193 research outputs found


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    Optimizing the density of waste materials in landfills by proper compaction prolongs the facility life due to the efficient use of landfill airspace. Cement kiln dust (CKD) is a waste by-product produced in huge amounts which exceeds the used quantities in the cement recycling industry and beneficial CKD applications. The vast amount of CKD is almost landfilled in its loose state in Egypt which causes a big loss in landfill airspace due to the low density of CKD. The hydraulic binder effect and dusty behavior of reactive CKD complicates its compaction process. Accordingly, this research was performed to investigate CKD compaction properties with three types of lubricants, which are potable water, salt water and waste oil. Maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) for these lubricant types and different wetting methods were investigated in order to improve the landfill air space utilization and to reduce the dusty effect of CKD during compaction. The effect of immediate compaction after wetting and the effect of compaction delay by allowing CKD to hydrate initially for a certain period were studied. Compaction energy and methods of the wetting of CKD either by full submergence in water or prewetting were tested. The maximum weights of a disposed CKD and durations required to fill an intended landfill air space for different CKD conditions, lubricant types and compaction methods were presented for a case study in Ain Sokhna, Egypt.Optimiziranje gustoće otpadnih materijala na odlagalištima pravilnim zbijanjem produljuje vijek trajanja objekta zahvaljujući učinkovitom korištenju odlagališnog prostora. Prašina iz peći za dobivanje cementa (PDC) je otpadni nusproizvod koji nastaje u velikim količinama koje znatno premašuju količine materijala koji se može reciklirati u cementnoj industriji i korisno upotrijebiti na druge načine. Velika količina PDC-a u Egiptu se odlaže na odlagališta u rastresitom stanju, što uzrokuje veliki gubitak odlagališnog prostora zbog niske gustoće PDC-a. Učinak hidrauličkog veziva i ponašanje reaktivnog PDC-a kao prašinastog materijala komplicira proces njegovog zbijanja. U skladu s tim, ovo je istraživanje provedeno kako bi se ispitala svojstva zbijanja PDC-a s tri vrste ovlaživača/lubrikanata pitka voda, slana voda i otpadno ulje. Maksimalna suha gustoća i optimalni sadržaj vlage ispitani su za te vrste ovlaživača/lubrikanata i za različite metode vlaženja kako bi se poboljšala iskorištenost odlagališnog prostora i smanjio negativni učinak PDC-a tijekom zbijanja. Proučavani su učinak neposrednog zbijanja nakon vlaženja i učinak odgode zbijanja dopuštanjem PDC-u da se inicijalno hidratizira tijekom određenog razdoblja, a zatim odradi zbijanje. Ispitana je energija zbijanja i metode vlaženja PDC-a potpunim uranjanjem u fluid ili prethodnim vlaženjem. Prezentirane su maksimalne težine odloženog PDC-a i vrijeme potrebno za ispunjavanje predviđenog odlagališnog prostora za različite PDC uvjete, vrste ovlaživača/lubrikanata i metode zbijanja za studiju slučaja Ain Sokhna u Egiptu


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    Data revealed that Egyptian clover were visited by 22 genus of arthropods belong to 16 families and 7 orders. The identified species were classified to phytophagous, Nectarivore, predatory insects. During both seasons Apis mellifera L. and Megachile sp. were the most abundant pollinators detected at the first week of May till the end of flowering season in mid-June. The highest activity period for A. mellifera was detected at 11:00 am. However, the lowest activity was found at 3:00 pm. and 5:00 pm. in both seasons, respectively, with insignificant difference between them in the first season. Whereas the highest activity period for Megachile sp. was detected at 1:00 pm. and the lowest activity was found at 7:00 am. During both seasons. The free pollination treatment produced the highest mean number of seeds per head followed by the caged with honeybees followed by the caged without honeybees treatment with average (48.15, 43.85 and 13.20 seeds /head) and (51.10, 46.10 and 10.85 seeds /head) during 2017 and 2018 seasons, respectively. The caged plants without honeybees produced the low weight of 1000 seed. Whereas the non-caged treatment produced the highest weights with an average (2.75 and 2.55 g) and (3.50 and 3.90 g) during both seasons, respectively

    Genetic evaluation of some sesame genotypes for seed yield and its components

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    To study genetic variation, genetic parameters and selection criteria of seventeen sesame genotypes, a field experiment was conducted across different environments represented by two summer seasons of 2018 (E1) and 2019 (E2) at Etay-El-Baroud/Behaira Agricultural Research Station and one summer season of 2019 (E3) at Kafr-El-Hamam/Sharkia Agricultural Research Station, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt using a randomized complete block design with three replications for each environment. The promising sesame genotypes were  L25 for earliness in flowering at E1 and across environments, L101 for plant height and fruiting zone length when grown at E2 and L110 across environments, L35 for number of branches plant and seed yield per feddan when grown at E2 and across environments, L48 for capsules length when grown at E2  and L2 across environments, L82 for 1000-seed weight when grown at E3 and L35 across environments, L2 for seed weight per plant when grown at E1 and across environments and  L101 for seed oil content when grown at E1 and across environments. Among the most effective traits in improving seed weight per plant were fruiting zone length and number of branches per plant, as verified through correlation and path analyses at phenotypic and genotypic levels.These traits had the highest broad-sense heritability and genetic advance as percent of mean. Keywords: Correlation, Genetic variability, Heritability, Path analysi

    Efficient Multimodal Deep-Learning-Based COVID-19 Diagnostic System for Noisy and Corrupted Images

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    Introduction: In humanity\u27s ongoing fight against its common enemy of COVID-19, researchers have been relentless in finding efficient technologies to support mitigation, diagnosis, management, contact tracing, and ultimately vaccination. Objectives: Engineers and computer scientists have deployed the potent properties of deep learning models (DLMs) in COVID-19 detection and diagnosis. However, publicly available datasets are often adulterated during collation, transmission, or storage. Meanwhile, inadequate, and corrupted data are known to impact the learnability and efficiency of DLMs. Methods: This study focuses on enhancing previous efforts via two multimodal diagnostic systems to extract required features for COVID-19 detection using adulterated chest X-ray images. Our proposed DLM consists of a hierarchy of convolutional and pooling layers that are combined to support efficient COVID-19 detection using chest X-ray images. Additionally, a batch normalization layer is used to curtail overfitting that usually arises from the convolution and pooling (CP) layers. Results: In addition to matching the performance of standard techniques reported in the literature, our proposed diagnostic systems attain an average accuracy of 98% in the detection of normal, COVID-19, and viral pneumonia cases using corrupted and noisy images. Conclusions: Such robustness is crucial for real-world applications where data is usually unavailable, corrupted, or adulterated


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    Salvia officinalis L. is a widest-spread attractive plant in different pharmacopoeias throughout the world. Shoot clumps were regenerated from leaf explants on MS medium enriched with 1 mg/l IAA + 1.5 mg/l TDZ. A 12-week old shoot clumps were subcultured on the same medium supplemented with 100 mM of NaCl. After 12 weeks 4 shoots were recovered from 60 cultured shoot clumps. These shoots were elongated and individually cloned on MS medium enriched with 1 mg/l IAA. Single nodes of the recovered clone, as well as, the control plants were cultured using a single node explants on MS medium enriched with 1 mg/l IAA and 0 or 100 mM NaCl. After a month of growth on this medium statistical analysis showedsignificant difference among the selected clones and the control plants on the base of the ability to develop new growth, plant height, shoot and root fresh and dry weights, as well as, chlorophyll content. Moreover, there were significant differences among the selected colons on proline and total soluble protein content. Also, some regenerated clone showed higher activity of the free radical scavenging enzymes; catalase, peroxidase, and ascorbate peroxidase under salt stress. Therefore, somaclonal variation was used to select a drought tolerant S. officinals clone. Moreover, some physiological mechanisms that are crucial for salt stress tolerance were underlined

    Deep Learning Modalities for Biometric Alteration Detection in 5G Networks-Based Secure Smart Cities

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    Smart cities and their applications have become attractive research fields birthing numerous technologies. Fifth generation (5G) networks are important components of smart cities, where intelligent access control is deployed for identity authentication, online banking, and cyber security. To assure secure transactions and to protect user’s identities against cybersecurity threats, strong authentication techniques should be used. The prevalence of biometrics, such as fingerprints, in authentication and identification makes the need to safeguard them important across different areas of smart applications. Our study presents a system to detect alterations to biometric modalities to discriminate pristine, adulterated, and fake biometrics in 5G-based smart cities. Specifically, we use deep learning models based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) and a hybrid model that combines CNN with convolutional long-short term memory (ConvLSTM) to compute a three-tier probability that a biometric has been tempered. Simulation-based experiments indicate that the alteration detection accuracy matches those recorded in advanced methods with superior performance in terms of detecting central rotation alteration to fingerprints. This makes the proposed system a veritable solution for different biometric authentication applications in secure smart cities


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    In this paper, we generalize rough set theory by introducing concepts of  δβ-I lower and δβ-I -upper approximation for any ideal  I on X which depends on the concept δβ-I -open sets. Some of their basic properties with the help of examples are investigated and the interrelation between them are obtained. Also, the connections between the rough approximations de_ned in [2] and our new approximations are studied

    Monitoring of pesticide residues in some Egyptian herbs, fruits and vegetables.

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    Abstract: One hundred thirty two samples of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices collected from Egyptian local markets were analyzed for pesticide residues. Contamination with pesticide residues reached 54.55% while samples free from contamination reached 45.45%. Only one sample from 132 analyzed samples violated the Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) of the Codex Committee. From the 132 analyzed samples, 72 samples (54.55%) were contaminated, from which 43.18% contaminated with residues from one pesticide residue, 6.06% with 2 residues and 5.3% with more than 2 residues. In addition, 2 caraway and one fennel samples contained 4 pesticide residues, one sample of marjoram contained 5 pesticide residues and one mint sample contained 6 pesticide residues. Six of the pesticides detected as residues in the analyzed food items were considered to be carcinogens at different levels of assurance

    Providing End-to-End Security Using Quantum Walks in IoT Networks

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    Internet of Things acts an essential role in our everyday lives and it definitely has the potential to grow on the importance and revolutionize our future. However, the present communication technologies have several security related issues which is required to provide secure end to end connectivity among services. Moreover, due to recent, rapid growth of quantum technologies, most common security mechanisms considered secure today may be soon imperilled. Thus, the modern security mechanisms during their construction also require the power of quantum technologies to resist various potential attacks from quantum computers. Because of its characteristics, quantum walks (QW) is considered as a universal quantum computation paradigm that can be accepted as an excellent key generator. In this regard, in this paper a new lightweight image encryption scheme based on QW for secure data transfer in the internet of things platforms and wireless networking with edge computing is proposed. The introduced approach utilises the power of nonlinear dynamic behaviour of QW to construct permutation boxes and generates pseudo-random numbers for encrypting the plain image after dividing it into blocks. The results of the conducted simulation and numerical analyses confirm that the presented encryption algorithm is effective. The encrypted images have randomness properties, no useful data about the ciphered image can be obtained via analysing the correlation of adjacent pixels. Moreover, the entropy value is close to 8, the number of the pixel change rate is greater than 99.61%, and there is high sensitivity of the key parameters with large key space to resist various attack

    Role of Goldenberry (Fruits with Husk) Extract in Ameliorating the Architecture and Osmotic Fragility of Red Blood Cells in Obese Rats

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    Goldenberry (GB) is a promising fruit that can be a constituent in many possible nourishments. No notifications were obtained regarding the impact of exposure to goldenberry extract in the viewpoint of blood rheological properties as well as erythrocyte osmotic fragility of red blood cells (RBCs) in obese rats. A substantial reduction in plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL, with a considerable increment in HDL levels relative to the obese group (p≤0.05), was observed in rats receiving low and high doses of GB, accompanied by restoration of SOD activity and GSH levels. Rheological parameters of rats' blood have been studied over a wide range of shear rates (225-1875 s-1). A significant decrease in blood viscosity in rats who received low and high doses of GB extract was compatible with every shear rate compared to the control group. The shear stress values of the obese rats reduced appreciably (p≤0.05) in all values of shear rate (from 75 to 500 s-1) proportional to the control group, while in the groups that received low and high doses of GB extract, shear stress was restored to the control values. Finally, administration of GB extract significantly decreased yield stress and indices of whole blood aggregation, with an extremely substantial increment in flow rate, in rats given low or high doses of GB compared to obese ones. The result also showed a decrease in both the average raised osmotic fragility and the hemolysis rate in rats after supplementation with low and high doses of GB extract