39 research outputs found

    Wet brewers’ grain as replacement for hay in maintenance sheep diet

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    O resíduo úmido de cervejaria é um subproduto disponível ao longo do ano, podendo ser utilizado como um substituto das forragens durante os períodos críticos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a utilização do resíduo úmido de cervejaria como substituto do feno em dietas exclusivas de volumoso para ovinos. Mantiveram-se seis ovinos machos da raça Santa Inês em gaiolas de metabolismo em um delineamento experimental de quadrado latino múltiplo de 3 x 3, com dietas experimentais 100% de feno de Tifton 85 capim-bermuda (Cynodon ssp) (FT), 67% de FT + 33% de resíduo de cervejaria (RUC33) e 33% de FT + 67% de resíduo de cervejaria (RUC67). O ensaio avaliou o consumo voluntário, a digestibilidade aparente in vivo da matéria seca, da matéria orgânica, da proteína bruta, e das fibras em detergente neutro e em detergente ácido, pH ruminal e perfil de nitrogênio (N) amoniacal. O consumo voluntário foi de 1.090, 1.129 e 737 (EP = 66,9) g MS dia-1 nas dietas FT, RUC33 e RUC67, respectivamente. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca não foi afetada pelos tratamentos, mas a inclusão do resíduo aumentou a digestibilidade da proteína bruta. Os perfis de N-NH3 no rúmen foram semelhantes em todos os tratamentos e o pH ruminal diferiu entre os tratamentos (6,26; 5,98 e 6.28 (EP = 0,05 ) no FT, RUC33 e RUC67, respectivamente). Os animais apresentaram diminuição no consumo quando o resíduo foi oferecido nas quantidades de 67% da MS. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTWet brewers’ grain (RUC) is an available by-product throughout the year and its fiber fractions could replace forage fibers during critical periods. The aim of this study was to evaluate wet brewers’ grain as a substitute for hay in exclusive forage diets for sheep. Six Santa Inês male sheep were kept in metabolic cages in a 3x3 multiple Latin square, in which the experimental diets were 100% Tifton 85 Bermudagrass (Cynodon ssp) hay (FT), 67% FT + 33% wet brewer’s grain (RUC33) and 33% FT + 67% wet brewers’ grain (RUC67). The study evaluated voluntary intake, in vivo apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF), rumen pH and ammonia-N profiles. Voluntary intake was 1090, 1129 and 737 (SE = 66.9) g DM day-1 for diets FT, RUC33 and RUC67, respectively. Dry matter apparent digestibility was not affected by treatments, but the brewers’ grain inclusion increased crude protein digestibility. Rumen ammonia-N content profiles were similar for all treatments and pH differed among treatments (6.26, 5.98 and 6.28 (SE = 0.05) for FT, RUC33 and RUC67, respectively). By-product inclusion reduced DM intake at level of 67%


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    O resíduo úmido de cervejaria é um subproduto disponível ao longo do ano, podendo ser utilizado como um substituto das forragens durante os períodos críticos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a utilização do resíduo úmido de cervejaria como substituto do feno em dietas exclusivas de volumoso para ovinos. Mantiveram-se seis ovinos machos da raça Santa Inês em gaiolas de metabolismo em um delineamento experimental de quadrado latino múltiplo de 3 x 3, com dietas experimentais 100% de feno de Tifton 85 capim-bermuda (Cynodon ssp) (FT), 67% de FT + 33% de resíduo de cervejaria (RUC33) e 33% de FT + 67% de resíduo de cervejaria (RUC67). O ensaio avaliou o consumo voluntário, a digestibilidade aparente in vivo da matéria seca, da matéria orgânica, da proteína bruta, e das fibras em detergente neutro e em detergente ácido, pH ruminal e perfil de nitrogênio (N) amoniacal. O consumo voluntário foi de 1.090, 1.129 e 737 (EP = 66,9) g MS dia-1 nas dietas FT, RUC33 e RUC67, respectivamente. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca não foi afetada pelos tratamentos, mas a inclusão do resíduo aumentou a digestibilidade da proteína bruta. Os perfis de N-NH3 no rúmen foram semelhantes em todos os tratamentos e o pH ruminal diferiu entre os tratamentos (6,26; 5,98 e 6.28 (EP = 0,05 ) no FT, RUC33 e RUC67, respectivamente). Os animais apresentaram diminuição no consumo quando o resíduo foi oferecido nas quantidades de 67% da MS. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Avaliação de alimentos, subprodutos, suplementação para ruminant

    Utilização de subprodutos da indústria de biodiesel na alimentação de ruminantes

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    Com a introdução de óleo vegetal na cadeia produtiva do biocombustível no Brasil, é esperado o aumento da demanda por plantas oleaginosas e oferta de fibras vegetais resultantes da extração do óleo. Considerando a alimentação animal como elo entre a produção de biodiesel e a pecuária, propomos o estudo da utilização de subprodutos destes empreendimentos na alimentação visando aumentar a produtividade e diminuir a emissão de gases de efeito estufa pelos animais, gerando créditos de carbono e atendendo ao interesse da iniciativa privada. A técnica de produção de gases in vitro tem sido utilizada no LANA-CENA/USP com a finalidade de estudar o efeito de alimentos que possuem metabólitos secundários bioativos, na fermentação ruminal e degradabilidade da matéria orgânica (MOVD), bem como, no estudo da produção de metano. Resultados recentes mostraram que a substituição total do farelo de soja por tortas de algodão, dendê, mamona e pinhão manso proporcionou menor produção total de gases; e que a produção de metano foi significativamente afetada pela inclusão das tortas, sendo que o farelo de soja apresentou produção de metano de 15,3 mL/g MOVD. Diversos trabalhos mostram que as tortas e farelos apresentam características nutricionais adequadas para inclusão na dieta de ruminantes, entretanto, estudos criteriosos desses materiais enquanto matérias-primas para ração animal são necessários para avaliar possíveis efeitos deletérios devido à presença de metabólitos bioativos. Através de análises de cromatografia de alta resolução, podem ser identificadas essas substâncias que, em condições tropicais podem não apresentar a mesma toxicidade. A introdução de tortas com elevado teor de gordura nas dietas de ruminantes pode auxiliar na mitigação de metano entérico, e a produção de algumas oleaginosas pode contribuir com o seqüestro de carbono pelos solos de Cerrado na recuperação de pastagens, reduzindo a necessidade de desmatamentos.With the introduction of vegetable oil in the bio-fuel productive chain in Brazil, the increase in the demand of oleaginous plants is expected as well as the offer of the resulting vegetable fibers from the extraction of the oil. Considering the animal feeding as link between the biodiesel production and the livestock, we propose the study of the use of by-products of these enterprises in the feeding system seeking to increase the productivity and to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from the animals, generating carbon credits and assisting to the interest of the private initiative. The in vitro gas technique has been used at LANA-CENA/USP with the purpose of studying the effect of feeds containing secondary bioactive metabolites upon the ruminal fermentation and organic matter degradability (MOVD), as well as, in the study of methane production. The total substitution of the soybean meal for meals of cotton seed, palm oil, castor oil plant and jatropha provided less total gas production and the production of methane was affected significantly by the inclusion of the meals, with soybean meal presenting methane production of 15.3 mL/g MOVD. Literature data also show that meals from biodiesel production present appropriate nutritional characteristics for inclusion in the diet of ruminant, however, discerning studies of those materials while raw materials for animal ration are necessary to evaluate possible harmful effects due to the presence of bioactive metabolites. Through analyses of high resolution chromatography, those metabolites may be identified. The introduction of meals with high fat content in the diets of ruminant can aid in the mitigation of enteric methane, and the production of some oleaginous plants can contribute with the sequestering of carbon for the Cerrado soils in the recovery of pastures, reducing the need of deforestation

    Características morfológicas, qualidade nutritiva e produção de metano de gramíneas tropicais no Brasil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar três espécies de gramíneas tropicais quanto à produção de metano (CH4) in vitro e à degradabilidade da matéria orgânica, para determinar as relações entre a qualidade nutritiva das gramíneas e a produção de CH4. O capim-colonião (Megathyrsus maximus), o capim-braquiarão (Urochloa brizantha) e o capim-decumbens (Urochloa decumbens) foram avaliados. O capim-braquiarão apresentou os maiores teores de matéria orgânica, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido e lignina, e o menor teor de proteína bruta. O capim-decumbens apresentou os maiores teores de hemicelulose e de nitrogênio em fibra de detergente neutro, além do menor teor de celulose. O capim-colonião e o capim-decumbens apresentaram maior produção total de gases do que o braquiarão. Além disso, o capim-colonião apresentou maior produção de CH4, e o capim-braquiarão, menor degradabilidade verdadeira da matéria orgânica e reduzido fator de partição, em comparação ao capim-decumbens. Maior produção de CH4 foi verificada em casos em que os valores de hemicelulose e fator de partição foram menores. A qualidade nutricional e a produção de CH4 das forragens avaliadas podem ser utilizadas como parâmetros a serem empregados, que visem a sustentabilidade da produção de ruminantes.The objective of this work was to evaluate three tropical forage species for their in vitro methane (CH4) production and organic matter degradability, in order to determine the relationships between forage grass nutritive quality and CH4 production. Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus), palisade grass (Urochloa brizantha), and signal grass (Urochloa decumbens) were evaluated. Palisade grass showed the highest organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, lignin, and lower-crude protein content. Signal grass had the highest values for hemicellulose and neutral detergent fiber-nitrogen, and the lowest-cellulose content. Guinea grass and signal grass showed a higher-total gas production than palisade grass. Besides, Guinea grass showed an increased CH4 production, and palisade grass showed lower value for truly degraded organic matter, and reduced partitioning factor, in comparison to signal grass. An increased CH4 production was observed in cases of lower hemicellulose and paratitioning factor. The nutritive value and CH4 production of forages may be employed as parameters, aiming at the sustainability of ruminant production

    Methods for the diagnosis of phosphorus deficiency in ruminants

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    No presente experimento foram comparados níveis de fósforo inorgânico nas fezes, plasma, saliva e líquido do rúmen e a incorporação de 32P pelos eritrócitos, para diagnóstico da deficiência de fósforo em bovinos. Foram utilizados dez animais, mantidos em dieta semipurificada, que receberam, ou não, suplementação de fósforo. Os resultados mostraram que a deficiência de fósforo deprimiu o nível desse elemento no plasma, rúmen e fezes. Dada a grande variação nos resultados do fósforo na saliva, esse parâmetro mostrou não ser adequado para indicar o "status" desse elemento. A incorporação de 32P pelos eritrócitos não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos. In the present experiment levels of inorganic phosphorus in feces, plasma, saliva and rumen fluid, and 32P incorporation by erythrocytes were compared as means for phosphorus deficiency diagnosis in cattle. Ten animals receiving a semipurified diet were divided into two groups, receiving or not phosphorus supplementation. In the experiment a variety of methods were used for phosphorus deficiency diagnosis in cattle. The results show that P deficiency depress the level of inorganic phosphorus in plasma, rumen and feces. The uptake of 32P by erythrocytes has some value in the detection of such deficiency.

    Phosphorus requirement of Nelore steers

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    A determinação da absorção real de fósforo (P) em bovinos deve levar em consideração a fração endógena mínina do mineral, que se perde nas fezes. De modo geral esses cálculos são feitos utilizando-se tabelas cujos valores foram obtidos em outros países, com outras raças de animais e em condições bem diferentes das condições brasileiras. O trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a perda endógena de P nas fezes e estimar a exigência mínima de P em novilhos da raça Nelore (Bos indicus). Foram utilizados 18 novilhos castrados, com peso médio de 190,82±27,53 kg e idade aproximada de 12 meses, divididos em três grupos de seis animais, e mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas individuais. Os animais receberam dieta básica constituída de feno de Brachiaria decumbens e uma mistura de concentrados durante os 30 dias de período experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram de diferentes quantidades de fosfato bicálcico em níveis de 0,12, 0,24 e 0,36% de P, com base na dieta total. Foram aplicadas injeções de 32P nos animais para a determinação da perda endógena fecal de P. A perda endógena mínima fecal de P para uma ingestão zero do mineral, calculada por interpolação, foi de 5,72 mg/kg de peso vivo e para um balanço zero, o requerimento mínimo foi de 8,84 mg/kg de peso vivo por dia.The nutritional phosphorus (P) requirement of cattle has to consider the minimum endogenous fecal loss of this element. In general, ration formulation is based on foreign tables, without taking Brazilian conditions in consideration. The aim of this study was to determine the endogenous losses of P and to estimate the minimum P requirement of Nelore cattle. Eighteen castrated steers aged 12 months and weighing 190.82±27.53 kg were housed in metabolism cages. In a 30 day experimental period the animals were fed with hay and a concentrate mixture. Different levels of dicalcium phosphate were added to basal diet as to obtain 0.12, 0.24 and 0.36% of P, based on the total dry matter intake. 32P was intravenously injected and endogenous P losses were determined. The minimum endogenous fecal loss for zero P intake calculated by interpolation was 5.72 mg/kg (LW) per day, and for zero balance, the minimum P requirement was 8.84 mg/kg (LW) per day

    Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of commercial dog food in Brazil

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    Background Brazil is a low- to medium-income country and has the second largest pet food market in the world with 8% of world pet food consumption. The lowest-income social class spends around 17% of their domestic budget on pet food and other items related to pets. Consumers are frequently misled by advertising as there is no precise information about the main sources of protein, carbohydrates and fat in the labels, and the Brazilian pet food industry can legally claim that their products contain certain items like salmon or beef even if they use just a flavoring compound. Methods The stable isotope methodology compares the stable isotope ratios of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) between source and product. The 13C/12C ratio of a specific product (e.g., dog food) reveals the proportions of C4 (maize) and C3 (soybean, rice and wheat) plants in that product and the 15N/14N ratio reveals the proportion of the compounds derived from animals. With this isotopic data, we used MixSIAR, a Bayesian stable isotope-mixing model, to estimate the proportion of maize, grains, poultry and beef in dog food. Results The δ13C values of dry dog food ranged from −24.2‰ to −12.8‰, with an average (± standard-deviation) of −17.1‰ ± 2.8‰. The δ13C values of wet pet food ranged from −25.4‰ to −16.9‰, with an average (± standard-deviation) of −21.2‰ ± 2.4‰, which was significantly lower (p 0.01). The output of the MixSIAR showed a low proportion of bovine products in dry dog food samples. On the other hand, poultry was obviously the dominant ingredient present in most of the samples. Maize was the second dominant ingredient. Wet and dry dog food showed similar isotopic analysis results. The only difference was a lower proportion of maize and higher proportion of grains in wet dog food. Discussion The main finding is that dog food in Brazil is mostly made of approximately 60% (ranging from 32% to 86%) animal-based and 40% (ranging from 14% to 67%) plant-based products. Poultry and maize are the main ingredients. Poultry is added as a by-product or meal, which avoids competition between dogs and humans for meat products, while they can compete for maize. On the other hand, a large proportion of plant-based products in dog food decreases the energy and environmental footprint, since plant-based food products tend to be less harmful compared to animal-based products. Labels can mislead consumers by showing pictures of items that are not necessarily part of the product composition and by not showing the detailed information on the proportion of each ingredient. This information would allow customers to make their own choices considering their pet’s nutrition, the competition between animals and humans for resources and environmental sustainability

    Productive and reproductive performance and metabolic profiles of ewes supplemented with hydroponically grown green wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Inclusion of high levels of concentrate in the diets of late gestation and lactating ewes to improve productive and reproductive performance is a common practice. However cost-effective alternate feeding strategies for small ruminants must be developed and evaluated in order to counteract sustainability issues of feeding them concentrate feeds (Alexandre and Mandonnet, 2005). Hydroponically grown green forages are a potential high feed quality feedstuff in arid and semiarid regions of the world (Al-Faraki and Al-Hashimi, 2012). The nutritive value and fermentative characteristics of hydroponically grown forages positively influenced the performance of late gestation and lactating ewes (Herrera et al., 2010; Gebremedhin, 2015). Earlier investigations emphasized effects of dietary quality on endocrine and metabolic profiles in ewes during pregnancy and lactation (Lemley et al., 2014; Vonnahme et al., 2013). However adequate nutritional status of ewes is associated with favorable productive and reproductive performance whereby blood glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) are utilized to sustain a desirable protein and energy balance in ewes during gestation and lactation (Hatfield et al., 1999). Changes in metabolic hormones, such as insulin, play an important role in metabolic adaptation to changes in body weight (BW) and body condition while providing diagnostic information to evaluate ewe nutritional status (Caldeira et al., 2007). Cortisol may be particularly important in this regard as it is the predominant glucocorticoid in sheep blood and has been used as a reliable physiological endpoint to determine ewe responses to a variety of physiological, physical and environmental stress (Moolchandani et al., 2008). A paucity of information is available with respect to the metabolic profile and performance during mating, gestation and lactation of ewes fed diets containing hydroponically grown green wheat (HGW). Thus this experiment was conducted to determine effects of replacement of dry-rolled corn (DRC) and cottonseed meal (CSM) by HGW in an oat hay-based diet on the metabolic profile as well as the productive and reproductive performance of Katahdin female lambs.Twenty six Katahdin ewes (i.e., female lambs from breeding to 2 mo of their 1st lactation) were used in a completely randomized design (13/treatment)to evaluate effects of replacement of dietary dry-rolled corn grain (DRC) and cottonseed meal(CSM) with hydroponically grown whole plant green wheat (HGW; Triticum aestivum L.) on productive parameters and blood metabolites during mating, gestation and lactation, and on body weight (BW) gain of their lambs in their 1st 60 days of age. The gestation diet contained 70% oat hay, 20% rolled corn grain and 10% cottonseed meal, while the lactation diet contained 50% oat hay, 20% DRC and 30% CSM. Treatments consisted of total replacement of DRC and CSM with HGW in the gestation diet, while in the lactation diet HGW replaced 100% of the DRC and 33% of the CSM. There were no diet effects on reproductive parameters, and substitution of DRC and CSM with HGW did not affect dry matter intake during gestation and lactation. The BW gain of the lambs that were fed HGW did not differ from controls in the first 2 months of gestation, while it was lower (P < 0.05) at the last 3 months of gestation. Feeding HGW did not affect birth BW of lambs or subsequent BW gains through 60 days of age. Plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were not affected by the diets fed during gestation, but were 56% lower (P < 0.05) at day 60 of lactation. Plasma glucose was only lower (P < 0.05) at day 90 of gestation, and blood urea nitrogen was only lower (P < 0.05) at day 30 of lactation. There were no effects of diets on plasma insulin, cortisol or progesterone during gestation and lactation. Hydroponically grown green wheat is a suitable substitute for a portion of the DRC and CSM in ewes diets during gestation and lactation without negative effects

    Efeito do tanino do sorgo em dietas de ovinos com alto concentrado

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o valor nutricional de três cultivares de sorgo com diferentes concentrações de tanino condensado em dietas de ovinos. Seis carneiros machos, adultos, castrados, canulados no rúmen e duodeno foram divididos em três grupos experimentais, em um delineamento em quadrado latino 3x3. Os tratamentos foram representados por três dietas experimentais contendo diferentes cultivares de grão de sorgo: LTC (cultivar com baixa concentração de tanino), MTC (cultivar com concentração média de tanino) e HTC (cultivar com concentração alta de tanino). As concentrações de nitrogênio de origem microbiana no duodeno (MN) foram mensuradas pela técnica de marcador isótopo estável 15N. As dietas LTC, MTC e HTC apresentaram valores de 788, 722 e 747g.kg-1 (EP=20,6) para a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca e 633, 535 e 530g.kg-1 (EP=35,8) para a digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta. A dieta LTC apresentou diferença significativa quando comparada às demais dietas para as avaliações de digestibilidade (P0,05). As diferentes concentrações de taninos condensados nos cultivares de sorgo resultaram em melhorias na digestibilidade e retenção de nitrogênio das dietas, entretanto o fluxo de proteína microbiana não foi inibido.The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional value of three sorghum cultivars with different concentrations of condensed tannins in sheep diets. Six adult sheep (LW=56kg) with rumen and duodenal fistulas were assigned to experimental groups using two 3x3 Latin Square designs. The diets were formulated using three sorghum cultivars: LTC (low-tannin cultivar), MTC (medium-tannin cultivar) and HTC (high-tannin cultivar). Microbial nitrogen (MN) concentration in the duodenum was measured using a 15N trace technique. LTC, MTC and HTC diets presented values of 788, 722 and 747 (SE=20.6) g kg-1 for dry matter digestibility and 633, 535 and 530 (SE=35.8) g/kg for crude protein digestibility. The LTC diet was significantly different from the other diets (P0.05) between the diets. The presence of condensed tannins in the sorghum interfered with the sheep's nitrogen retention; however, the microbial protein supply to the duodenum of the animals was not inhibited