16 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective was to study the assessment of the possible cardiotoxic effect of imatinib using echocardiography.Methods: Prospective study included 50 patients that treated at the National Hematology Center of Al-Mustansiriya University from May 2008 to December 2009, echocardiography was used to measure the cardiac ejection fraction accurately, indices of ventricular ejection and relaxation and measurement of left ventricular internal diameter in diastole and (LVIDd) at baseline and after 12 months.Results: 24 (41%) were men and 26 (59%) were women. Their ages ranged from 18 to 74 years, with a median age of 36.8 years. At baseline, mean EF was 0.63±0.057 and after 12 months; mean EF was 0.64±0.068 (p>0.05). Mean peak emptying rate at baseline was 3.23±0.5 ED/s, and after 1 year was 3.21±0.5 ED/s (p>0.05). Time to peak filling rate at baseline was 144±26 ms, and after 1 year was 143±25 ms (p>0.05). There is a significant inverse trend for both LVIDd and LVID in systole (LVIDs) reduced as age increase; the female had significantly lower LVIDd and LVIDs compared to male.Conclusion: We find no evidence of significant impairment in cardiac function over 12 months of imatinib treatment. Advancing age associated with reduced cardiac performance for patients receiving imatinib

    Outcome of Endoscopic Repair of CSF Rhinorrhea with Endonasal Endoscopic Approach in terms of Success of Repair.

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    Objective: This descriptive case series conducted to evaluate the outcome of CSF rhinorrhea repair with the Endonasal Endoscopic approach in terms of success of the repair.Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at Neurosurgery department, Unit II, Punjab institute of neurosciences, Lahore. This study involved 40 patients aged between 3-80 years of both genders diagnosed of CSF rhinorrhea with presented with in 1 week after trauma and spontaneous and postoperative cases.Results: The age of the patients ranged from 5 years to 53 years with a mean of 22.75 ± 15.59 years. Total 30 (75%) male and 10 (25%) female patients are included in the study. The underlying etiology was found to be post-traumatic (67.5%) 27 cases, followed by post-operative in 7 (17.5%) and spontaneous in 6 (15.0%) cases. Successful repair was observed in 36 (90.0%). No significant difference was found in the frequency of successful repair among various age groups; 5-20, 21-36 and 37-53 years (95.7%, 83.3% and 81.8%; p = 0.381), gender groups; male verses female (86.2% and 100.0%; p = 0.194) and etiological groups; post-traumatic vs. post-operative vs. spontaneous (92.6% vs. 71.4% vs. 100.0%; p = 0.169).Conclusions: The frequency of successful repair was found to be 90% in patients of CSF rhinorrhea treated through Endonasal endoscopic approach. No statistically significant difference was found in successful repair frequency across patient’s gender, age and underlying cause of CSF rhinorrhea

    Context-Aware Entity Grounding with Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Graphs

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    We present an Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Graph (OVSG), a formal framework for grounding a variety of entities, such as object instances, agents, and regions, with free-form text-based queries. Unlike conventional semantic-based object localization approaches, our system facilitates context-aware entity localization, allowing for queries such as ``pick up a cup on a kitchen table" or ``navigate to a sofa on which someone is sitting". In contrast to existing research on 3D scene graphs, OVSG supports free-form text input and open-vocabulary querying. Through a series of comparative experiments using the ScanNet dataset and a self-collected dataset, we demonstrate that our proposed approach significantly surpasses the performance of previous semantic-based localization techniques. Moreover, we highlight the practical application of OVSG in real-world robot navigation and manipulation experiments.Comment: The code and dataset used for evaluation can be found at https://github.com/changhaonan/OVSG}{https://github.com/changhaonan/OVSG. This paper has been accepted by CoRL202

    Correlation of Total Cholesterol and Glucose in Serum of Iraqi Patients with Atherosclerosis and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

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    Cholesterol is a fatty substance (lipid) classified as a waxy steroid of fat. It is absorbed by the intestine into blood stream and is packaged inside a protein coat a chylomicron. Blood glucose is a simple monosaccharide absorbed directly into the blood stream during digestion. The level of blood glucose normally represents a balance between the inflow of glucose into blood and it is uptake by the tissue. Atherosclerosis is a general term for a number of different medical conditions that affect the heart, this is occurs when the blood supply to a part of heart is interrupted, must commonly due to plaque, is build up in the coronary arteries consist of lipid cholesterol and calcium. It causes a damage of potential disease of heart muscle due to thickening and hardening of arteries. Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which the level of blood glucose is persistently elevated above the normal range due to decrease secretion of insulin. The main objective of this study is to determine the concentrations of total cholesterol and glucose into blood serum of Iraq patients with atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus type 2. This study included 60 specimens of patients with atherosclerosis and 60 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus; their age range was 45-65 years. These patients were then matched by age and sex to 30 healthy individuals. Results revealed that there was highly significantly increased in the mean value of total cholesterol and glucose concentrations in patients of atherosclerosis (p<0.001) and diabetes mellitus (p<0.001) as compared with healthy individuals

    Effect of growth regulators on improving productivity and quality of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) flowers with economic study

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    Spraying growth regulators on plants is one of the most effective factors on its growth and development. The goal of this study was to improve productivity and quality of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) in severe environmental conditions. A positive influence of salicylic acid 90 mg L−1 on total number of flowers per m2 and number of flowers per greenhouse 200 m2 were observed: 412 flowers per m2 and 81,064 flowers per greenhouse as compared to the control treatment 308.33 flowers per m2 and 57,796 flowers per greenhouse. The total cost of one greenhouse production (504 m2 area) reached to 4019.8 US .Allthetreatmentsgothighflowerproductivitycomparedwithcontroltreatment.Salicylicacid90mgL1achievedhighestnetreturnsdependsonvariablecost5567.84. All the treatments got high flower productivity compared with control treatment. Salicylic acid 90 mg L−1 achieved highest net returns depends on variable cost 5567.84 /greenhouse. Keywords: Carnation, Growth regulators, Economic stud

    Attenuated effects of topical vinpocetine in an imiquimod-induced mouse model of psoriasis

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: الصدفية هي مرض جلدي التهابي غير منضبط وطويل الأمد يتميز بآفات جلدية سميكة وحمامية ومتقشرة. يتم إنتاج كميات هائلة من السيتوكينات الالتهابية عندما تكون اختلالات الجهاز المناعي مدفوعة بمحفزات وراثية وبيئية. فينبوسيتين، وهو نظير من صنع الإنسان للفينكامين الموجود في عشبة النكة القزمة، هو دواء قوي مضاد للالتهابات، ومعدل للمناعة، ومضاد للأكسدة يمكن أن يخفف من تغلغل الخلايا المناعية، مثل الحمضات والعدلات في البشرة وإلغاء الجيل من العناصر المؤيدة للالتهابات. طريقة البحث: لاستكشاف التأثير المخفف للفينبوسيتين الموضعي طويل الأمد بمفرده أو مع بروبيونات كلوبيتاسول على نماذج الفئران التي لديها التهاب الجلد الصدفي. يتكون بروتوكول الدراسة من 48 فأرا سويسريا من النوع الأبيض، تم تجميعها عشوائيا في 6 مجموعات تضم كل منها 8 فئران. في المجموعة الأولى، تم إعطاء الفازلين يوميا لمدة ثمانية أيام. في المجموعة الثانية، تم إعطاء إيميكيمود موضعيا بجرعة 62.5 ملغ يوميا لمدة ثمانية أيام. في مجموعات العلاج 3، و 4، و 5، و6 تم إعطاء بروبيونات كلوبيتاسول 0.05٪، فينبوسيتين 1٪، فينبوسيتين 3٪، وفينبوسيتين 3٪ بالإضافة إلى كلوبيتاسول 0.05٪ موضعيا لمدة 8 أيام إضافية بعد التحريض، ليصل إجمالي طول التجربة إلى 16 يوما. النتائج: خفف الفينبوسيتين الموضعي بجرعات مختلفة من شدة آفات الصدفية الناجمة عن الإيميكيمود، مثل الحمامي، والقشور البيضاء الفضية، والسماكة، وعكس التشوهات المرضية. علاوة على ذلك، فإن الحيوانات المعرضة للإيميكيمود والتي عولجت بالفينبوسيتين قللت بشكل كبير من تركيزات المؤشرات الحيوية الالتهابية، بما في ذلك عامل نخر الورم-ألفا، والإنترلوكين-8، والإنترلوكين-17أ، والإنترلوكين-23، والإنترلوكين-37، والعامل النووي-كابا بي، وتحويل عامل النمو-بيتا1. الاستنتاجات: يقدم البحث الحالي دليلا جديدا على أن الفينبوسيتين وحده مع كلوبيتاسول هو مادة مساعدة محتملة للإدارة طويلة الأمد لأمراض المناعة الذاتية والالتهابات الجلدية الذاتية، وخاصة الصدفية، عن طريق تخفيف شدة الآفات الصدفية، وقمع توليد السيتوكينات، والحد من العامل النووي-كابا بي. Abstract: Psoriasis is an uncontrolled, long-lasting inflammatory dermatosis distinguished by thickened, erythematous, and flaky skin lesions. Massive amounts of inflammatory cytokines are produced when immune system imbalances are driven by genetic and environmental triggers. Vinpocetine (VNP), a man-made analogue of the compound vincamine found in the dwarf periwinkle herb, has robust anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and anti-oxidative effects; alleviates the epidermal penetration of immune cells, such as eosinophils and neutrophils; and abolishes the generation of pro-inflammatory molecules. Objective: This study was aimed at exploring the effects of long-term topical VNP, both alone and co-administered with clobetasol propionate, in an imiquimod-induced mouse model of psoriasiform dermatitis. Methods: The study protocol consisted of 48 Swiss albino mice, randomly divided into six groups of eight mice each. In group I, petroleum jelly was administered daily for 8 days. In group II, imiquimod was administered topically at 62.5 mg daily for 8 days. In groups III, VI, V, and VI, 0.05% clobetasol propionate, 1% VNP, 3% VNP, and 3% VNP plus 0.05% clobetasol were administered topically for an additional 8 days after the induction, thus resulting in a total trial length of 16 days. Results: Topical VNP at various doses alleviated the severity of imiquimod-induced psoriatic lesions—including erythema, silvery-white scaling, and thickening—and reversed the histopathological abnormalities. Moreover, imiquimod-exposed animals treated with VNP showed markedly diminished concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers, including tumour necrosis factor-α, interleukin (IL)-8, IL-17A, IL-23, IL-37, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), and transforming growth factor-β1. Conclusion: This research provides new evidence that VNP, alone and in combination with clobetasol, may serve as a potential adjuvant for long-term management of autoimmune and autoinflammatory skin diseases, particularly psoriasis, by attenuating psoriatic lesion severity, suppressing cytokine generation, and limiting NF-κB-mediated inflammation

    Some New Anderson Type h and q Integral Inequalities in Quantum Calculus

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    The calculus in the absence of limits is known as quantum calculus. With a difference operator, it substitutes the classical derivative, which permits dealing with sets of functions that are non-differentiations. The theory of integral inequality in quantum calculus is a field of mathematics that has been gaining considerable attention recently. Despite the fact of its application in discrete calculus, it can be applied in fractional calculus as well. In this paper, some new Anderson type q-integral and h-integral inequalities are given using a Feng Qi integral inequality in quantum calculus. These findings are highly beneficial for basic frontier theories, and the techniques offered by technology are extremely useful for those who can stimulate research interest in exploring mathematical applications. Due to the interesting properties in the field of mathematics, integral inequalities have a tied correlation with symmetric convex and convex functions. There exist strong correlations and expansive properties between the different fields of convexity and symmetric function, including probability theory, convex functions, and the geometry of convex functions on convex sets. The main advantage of these essential inequalities is that they can be converted into time-scale calculus. This kind of inevitable inequality can be very helpful in various fields where coordination plays an important role

    <b>D</b>ataset for <b>O</b>pen <b>V</b>ocabulary <b>E</b>ntity <b>G</b>rounding (DOVE-G)

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    DOVE-GTo accommodate the richness of open-vocabulary queries, we introduced a custom dataset—DOVE-G (Dataset for Open-Vocabulary Entity Grounding). This dataset has 8 scenes namely kitchen, kitchenette, room1, room2, room3, bathroom, computer lab, and hallway. This dataset is created to facilitate users to query for objects within a scene using natural language. For each scene within DOVE-G, we manually labeled the ground truth and created 50 natural language queries (Lq ). To augment this query set, we harnessed LLMs to generate four additional sets of natural language queries. This approach yielded a total of 250 queries for each scene, and cumulatively, we have 4000 queries to evaluate OVSG’s performance. With this setup, we set out to assess how our OVSG framework performs with open-vocabulary queries, one of our key research questions, providing a critical testbed for its effectiveness in handling diverse natural language expressions.</p