234 research outputs found

    Determination of stability and control parameters of a general aviation airplane from flight data

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    Values for the stability and control parameters for a general aviation airplane were determined from flight data. Lateral and longitudinal transient maneuvers were analyzed by the equation error and output error methods. There was a good agreement between the parameters extracted from flight data and those predicted by wind tunnel

    Measuring the Engagement of the Learner in a Controlled Environment Using Three Different Biosensors

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    Irrespective of the educational model, the major challenge is how to achieve maximum efficiency of the education process and keep learners engaged during learning. This paper investigates the relationship between emotions and engagement in the E-learning environment, and how recognizing the learners emotions and changing the content delivery accordingly can affect the efficiency of the E-learning process. The proposed experiment aims to identify ways to increase the engagement of the learners, hence, enhance the efficiency of the learning process and the quality of learning. A controlled experiment was conducted to investigate participants emotions using bio sensors such as eye tracker, EEG, and camera to capture facial images in different emotional states. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and t-Test was carried out to compare the performance of the three groups and show if there was an effect of using the Affective E-learning system to improve the learners performance. Our findings support the conclusion that using bio sensors as a quantitative research tool to investigate human behaviours and measure emotions in real time can significantly enhance the efficiency of E-learning

    Affective Computing to Enhance E-Learning in Segregated Societies

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    According to UN Women, to build stronger economies, it is essential to empower women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors. Increasing women and girls’ education enhances their chances to participate in the labor market. In certain cultures, like in Saudi Arabia, women contribution to the public economy growth is very limited. According to the World Bank, less than 20 percent of the female population participate in the labor force. This low participation rate has many reasons. One of them, is the educational level and educational quality for females. Although Saudi Arabia has about thirty three universities, opportunities are still limited for women because of the restrictions of access put upon them. A mixture of local norms, traditions, social beliefs, and principles preventing women from receiving full benefits from the educational system. Gender segregation is one of the challenges that limits the women access for education. It causes a problem due to the shortage of female faculty throughout the country. To overcome this problem, male faculty are allowed to teach female students under certain regulations and following a certain method of education delivery and interaction. However, most of these methods lack face-to-face communication between the teacher and students, which lowers the interactivity level and, accordingly, the students’ engagement, and increases the need for other alternatives. The e-learning model is one of high benefit for female students in such societies. Recognizing the students’ engagement is not straightforward in the e-learning model. To measure the level of engagement, the learner’s mood or emotions should be taken into consideration to help understanding and judging the level of engagement. This paper is to investigate the relationship between emotions and engagement in the e-learning environment, and how recognizing the learner’s emotions and change the content delivery accordingly can affect the efficiency of the e-learning process. The proposed experiment alluded to herein should help to find ways to increase the engagement of the learners, hence, enhance the efficiency of the learning process and the quality of learning, which will increase the chances and opportunities for women in such societies to participate more effectively in the labor market

    Thermal conductivity of mine backfill

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    Energy conservation is a national strategy for every country. To avoid shortage of energy and high prices, the green sustainable energy resources have become the center of attention. Mining as a prominent industry in Canada consumes a huge amount of energy, so any reduction in energy consumption would result in higher production and profit. In 2005, Hassani of McGill University proposed the use of mine stopes as the heat exchange area for the production of low temperature geothermal energy, since the extraction of ore/ rocks and the backfilling is a part of normal mining operation, then the very low cost associated with the implementation of such system, will make it very viable for mining industry. This work is in collaboration with energy research team of professor Hassani of McGill University (EMERG). This is a part of an overall research program on low temperature geothermal energy from mines. The research was focused primarily on investigating and obtaining a range values for thermal conductivity of different mine backfills, as well as the effect of some of the associated physical parameters. More than 800 samples and 2000 measurements were done on different backfills with different physical properties. This preliminary investigation indicates that pulp density, binder consumption, curing time, and sodium silicate content have negligible to slight influence on the thermal conductivity of backfill. However parameters such as saturation, and to a lesser extent porosity and the thermal conductivity of the inert material, have more significant influence

    A hybrid expert system assisting decision making for distribution system load forecasting.

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    This paper introduces a typically intelligent hybrid expert system (ES) for an annualized distribution system load forecasting. The proposed ES has the capability of predicting the annual distribution substation load growth, and patterns of subsequent load shifts, in the case of a substation overload. Also, possible expected system expansion plans are introduced. The parameters of the load growth model are estimated for each substation. The load transfer model is chosen to follow the Weibull distribution function and to simulate different factors affecting the transfer process. The ES is developed using an artificial intelligence language (PROLOG), and is applied to Alexandria city, 66/11 kV power distribution network

    Data hiding method based on D basic characteristics

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    The main target of this paper is to propose an algorithm to implement data hiding in DNA sequences to increase the complexity by using software point of view. By utilizing some intere sting features of DNA sequences, the implementation of a data hiding is applied. The algorithm which has been proposed here is based on binary coding and the complementary pair rules. Therefore, DNA reference sequence is chosen and also a secret message M is hidden into it. After applying three steps, M ´ ´ ´ is come out. Finally, M ´ ´ ´ is sent to the receiver. When the receiver takes the M ´ ´ ´, the process of identifying and extracting the original message M, which has been hidden in DNA reference sequence, begins. In addition, security issues are demonstrated to inspect the complexity of the algorithm

    Pemberdayaan perempuan melalui program batik tulis : studi pada pusat kegiatan belajar masyarakat Basmala Desa Tambakan Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Khabib Al Abbasy (1601046043): Pemberdayaan Perempuan Melalui Program Batik Tulis (Studi Pada Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat Basmala Desa Tambakan Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan). Pemberdayaan perempuan menjadi masalah yang amat sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Pemberdayaan terhadap perempuan dapat dilakukan dengan memberi perhatian lebih terhadap perolehan pendapatan bagi kaum perempuan melalui pemberian peluang atau kesempatan yang sekiranya dapat mendorong perempuan menjadi yang lebih produktif. Program PKBM Basmala adalah salah satu program pemerintah dalam bidang pemberdayaan perempuan yang berupaya mengangkat status dan peran perempuan dari ketidak mandirian secara ekonomi dengan memberikan kemampuan atau suatu kekuatan pada perempuan untuk dapat menjadi perempuan yang mandiri dengan potensi yang ada pada diri mereka. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua rumusan masalah yakni:(1) Bagaimana proses pemberdayaan perempuan melalui program Batik Tulis di PKBM Basmala Desa Tambakan Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan.(2) Bagaimana hasil dari pemberdayaan perempuan melalui program Batik Tulis di PKBM Basmala Desa Tambakan Gubug Kabupaten Gerobogan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah:(1) Untuk mengetahui proses pemberdayaan perempuan di PKBM Basmala Desa Tambakan Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan.(2) Untuk mengetahui hasil yang dicapai oleh Pemberdayaan Perempuan di PKBM Basmala Desa Tambakan Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Sedangkan tahap analisa data penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi tahap sebelum di lapangan, tahap selama di lapangan, dan tahap kesimpulan atau verifikasi data. Hasil Penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa program pemberdayaan perempuan melalui Batik Tulis PKBM Basmala di Desa Tambakan Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan adalah melalui beberapa tahap yakni: Tahap penyadaran, Tahap pengkapasitasan, Tahap pendayaan. Adapun hasil dari pemberdayaan prempuan melalui Batik Tulis PKBM Basmala di Desa Tambakan Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan Adalah melalui beberapa aspek yakni: aspek pendidikan, aspek politik, aspek budaya

    Menghitung Jumlah Segitiga pada Sebuah Graf Menggunakan Brute Force Berdasarkan Verteks dengan OpenMP

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    aringan merupakan suatu istilah umum yang sedang berkembang pesat saat ini, umumnya jaringan merepresentasikan banyak tipe data pada berbagai bidang. Jaringan dapat direpresentasikan sebagai graf. Graf memuat sub graf yang dapat membentuk segitiga. Terdapat beberapa metode yang terkait untuk menghitung jumlah segitiga (Triangle counting), di antaranya algoritma brute force. Algoritma ini menghasilkan akurasi yang tinggi, tetapi membutuhkan komputasi yang sangat lama. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan analisis implementasi paralel terhadap brute force untuk menghitung jumlah segitiga pada graf dengan menggunakan Open MP dan secara distribusi data. Dengan diparalelkan secara distribusi data ini diperoleh speed up 2.28131 secara cyclic dan 2.23429 secara paralel biasa yang selisih speed up 0.04702 dimana cyclic cukup baik. </p

    Multi-Objective Multi-Project Construction Scheduling Optimization

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    In construction industry, contractors usually manage and execute multiple projects simultaneously within their portfolio. This involves sharing of limited resources such as funds, equipment, manpower, and others among different projects, which increases the complexity of the scheduling process. The allocation of scarce resources then becomes a major objective of the problem and several compromises should be made to solve the problem to the desired level of optimality. In such cases, contractors are generally concerned with optimizing a number of different objectives, often conflicting among each other. Thus, the main objective of this research is to develop a multi-objective scheduling optimization model for multiple construction projects considering both financial and resource aspects under a single platform. The model aims to help contractors in devising schedules that obtain optimal/near optimal tradeoffs between different projects’ objectives, namely: duration of multiple projects, total cost, financing cost, maximum required credit, profit, and resource fluctuations. Moreover, the model offers the flexibility in selecting the desired set of objectives to be optimized together. Three management models are built in order to achieve the main objective which involves the development of: (1) a scheduling model that establishes optimal/near optimal schedules for construction projects; (2) a resource model to calculate the resource fluctuations and maximum daily resource demand; and (3) a cash flow model to calculate projects’ financial parameters. The three management models are linked with the designed optimization model, which consequently performs operations of the elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) technique, in three main phases: (1) population initialization; (2) fitness evaluation; and (3) generation evolution. The optimization model is implemented and tested using different case studies of different project sizes obtained from literature. Finally, an automated tool using C# language is built with a friendly graphical user interface to facilitate solving multi-objective scheduling optimization problems for contractors and practitioners

    Use of Health Information Technology in Patient Care Management: a Mixed Method Study in Iran

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    Introduction: New computerized system, including health information technologies (HITs), plays an important role in the efficacy of management and nursing care services.&nbsp;Objective: This study was aimed to determine the use of HIT in patient care management, in a case study in Iran.&nbsp;Methods: This mixed method study was conducted in 2018 at the Kowsar Hospital of Semnan, Iran. Data collection was performed, using an observational checklist, and a questionnaire, including two main parts, one demographic and other assessment of information technology (IT) application in the care management of inpatients. The researcher prepared the questionnaire and its validity was verified. The data were organized and analyzed in the form of a descriptive analytic report. In the process of data collection 10 participants, including nurses, head nurses, physicians, radiology experts and IT managers were interviewed, and data analysis was performed, using conventional content analysis.&nbsp;Results: Nurses were satisfied with the computerized system and believed it can expedite the job. From the nurse’s viewpoint, the most common use of the HIT was to have access (observation) to patient admission and discharge information (100%), providing medicine and equipment, and transfer of patients (92.3%). The least use of IT was the retrieval of evidence in the care process (0%), and judgment and analysis related to radiological diagnostic procedures (0%). The potential of electronic record is still not applicable.&nbsp;Conclusion: Use of modern information and communication technology in hospitals facilitates access and transfer of information, and also accelerates patient’s admission and discharge process, relation between hospital units, simplifying the administration of current affairs and providing the necessary medical supplies and diagnostic procedures. However, modifying organizational policies improves the infrastructure, and enhances nurses' motivation in documentation of nursing reports, which can be effective in increasing the impact of IT in care management processes, especially in electronic record and nurse’s clinical judgment and evidence-based care
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