36 research outputs found

    Sistem Pemulihan Data : Alat Forensik Cakera Menggunakan Teknik Imbasan Cakera Untuk Sistem Pengoperasian Windows (FAT 32)

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the field of computer forensics that has been discussed lately through the computer security concept. Computer forensics is an important field for law enforcement agencies because it can be used to bring computers or cyber criminals to court. At this moment, crime does not only involve the physical-based crimes such as robbery, killing, stealing and others, but also involve computers as a medium in doing crime. Computer forensics is needed to determine and detect evidence of computer crime. Methods being used by forensic analysts today are to gather the evidence by using disk forensic. One of these techniques is through data recovery. This study has been done to recover deleted files or data from a computer. The main objective of this study is to determine how the data or file that has been deleted can be recovered and then to determined whether it is evidence or not. A recovering system prototype has been implemented using method and technique described in this research

    Teknologi untuk OKU dalam penggunaan komputer

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    Online instructional consultation for higher education institutions in Malaysia: The system architecture

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    Evolution of communication technologies at present gives impetus to researchers and practitioners by simply put the computer-mediated communication tools on their telementoring application without really understand its potential benefits. This causes several issues and challenges confronting existing telementoring program which are: (a) miscommunication due to lack of nonverbal cues, (b) the need of competency in written communication and technical skills, and (c) document recording, retrieving and reviewing. Thus, in this paper, the focus is the design and development of Online Instructional Consultation (OICon) system for student and lecturers of higher education institutions. Hybrid modes of synchronous and asynchronous communication that provide nonverbal and verbal cues are incorporated in Online Instructional Consultation (OICon) system to compensate the identified issues and challenges. We also focus on recording, retrieving and reviewing of recorded consultation document and management is also emphasized.The multimedia communication components from e-consultation model of financial and telemedicine context are adapted. The general structure, modules of OICON system, multimedia communication components, and communication server are illustrated and the potential benefits of OICon system are presented

    A Preliminary Study on the Effects of Photoinitiator and UV Curing Exposure Time to the Mechanical and Physical Properties of the Epoxy and Vynil Ester Fiber Glass Laminated Composites

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    Abstract—Ultra-violet (UV) curing process is introduced in the curing of polymer matrix composites (PMC) for the application in producing bullet proof vest. Two types of adhesives or matrix materials were used: epoxy and vinyl ester. Each of them were mixed together with different types of photoinitiator; Bisacyl Phosphine Oxide (BaPO) and Alpha Hydroxyl Ketone Peroxide (AHK) at 1.0 and 10.0 per hundred of resin (phr) from the total proportion of the mixture. Sandwich construction of the PMC was done by hand lay-up process where the mixture was wiped on the fiber layers. Samples were then cured under various duration times which are 3, 6, 9 and 12 minutes to compare the quality of composites under the exposure of the UV light. The laminate was then tested to determine its characteristics of physical properties and its behavior to applied loads. Morphological observation through Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was performed in order to evaluate the quality of adhesion between each fiber layer and matrix wetting behavior. Vinyl ester is not recommended to be used as the matrix since two days is required to make it fully cured unlike epoxy which was cured rapidly once exposed under UV light. The physical testing shows that optimum density for the effect of photoinitiator obtained at 1.0phr for epoxy and 10.0phr for vinyl ester. This could give benefit to the manufacturer since it gives lower weight compared to virgin matrix materials. On the other hands, the effect of curing time shows the optimum result for density was obtained at 12 minutes of curing time. The effect of photoinitiator to the tensile strength shows optimum results at 1.0 phr for both epoxy and vinyl ester while curing time between 6 to 9 minutes is proposed to be optimum for the exposure of composites under UV light. Effect of photoinitiator to the hardness of the PMC is found optimum at the present of 1.0 phr for both matrix materials and optimum at 3 minutes to be exposed under UV light for the effect of curing time

    The development of Malaysia ICT subject school based assessment management system (SBAMS4ICT)

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    Curriculum Development Division (CDD) has introduced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in 2006 as an elective subject for Malaysia Education Certificate.The Malaysia Examinations Syndicate (MSE) designed the assessment instruments based on the syllabus released by the CDD.Anyhow, the management of the assessment records by assessor on ground is still on manual effort. Assessor need fill in same data into different forms. Records need to be bind in a ring file (student’s portfolio), and placed in the locked and secured place.Increase assessors’ workload, tendency to writing error, time consuming, not updated records, and a few to mention the weakness of this approach.For that regard this project is proposed and the prototype of School Based Assessment Management System for ICT Subject has been developed.The requirements needed have been identified and the prototype development has employed Agile System Development Methodology.By using a Test Script method has tested the functionalities of the prototype. System evaluation has utilized Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease-of-Use instruments. The system prototype has enable assessors to manage assessment records easily compared to manual approach.School admins would have capability to monitor the assessment progress. Students will have a copy of their progress notified through email

    The adaptation of handwriting recognition system user interface in preschool literacy learning courseware

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    Currently, the education software or simply courseware has successfully become the heart of computer usage in classrooms. With varieties of courseware introduced, the discussion of which courseware assist students the most continues. This paper describes our experience on developing a literacy courseware named handwriting leaning number (HLN) for preschool children.HLN has adapted the handwriting recognition system interface where stylus pen becomes its input modality.By using the stylus pen, we believed that the children could perform better in writing exercise.In order to prove our assumption, we have conducted user satisfaction test using modified questionnaire for user interface satisfaction (QUIS) version 5.5.Result derived from the test indicated that the children tend to satisfy the user interface designed for HLN as the average mean score obtained was 3.864 with Standard Deviation of 0.6879.On the other hand, problems regarding precision and usability of HLN are also reported while solutions to the problems are recommended

    Pengaruh Customer Relationship, Product Destination, Dan Service Quality Terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh customer relationship management, product destination, service quality terhadap kepuasan wisatawan, serta mengetahui dan menganalisis variabel bebas yang dominan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan wisatawan Hotel Same Resort Bira, Kabupaten Bulukumba. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif melalui pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan desain kausal. Pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran questioner kepada pengunjung 100 orang, kemudian data diolah dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa customer relationship management secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan Hotel Same. Product destination secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Service quality secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Customer relationship management, product destination, dan service quality secara simultan berpengaruh sangat signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Variabel bebas product destination berpengaruh dominan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan

    Redesigning the user interface of handwriting recognition system for preschool children

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    Nowadays there are handwriting recognition systems that can be occupied to assist children learning how to write properly. However, one of the major barriers that hinders them using the system is its complex user interface where the designed is based on adult preferences. Therefore in this paper, we present the guideline to redesign the user interfaces via our experience developing a handwriting recognition system for pre-school children named Handwriting-based Learning Number (HLN). The redesign process has followed eight guidelines and rules as presented by Schniederman. The user interface satisfaction evaluation result done using Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction (QUIS) is very convincing where the users are almost satisfied with the redesign process that we did to the user interface. Hence we found that the guidelines are very useful and developers are all welcome to follow it if they intend to do similar system like us

    Online Instructional Consultation (OICon) Model for Higher Education Institution (HEIs)

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    AbstractVirtual discussion between students and lecturers nowadays become easier and effective by using computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools. The issue on geographical distance is no longer a problem but there are some aspects that need attention, such as the consultation documentation, record log and the ability to see the records of these virtual relationships. Most current virtual communications software is focused on the communication and less on the process of before and after the virtual communication. In order to enhance the virtual communication process, we have designed and developed an Online Instructional Consultation (OICon) model to facilitate student-lecturer consultation for higher education mentor-mentee system in Malaysia. The model consists of 5 interrelated domains that are personalization, consultation processes and task involved, features and multimedia components, consultation content and consultation document. It provides alternative means on delivery of the contents and services as well as provides participants a range of option. By this way, students and lecturer can involve actively through online consultation at remote places, not just between lecturer and students but also on post-session discussion among peers. Point of correspondence includes implementation of CMC tools to facilitate online consultation processes for academic advisory purpose. OICon model was then transformed into a prototype system to verify the model. Based on the evaluation conducted, we found that users are relatively positive towards implementation of multimedia communication tools for consultation in higher education and they agreed that the OICon model is crucial for enhance and promote interactivity for consultation among students and lecturers

    Adaptation of Hidden Markov Model in handwriting learning number system to assist preschool children handwriting

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    Nowadays, there are many handwriting recognition systems (HRS) that can be occupied to assist children in learning how to write properly.However, one of the major barriers of the system is its user interface complexity where the design is mostly based on adult preference.In order to solve this problem, we discovered the user interface guidelines proposed by Read (2005) on implementing a HRS interface for children.In this study, we have designed and developed a HRS prototype named Handwriting Learning Number (HLN).The prototype manages to assist the preschool children in learning to write numbers and improving their handwriting skills.Based on the pre and post handwriting test, it is agreed that the system has improved the children handwriting.Apart from that, observation done by us also found that the preschool children’ handwriting on paper have shown a lot of improvement