia hatĂ©konyabb felhasznĂĄlĂĄsra, valamint a mindezek Ă©rdekĂ©ben kifejtett nemzetközi egyĂŒttmƱködĂ©sre

    The GERD : National interests - diplomatic negotiations - current and future challenges

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    The Nile and Egypt form an inseparable entity. The river played an unneglectable role in the formation and survival of the Egyptian civilizations, providing more than 90% of the state’s freshwater needs. Simply, there is no country in all over the world whose existence depends on the water of a river such as Egypt: it is arguably more heavily dependent on the Nile than any other country. The dam built by Ethiopia along the Nile could therefore lead to a serious water crisis in Egypt. Accordingly, Cairo considered the situation so critical. At the same time, Ethiopia’s priority is to ensure its own economic development, rather than the stability of the region. It hopes to implement the latter from Africa’s largest hydropower plant to date, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)

    MagyarorszĂĄg Ă©s az 1967-es arab-izraeli hĂĄborĂș : arab Ă©s magyar levĂ©ltĂĄri iratok Ă©s a sajtĂł tĂŒkrĂ©ben

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    Az 1967. jĂșnius 5-Ă©n kirobbant, hat napig tartĂł „villĂĄmhĂĄborĂșban” az arab orszĂĄgok sĂșlyos veresĂ©get szenvedtek. Ez Egyiptom Ă©s SzĂ­ria szövetsĂ©gesei, a SzovjetuniĂł Ă©s a szocialista orszĂĄgok veresĂ©gĂ©t is jelentette. A magyar vezetƑk tovĂĄbbra is tĂĄmogatĂĄsukrĂłl biztosĂ­tottĂĄk az izraeli agressziĂł ĂĄltal sĂșjtott arab nĂ©peket. Ugyanakkor bĂ­rĂĄltĂĄk is egyes arab politikusok (szĂ­riaiak, a Palesztinai FelszabadĂ­tĂĄsi Szervezet vezetƑje) szĂ©lsƑsĂ©ges, felelƑtlen, gyakran demagĂłg kijelentĂ©seit. A közvĂ©lemĂ©ny egy rĂ©sze kĂ©telkedett abban, hogy Ă©rdemese tĂĄmogatni az arabokat, hiszen nagyon gyorsan sĂșlyos veresĂ©get szenvedtek. A cikk kĂ©t Ă­rĂłja a magyar levĂ©ltĂĄri dokumentumokat (pl. a damaszkuszi, a moszkvai Ă©s a kairĂłi nagykövetsĂ©gek jelentĂ©seit), a kommunista pĂĄrt iratait Ă©s a magyar–egyiptomi napi sajtĂłt – beleĂ©rtve a NĂ©pszabadsĂĄgot, 1 NĂ©pszavĂĄt, 2 al-AhrĂĄmot,3 RĂșzĂĄ al-JĂșszufot,4 al-MĂ©szĂĄt 5 Ă©s a The Egyptian Gazette-t 6 – dolgozta fel. The Arab countries were heavily defeated in the “blitz” that broke out on 5th June 1967 and lasted for six days. This inflicted a blow on the allies of Egypt and Syria, the Soviet Union and the socialist countries. The Hungarian leaders continued to provide support for the Arab countries hit by Israeli aggression. However, they criticized the extreme, reckless, often demagogic statements of certain Arab politicians (Syrians, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization). Part of the general public had doubts that the Arabs should be backed, as they had suffered a heavy defeat very quickly. The two authors of the article studied documents from Hungarian archives (e.g. reports by embassies in Damascus, Moscow and Cairo); documents of the communist party and the press in Hungary-Egypt, including NĂ©pszabadsĂĄg, NĂ©pszava, al-Ahram, Ruza al-Yusuf, al-Mesa and The Egyptian Gazette. Dans la guerre d’éclaire (ou de six jours) dĂ©clenchĂ©e le 5 juin 1967, les pays arabes ont subi une dĂ©faite cuisante qui Ă©tait non seulement celle de l’Egypte et de la Syrie, mais aussi celle des ses alliĂ©s, les pays socialistes et l’URSS. MalgrĂ© la dĂ©faite la Hongrie continuait Ă  soutenir les peuples arabes frappĂ©s par l’agression israĂ©lienne, mais en mĂȘme temps elle critiqait certains dirigeants arabes (les Syriens, OLP) pour leur dĂ©clarations extrĂ©mistes et irresponsables. Une partie de l’opinion publique pensait que les arabes vaincus d’une maniĂšre humiliante ne mĂ©ritent pas le soutien, contrairement aux Vietnamiens qui menaient un combat hĂ©roĂŻque. L’article est basĂ© sur les documents de l’Archives nationales hongroise (p.ex. les rapports des ambassades du Damas, du Caire et de Moscou), sur les documents du parti communiste et les presses hongroise et Ă©gyptienne

    MagyarorszĂĄg Ă©s az 1967-es arab–izraeli hĂĄborĂș

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    The Arab countries were heavily defeated in the “blitz” that broke out on 5th June 1967 and lasted for six days. This inflicted a blow on the allies of Egypt and Syria, the Soviet Union and the socialist countries. The Hungarian leaders continued to provide support for the Arab countries hit by Israeli aggression. However, they criticized the extreme, reckless, often demagogic statements of certain Arab politicians (Syrians, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization). Part of the general public had doubts that the Arabs should be backed, as they had suffered a heavy defeat very quickly. The two authors of the article studied documents from Hungarian archives (e.g. reports by embassies in Damascus, Moscow and Cairo); documents of the communist party and the press in Hungary-Egypt, including NĂ©pszabadsĂĄg, NĂ©pszava, al-Ahram, Ruza al-Yusuf, al-Mesa and The Egyptian Gazette.Az 1967. jĂșnius 5-Ă©n kirobbant, hat napig tartĂł „villĂĄmhĂĄborĂșban” az arab orszĂĄgok sĂșlyos veresĂ©get szenvedtek. Ez Egyiptom Ă©s SzĂ­ria szövetsĂ©gesei, a SzovjetuniĂł Ă©s a szocialista orszĂĄgok veresĂ©gĂ©t is jelentette. A magyar vezetƑk tovĂĄbbra is tĂĄmogatĂĄsukrĂłl biztosĂ­tottĂĄk az izraeli agressziĂł ĂĄltal sĂșjtott arab nĂ©peket. Ugyanakkor bĂ­rĂĄltĂĄk is egyes arab politikusok (szĂ­riaiak, a Palesztinai FelszabadĂ­tĂĄsi Szervezet vezetƑje) szĂ©lsƑsĂ©ges, felelƑtlen, gyakran demagĂłg kijelentĂ©seit. A közvĂ©lemĂ©ny egy rĂ©sze kĂ©telkedett abban, hogy Ă©rdemese tĂĄmogatni az arabokat, hiszen nagyon gyorsan sĂșlyos veresĂ©get szenvedtek. A cikk kĂ©t Ă­rĂłja a magyar levĂ©ltĂĄri dokumentumokat (pl. a damaszkuszi, a moszkvai Ă©s a kairĂłi nagykövetsĂ©gek jelentĂ©seit), a kommunista pĂĄrt iratait Ă©s a magyar–egyiptomi napi sajtĂłt – beleĂ©rtve a NĂ©pszabadsĂĄgot, NĂ©pszavĂĄt, al-AhrĂĄmot, RĂșzĂĄ al-JĂșszufot, al-MĂ©szĂĄt Ă©s a The Egyptian Gazette-t – dolgozta fel