86 research outputs found

    The Salts of Nitronic acid as CO2-Corrosion Inhibitors

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    The salts of nitronic acids were obtained by nitration of higher olefins, both normal and isomeric structure in the presence of aqueous alkali. The resulting salts (Na+, K+, NH4+), were tested in CO2 -media as a corrosion inhibitor. The results showed that, the protective effect of the linear nitronated olefins increases by increasing the number of carbon atoms. This is due to the fact that because of  the branched structure of the compounds, it is much more difficult to form a dense protective layer on the metal surface. 20% solutions of nitronated ethanolamine in isopropyl alcohol was synthesized and tested as corrosion inhibitor in carbon dioxide environments. The results showed that diethanolamine nitron based on a mixture of normal olefins C16-C18 at a concentration of 50 ppm has a high protective effect of  99.69%

    Problems of procedural rights abuse

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    In this article, the monographic and scientific publications, the practice of unfair realization of rights by the participants of the process are analyzed based on the analysis of certain international legal act


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    To create conservation fluids and lubricants based on the oil acids and polyethylene polyamine (PEPA) synthesized amidoamines, and based on α-olefins (C12, C14 and C16-C18) and the nitric acids-nitro compounds. Using of amido, nitro and solid n-paraffins in the turbine oil T-30 (Standard 32-74) formulated lubricants and conservation fluid which are tested under different conditions. It is shown that in comparison with the preservative fluid, the preservative lubrication more effective

    Adaptive potential of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) varieties of Azerbaijan

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    Background. Studies into the adaptability of the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and their wild relatives to various environments are induced by global climate change. Introduction of adaptive wheat cultivars resistant to environmental stressors is the basis for stable harvests. This article presents the results of a research into the adaptive value of indigenous durum wheat varieties and improved cultivars released in different years in Azerbaijan.Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out in the foothills of Mountainous Shirvan under unsecured non-irrigation at Gobustan Experiment Station of the Research Institute of Crop Husbandry. In 2012–2014, contrasting in weather conditions, levels and structure of yield were analyzed. VIR’s guidelines were used to study 42 durum wheat varie ties, including 10 landraces. The years of study differed sharply in rainfall. Selyaninov’s hydrothermal coefficient was used to assess the conditions of growing seasons.Results. Mostly modern cultivars of the semi-intensive type were distinguished for a set of agrobiological traits. Adaptability coefficients (0.81–1.23) showed that the response of the studied varieties to unfavorable conditions was highly expressed. Indigenous landraces ‘Ag bughda’ and ‘Bozak’, old breeding varieties ‘Arandani’, ‘Ag bughda 13’, ‘Kahraba’ and ‘Mirbashir 50’, and new cultivars ‘Karagilchig 2’ and ‘Barakatli 95’ had the highest adaptability coefficients. The first of them demonstrated stable yield, and the latter two were also resistant to stressors.Conclusion. Durum wheat yields under the conditions of moderately continental climate in Mountainous Shirvan depended on the number and weight of grains per ear. The varieties identified for the best adaptability are recommended to be included in crosses to develop new plastic cultivars of durum wheat

    Extractive Dearomatization of Naphthalane Oil Fraction with Ionic Liquid and -N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone

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    In the article are given an analysis of the results of researches carried out for the purpose of selective treatment of the Naphthalane oil fraction boiling at 260-3400C with ionic liquid (IL) -morfolinphormiate synthesized on the basis formic acid + morpholine and - N-methyl-2-pyrrolidon (N-MP) and  as an extractant. The aim is to remove poisonous components -  sulfur compounds and toxic carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in order to improve therapeutic properties of Naphthalane oil cut. For this purpose we have used extraction method. On the basis of the conducted researches the role of -N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and IL-morpholinephormiatee in extraction conditions have been determined in selective treatment of Nafthalan oil, according to the results of spectral analysis residual amount of aromatic hydrocarbons decreased from 18.5% wt accordance to 2%, 1.5%. As well as the amount of sulphur decreased from 0.0354% to 0.010%,  0.011% and 0.019%.In the next stage the treated raffinates with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone has been purified on silica. In a result amount of aromatic hydrocarbons drastically decrease to be 0.07% and 0.02%. As a result we aquire transparency and at the same time the percentage amount of aromatic hydrocarbons drastically decreased from 2% to 0,07%, 1.5%, to 0.02%. Raffinates obtained in a 2-4 stage dearomatization with N-MP and IL. Raffinate are measured on NMR, UV and IR spectral analysis

    Analysis of Structure Destroyed Metal after Diffusion Heat Treatment

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    It was accomplished research of the structure steel which carbonitriding and subsequent heat treatment was exposed for its cause's destruction to discover. For measure quality field of metal were used methods optical, appearing electronic microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Therefore one of the principal problems were research phase composition, grain and dislocation structure of a metal the gear teeth. Mechanism of rising hear cracks in the gear teeth on different stages her making and their trajectories of evolution were determined


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    ABSTRACT • CO 2 flooding can increase oil recovery by 7-15% Experimental simulation of chemical reaction behavior between gas-forming (GF) and carbonate rock components has been conducted. During the reaction an allocation of carbon dioxide and pressure change in PVT bombe were discovered. In these series of experiments a dynamics of pressure and temperature changes during stoichiometric reaction between GF reactant and a carbonate rock was investigated. The GY component was prepared on fresh water (Shollar). As a carbonate rock samples, Karadag rock deposits (Azerbaijan) were used. Researches were conducted at constant temperature Т=293 K and at various volumetric ratios of GY reactant and a carbonate rock The quantity of reacting agents was defined from stoichiometric correlation which provided a full neutralization of the tested rock

    ISSR Analysis of Variability of Cultivated Form and Varieties of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) from Azerbaijan

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    The article presents the results of a study of genetic polymorphism for the first time carried out on pomegranate varieties and forms of Azerbaijan origin using molecular markers. In total, 102 PCR fragments were identified, of which 80 were polymorphic. The high level of polymorphism (75.5%) and the rich genetic diversity were identified among the studied pomegranate collection. As a result of data analysis and on the basis of the values of the basic parameters (PIC, EMR, MI, RP, MRP) determining informativeness of markers, all 14 ISSR primers were suitable for genotyping pomegranate accessions. The most effective markers (UBC808, UBC811, UBC834, and UBC840) were identified among the set of primers tested. A dendrogram was constructed on the basis of the data obtained, which made it possible to group genotypes into 16 major clusters. The genetic similarity index ranged from 0.032 to 0.94. The study of the genetic relationship of different pomegranate varieties confirms the effectiveness of the ISSR method, which makes it possible to determine the level of genetic diversity, as well as to establish the relationship among the studied pomegranate accessions

    Результаты лечения рабдомиосаркомы мочеполовой системы у детей. Собственный 15-летний опыт

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    Background. Despite significount successes in treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma of urogenital system in children there are unresolved questions of choise of optimal chemotherapys combinations, intensity of chemotherapy, volumes and terms of radiotherapy, tactics of treatment residual tumors in last 3 decades.The objective: show 15 years experience of treatment local and locally prevalent rhabdomyosarcoma urogenital system in children. The prognosis for children and adolescents with rhabdomyosarcoma has improved with refinements in multi-modal therapy.Materials and methods. In reseach are included 86 patients with a median age of 8.4 (0.7–17) with a local genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma, treated in N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Centre of Oncology from 2000 to 2016. All patients were treated in different riskadopted clinical protocol included chemotherapy and radiotherapy (IRS, SIOP, CWS and local protocol DORMS-6).Results. A 10-year overall survival and disease-free survival rates were 76 and 72 % in the entire group rhabdomyosarcoma patients, respectively.Conclusion. The effectiveness of the risk-adopted strategy in the genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma treatment as well as the need of new approaches and in the cases of residual viable tumor after induction chemotherapy was demonstrated. Введение. Несмотря на существенные успехи в лечении рабдомиосаркомы мочеполовой системы у детей, в последние 3 десятилетия нерешенными остаются вопросы выбора оптимальных комбинаций химиопрепаратов, интенсивности химиотерапии, объемов и сроков проведения лучевой терапии, тактики в отношении резидуальных опухолей.Цель исследования – представить 15‑летний опыт лечения локализованной и местно-распространенной рабдомиосаркомы мочеполовой системы у детей.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 86 пациентов (средний возраст 8,4 года (0,7–17 лет)) с эмбриональной рабдомиосаркомой мочеполовой системы, получавших лечение в НМИЦ онкологии им. Н. Н. Блохина в период с 2000 по 2016 г. Лечение проводили согласно риск-адаптированным клиническим протоколам (IRS, SIOP, CWS-10, ДОРМС-6) на базе критериев TNM, IRSG и COG.Результаты. Десятилетняя общая выживаемость и безрецидивная выживаемость в общей группе составила 76 и 72 % соответственно. Заключение. Показаны эффективность риск-адаптированной терапии рабдомиосаркомы мочеполовой системы у детей, необходимость поиска новых подходов для пациентов с нерадикально удаленными и резидуальными опухолями