24 research outputs found

    The Mediating Role of Work Meaning on the Influence of Organizational Support and Teacher Creativity

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    This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of organizational support on teacher creativity and the meaning of work as a mediating variable. This research was conducted at MI Mujahidin. This research is quantitative. Using an explanatory research approach with a survey approach. The questionnaire was prepared based on research variables: organizational support, teacher creativity and meaning of work. Research data was taken from 100 teachers who were the samples for this research. Data collection was carried out using random sampling techniques. Data analysis uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach using Smart PLS software. The results of hypothesis testing show that organizational support has a positive effect on teacher creativity. Institutional support can stimulate an increase in creative ideas for teachers. Organizational support has a positive impact on the meaning of work. Organizational support will increase the meaningfulness of performance. The meaning of work has a positive influence on teacher creativity. Educational institutions support teachers and stimulate creativity and innovation. The mediating meaning of work on the positive influence of organizational support on teacher creativity. Thanks to the support from all elements at school, teachers will feel more meaningful for themselves. Organizational support from the workplace, recognition and motivation make teachers further develop their creative ideas and think that their work is essential and brings meaning to their work

    Strengthening the Quality of Private Islamic School towards Excellent Islamic School

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    The effort to improve the quality of Islamic school is incentived continually,  variousIslamic school’s problems must be found the solution or the settlement. Islamic school management must be done professionally, and the leadership of the headmaster must be optimalized, and able to revive entrepreneurship in Islamic school. The purpose to strengthen the quality of Islamic school must be kept on trying, that is making excellent Islamic school which is above average in excel academic and non-academic indicator, facilities and infrastructure and complete service, better in learning system, acceptance selection quite strict, getting great interest from the society and sufficient in funds.  The research methodology is used in this research is qualitative, that is research methodology is used to research to natural setting object. Qualitative research requires the digging of data to informants under the technique of allowing informants to describe and express their experiences in accordance with their feelings, experiences, and performances. In this case, it refers to the experiences of educational organizers.   The result of the research shows that strengthening the quality of Islamic school is done  with professional management,  optimalized the leadership of the headmaster, and revive the entrepreneurship in Islamic school.  The summary of this research are the Islamic school management, the leadership of the headmaster and the entrepreneurship of Islamic school. To strengthen the quality of private Islamic school towards excellent Islamic school, it should be done to optimization in Islamic school management to create and develop entrepreneur Islamic school and optimize headmaster’s leadership. Key words : Strengthening, Excellent Islamic school

    Optimization of sol-gel hybrid mediated hollow fiber-solid phase microextraction for the analysis of selected aldehydes

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    Hexanal and heptanal are two promising aldehydes that have been found in biological samples of lung cancer patients. In general, aldehydes can be detected in trace level as low as part per billion or part per trillion levels. Since reliable technique is needed to detect the analyte of interest especially in complex matrices, a new hybrid silica-based material as the adsorbent of hollow fiber-solid phase microextraction (HF-SPME) was synthesized. In the present work, the solgel hybrid material was held in the pores of HF by in situ gelation and was used to extract the two test aldehydes using direct immersion sampling mode. Several solgel parameters affecting the extraction performance of the in-house sol-gel hybrid material were optimized. The extraction efficiencies of the new silica-based hybrid material for the target aldehydes were based on peak area response obtained from gas chromatography-flame ionization detector. The best extraction efficiencies of hexanal and heptanal were obtained using a mol ratio of 1:4 for the two precursors used, 6 mmol water, 6 mmol methanol and 2.5 mmol trifluoroacetic acid for in situ gelation HF-SPME. The new in situ sol-gel silicabased adsorbent material exhibits high potential for HF-SPME of hexanal and heptanal

    Management Of Quality In Madrasah Education Based On Religious Moderation and Inclusive Education In Indonesia

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    This paper is a paper that raises the theme of quality management in madrasah education based on religious moderation and inclusion, in this paper there are three questions, first, what is the concept of quality management, in madrasah education? Second, what is the concept of religious moderation which is inclusive in madrasah education? and third, how is quality management in madrasah education based on religious moderation and inclusion? f? by using a content analysis approach to explain the concept of quality management in madrasah education based on religious moderation and inclusion in Indonesia, the results of this paper are first to know the quality management of madrasah educatio

    Copper(ii)ion determination in water samples using magnetite-calcium alginate sorbent and flame atomic absorption spectrometry analysis

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    Conventional technique such as liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is widely used in the analysis of Cu(II) ions from water samples. However, LLE is time consuming, tedious, and consume lots of high purity organic solvents. Solid phase extraction (SPE) is an interesting alternative to LLE but it is prone to channelling and is rather expensive. A greener technique such as magnetic solid phase extraction (MSPE) avoids the use of column cartridge and overcome channelling problem. MSPE using magnetite-calcium alginate (Fe3O4-CaAlg) as sorbent is proposed for the extraction of Cu(II) ion from tap and lake water samples and analysis performed using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Characterization of the synthesised sorbent was performed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope. The optimum conditions for Fe3O4-CaAlg MSPE of Cu(II) were achieved at a sample solution of pH 6 with 100 mL sample volume and the existence of interfering ions (Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Cl-) was found not to affect the extraction efficiency of the sorbent for Cu( II) ion significantly at the concentrations tested. Other MSPE parameters used were 10 min extraction time, 50 mg sorbent, 10 mL of 0.1 M HNO3 as desorption solvent and 5 min desorption time (sonication assisted). The calibration graph was linear from 20 - 600 ppb with good coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.9998). The LOD (3SD/slope) and LOQ (10SD/slope) of Cu(II) using Fe3O4-CaAlg MSPE with FAAS were in 6.75 and 22.5 ppb, respectively. The LOD achieved with the Fe3O4-CaAlg MSPE with FAAS is applicable to the determination of Cu(II) in real water samples (tap water and UTM lake water). Good relative recoveries and precision were achieved with this proposed method. The Fe3O4-CaAlg has great potential as an alternative sorbent for Cu(II) determination from water samples using the greener MSPE method

    Is Entamoeba Gingivalis a Risk Factor for Periodontal Diseases? A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Entamoeba gingivalis was the first commensal parasite detected in the oral cavity of humans, and a high incidence has been reported in patients with poor oral hygiene. The current study aimed to investigate the association of Entamoeba gingivalis with gingivitis and periodontitis among Egyptian subjects. Methods: A total of 120 plaque samples were collected for this case-control study and were divided as follows: 40 plaque samples from gingivitis patients (group 1), 40 from stage II grade A and B periodontitis patients (group 2), and 40 samples from healthy volunteers (group 3). Diagnosis of parasitic stages relied on direct microscopic detection using permanent stains, trichrome stain, and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain, in addition to ocular micrometry to confirm the diagnosis. Results: The occurrence of Entamoeba gingivalis within the gingivitis group was significantly higher (40%) than that observed in the control group (22.5%), whereas the occurrence within the periodontitis group was 15%. Samples from diseased subjects, regardless of immune status, were found to be moderately to severely affected with numerous parasitic nests, in contrast to a moderate near mild occurrence that was recorded in the healthy control group. Moreover, Entamoeba gingivalis occurrence was significantly higher (77.4%) in subjects with bad oral hygiene. Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest a potential role for the neglected oral parasitic Entamoeba gingivalis, especially the intensively multiplying forms, in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases. This certainly needs further elucidation on a larger scale to explore the basis behind such multiplication, which may be related to genetic variation or may be pathophysiological in origin

    Integrasi Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Intelectual, Emotional and Spiritual Quotient dalam Bingkai Pendidikan Islam

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan pendidikan karakter dalam bingkai pendidikan Islam. Fenomena pendidikan yang terjadi di Indonesia saat ini pun cukup beragam, mulai dari aspek sosial, politik, budaya, kesehatan dan ekonomi serta aspek lainnya. Meskipun akhir-akhir ini prestasi intelektual anak-anak Indonesia mengalami peningkatan cukup baik dengan banyaknya prestasi di berbagai olimpiade sains Nasional atau Internasional, namun kemunduran justru terjadi pada aspek lain yang amat penting, yaitu karakter peserta didik/siswa sebagai generasi bangsa Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, pemerintah merumuskan dan melaksanakan pendidikan karakter yang banyak di genjarkan di lembaga pendidikan sebagai solusinya untuk di perkuat moralitas peserta didik. Pendidikan karakter yang di integrasikan melalui Intelectual, Emotional and Spiritual Quotient hadir sebagai solusi problem moralitas dan karakter itu sendiri. Hanya saja pendidikan karakter ini memiliki kelebihan karena merangkum tiga aspek kecerdasan peserta didik/siswa, yaitu kecerdasan afektif, kognitif dan psikomotorik

    Penguatan Mutu Madrasah Swasta Menuju Madrasah Unggul

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    Upaya penguatan mutu madrasah terus diintensifkan, berbagai masalah madrasah harus dicarikan solusinya atau penyelesaiannya. Manajemen madrasah harus dilaksanakan secara professional, dan kepemimpinan kepala madrasah harus dioptimalkan, serta mampu menghidupkan  wirausaha di madrasah tujuan penguatan mutu madrasah harus terus diupayakan, yaitu menjadikan madrasah yang berprestasi dan unggul, dengan indikator prestasi akademik dan non akademik di atas rata-rata, sarana dan prasarana dan layanan lebih lengkap, sistem pembelajaran lebih baik, seleksi penerimaan cukup ketat, mendapat animo yang besar dari masyarakat dan tersedia dana yang cukup. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, yaitu metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk meneliti pada kondisi objek yang alamiah (natural setting).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguatan mutu madrasah dilakukan dengan manajemen professional, mengoptimalkan kepemimpinan kepala madrasah, dan menumbuhkan wirausaha di madrasah. Kesimpulan penelitian ini meliputi pengelolaan madrasah dengan sistem manajemen professional, kepemimpinan kepala madrasah dan wirausaha madrasah.

    Cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography for the enantioseparation of imidazole and vinpocetine drugs

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    In the present work, cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography (CD-MEKC) method was developed and applied for enantioseparation of three imidazole drugs and vinpocetine. The three imidazole drugs namely tioconazole, isoconazole and fenticonazole were simultaneously separated for the first time by MEKC technique using dual cyclodextrin (CD) approach. A combination of two neutral CDs; 2-hydroxypropyl-�-CD (HP-�-CD) and heptakis (2,6-di-O-methyl)-�-CD (DM-�-CD) (35 mM: 10 mM) in background electrolyte (BGE) containing 35 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 50 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 15% (v/v) acetonitrile at 27 kV and 30oC gave the best separation of six stereoisomers of imidazole drugs with resolutions, Rs 1.90-27.22 and peak efficiencies, N > 180 000 in less than 15 min. The samples were injected electrokinetically at 3 kV for 3 s and detection was carried out at 200 nm. The method was linear over the concentration range of 25-200 mg/L (r2 > 0.998) and the detection limits (S/N = 3) of the three imidazole drugs were found to be 2.7-7.7 mg/L. The CD-MEKC method was successfully applied to the determination of the three imidazole drugs in spiked human urine to give mean recoveries ranging from 72.3 to 107.5% (RSD < 6%, n = 3). The method was also applied to the analysis of commercial cream formulation of tioconazole and isoconazole. Good mean recoveries were obtained, ranging from 93.6-100% (RSD < 7%, n = 3). The best chiral separation of vinpocetine that gave four resolved peaks was achieved using 40 mM HP-�-CD in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) consisting of 40 mM SDS and 10% v/v acetonitrile at a separation temperature of 25oC and separation voltage 25 kV. Samples were injected electrokinetically at 5 kV for 7 s. Vinpocetine detection was accomplished using diode array detector at 200 nm. The complete vinpocetine separation was achieved in less than 15 min with peak resolution, Rs 1.40-5.80

    Harmony of Local Wisdom: Building the Image of Madrasah to Increase Competitiveness

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    This research aims to analyze the branding image of madrasah based on local wisdom to provide a unique and attractive identity for the community in order to increase the competitiveness of madrasah. The research method used is a qualitative case study type approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using the Miles and Huberman data analysis model, which includes stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The research results show that implementing Local Wisdom-Based Branding Image is carried out through several stages, including Identification of Advantages, Needs Analysis, Local Wisdom Program, and Program Evaluation. The implication of Branding images based on Local Wisdom is that madrasah can have a unique identity easily recognized by the public, become a favourite according to environmental characteristics, and improve branding according to their local wisdom