125 research outputs found

    Effect of Knives Type on Some Operational Characteristics fora Locally Assembly Motorized Vibration Cutter Used for Date Palm Fronds Pruning

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    The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of pruning cutting knives for locally assembly motorized vibration cutter on some operational characteristic used for date palm fronds. An implement was fabricated to cut the fronds around the date palm tree trunk. Three types of knife included A,B and Cwas used in this study .One frond cutting time, One palm frond cutting time, cutting level,productivity, noise level, vibration and efficiency was measured in this experiment . Complete block design with three replications was used in this study. Least significant differences (L.S.D) under 0.05 level was used to compeer the mean of treatment. The results showed thatB type gave a lower time in cutting one frond stood 3.11 sec. A type got lowest time of cutting three rows of fronds stood 1.74 min, also gave less differences in surface cutting level andlevel of noising stood 5.66 mm and 78.04 (db) respectively.B type knife got less vibration stood 5.25 m.sec-2. Also it gave the higher amount of productivitystood 8.80 palm /h. A type gave a high efficiency, it got 78.76%.Using manufacturing equipment for cutting date palm frond was successfully done

    Evaluation and improvement pedestrians characteristics for selection section of urban area

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    The pedestrians walking, crossing, environment and the influence of their movement with the traffic operations are the most important elements that must be taken into account in the design of roadways and intersections in the urban area. Thus the study seeks to evaluate the level of service (LOS) of sidewalks to identify the problems facing pedestrians in crossing and movements to suggest alternatives that would increase the safety, convenience, and efficiency of pedestrian’s movement within the study area, according to scientific methodology, based on the study of traffic analytical. The study has had been chosen two locations in the Baghdad capital, are Aden and Sana’a un signalized intersections. Data were collect for traffic volume and walking speed for pedestrians as well as sidewalk width. Rate of flow and effective walkway width within Peak Hour Volume ( PHV), with the aid of video technique method to cover engineering field survey and traffic, recorded data, due to workday (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), for the period from 20/11/2020 to30/03/2021. Data analysis was done by using the method of (highway capacity manual 2010) to determine (LOS) in the study area, rather than for roadside interview by designing a questionnaire form to identify the crosswalk users to get their opinions about the nature of the traffic facilities in the study area. The study concluded that (LOS) of pedestrians type (E&C) in Aden and Sana’a intersections respectively. The study conducted that when the excesses were eliminated from the walkway and provided buffer zones for pedestrians crossing. LOS will be increase to (B) and (C) respectively as well as the accident rate type vehicle pedestrians decrease by (20) percent, in the other hand marking and signing will be increase safety and convenience factors moreover provide appropriate time for vehicles and pedestrians crossing and movements

    Biometric Privacy Protection based on Combination of Hiding and Chaotic Encryption

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     نتيجة لاستخدام أنظمة القياسات الحيوية بكثرة، أصبحت سلامة ميزة القياسات الحيوية ذات أهمية كبيرة. عندما يتم نقل الصور البيومترية عبر قنوات غير آمنة أو تخزينها كبيانات أولية ، فإنها تصبح عرضة لخطر السرقة والتزوير والهجوم. يعد إخفاء البيانات أحد الأساليب الرئيسية لحماية الخصوصية. الهدف من إخفاء البيانات البيومترية هو تضمين البيانات الشخصية ززفي غلاف القياسات الحيوية والحفاظ على أداء التعرف. تقدم الفكرة الورقية مستويين من الأمان يعتمدان على الإخفاء والتشفير. يتم تجزأت صورة العين إلى جزئيين او منطقتين هما  (ROI)  (NROI) وبقصد بهما منطقة مهمة ومنطقة غير مهمة .يتم تضمين بيانات الخصوصية مع NROI ثم إعادة تجميع الصورة باستخدام ROI  للقزحية للحصول على صورة مدمجة. ثم يتم تطبيق التشفير العشوائي على الصورة المضمنة للحصول على مستوى عالٍ من الأمان. تم اختبار النتائج التجريبية باستخدام مجموعة بيانات CASIA1.تم استخدام مقياسيين هما PSNR و NC. أظهرت نتائج الاختبار قيمة عالية لل  PSNR مما يعني احتفاظ صورة الغلاف بجودتها وقيمة NC هي (1) مما يعني استرجاع مثالي للبيانات السرية. كما وتم اختبار طريقة التشفير باستخدام قياسات مثل الرسم البياني والارتباط والنتروبيا وجميع النتائج كانت جيدة.With the expanded use of biometric systems, the safety of the biometric feature has become increasingly important. When biometric images are transferred through unsafe channels or stored as raw data, they become at risk of theft, forgery and attack. Data hiding is one of the main techniques of Privacy Protection. The goal of biometric data hiding is for adequate personal data is to be included in the cover of Biometrics and to maintain recognition performance. The paper idea introduces two levels of security based on hiding and encryption. The eye image is segmented into two regions Region of Interest (ROI) and Non-Region of Interest (NROI), The iris segmentation method depends on the Circular Hough Transform (CHT). The privacy data is embedded with NROI and then reassemble the image with ROI (iris) to get the embedding image. Then chaotic encryption is applied on the embedded image to get a high level of security. The experimental results are tested using the CASIA1 data set. The tests of hiding level are done using measurements such as PSNR and NC. The results show that the suggested method gives a higher value of PSNR which means not destroy the cover image and the value of NC is (1) which means a perfect reconstruction of secret data. The tests on encryption levels show good results using measurements such as histogram, correlation, and entropy

    Electronic Transitions and Photovoltaic Properties of New Compounds as Organic Dye Sensitizers for Solar Cell

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    This work deals with electronic and photovoltaic properties of new compounds as organic dye sensitized for solar cell. The ground state calculations are carried out by employing the B3LYP-DFT method and the TD-DFT for excitation properties at the Gaussian 09 package of programs. The results showed the HOMO and LUMO are slightly different and this suggests that different structures play significant roles on electronic properties and improving the electron accepting ability. The obtained values of energy gap and the open circuit voltage are the parameters manipulating to improving the quality of solar cell devices. Also, the results show these compounds can be used as organic sensitizers for solar cell due to possibility of the electron injection process from the compounds to the conduction band of TiO2


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    This work presents procedures to utilise the finite element results of magnetic flux density vector to create animation tile which displays rapidly successive frames, prepared by postprocessing ,leading to the effect of moving flux to the viewer .The method is applied to 2-D transformt or  model showing excellent animation effect of the alternating flux in both the core area and the leakage flux area. The method is useful in analysis as the dynamic flux monitoring gives more details than static display. The method can be used to produce instructional materials giving the student an impression of the natural behaviour of the electromagnetic devices

    Pearson coefficient matrix for studying the correlation of community detection scores in multi-objective evolutionary algorithm

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    Assessing a community detection algorithm is a difficult task due to the absence of finding a standard definition for objective functions to accurately identify the structure of communities in complex networks. Traditional methods generally consider the detecting of community structure as a single objective issue while its optimization generally leads to restrict the solution to a specific property in the community structure. In the last decade, new community detection models have been developed. These are based on multi-objective formulation for the problem, while ensuring that more than one objective (normally two) can be simultaneously optimized to generate a set of non-dominated solutions. However the issue of which objectives should be co-optimized to enhance the efficiency of the algorithm is still an open area of research. In this paper, first we generate a candidate set of partitions by saving the last population that has been generated using single objective evolutionary algorithm (SOEA) and random partitions based on the true partition for a given complex network. We investigate the features of the structure of communities which found by fifteen existing objectives that have been used in literature for discovering communities. Then, we found the correlation between any two objectives using the pearson coefficient matrix. Extensive experiments on four real networks show that some objective functions have a strong correlation and others either neutral or weak correlations

    Mathematical simulation of memristive for classification in machine learning

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    Over the last few years, neuromorphic computation has been a widely researched topic. One of the neuromorphic computation elements is the memristor. The memristor is a high density, analogue memory storage, and compliance with Ohm's law for minor potential changes. Memristive behaviour imitates synaptic behaviour. It is a nanotechnology that can reduce power consumption, improve synaptic modeling, and reduce data transmission processes. The purpose of this paper is to investigate a customized mathematical model for machine learning algorithms. This model uses a computing paradigm that differs from standard Von-Neumann architectures, and it has the potential to reduce power consumption and increasing performance while doing specialized jobs when compared to regular computers. Classification is one of the most interesting fields in machine learning to classify features patterns by using a specific algorithm. In this study, a classifier based memristive is used with an adaptive spike encoder for input data. We run this algorithm based on Anti-Hebbian and Hebbian learning rules. These investigations employed two of datasets, including breast cancer Wisconsin and Gaussian mixture model datasets. The results indicate that the performance of our algorithm that has been used based on memristive is reasonably close to the optimal solution

    Room Temperature Conductance of Graphene Sheet as a Function of Some Variables Using LAD/SZ Method

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    Current study deals with the room temperature conductance of Graphene Sheets as a function of their binding energy and lengths. The structural properties of each sheet were calculated after the relax of the structures by performing the SIESTA-trunk-462 program. The results showed that the electric conductivity is inversely proportional to the theoretical separation of the gold electrode. The increase of the angle C-C-Au effects on the electric properties of the Graphene Sheet, the Sheet is became much conductive and effectient electrically at large angles. This may refers to that the electron transmission coefficient of the Graphene Sheet depends on the type of the contact of the top gold atoms of the pyramids with the anchor atoms in the Sheet

    Salt and Pepper Noise Removal Using Resizable Window and Gaussian Estimation Function

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    Most types of the images are corrupted in many ways that because exposed to different types of noises. The corruptions happen during transmission from space to another, during storing or capturing. Image processing has various techniques to process the image. Before process the image, there is need to remove noise that corrupt the image and enhance it to be as near as to the original image. This paper proposed a new method to process a particular common type of noise. This method removes salt and pepper noise by using many techniques. First, detect the noisy pixel, then increasing the size of the pixel window depending on some criteria to be enough to estimate the results. To estimates the pixels of image, the Gaussian estimation function is used. The resulted image quality is measured by the statistical quantity measures that's Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and The Structural Similarity (SSIM) metrics. The results illustrate the quality of the enhanced image compared with the other traditional techniques. The slight gradual of SSIM metric described the performance of the proposed method with high increasing of noise levels