11 research outputs found
Synthesis of monodispersed model catalysts using softlanding cluster deposition
In nanocatalysis, clusters deposited on solid, well-defined surfaces play an important role. For the detection of size effects it is, however, important to prepare samples consisting of deposited clusters of a single size, as their chemical properties change with the exact number of atoms in the cluster. In this paper, the experimental tools are presented to prepare such model systems. The existence of monodispersed clusters is confirmed by various experimental findings. First, the carbonyl formation of deposited Nin clusters shows no change in the nuclearity when comparing the size of the deposited clusters with one of the formed carbonyls. Second, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) studies show that fragmentation of Sin clusters upon deposition can be excluded. In addition, the adsorption behavior of CO on deposited Pd atoms points to the existence of single atoms on the surface. Furthermore, CO oxidation results on Aun clusters confirm the existence of monodispersed clusters trapped on well-defined adsorption sites. Finally, we use Monte-Carlo simulations to define the range of clusters and defect densities, for which monodispersed clusters can be expecte
L’affaire Ryniker et l’abolition des peines corporelles en droit suisse
La bastonnade infligée en 1865 par les tribunaux uranais au citoyen argovien Ryniker pour avoir distribué une brochure panthéiste connaît un etentissement dans toute la Suisse. L’affaire intervient dans un contexte de Kulturkampf et aboutira, après deux échecs, à l’interdiction des peines corporelles et des peines pour motifs religieux dans la constitution de 1874. La fustigation continuera cependant à être appliquée par certains cantons durant l’instruction pénale ou à titre de sanction disciplinaire en prison jusqu’au début du XXe siècle