25 research outputs found


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    The church of Mary Girgis (Saint George) was built by Athanasius "who also founded the Church of Saints Cyrus and John". The Church was destroyed, and all the rest of the original edifice is a room which covered by huge dome known as the Wedding Hall, dating to the 14th century. The huge dome of the wedding Hall contains several mural paintings represented Coptic arts. The dome mural paintings was darkened and severely damaged as significant detachments of the painted layer and the underneath support lost their cohesion and separated into many pieces, delamination and flaking of the ceiling painting. The most important causes for the monument state of degradation were the environmental condition such as the effects of the groundwater, the presence of salts, the humidity (active in all its forms as infiltration, capillarity and condensation) and the improper previous interventions at the structural level (fillings in the cracks with gypsum mortars). The aim of this study is to characterize the components of the pictorial surface which consists of pigments, the binding media, the plaster layer and its support and introduce the conservation project of the mural painting which was carried out at the dome "between" 2004-20013. Prior to the conservation intervention, the materials were characterized by optical microscopy, polarizing microscope, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. The chemical analyses have determined the nature and composition of the materials used in the painting process (mortars, pigments, binders), have identified the causes of physical and chemical altering processes of pigment layers and provided knowledge on the execution technique. The interior painting was executed according to the Byzantine technique, on a fresco plaster (intonaco) consisting of lime mortar, pigments were obtained by mixing pigments with water. After the material characterization, the conservation and restoration of the mural painting, which including cleaning, injection grouting, fixation of the paint layer, filling of the support gaps with mortar, consolidation, restoration and completion of lost parts, were carried out

    Uticaj dodatka Saccharomyces cerevisiae u ishrani na zdravlje i proizvodnju krava tokom perioda tranzicije i početka laktacije

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    Data concerning the effect of probiotics supplementation on many parameters concurrently at the same cows are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae feeding on rumen, blood and milk parameters together in high- producing dairy cattle during the transition and early lactation period. Sixteen clinically healthy Holstein cows were divided into 2 groups: a control group of 6 cows and a probiotics-fed group of 10 cows. Rumen fluid and blood samples were collected 21 days before the expected calving as well as 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days- in-milk (DIM). Milk yield for each animal was recorded every 2 weeks. Individual milk samples were collected 15, 30, 45 and 60 DIM. Ruminal pH and rumen ammonia nitrogen were significantly lower, whereas total volatile fatty acids were significantly higher in yeast-fed animals compared with controls throughout the study. Serum concentrations of total proteins and globulins were higher, while albumins were lower in the yeast-treated group. Serum glucose levels were significantly higher in yeast-supplemented animals. Serum triglycerides, high density lipoproteins, and low density lipoproteins concentrations were lower, with cholesterol being significantly lower in the treated group. Milk production and milk fat percentage were higher, whereas milk protein percentage and somatic cell count were decreased in yeast-supplemented cows throughout the study. These results suggest that supplementation of S. cerevisiae to dairy cows rations during transition and early lactation period improve their health and milk production parameters.Podaci koji bi se odnosili na uticaj suplementacije probiotika na više parametara istovremeno na istim grlima nedostaju u literaturi. Stoga je cilj ovog eksperimenta bio da se ispita uticaj Saccharomices cerevisiae u obroku/hrani na parametre rumena, krvi i mleka zajedno u visoko-proizvodnim mlečnim govedima tokom tranzicije i početkom laktacije. Šesnaest klinički zdravih holštajn krava je podeljeno u 2 grupe: kontrolna grupa od 6 krava i grupa od 10 krava hranjenih probiotikom u obroku. Buražna tečnost i uzorci krvi su sakupljeni 21 dan pre očekivanog teljenja, kao i 7, 15, 30, 45 i 60 dana tokom laktacije (days in milk - DIM). Prinos mleka za svaku životinju zabeležen je svake 2 nedelje. Pojedinačni uzorci mleka su prikupljeni 15, 30, 45 i 60 DIM. pH buraga i buražni amonijačni azot su bili značajno niži, dok su ukupne isparljive masne kiseline bile značajno veće kod životinja hranjenih kvascem u poređenju sa kontrolama kroz celu studiju. Serumske koncentracije ukupnih proteina i globulina bile su više, dok su koncentracije albumina bile niže u grupi sa kvascem. Serumski nivoi glukoze bili su značajno viši kod životinja sa dodatkom kvasca. Trigliceridi u serumu, koncentracije lipoproteina visoke i niske gustine bile su niže, sa holesterolom koji je bio znatno niži u tretiranoj grupi. Proizvodnja mleka i procent mlečne masti bili su viši, dok je sadržaj proteina mleka i somatskih ćelija bio niži u krava hranjenih sa dodatkom kvasca kroz celu studiju. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da dodatak S. cerevisiae u obrocima muznih krava tokom tranzicije i rane laktacije poboljšava njihovo zdravlje i parametre proizvodnje mleka

    Uticaj dodatka Saccharomyces cerevisiae u ishrani na zdravlje i proizvodnju krava tokom perioda tranzicije i početka laktacije

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    Data concerning the effect of probiotics supplementation on many parameters concurrently at the same cows are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae feeding on rumen, blood and milk parameters together in high- producing dairy cattle during the transition and early lactation period. Sixteen clinically healthy Holstein cows were divided into 2 groups: a control group of 6 cows and a probiotics-fed group of 10 cows. Rumen fluid and blood samples were collected 21 days before the expected calving as well as 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days- in-milk (DIM). Milk yield for each animal was recorded every 2 weeks. Individual milk samples were collected 15, 30, 45 and 60 DIM. Ruminal pH and rumen ammonia nitrogen were significantly lower, whereas total volatile fatty acids were significantly higher in yeast-fed animals compared with controls throughout the study. Serum concentrations of total proteins and globulins were higher, while albumins were lower in the yeast-treated group. Serum glucose levels were significantly higher in yeast-supplemented animals. Serum triglycerides, high density lipoproteins, and low density lipoproteins concentrations were lower, with cholesterol being significantly lower in the treated group. Milk production and milk fat percentage were higher, whereas milk protein percentage and somatic cell count were decreased in yeast-supplemented cows throughout the study. These results suggest that supplementation of S. cerevisiae to dairy cows rations during transition and early lactation period improve their health and milk production parameters.Podaci koji bi se odnosili na uticaj suplementacije probiotika na više parametara istovremeno na istim grlima nedostaju u literaturi. Stoga je cilj ovog eksperimenta bio da se ispita uticaj Saccharomices cerevisiae u obroku/hrani na parametre rumena, krvi i mleka zajedno u visoko-proizvodnim mlečnim govedima tokom tranzicije i početkom laktacije. Šesnaest klinički zdravih holštajn krava je podeljeno u 2 grupe: kontrolna grupa od 6 krava i grupa od 10 krava hranjenih probiotikom u obroku. Buražna tečnost i uzorci krvi su sakupljeni 21 dan pre očekivanog teljenja, kao i 7, 15, 30, 45 i 60 dana tokom laktacije (days in milk - DIM). Prinos mleka za svaku životinju zabeležen je svake 2 nedelje. Pojedinačni uzorci mleka su prikupljeni 15, 30, 45 i 60 DIM. pH buraga i buražni amonijačni azot su bili značajno niži, dok su ukupne isparljive masne kiseline bile značajno veće kod životinja hranjenih kvascem u poređenju sa kontrolama kroz celu studiju. Serumske koncentracije ukupnih proteina i globulina bile su više, dok su koncentracije albumina bile niže u grupi sa kvascem. Serumski nivoi glukoze bili su značajno viši kod životinja sa dodatkom kvasca. Trigliceridi u serumu, koncentracije lipoproteina visoke i niske gustine bile su niže, sa holesterolom koji je bio znatno niži u tretiranoj grupi. Proizvodnja mleka i procent mlečne masti bili su viši, dok je sadržaj proteina mleka i somatskih ćelija bio niži u krava hranjenih sa dodatkom kvasca kroz celu studiju. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da dodatak S. cerevisiae u obrocima muznih krava tokom tranzicije i rane laktacije poboljšava njihovo zdravlje i parametre proizvodnje mleka

    Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation on health and performance of dairy cows during transition and early lactation period

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    Data concerning the effect of probiotics supplementation on many parameters concurrently at the same cows are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae feeding on rumen, blood and milk parameters together in high- producing dairy cattle during the transition and early lactation period. Sixteen clinically healthy Holstein cows were divided into 2 groups: a control group of 6 cows and a probiotics-fed group of 10 cows. Rumen fluid and blood samples were collected 21 days before the expected calving as well as 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days- in-milk (DIM). Milk yield for each animal was recorded every 2 weeks. Individual milk samples were collected 15, 30, 45 and 60 DIM. Ruminal pH and rumen ammonia nitrogen were significantly lower, whereas total volatile fatty acids were significantly higher in yeast-fed animals compared with controls throughout the study. Serum concentrations of total proteins and globulins were higher, while albumins were lower in the yeast-treated group. Serum glucose levels were significantly higher in yeast-supplemented animals. Serum triglycerides, high density lipoproteins, and low density lipoproteins concentrations were lower, with cholesterol being significantly lower in the treated group. Milk production and milk fat percentage were higher, whereas milk protein percentage and somatic cell count were decreased in yeast-supplemented cows throughout the study. These results suggest that supplementation of S. cerevisiae to dairy cows rations during transition and early lactation period improve their health and milk production parameters

    Effect of Nigella sativa and green synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles on Bacillus cereus isolated from meat and milk products

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    Bacillus cereus (B. cereus) is Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium not only associated with food-borne outbreaks but also responsible for spoilage of food products. Therefore, the aim of this study is to trying to control of B. cereus by safe nanoparticles and studies the antibacterial effects of Nigella sativa and green synthesized Zinc Oxide nanoparticles (NPs) on B. cereus. The isolated strains of B.cereus from meat and milk products with detection of their virulence genes (nhe, cytK, hbl and ces) by PCR were used to assess the antibacterial activity of these nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) to investigate their properties which revealed that Nigella sativa NPs was 87.5 nm in size and cuboidal in shape, the polydispersity index, zeta potentials, viscosity and conductivity were 0.456, +15.9 mV, 0.877 cp and 58 uS/cm respectively, while Zinc Oxide NPs were 0.2484, -21.8 mV, 0.925 cp and 269 uS/cm respectively and their size was 67.8 nm and rhomboid in shape. Antibacterial activity was determined by using micro wells dilution method to determine Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The MIC result for Nigella sativa NPs showed slight inhibition with the 30% concentration, while for Zinc Oxide NPs was 1.25 mg/ml. The morphological characters and changes of bacterial cells before and after treatment with nanoparticles were described by SEM. The Results show significant inhibitory effect of Zinc Oxide NPs than Nigella sativa NPs on B.cereus growth with distinctive destruction in its ultrastructure. SO, applications of nanoparticles in the meat and dairy industry will be a market trend to improve quality by their antibacterial effects and enhancement their shelf life

    Effect of neutral electrolyzed water (NEW) on Salmonella Typhimurium, Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and Staphylococcus aureus

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    In this study, Neutral electrolyzed water (NEW) bactericidal efficacy and inactivating capacity as a promising novel antimicrobial agent, green sanitizer and natural alternative to conventional decontamination techniques as chemical disinfectants was evaluated by using NEW with free available chlorine (FAC) at concentrations of 7.5 ppm (NEW 1%), 24 ppm (NEW 12%) and 49 ppm (NEW 25%) against food-borne related microorganisms and their biofilms. Our Results revealed that by 10 min of exposure to the sanitizer (NEW) with different concentrations, changes to the bacterial count, bacterial cell morphology, biofilms were evaluated by plate counting, minimum inhibitory concentration method (MIC), Transmission Electron microscope (TEM) examination for the isolated Salmonella Typhimurium, Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), and S. aureus, respectively. Beside, modulation of bacterial gene expression by real time Polymerase Chain Reaction screening (RT-PCR) for methicillin- resistant gene (mecA) and Enterotoxin gene (seb) of S. aureus. It was shown from the results that Salmonella Typhimurium highest reduction percentage achieved was 99.9% after 10 min exposure to 12% and 25% NEW concentrations, while EPEC and S. aureus highest reduction percentages achieved were 99.8%, and 99.95% after 10 min exposure to 25% NEW concentration, respectively. The lowest reduction was detected by 59.5% for S. aureus treated with NEW 1% for 5 min. While MIC for NEW 25% was 12.25 ppm for EPEC and 24.5 ppm for each of Salmonella Typhimurium and S. aureus. TEM photos revealed that NEW has achieved a broad-spectrum bactericidal activity by causing changes and destruction in cell envelope and cytoplasm of all strains. RT-PCR showed downregulation of enterotoxin (seb) and resistant genes (mecA) of S. aureus. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that NEW as a green sanitizer is significant in reduction and elimination of the most food-borne bacterial contamination

    Effect of neutral electrolyzed water (NEW) on Salmonella Typhimurium, Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and Staphylococcus aureus

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    In this study, Neutral electrolyzed water (NEW) bactericidal efficacy and inactivating capacity as a promising novel antimicrobial agent, green sanitizer and natural alternative to conventional decontamination techniques as chemical disinfectants was evaluated by using NEW with free available chlorine (FAC) at concentrations of 7.5 ppm (NEW 1%), 24 ppm (NEW 12%) and 49 ppm (NEW 25%) against food-borne related microorganisms and their biofilms. Our Results revealed that by 10 min of exposure to the sanitizer (NEW) with different concentrations, changes to the bacterial count, bacterial cell morphology, biofilms were evaluated by plate counting, minimum inhibitory concentration method (MIC), Transmission Electron microscope (TEM) examination for the isolated Salmonella Typhimurium, Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), and S. aureus, respectively. Beside, modulation of bacterial gene expression by real time Polymerase Chain Reaction screening (RT-PCR) for methicillin- resistant gene (mecA) and Enterotoxin gene (seb) of S. aureus. It was shown from the results that Salmonella Typhimurium highest reduction percentage achieved was 99.9% after 10 min exposure to 12% and 25% NEW concentrations, while EPEC and S. aureus highest reduction percentages achieved were 99.8%, and 99.95% after 10 min exposure to 25% NEW concentration, respectively. The lowest reduction was detected by 59.5% for S. aureus treated with NEW 1% for 5 min. While MIC for NEW 25% was 12.25 ppm for EPEC and 24.5 ppm for each of Salmonella Typhimurium and S. aureus. TEM photos revealed that NEW has achieved a broad-spectrum bactericidal activity by causing changes and destruction in cell envelope and cytoplasm of all strains. RT-PCR showed downregulation of enterotoxin (seb) and resistant genes (mecA) of S. aureus. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that NEW as a green sanitizer is significant in reduction and elimination of the most food-borne bacterial contamination

    Genotyping and Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Corynebacterium bovis Isolates Recovered from Clinical and Subclinical Mastitis Milk Samples

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    Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland caused in dairy cows due to bacterial infections causing high economic losses. Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR) is an effective genotyping tool for tracing the infection by different bacteria. One hundred milk samples were collected (50 from clinical mastitis and 50 from subclinical mastitis) from different dairy farms at different regions of El-Gharbia Governorate in Egypt. The samples were examined bacteriologically for the isolation and identification of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Corynebacterium bovis. Antibiotic sensitivity testing for the isolates and genotyping by ERIC-PCR were performed. Our results showed that the prevalence of K. pneumoniae was 41% from total samples and C. bovis strains was18% from subclinical mastitis milk samples. All the examined isolates were multi drug resistant with higher resistance to ampicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate and cefotaxime for K. pneumoniae and to penicillin, erythromycin and tetracycline for C. bovis. Discriminatory index of ERIC-PCR was 0.984 and 1 for K. pneumoniae and C. bovis isolates, respectively. The dendrogram analysis for K. pneumoniae showed three clusters and two separate isolates, while for C. bovis 1 cluster with 2 sub clusters and three separate isolates were observed. It was concluded that ERIC-PCR is proven to be effective genotyping technique with high discriminatory index and is a good epidemiological tool for mastitis in cows as there was a genetic relatedness between strains collected from different regions at El-Gharbia Government in Egypt. This indicated the possibility of infection transmission between these regions and necessitates the need to increase control measures