84 research outputs found

    Intra-segment coordination variability in road cyclists during pedaling at different intensities

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    Background: The purpose of this study is to examine the lower extremity intra-segment coordination and variability of road cyclists during pedaling at different intensities. Methods: Eleven semi-professional road cyclists perform four trials at workloads of 50%, 75%, 100%, and 125% of their maximum power output in a randomized order. Thigh, shank, and foot range of motions (ROM) and the coordination and variability of these segments are compared across different pedaling intensities. Results: Foot ROM in the sagittal plane and shank ROM in the transverse plane are significantly different between different pedaling intensities. Moreover, specific coupling patterns and variabilities are observed across the pedaling cycle; however, they were not significantly different across different pedaling intensities in four pedaling phases. Conclusion: The results highlight the role of knee extensors and plantar flexors during the first and second half of the propulsion phase of pedaling, respectively. Thigh abduction dominancy with faster movement compared to the shank indicates a more valgus stress during the propulsive phase of pedaling, which can increase the risk of overuse injuries in the knee. Moreover, the smaller variability during the transition between the propulsive and recovery phases indicates a reduction in degrees of freedom and may increase the risk of overuse injuries

    Outcome of Patients Underwent Emergency Department Thoracotomy and Its Predictive Factors

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    Introduction: Emergency department thoracotomy (EDT) may serve as the last survival chance for patients who arrive at hospital in extremis. It is considered as an effective tool for improvement of traumatic patients’ outcome. The present study was done with the goal of assessing the outcome of patients who underwent EDT and its predictive factors. Methods: In the present study, medical charts of 50 retrospective and 8 prospective cases underwent emergency department thoracotomy (EDT) were reviewed during November 2011 to June 2013. Comparisons between survived and died patients were performed by Mann-Whitney U test and the predictive factors of EDT outcome were measured using multivariate logistic regression analysis. P < 0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: Fifty eight cases of EDT were enrolled (86.2% male). The mean age of patients was 43.27±19.85 years with the range of 18-85. The mean time duration of CPR was recorded as 37.12±12.49 minutes. Eleven cases (19%) were alive to be transported to OR (defined as ED survived). The mean time of survival in ED survived patients was 223.5±450.8 hours. More than 24 hours survival rate (late survived) was 6.9% (4 cases). Only one case (1.7%) survived to discharge from hospital (mortality rate=98.3%). There were only a significant relation between ED survival and SBP, GCS, CPR duration, and chest trauma (p=0.04). The results demonstrated that initial SBP lower than 80 mmHg (OR=1.03, 95% CI: 1.001-1.05, p=0.04) and presence of chest trauma (OR=2.6, 95% CI: 1.75-3.16, p=0.02) were independent predictive factors of EDT mortality. Conclusion: The findings of the present study showed that the survival rate of trauma patients underwent EDT was 1.7%. In addition, it was defined that falling systolic blood pressure below 80 mmHg and blunt trauma of chest are independent factors that along with poor outcome

    Assessment of the protective effect of vitamin E on the quality of spermatogenesis and sperm parameters in rats exposed to lead

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    Background and aims: Vitamins are a rich source of antioxidants that can neutralize the harmful effects of lead on spermatogenesis and sperm parameters. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of vitamin E on spermatogenesis and sperm parameters in lead-exposed rats. Methods: This is an experimental study on 45 male Wistar that were allocated to 5 groups: distilled water gavage, intraperitoneal distilled water, vitamin E, lead, and lead+ vitamin E. All the rats were exposed to lead for 30 days. Then, the rats were sacrificed and sperm count, motility and morphology of sperm chromatin, and epididymitis and testis weight were investigated. Results: The findings showed significant differences in weight gain, epididymitis weight, sperm death, the highest mobility of sperm among the groups (P>0.05). Vitamin E and control (gavage) rats experienced more weight than other groups. There was a significant difference in the highest mobility of sperm between peritoneal control group and other groups (P0.05). There was a significant difference in sperm death between lead group, and the control groups and vitamin E group (P>0.05) with the least sperm death. Vitamin E group had a significantly lower sperm death than other groups. There was no significant difference in the testis weight, normal morphology, and normal DNA among the groups (P<0.05). Vitamin E had noticeable effects on gaining weight, epididymitis weight, and survived sperm, and a noticeable reducing effect on lead's harmful side effects on the sperm. Conclusions: The results indicate the protective effects of vitamin E on spermatogenesis quality and some sperm parameters in rats exposed to lead

    Potential Risk Factors of Death in Multiple Trauma Patients

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    Introduction: Trauma has been recognized as one of the leading causes of death in many countries for decades. Reduction in mortality and morbidity rate of trauma cases is one of the most important attitudes in this field. Evaluation of different risk factors have been considered as the main goal of some studies. The purpose of this study was determining potential risk factors of death in trauma patients. Method: In a retrograde study, data of 740 patients admitted during three years (2009-2011) were studied. Demographic data (sex and age), clinical factors (blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, Glasgow coma scale (GCS)), trauma characteristics (location, type of injury, etc.), as well as outcome of patients were evaluated. Data analyses was done using SPSS 18.0. Stepwise multivariate regression analysis was used for recognition of independent predictive factors of death in multiple trauma patients. Results: Of those admitted, majority of patients were male (81.4%), 68% between 18 to 60 years, and 11.2% of them died during the course of treatment. Age; type of trauma; abnormal respiration rate, pulse rate, blood pressure; total GCS ≤8; abnormal pupil size; and head and neck; vertebral, and extremities fractures were obtained as significant predictive factor of death. GCS≤8, head and neck fracture, and abnormal pulse rate were independent death predictors. Conclusion: We identified GCS≤8, head and neck fracture, and abnormal pulse rate as predictive factors of mortality after trauma, which remained independent in the presence of all other factors and potentially treatable

    Assessment of nurses, patient satisfaction, patient attendants in educational hospitals in Ahvaz city health development plan in 2015

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    زمینه و هدف: طرح تحول نظام سلامت یکی از خدمات ارزنده دولت یازدهم در حوزه سلامت به شمار می&zwnj;رود. هدف این مطالعه، بررسی میزان رضایتمندی پرستاران، بیماران و همراهان از اجرای طرح تحول نظام سلامت در بیمارستان&zwnj;های آموزشی شهر اهواز در سال 1394 بود. روش &zwnj;بررسی: مطالعه حاضر از نوع توصیفی تحلیلی است. جامعه پژوهش شامل 300 نفر از پرستاران، 300 بیمار و 300 همراه بیمار از بیمارستان&zwnj;های آموزشی شهر اهواز بود. نمونه&zwnj;گیری به صورت تصادفی ساده انجام شد. ابزار پژوهش پرسشنامه محقق&zwnj;ساخته بود. نحوه نمره&zwnj;دهی به&zwnj;صورت لیکرت سه گزینه&zwnj;ای (رضایت کامل، رضایت متوسط و ناراضی از اجرای طرح تحول) بود. آنالیز داده&zwnj;ها با استفاده از نرم&zwnj;افزار SPSS و آزمون&zwnj;های آماری توصیفی( میانگین، انحراف معیار)، آزمون&zwnj;های آماری تی&zwnj;مستقل و آنالیز واریانس یکطرفه انجام شد. یافته&zwnj;&zwnj;ها: میانگین نمرات رضایت از طرح تحول سلامت بترتیب در پرستاران، همراهان و بیماران 42/6&plusmn;64/30، 52/7&plusmn;45/29 و 75/5&plusmn;65/26 بود. نتایج نشان داد که 1/83 ناراضی، 4/16 رضایت متوسط و 5/0 کاملاً راضی بودند. میزان رضایت همراهان بیمار 5/35 ناراضی، 4/55 رضایت متوسط و 1/9 کاملاً راضی بودند. میزان رضایت بیماران از طرح، 5/33 ناراضی، 5/57 رضایت متوسط و 9 کاملاً راضی بودند. نتیجه&zwnj;&zwnj;گیری: اکثریت نمونه&zwnj;های پژوهش (بیمار و همراه) از اجرای طرح تحول نظام سلامت راضی بودند، اما غالب پرستاران از اجرای طرح تحول نظام سلامت ناراضی بودند؛ لذا پیشنهاد می&zwnj;شود این پژوهش در سایر بیمارستان&zwnj;ها نیز انجام شود تا نتایج آن&zwnj;ها با هم دیگر مقایسه گردد

    III-V-on-silicon photonic integrated circuits for communication and sensing applications

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    We review the integration of III-V semiconductors on silicon photonic integrated circuits as a way of realizing fully integrated silicon photonic transceivers and short-wave infrared spectroscopic sensors

    The Prevalence of Pain and the Role of Analgesic Drugs in Pain Management in Patients with Trauma in Emergency Department

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    Background: Pain could potentially affect all aspects of patient admission course and outcome in emergency&nbsp;department (ED) when left undertreated. The alleviation of acute pain remains simply affordable but is usually,&nbsp;and sometimes purposefully, left untreated in patients with trauma. This study challenged the conventional&nbsp;emergency department policies in reducing the intensity of acute pain considering the pharmacological treatments.Methods: In this case-control study, the prevalence and intensity of pain in 200 patients were evaluated on&nbsp;admission (T1) and 24 hours later (T2) based on the valid, standardized 10-point numeric rating scale (NRS 0-10) for pain intensity. A group of patients received analgesic drugs and others did not. Changes in pain&nbsp;patterns regarding different aspects of trauma injuries in these two groups were compared.Results: The pain prevalence was high both on admission and 24 hours later. 51.5% of the study population&nbsp;received analgesics and 77.6% of them reported a decrease in the intensity of their pain. Only half of the&nbsp;patients, who did not receive any medication, reported a decrease in their pain intensity after 24 hours. The&nbsp;most beneficial policy to manage the acute pain was a combination therapy of the injury treatment and a&nbsp;supplementary pharmacological intervention.Conclusions: Pharmacological management of pain in patients with trauma is shown to be significantly&nbsp;beneficial for patients as it eases getting along with the pain, and still seems not to affect the diagnostic aspects&nbsp;of the trauma. Pain management protocols or algorithms could potentially minimize the barriers in current pain&nbsp;management of patients with trauma

    Effect of opium on glucose metabolism and lipid profiles in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes

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    Wstęp: To eksperymentalne badanie przeprowadzono w celu określenia wpływu stosowania opium na profil lipidowy i metabolizm glukozy u szczurów z cukrzycą wywołaną podaniem streptozotocyny. Materiał i metody: Aby ocenić wpływ opium, 20 samców podzielono na dwie grupy: kontrolną (n = 10) i otrzymującą opium (n = 10). Po wywołaniu cukrzycy przez 35 dni codziennie mierzono stężenie glukozy we krwi zwierząt. Profil lipidowy i odsetek hemoglobiny A1c (HbA1c) określono na poczatku badania (przed wywołaniem cukrzycy) i w 35. dniu obserwacji. Wyniki: Poziom glikemii u szczurów, którym podawano opium i w grupie kontrolnej był podobny (544,8 &#177; 62,2 mg/dl v. 524,6 &#177; 50,0 mg/dl, P = 0,434). Ponadto, nie stwierdzono różnic między grupą leczoną i kontrolną w zakresie wartości HbA1c (6,5 &#177; 0,5% v. 6,6 &#177; 0,2%, P = 0,714). Również stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego, cholesterolu frakcji HDL, triglicerydów i lipoproteiny (a) były podobne w obu grupach. Wnioski: Stosowanie opium nie ma istotnego wpływu na metabolizm glukozy i profil lipidowy u szczurów z eksperymentalnie wywołaną cukrzycą.Background: This experimental study was performed to determine the impact of opium use on serum lipid profile and glucose metabolism in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Material and methods: To determine the effect of opium, 20 male rats were divided into control (n = 10) and opium-treated (n = 10) groups. After diabetes induction, the animals were investigated for daily glucose measurements for 35 days. Serum lipid profile and haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) were assayed at the baseline (before induction of diabetes) and at 35-day follow-up. Results: The glycaemia levels in the rats treated with opium were similar to the levels measured in the control rats (544.8 &#177; 62.2 mg/dl v. 524.6 &#177; 50.0 mg/dl, P = 0.434). In addition, there was no difference between the opium-treated rats and control rats in HbA1c (6.5 &#177; 0.5% v. 6.6 &#177; 0.2%, P = 0.714). Compared to the control rats, the serum total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), triglyceride and lipoprotein (a) in the test animals were similar. Conclusion: Opium use has no significant effect on glucose metabolism and serum lipid profile in rats with induced diabetes